603 Applications, actions and special notices  


    Applications, Actions and Special Notices


    [37 Pa.B. 1506]
    [Saturday, April 7, 2007]



       This notice provides information about persons who have applied for a new, amended or renewed NPDES or WQM permit, a permit waiver for certain stormwater discharges or submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under a general permit. The applications concern, but are not limited to, discharges related to industrial, animal or sewage waste, discharges to groundwater, discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.

    Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category
    Section I NPDES Renewals
    Section II NPDES New or amendment
    Section III WQM Industrial, sewage or animal waste; discharge into groundwater
    Section IV NPDES MS4 individual permit
    Section V NPDES MS4 permit waiver
    Section VI NPDES Individual permit stormwater construction
    Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES general permits

       For NPDES renewal applications in Section I, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a tentative determination to reissue these permits for 5 years subject to effluent limitations and monitoring and reporting requirements in their current permits, with appropriate and necessary updated requirements to reflect new and changed regulations and other requirements.

       For applications for new NPDES permits and renewal applications with major changes in Section II, as well as applications for MS4 individual permits and individual stormwater construction permits in Sections IV and VI, the Department, based upon preliminary reviews, has made a tentative determination of proposed effluent limitations and other terms and conditions for the permit applications. These determinations are published as proposed actions for comments prior to taking final actions.

       Unless indicated otherwise, the EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to proposed NPDES permit actions under the waiver provision in 40 CFR 123.24(d).

       Persons wishing to comment on an NPDES application are invited to submit a statement to the regional office noted before an application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Persons wishing to comment on a WQM permit application are invited to submit a statement to the regional office noted before the application within 15 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within the respective comment periods will be considered in the final determinations regarding the applications. Comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.

       The Department will also accept requests for a public hearing on applications. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation within the relevant geographical area. The Department will postpone its final determination until after a public hearing is held.

       Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users, or other accommodations to seek additional information should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    I. NPDES Renewal Applications

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    EPA Waived Y/N ?
    PA0031437 Edinboro Mobile Home Village
    13041 Capp Road
    Edinboro, PA 16412
    Washington Township
    Erie County
    UNT to Conneauttee Creek
    PA0103381 Merisol Antioxidants, LLC
    292 SR 8
    Oil City, PA 16301
    Cornplanter Township
    Venango County
    Oil Creek
    PA0005029 Piney Hydro Power Plant
    2000 River Road
    Clarion, PA 16214-3154
    Piney Township
    Clarion County
    Clarion River
    PA0210471 Bessemer Municipal Authority
    P. O. Box 642
    Bessemer, PA 16112
    Bessemer Borough
    Lawrence County
    Hickory Run

    II. Applications for New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Applications

       Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

       PA0013714, Industrial Waste, SIC 4911, Exelon Generating Company, 300 Exelon Way, Kennett Square, PA 19348. This proposed facility is located in Eddystone Borough, Delaware County.

       Description of Proposed Activity: Renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge various kinds of industrial wastewater and stormwater from Eddystone Generating Station.

       The receiving streams, Delaware River Estuary--Zone 4 and Crum Creek, are in the State Water Plan Watershed 3G and are classified for WWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. There is no public water supply intake below the point of discharge.

       No monitoring is required for stormwater discharge from Outfalls 001 and 002.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 005 are based on a design flow of 0.45 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Instantaneous
    Parameters Monthly Daily Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Suspended Solids 30 60 75
    Temperature 110° F
    Zinc, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Iron, Dissolved Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    pH Within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 007 are based on a design flow of 604.03 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Instantaneous
    Parameters Monthly Daily Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Residual Oxidant 0.2
    Total Suspended Solids 30 100
    Total Dissolved Solids 700 1,400 1,750
    Temperature 110° F
    Spectrus CT1300 0.05
    NH3-N Monitor and Report Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    pH Within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 Standard Units at all times

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 008 are based on a design flow of 835.08 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Instantaneoous
    Parameters Monthly Daily Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Residual Oxidant 0.2
    Total Suspended Solids 30 100
    Total Dissolved Solids 700 1,400 1,750
    Temperature 110° F
    Spectrus CT1300 0.05
    NH3-N Monitor and Report Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Hydrazine 0.014 0.068
    pH Within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       The proposed effluent limits for internal monitoring points 107 and 108 are based on a design flow of 3.045 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Instantaneous
    Parameters Monthly Daily Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Suspended Solids 30 100
    Oil and Grease 15 20 30
    Copper, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Iron, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    pH Monitor and Report
    (Instantaneous Minimum)
    Monitor and Report
    Total Dissolved Solids 15,000 30,000 37,500
    Selenium, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Arsenic, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Boron, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 010 are based on a design flow of 0.144 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Instantaneous
    Parameters Monthly Daily Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Suspended Solids 30 60 75
    Oil and Grease 15 20 30
    Temperature 110° F
    Aluminum, Total Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    Iron, Dissolved Monitor and Report Monitor and Report
    pH Within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       The proposed monitoring requirements of Outfalls 004, 013 and 014 are based on an average stormwater flow.

    Parameters Concentration (mg/l)
    Maximum Daily
    CBOD5 Monitor and Report
    COD Monitor and Report
    Oil and Grease Monitor and Report
    pH (STD) Monitor and Report
    Total Suspended Solids Monitor and Report
    Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Monitor and Report
    Total Phosphorus Monitor and Report
    Iron, Dissolved Monitor and Report

       In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions:

       1.  Remedial Measures if Unsatisfactory Effluent
       2.  Thermal Impact
       3.  Mixing Zone
       4.  Intake Water Temperature
       5.  Calculation for Hydrazine Concentration
       6.  Chemical Additives Approval
       7.  Information on Chemical Additives
       8.  EPA Test Methods
       9.  Change in Ownership
       10.  TMDL/WLA Analysis
       11.  Delaware Estuary Study
       12.  No Intake Trash Return
       13.  PCBs Requirements
       14.  TRO Discharge
       15.  TRO Maximum Daily Concentration
       16.  Test Method for TRO
       17.  TDS Monitoring at Outfall 007 or 008
       18.  Stormwater Condition
       19.  Composite Sampling During High Tide and Low Tide
       20.  Coal Pile Runoff Basins
       21.  BMPs for Outfall 005
       22.  Cooling Water Intake Condition
       23.  ND Sample Results
       24.  Laboratory Certification
       25.  Spectrus CT1300 Test Method
       26.  Chemical Metal Cleaning Condition

       Regional Manager, Water Management, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401, (484) 250-5970.

       PA0053899, Industrial Waste, Wheelabrator Falls, Inc., 1201 New Ford Mill Road, Morrisville, PA 19067. This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge stormwater and cooling tower blowdown from a municipal waste incinerator in Falls Township, Bucks County.

       This is an existing discharge to: Wetlands of Delaware Estuary--Zone 2 stormwater from Outfalls 001 and 002 and to Biles Creek NCCW from Outfall 003.

       The receiving stream is classified for WWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       Outfalls 001 and 002 consist of stormwater only.

       The following monitoring requirements apply:

    Parameter Maximum
    Daily (mg/l)
    COD Monitor and Report
    Oil and Grease Monitor and Report
    pH Monitor and Report
    TDS Monitor and Report
    TOC Monitor and Report
    Barium (total) Monitor and Report
    Cadmium (total) Monitor and Report
    Chromium (total) Monitor and Report
    Lead (total) Monitor and Report
    Mercury (total) Monitor and Report
    Magnesium (dissolved) Monitor and Report
    Selenium (total) Monitor and Report
    Silver (total) Monitor and Report
    Ammonia Monitor and Report
    Arsenic (total) Monitor and Report
    Cyanide (total) Monitor and Report
    Nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrogen Monitor and Report
    Iron (Dissolved) Monitor and Report

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 003, based on an average flow of 37,000 gpd (Nonroutine), are as follows:

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    Suspended Solids 30 60 75
    Oil and Grease 15 30
    Temperature 110° F
    pH Within limits of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times
    Total Dissolved Solids 2,500 5,000 6,250
    Chromium, hexavalent 0.014 0.028 0.035
    Copper, Total 0.016 0.032 0.040
    Zinc (Net) 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Osmotic Pressure
    (Milliomoles/kg) 68

       Other Conditions:

       Thermal Requirements--Monthly allowable waste discharge temperatures.

       PA0036374, Sewage, Upper Uwchlan Township Municipal Authority, 140 Pottstown Pike, Chester Springs, PA 19425. This existing facility is located in Upper Uwchlan Township, Chester County.

       Description of Proposed Activity: This application is for the renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage from the Eagle Pointe Development Association sewage treatment plant.

       The receiving stream, a UNT to Marsh Creek, is in the State Water Plan Watershed 3H and is classified for HQ-TSF, MF. The nearest downstream public water supply existing or proposed is a future Downingtown water filtration plant located on East Brandywine Creek, approximately 6 miles below the point of discharge.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on an annual average flow of 0.015 mgd.

    Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l)
    Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly Instantaneous
    Parameters Average Average Average Average Maximum (mg/l)
       (5-1 to 10-31) 1.3 1.9 10 15 20
       (11-1 to 4-30) 2.5 3.8 20 30 40
    Total Suspended Solids 3.8 5.6 30 45 60
    Ammonia as N
       (5-1 to 10-30) 0.1 0.5 1.0
       (11-1 to 4-30) 0.2 1.5 3.0
    Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml 1,000/100 ml
    Dissolved Oxygen 5.0 (min)
    pH (STD Units) 6.0 (min) 9.0
    Total Residual Chlorine 0.14 0.34
    Total Phosphorus as P
       (4-1 to 10-30) 0.1 0.5 1.0
       (11-1 to 3-31) 0.2 1.0 2.0
    Total Nitrogen Monitor and Report Monitor and Report

       In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions:

       1.  Notification of Designation of Operator
       2.  Remedial Measures if Unsatisfactory Effluent
       3.  No Stormwater
       4.  Small Stream
       5.  Change in Ownership
       6.  Sludge Disposal Requirement
       7.  Imax Requirements
       8.  Total Residual Chlorine Requirement
       9.  Certified Operator
       10.  Laboratory Certification

       Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       PA0060518, Sewage, Hallstead Great Bend Joint Sewer Authority, Spring Street, P. O. Box 747, Great Bend, PA 18821-0747. This proposed facility is located in Great Bend Borough, Susquehanna County.

       Description of Proposed Activity: NPDES permit amendment to increase discharge flow from 0.350 mgd to 0.500 mgd.

       The receiving stream, N. Branch Susquehanna River, is in the State Water Plan Watershed 4E and is classified for WWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake assumed at PA/NY state boundary line is 3 miles below the point of discharge.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.350.

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l)Maximum (mg/l)
    CBOD5 25.0 40.0 50.0
    Total Suspended Solids 30.0 45.0 60.0
    Fecal Coliform
       (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
    Total Residual Chlorine 1.0 2.0
    Total Nitrogen Monitor and Report
    Total Phosphorus Monitor and Report

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.500.

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    CBOD5 25.0 40.0 50.0
    Total Suspended Solids 30.0 45.060.0
    Fecal Coliform
       (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times.
    Total Residual Chlorine 1.0 2.0
    Total Nitrogen 9,741 lbs/year as an annual loading
    Total Phosphorus 1,218 lbs/year as an annual loading

       In addition to the effluent limits, the permit contains the following major special conditions: Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Requirements.

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

       Application No. PA0084565, Sewage, East Prospect Borough Authority, P. O. Box 334, East Prospect, PA 17317. This facility is located in Lower Windsor Township, York County.

       Description of activity: The application is for renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage.

       The receiving stream, Cabin Creek, is in Watershed 7-I and classified for WWF, water supply, recreation and fish consumption. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for Red Lion Municipal Authority is located on a UNT Cabin Creek, approximately 7.2 miles downstream. The discharge is not expected to affect the water supply.

       The proposed Interim effluent limits for Outfall 001 for a design flow of 0.0875 mgd are:

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    CBOD5 15 22 30
    Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60
       (5-1 to 10-31)3.57.0
       (11-1 to 4-30)10.521
    Total Phosphorus Monitor lbs per year annual
    Total Nitrogen Monitor lbs per year annual
    TKN Monitor
    NO2 + NO3-N Monitor
    Dissolved Oxygen Minimum of 5.0 at all times
    pH From 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive
    Fecal Coliform
       (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average
       (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric average

    Public Notice
    East Prospect Borough Authority
    Lower Windsor Township, York County
    Permit No. PA 0084565

       The proposed Final effluent limits for Outfall 001 for a design flow of 0.175 mgd are:

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    CBOD5 25 40 50
    Total Suspended Solids 30 45 60
       (5-1 to 10-31)1326
       (11-1 to 4-30)2040
    Total Phosphorus 2.0 4.0
    Total Phosphorus 974 lbs per year annual
    Total Nitrogen 5,859 lbs per year annual
    TKN Monitor
    NO2 + NO3-N Monitor
    Dissolved Oxygen Minimum of 5.0 at all times
    pH From 6.0 to 9.0 inclusive
    Fecal Coliform
       (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average
       (10-1 to 4-30) 2,000/100 ml as a geometric average

       Persons may make an appointment to review the Department of Environmental Protection's files on this case by calling the file review coordinator at (717) 705-4732.

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

       Application No. PA0260452, CAFO, Heatherwood Farms, Inc., R. R. 1 Box 530, Blain, PA 17006. Heatherwood Farms, Inc. has submitted an application for an Individual NPDES permit for an existing CAFO known as Heatherwood Farm, located in Toboyne Township, Perry County.

       The farm is situated near Sherman Creek, which is classified for HQ-CWF. The CAFO is designed to maintain an animal population of approximately 1,206 animal equivalent units (AEUs) consisting of 112,000 tom turkeys.

       The Department has conducted administrative and technical reviews of the application. Based on the preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department has made a tentative determination to reissue the NPDES permit for the operation subject to the terms and conditions and monitoring and reporting requirements specified in the permit. The permit application and draft permit are on file at the Southcentral Regional Office of the Department. Persons may make an appointment to review the files by calling the file review coordinator at (717) 705-4732.

       The Environmental Protection Agency permit waiver provision under 40 CFR 123.24(e) does not apply to this NPDES permit.

       Southwest Regional Office: Regional Manager, Water Management, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.

       Amplified Public Notice for NPDES Permit No. PA0026778-A2, Sewage, Windber Area Authority, 1700 Stockholm Avenue, Windber, PA 15963. This notice reflects changes from the previous notice published. This application is for an amendment of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from Ingleside Sewage Treatment Plant in Richland Township, Cambria County.

       The discharge is to receiving waters known as Stony Creek, which is classified as a WWF with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the Saltsburg Municipal Waterworks.

       Outfall 001: existing discharge, design flow of 4.0 mgd.

       Existing NPDES Permit PA0026778 was modified to remove the total residual chlorine parameter from the permit because the new sequential batch reactor plant now utilizes ultraviolet disinfection. The discharge point has been moved from a UNT of Stony Creek to Stony Creek.

       The EPA waiver is not in effect.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       PA0239844, Industrial Waste. Aiken Water Company, Inc., 1 Aqua Drive, Box 208, Gifford, PA 16732-0208. This proposed facility is located in Keating Township, McKean County.

       Description of Proposed Activity: an existing discharge of treated industrial waste from a municipal water treatment plant.

       For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, Fluoride, Phenolics, Sulfate and Chloride, the existing/proposed downstream potable water supply (stream and Public Water Supplier) considered during the evaluation is PA/NY state border and the Allegheny River located approximately 16 miles below point of discharge.

       The receiving stream, a UNT to Railroad Run, is in Watershed 16-B and classified for EV, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.006 mgd.

    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Daily (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    Flow XX
    CBOD5 30 60 75
    Aluminum 0.5 1 1.25
    Total Iron 2 4 5
    Manganese 1 2 2.5
    Total Residual Chlorine 0.5 1.2
    pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       XX--Monitor and report on monthly DMRs.

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

    III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Applications under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001)

       Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

       WQM Permit No. 2307402, Sewerage, Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority, 100 East Fifth Street, Chester, PA 19016-0999. This proposed facility is located in the Borough of Trainer, Delaware County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Replacement and extension of a force main and replacement of a pump station in the Trainer Borough Sewer System.

       WQM Permit No. 1500421-H, Sewerage, Upper Uwchlan Township, 140 Pottstown Pike, Chester Springs, PA 19425. This proposed facility is located in Upper Uwchlan Township, Chester County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a drip irrigation facility.

       Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       WQM Permit No. 4807403, Sewerage, Allen Township, 4714 Indian Trail Road, Northampton, PA 18067-9492. This proposed facility is located in Allen Township, Northampton County, PA.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for the construction of a sanitary sewer collection system and pump station to service the 136 single-family subdivision of High Meadows Estates with proposed flows of 31,008 gpd.

       WQM Permit No. 5207401, Sewerage, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources--Promised Land State Park, R. R. 1, Box 96, Route 390, Greentown, PA 18426-9735. This proposed facility is located in Greene Township, Pike County, PA.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for the upgrade to the existing sewerage facilities of Pickeral Point and Deerfield Campgrounds located at Promised Land State Park. The system will treat 9,500 gpd from 190 campsites.

       Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       WQM Permit No. 5606403-A1, Sewerage, SCI Laurel Highlands, P. O. Box 631, 5706 Glades Pike, Somerset, PA 15501-0631. This existing facility is located in Somerset Township, Somerset County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for upgrade of sewage treatment system.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       WQM Permit No. 2007402, Sewerage, Cambridge Area Joint Authority, 161 Carringer Street, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403. This proposed facility is located in Cambridge Springs Borough and Cambridge Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Upgrades to the Grant Street pump station, construction of equalization storage and new treatment facilities on property to be acquired by CAJA and conversion of the existing Grant Street treatment site to a solids handling and dewatering facility. A new influent headworks facility with screening, grit removal and raw wastewater pumps will also be installed at the Grant Street treatment site.

       WQM Permit No. 3394401, Sewerage, Amendment No. 1, Punxsutawney Borough, Mahoning East Civic Center, 301 East Mahoning Street, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. This proposed facility is located in Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: To rerate current STP from 1.6 mgd to 2.4 monthly average flow. Two existing pump stations (effluent and bypass) at the STP will be modified.

       WQM Permit No. 3793401, Sewerage, Amendment No. 1, Bessemer Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 642, Bessemer, PA 16112. This proposed facility is located in Bessemer Borough, Lawrence County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: To rerate the Bessemer Water Pollution Control Plant from 0.230 to 0.350 mgd.

       WQM Permit No. 3707401, Sewerage, Green Meadows Mobile Home Park, 2186 White Oak Trail, Warrior, AL 35180. This proposed facility is located in New Beaver Borough, Lawrence County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a new package plant to replace two malfunctioning systems which serve the existing mobile home park.

       WQM Permit No. 4207401, Sewerage, Foster Township, 1185 East Main Street, Bradford, PA 16701. This proposed facility is located in Foster Township, McKean County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for the construction of sewer line extensions and two pump stations to serve the South Kendall Avenue/Rew Area of Foster Township.

       WQM Permit No. 2007402, Sewerage, Cambridge Area Joint Authority, 161 Carringer Street, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403. This proposed facility is located in Cambridge Springs Borough and Cambridge Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for upgrades to the Grant Street pump station, construction of equalization storage and new treatment facilities and conversion of the existing Grant Street treatment site to a solids handling and dewatering facility. A new influent headworks facility with screening, grit removal and raw wastewater pumps will also be installed at the Grant Street treatment site.

       WQM Permit No. WQG028309, Sewerage, Washington Township, 11800 Edinboro Road, Edinboro, PA 16412. This proposed facility is located in Cussewago Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Department of Transportation has contracted with Washington Township to construct a pump station, force main and gravity sewer extension to serve the existing rest areas on I-79 approximately 2.5 miles south of the Edinboro Exit in Cussewago Township.

    IV. NPDES Applications for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

    V. Applications for NPDES Wavier Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

    VI. NPDES Individual Permit Applications for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities

       Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAI011507013 Robert and Mary Ellen Joos
    18 Tiptonbrook Lane
    Malvern, PA 19355
    Chester Charlestown Township Pickering Creek
    PAI011507014 CMR Development Corporation
    3125 Horseshoe Pike
    Honey Brook, PA 19344
    Chester East Brandywine Township East Branch Brandywine Creek
    PAI011507015 The Benson Companies
    112 Moores Road
    Suite 200
    Malvern, PA 19355
    Chester East Whiteland Township UNT Valley Creek
    PAI011507016 Gary Willis
    517 Larkins Bridge Drive
    Downingtown, PA 19335
    Chester East Nantmeal Township Beaver Run
    PAI011507017 Rotelle Development Company
    219 Niantic Road
    Barto, PA 19504
    Chester Wallace and West Brandywine Townships Indian Run
    PAI010906044 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
    5400 Westheimer court
    Houston, TX
    Bucks Doylestown Borough/Township, Buckingham and Solebury Townships UNT to Aquetong, Lahaska and Watsons Creeks, Watsons Creek, UNT to Cooks Run, Cooks Run and UNT to Pine Run

       Northeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       Northampton County Conservation District: Greystone Building, Gracedale Complex, Nazareth, PA 18064-9211, (610) 746-1971.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAI024807004 Opus East, LLC
    Attn: Gary Drumheller
    610 West Germantown Pike
    Suite 400
    Plymouth Meeting, PA 19642
    Northampton Lower Nazareth and Bethlehem Townships Monocacy Creek

       Wayne County Conservation District: 648 Park Street, Honesdale, PA 18431, (570) 253-0930.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAI02640700 Department of Transportation
    Dist. 4-0
    55 Keystone Industrial Park
    Dunmore, PA 18512
    WayneSalem and Sterling TownshipsWest Branch
    Wallenpaupack Creek
    1PAI025405008(1)United States Army Corps of Engineers
    Philadelphia District
    100 Penn Square East
    Wanamaker Building
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    WaynePrompton BoroughWest Branch Lackawaxen River

       Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Centre County Conservation District: 414 Holmes Avenue, Suite 4, Bellefonte, PA 16823, (814) 355-6817.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving
    PAI041407005 Christopher Sanders
    Sanders Mingoville Subdivision
    P. O. Box 185
    Centre Hall, PA 16828
    Centre Walker Township UNT to Little Fishing Creek

       Union County Conservation District: Union County Government Center, 155 North 15th Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837, (570) 524-3860.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAI2046007001 Donald O. Hower
    69 Maple Street
    Mifflinburg, PA 17844-1212
    Union West Buffalo Township Rapid Run

       Southwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Allegheny County Conservation District, 400 North Lexington Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208, (412) 241-7645.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAI050207001 Deer Creek Drainage Basin Authority
    945 Little Deer Creek Road
    Russellton, PA 15076
    Allegheny Indiana Township Squaw Run
    Rawlins Run
    Little Deer Creek

    VII. List of NOIs for NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types

    PAG-12 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
    PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]


       Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17), the following parties have applied for a PWS permit to construct or substantially modify a public water system.

       Persons wishing to comment on a permit application are invited to submit a statement to the office listed before the application within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within the 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding the application. Comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received during the 30-day public comment period.

       Following the comment period, the Department will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.

       The permit application and any related documents are on file at the office listed before the application and are available for public review. Arrangements for inspection and copying information should be made with the office listed before the application.

       Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the office listed before the application. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.


    Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act

       Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Permit No. 0807502--Construction Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Mobile Acres Mobile Home Park
    Township or Borough Ridgebury Township
    County Bradford
    Responsible Official Eugene Trent, Park Owner
    Mobile Acre Mobile Home Park
    P. O. Box 246
    Wellsburg, NY 14894
    Type of Facility Public Water Supply--Construction
    Consulting Engineer Gregory M. Cummings, P. E.
    Larson Design Group
    34 Denison Parkway West
    P. O. Box 100
    Corning, NY 14830
    Permit Application Date March 20, 2007
    Description of Action Construction and operation of a cartridge filtration system and two 5,000-gallon water storage tanks.

       Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Permit No. 6507503, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Latrobe Municipal Authority
    104 Guerrier Road
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Township or Borough Derry Township
    Responsible Official Thomas D. Gray, Authority Manager
    Latrobe Municipal Authority
    104 Guerrier Road
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant
    Consulting Engineer Gibson-Thomas Engineering Co., Inc.
    1004 Ligonier Street
    P. O. Box 853
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Application Received Date March 1, 2007
    Description of Action Construction of a new membrane filtration process to replace the existing multimedia filters at the Latrobe Water Treatment Facility. Included with this project is the construction of a new building, backwash sedimentation basins and CIP neutralization tanks.

       Permit No. 1101503A1, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Greater Johnstown Water Authority
    640 Franklin Street
    Johnstown, PA 15901
    Township or Borough East Taylor Township
    Responsible Official Dave DiNicola, General Manager
    Greater Johnstown Water Authority
    640 Franklin Street
    Johnstown, PA 15901
    Type of Facility Water Treatment Plant
    Consulting Engineer Gibson-Thomas Engineering Co., Inc.
    1004 Ligonier Street
    P. O. Box 853
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Application Received Date March 26, 2007
    Description of Action Switch membrane material from polypropylene to PVDF, addition of a carbon, coagulant and KMnO4 feeders for pretreatment and the installation of aerators at the reservoir intake.


    Applications received under the act of June 24, 1939 (P. L. 842, No. 365) (35 P. S. §§ 631--641) relating to the Acquisition of Rights to Divert Waters of the Commonwealth.

       Southwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       WA30-578E, Water Allocations. Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority, P. O. Box 187, 1442 Jefferson Road, Jefferson, PA 15344, Greene County. The applicant is requesting a service area expansion into Perry Township, Greene County which will extend to the Village of Mount Morris. In addition, this application is being made for a small water line extension within Greene Township, Greene County that serves two customers.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate Submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Sections 302--305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the Background Standard, Statewide Health Standard, the Site-Specific Standard or who intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known or suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one, a combination of the cleanup standards or who receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the act will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.

       Under sections 304(n)(1)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a Site-Specific Standard, in whole or in part and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the sites identified, proposed for remediation to a Site-Specific Standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality within which the site is located may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified. During this comment period, the municipality may request that the person identified as the remediator of the site develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved and comments should be directed to the remediator of the site.

       For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office before which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:

       Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

       Cotton Residence, Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County. Richard D. Trimpi, Trimpi Assoc., 1635 Old Plains Road, Pennsburg, PA 18703 on behalf of Ralph and Beth Cotton, 1074 Manor Lane, Southampton, PA 18966 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil at the site has been impacted by release of no. 2 fuel oil. The future use of the site is residential. A summary of the Notice to Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Bucks County Intelligencer on February 25, 2007.

       Britsch Residence, West Rockhill Township, Bucks County. Richard D. Trimpi, Trimpi Assoc., 1635 Old Plains Road, Pennsburg, PA 18703 on behalf of Britsch J. F. and Deborah L. has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil and groundwater at the site has been impacted by release of no. 2 fuel oil. The future use of the site is residential. A summary of the Notice to Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Bucks County Intelligencer on February 25, 2007.

       Market Square Cleaners, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Stuart Wiswall, Keating Env. Management, 123 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton, PA 19341 on behalf of James Kahn, KLH Market Square, LP, 1075 Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Fort Washington, PA 19304 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil and groundwater at the site has been impacted by release of chlorinated solvents. The future use of the site is residential.

       Mattie Tire Co., City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Benjamin Shaw, RT Env. Services, Inc., 215 West Church Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 on behalf of Timothy Mattei, Mattie Tire Co., 2035 Washington Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19148 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil at the site has been impacted by release of lead. The future use of the site is nonresidential building.

       Toll Integrated Systems, Morrisville Borough, Montgomery County. Mark Fortna, DelVal Soil & Env. Consultant, Inc., Sky Run II, Suite A1, 4050 Skyron Drive, Doylestown, PA 18901 on behalf of Brain Hunter, Toll Integrated Systems, 449 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil at the site has been impacted with inorganics. A summary of the Notice to Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Bucks County Intelligencer on March 23, 2007.

       Schimek Residence, Towamencin Township, Montgomery County. Richard D. Trimpi, Trimpi Assoc., 1635 Old Plains Road, Pennsburg, PA 18703 on behalf of Richard Schimek, 2085 Creek Way, Lansdale, PA 19446 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate. Soil has been impacted by release of no. 2 fuel oil. The future use of the site is residential. A summary of the Notice to Intent to remediate was reported to have been published in the Bucks County Intelligencer on February 25, 2007.

       315 West First Avenue Property, Parkesburg Borough, Chester County. Gary Brown, RT Env. Services, Inc., 215 W. Church Road, King of Prussia, PA 91406 on behalf of Senya Isayeff, Keystone Community Alliance, 550 East Union Street, West Chester, PA 19382. Soil has been impacted with the release of other organics. The future use of the site is will remain the same.

       Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Bolton Metal Products Limited, Spring Township, Centre County, Chambers Environmental Group, 629 East Rolling Ridge Drive, Bellefonte, PA 16823 on behalf of The Marmon Group, Inc., 181 West Madison Street, Chicago, IL 60602 has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil, groundwater, surface water and stream sediment contaminated with petroleum, PCB, lead, copper and zinc. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard and the Site-Specific Standard. The site will remain an industrial facility.


    Applications received or withdrawn under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and Act 93 of June 28, 1988 (P. L. 525, No. 93) and regulations to transport infectious and chemotherapeutic waste.

       Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.

       Renewal Applications Received

       S-J Transportation Company, Inc., P. O. Box 169, Woodstown, NJ 08098. License No. PA-HC 0031. Received on February 2, 2007.

       Bio-Team Mobile, LLC, 6 East Kendig Road, Willow Street, PA 17584. License No. PA-HC 0225. Received on February 8, 2007.

       Stericycle, Inc., 1525 Chestnut Hill Road, Morgantown, PA 19543. License No. PA-HC 0196. Received on March 7, 2007.


    Application for determination of applicability received under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003); the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904); and Residual Waste Regulations for a General Permit to operate residual waste processing facilities and/or the beneficial use of residual waste other than coal ash.

       Central Office: Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 14th Floor, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301.

       General Permit Application No. WMGR068D002. Niagara Generation, LLC, 5300 Frontier Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14304. For the beneficial use as a fuel of carbonaceous wastes (petroleum coke, wood chips and other paper and wood industry wastes comprised primarily of wood fibers) as alternate fuels to be burned with waste coal/coal in circulating fluidized bed boilers and the beneficial of the resulting ash for use in mine land reclamation and other uses of coal ash authorized under 25 Pa. Code § 287.661--665. The application for determination of applicability was accepted as administratively complete by the Division of Municipal and Residual Waste on March 14, 2007.

       Persons interested in obtaining more information about the general permit application should contact the General Permits/Beneficial Use Section, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17101-8472, (717) 787-7381. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay service at (800) 654-5984.




       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State operating permit and Title V operating permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit all the permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.

       The Department has received applications for plan approvals and/or operating permits from the following facilities.

       Copies of the applications, subsequently prepared draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the regional office identified in this notice. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate regional office to schedule an appointment.

       Persons wishing to receive a copy of a proposed plan approval or operating permit must indicate their interest to the Department regional office within 30 days of the date of this notice and must file protests or comments on a proposed plan approval or operating permit within 30 days of the Department providing a copy of the proposed document to that person or within 30 days of its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, whichever comes first. Interested persons may also request that a hearing be held concerning the proposed plan approval and operating permit. Comments or protests filed with the Department regional offices must include a concise statement of the objections to the issuance of the Plan approval or operating permit and relevant facts which serve as the basis for the objections. If the Department schedules a hearing, a notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior the date of the hearing.

       Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate should contact the regional office identified before the application. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       Final plan approvals and operating permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121--143, the Federal Clean Air Act (act) and regulations adopted under the act.


    Plan Approval Applications Received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B that may have special public interest. These applications are in review and no decision on disposition has been reached.

       Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       48-313-103: Elementis Pigments, Inc. (1525 Wood Avenue, Easton, PA 18042) for modification of the construction of material classifiers and associated air cleaning devices at the facility in Easton, Northampton County.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       34-05003C: Tedd Wood, Inc. (P. O. Box 187, Johnstown Road, Thompsontown, PA 17094) for removal of a 2.7 tpy, VOC emissions restriction from a coating booth at the facility in Delaware Township, Juniata County.

       67-05046E: BAE Systems Land & Armaments, LP (1100 Bairs Road, York, PA 17404) for installation of four steam cleaning booths at their Ground Systems Division in West Manchester Township, York County.

    Intent to Issue Plan Approvals and Intent to Issue or Amend Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B. These actions may include the administrative amendments of an associated operating permit.

       Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401, Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (484) 250-5920.

       15-0054B: Highway Materials, Inc. (1750 Walton Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422-0465) for modification to the existing Drum Mix Asphalt Plant at their Malvern facility in East Whiteland Township, Chester County. The facility is a non-Title V facility for any of air pollutants. This asphalt plant is subject to CFR Part 60 Subpart I-Standards of Performance (NSPS) for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities. The Plan Approval will allow the installation of a new fuel burner to minimize NOx and VOC emissions. No emission increase at the facility is expected. The Plan Approval and Operating Permit will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       40-305-28: CEI Anthracite (603 South Church Street, Hazleton, PA 18201) for operation of an anthracite coal processing facility in Hazleton City, Luzerne County. The company will operate an anthracite coal drying, screening and packaging facility. The coal at a rate of 15 tph will process through dryer and other equipment for packaging. Particulate emissions from the dryer and fugitive particulate emissions from the plant equipment will be controlled by baghouses. Expected particulate emission rate will be less than 0.02 grain/dscf from each baghouse. The company will operate the facility and maintain the system in accordance with the good engineering practices to assure proper operation of the system. The Plan Approval and Operating Permit will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       PA-63-00027B: Jessop Steel, LLC (100 River Road, Brackenridge, PA 15014) for installation of one Anneal and one Charge-Fire furnace at their Jessop Steel facility in Washington, Washington County.

       Under 25 Pa. Code § 127.44(a)(4), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) intends to issue a Plan Approval to Jessop Steel, LLC (100 River Road, Brackenridge, PA 15014) for the installation of one Anneal and one Charge-Fire furnace at the Jessop Steel facility in Washington, Washington County as described in it's application to the Department. The Jessop Steel facility is part of Allegheny Ludlum's Plate Product Division and is considered a finishing mill.

       The application, Department analysis and other documents used in evaluation of the application are available for public inspection during normal business hours at Department of Environmental Protection, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

       In order for Department to assure compliance with all applicable standards, the Department proposes to place the following conditions on the Plan Approval:

    Special Conditions for Plan Approval No. PA-63-0027B

       1)  This Plan Approval is for the installation of one Anneal and one Charge-Fire furnace at the Jessop Steel facility in Washington, Washington County. (25 Pa. Code § 127.12(b)).

       2)  Emissions from the Core Charge-Fire Furnace shall be limited to the following: (25 Pa. Code § 127.12(b)).

    Pollutant Lbs per Hour Tons per Year
    NOx 1.26 5.5
    CO 1.81 7.9
    VOC 0.24 1.1

       3)  Emissions from the Core Anneal Furnace shall be limited to the following: (25 Pa. Code § 127.12(b)).

    Pollutant Lbs per Hour Tons per Year
    NOx2.68 11.7
    CO 1.11 4.9
    VOC 0.38 1.7

       4)  The maximum gas usage for the Charge-Fire Furnace shall be limited to 189 million cubic feet per consecutive 12 month period (25 Pa. Code §§ 127.1 and 127.12(b)).

       5)  The maximum gas usage for the Core Anneal Furnace shall be limited to 298 million cubic feet per consecutive 12 month period (25 Pa. Code § 127.12(b)).

       6)  The Owner/Operator shall keep monthly records of the fuel used at the Charge-Fire and Core Anneal Furnaces. These records shall be used to determine compliance with fuel usage restrictions and to assist in the calculation of emission estimates. The emission estimates shall be expressed as a 12-month rolling average and maintained on site for a minimum of 5 years and shall be made available to the Department upon request (25 Pa.  Code § 127.12(b)).

       7)  Stack testing shall be conducted to determine the following emission rates from the Charge-Fire and Core Anneal Furnaces: CO, VOC and NOx (as NO2) (25 Pa.  Code Chapter 139).

       8)  Stack testing shall be performed within 180 days of start-up or within 60 days of achieving maximum normal production rate, whichever comes first. Stack tests shall be conducted in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapter 139 regulations and the Department's Source Testing Manual (25 Pa. Code § 139).

       9)  Two copies of a pre-test protocol shall be submitted to the Department for review at least 30 days prior to the performance of the stack test (25 Pa. Code Chapter 139).

       10)  The Department shall be notified at least two weeks prior to the stack test of the date and time of the test so that an observer may be present (25 Pa. Code Chapter 139).

       11)  Two copies of the stack test results shall be supplied to the Department for review within 60 days of completion of the testing. The results shall express emission rates in lbs/hr and lbs/mmBtu (25 Pa. Code Chapter 139).

       12)  This Plan Approval authorizes temporary operation of the sources covered by this Plan Approval provided the following conditions are met (25 Pa. Code § 127.12(b)).

       a)  The Owner/Operator shall submit written Notice of the Completion of Construction and the Operator's intent to commence operation at least 5 days prior to the completion of construction. The Notice shall state the date when construction will be completed and the date when the Operator expects to commence operation.

       b)  Operation of the sources covered by this Plan Approval is authorized only to facilitate the start-up and shakedown of sources and air cleaning devices, to permit operations pending the issuance of an Operating Permit and to permit the evaluation of the source for compliance with all applicable regulations and requirements.

       c)  Upon receipt of the Notice of the Completion of Construction from the Owner/Operator the Department shall authorize a 180-day Period of Temporary Operation of the sources from the date of commencement of operation. The Notice submitted by the Owner/Operator, prior to the expiration of this Plan Approval, shall modify the Plan Approval expiration date. The new Plan Approval expiration date shall be 180 days from the date of commencement of operation.

       d)  Upon determination by the Owner/Operator that the sources covered by this Plan Approval are in compliance with all conditions of the Plan Approval the Owner/Operator shall contact the Department's reviewing engineer and schedule the Initial Operating Permit Inspection.

       e)  Upon completion of the Initial Operating Permit Inspection and determination by the Department that the sources covered by this Plan Approval are in compliance with all conditions of the Plan Approval, the Owner/Operator shall apply for an Operating Permit or submit an Administrative Amendment to an existing Operating Permit at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the Plan Approval. The application shall incorporate the conditions of this Plan Approval into the Operating Permit.

       f)  The Owner/Operator may request an extension of the 180-day Period of Temporary Operation if compliance with all applicable regulations and Plan Approval requirements has not been established. The extension request shall be submitted in writing at least 15 days prior to the end of the Period of Temporary Operation and shall provide a description of the compliance status of the source. The extension request shall include a detailed schedule for establishing compliance and the reasons compliance has not been established. This Period of Temporary Operation may be extended for additional periods, each not to exceed 120 days, by submitting an extension request as described previously.

       Any person wishing to provide the Department with additional information that they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of the Plan Approval may submit the information to the Department at the address shown as follows. A 30-day comment period, from the date of this publication, will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the following:

       *  Name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments.

       *  Identification of the proposed Plan Approval (specify the Plan Approval number).

       *  Concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the Plan Approval.

       A public hearing may be held, if the Department, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in this newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where the Department determines the notification by telephone is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Regional Air Quality Program Manager, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest Region--Field Operation, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       For additional information you should contact the following at the same address: Thomas J. Joseph, P. E., Air Pollution Control Engineer III, Air Quality


    Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.

       Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       43-00011: Greenville Metals, Inc.--Transfer Plant (99 Crestview Drive Extension, Transfer, PA 16154) for reissuance of a Title V Operating Permit in Pymatuning Township, Mercer County. The facility's major sources of emissions include a large Electric Arc Furnace, an Argon Oxygen Decarburization Unit and a number of small Electric Arc and Induction furnaces. The source is major due to emissions of CO.

    Intent to Issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.

       Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19428, Edward Jurdones Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (484) 250-5920.

       23-00059: Lyondell Chemical Co. (3801 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073-2320) for a non-Title V, Synthetic Minor Facility in Newtown Township, Delaware County. The State-only Operating Permit was revised to incorporate the conditions of plan approval PA-23-0059 for the addition of an Integrated Propylene Oxide Pilot Unit and an associated Flameless Thermal Oxidizer to the facility in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450(a)(5). The addition of the Integrated Propylene Oxide Pilot Unit will not result in an increase of emissions for the facility.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       22-05003: Stroehmann Bakeries, LC (3996 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111) for operation of the Capitol Bakery in Swatara Township, Dauphin County. This action is a renewal of the previous permit issued in 2002 and all permit requirements remain in effect.

       34-05003: Tedd Wood, Inc. (P. O. Box 187, Johnstown Road, Thompsontown, PA 17094) for operation of a wood cabinet manufacturing facility in Delaware Township, Juniata County. Facility emissions of VOC will be limited to less than 50 tpy and HAP emissions are limited to less than 10 tpy for any single HAP or 25 tpy for any combination of HAPs. This operating permit renewal will incorporate the requirements from plan approval 34-05003B. The facility-wide (State-only) operating permit will contain emission limits along with monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality requirements. This is a renewal of the facility's State-only operating permit issued in April of 2002.

       Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, Matthew Williams, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       37-00059: Praxis Northeast--Universal Rundle Plant, (372 Rundle Road, New Castle, PA 16102) for reissuance of the Title V Operating Permit for this Reinforced Plastics Plumbing Fixture manufacturing facility in Taylor Township, Lawrence County. The facility is a major source due to its potential to emit VOCs and HAPs.

       37-00126: Hickman Manufacturing (Route 18, New Beaver, PA 16107) for operation of the facility's air contamination sources consisting of vertical let down tank, two storage tanks and mixing tanks for the process of asphalt coating in the Borough of New Beaver, Lawrence County.


       Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).

       The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). A copy of an application is available for inspection at the district mining office indicated before an application. Where a 401 Water Quality Certification is needed for any aspect of a particular proposed mining activity, the submittal of the permit application will serve as the request for certification.

       Written comments, objections or requests for informal conferences on applications may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the district mining office indicated before an application within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121--77.123 and 86.31--86.34.

       Where any of the mining activities listed will have discharges of wastewater to streams, the Department will incorporate NPDES permits into the mining activity permits issued in response to these applications. NPDES permits will contain, at a minimum, technology-based effluent limitations as identified in this notice for the respective coal and noncoal applications. In addition, more restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume or restrictions on the extent of mining which may occur will be incorporated into a mining activity permit, when necessary, for compliance with water quality standards (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 93 and 95). Persons or agencies who have requested review of NPDES permit requirements for a particular mining activity within the previously mentioned public comment period will be provided with a 30-day period to review and submit comments on the requirements.

       Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; the application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based. Requests for an informal conference must contain the name, address and telephone number of requestor; the application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor wishes to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.

       Coal Applications Received

       Effluent Limits--The following coal mining applications that include an NPDES permit application will be subject to, at a minimum, the following technology-based effluent limitations for discharges of wastewater to streams:

    iron (total)3.0 mg/l6.0 mg/l7.0 mg/l
    manganese (total)2.0 mg/l4.0 mg/l5.0 mg/l
    suspended solids35 mg/l   70 mg/l   90 mg/l   
    pH1greater than 6.0; less than 9.0
    Alkalinity greater than acidity1
    1The parameter is applicable at all times.

       A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to (1) surface runoff (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event) from active mining areas; active areas disturbed by coal refuse disposal activities; and mined areas backfilled and revegetated and (2) drainage (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 1-year 24-hour event) from coal refuse disposal piles.

       California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, (724) 769-1100.

       Permit No. 32841312 and NPDES Permit No. PA0037087. Indiana Investments, Inc., (R. D. 2, Box 305, Shelocta, PA 15774). To renew the permit for the Urling Nos. 1 and 3 Mines in Armstrong Township, Indiana County and related NPDES permit for reclamation only. No additional discharges. Application received: February 1, 2007.

       Permit No. 63841302 and NPDES Permit No. PA0090689, Maple Creek Mining, (1 Industrial Park Drive, Wheeling, WV 26003), to revise the permit for the Maple Creek Mine in Nottingham Township, Washington County for minor surface grading within 100 ft. of a UNT to Mingo Creek. This activity will be performed under the permit waiver provision of Chapter 105.12 (a)(16) regarding stream restoration plans. No additional discharges. Application received March 20, 2007.

       Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       56040103 and NPDES No. PA0249581. Fieg Brothers, (3070 Stoystown Road, Stoystown, PA 15563). Revision of an existing bituminous surface mine to request a variance to conduct mining and blasting activities within 100 feet of T-311 and for a permit boundary correction to add 19.0 acres for additional mining. Total SMP acres go from 55.8 to 74.8 in Southampton Township, Somerset County. Receiving streams: UNTs to North Branch Jennings Run classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 15, 2007.

       Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500.

       03950114 and NPDES Permit No. PA0201928. Thomas J. Smith, Inc. (2340 Smith Road, Shelocta, PA 15774). Renewal application for reclamation only of an existing bituminous surface mine, located in South Bend Township, Armstrong County, affecting 221.6 acres. Receiving stream: UNT to Sugar Run, classified for the following use: WWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received: March 19, 2007.

       63070101 and NPDES Permit No. 0251101. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (1384 SR 711, Stahlstown, PA 15687). Application for commencement, operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface mine, located in Somerset Township, Washington County, affecting 183.9 acres. Receiving streams: UNT to North Branch Pigeon Creek, classified for the following use: WWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Application received: March 19, 2007.

       Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       10010107 and NPDES Permit No. PA0241920. Ben Hal Mining Company (389 Irishtown Road, Grove City, PA 16127). Renewal of an existing bituminous surface strip operation in Washington Township, Butler County affecting 20.5 acres. Receiving streams: one UNT to Christy Run to South Branch Slippery Rock Creek; two UNTs to South Branch Slippery Rock Creek, classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application for reclamation only. Application received: March 19, 2007.

       33030109 and NPDES Permit No. PA0242446. Reichard Contracting, Inc. (212 Olean Trail, New Bethlehem, PA 16242). Renewal of an existing bituminous surface strip operation in Winslow Township and Reynoldsville Borough, Jefferson County affecting 34.0 acres. Receiving streams: One UNT to Soldier Run and Soldier Run, classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 19, 2007.

       16070101 and NPDES Permit No. PA0258270. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous surface strip operation in Monroe Township, Clarion County affecting 166.0 acres. Receiving streams: a UNT to Brush Run and Brush Run and a UNT to Piney Creek, classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 15, 2007.

       1475-16070101-E-1. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Application for a stream encroachment to conduct support activities within 100 feet of UNTs 6 and 7 in Monroe Township, Clarion County affecting 166.0 acres. Receiving streams: a UNT to Brush Run and Brush Run and a UNT to Piney Creek, classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 15, 2007.

       Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.

       17960122. Forcey Coal, Inc. (475 Banian Road, Madera, PA 16661). Renewal of an existing bituminous surface mining permit located in Bigler Township, Clearfield County affecting 118.0 acres. Receiving streams: Banian Run and Muddy Run classified for the following use: CWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is: N/A. Application received: March 13, 2007.

       Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.

       54861601R4. Schuylkill Coal Processing, Inc., (P. O. Box 134, Ashland, PA 17921). Renewal of an existing anthracite coal preparation plant operation in Butler Township, Schuylkill County affecting 18.3 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received: March 16, 2007.

       22851304R4. S & M Coal Company, (1744 East Grand Avenue, Tower City, PA 17980). Renewal of an existing anthracite underground mine operation in Wiconisco Township, Dauphin County affecting 4.2 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received: March 21, 2007.

       Noncoal Applications Returned

       Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.

       08060802. Patrick Kipar, (R. R. 3, Box 179A, Meshoppen, PA 18630). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small industrial minerals (bluestone) permit in Tuscarora Township, Bradford County affecting 5.0 acre. Application received: March 10, 2006. Application returned: March 8, 2007.

       08970821. Jeff Taylor (c/o Taylor Flagstone, R. R. 2, Box 60, Wysox, PA 18854). Transfer application for a small noncoal (bluestone) permit located in Warren Township, Bradford County. Application received: June 16, 2006. Application returned: March 17, 2007.

       Noncoal Applications Received

       Effluent Limits--The following noncoal mining applications that include an NPDES permit application will be subject to, at a minimum, the following technology-based effluent limitations for discharges of wastewater to streams:

    suspended solids35 mg/l70 mg/l90 mg/l
    Alkalinity exceeding acidity1
    pH1 greater than 6.0; less than 9.0
    1 The parameter is applicable at all times.

       A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to surface runoff resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event. If coal will be extracted incidental to the extraction of noncoal minerals, at a minimum, the technology-based effluent limitations identified under coal applications will apply to discharges of wastewater to streams.

       Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500.

       26070603 and NPDES Permit No. PA0251097. Fayette Coal & Coke, Inc., (2611 Memorial Boulevard, Connellsville, PA 15425). Application for commencement, operation and reclamation to a noncoal surface mine, located in Georges Township, Fayette County, affecting 65.8 acres. Receiving streams: a UNT to York Run, classified for the following use: WWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Application received: March 15, 2007.

       Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       25070301. Raymond D. Showman & Sons, Inc., (12851 Sharp Road, Edinboro, PA 16412-1667). Commencement, operation and restoration of a sand and gravel operation in LeBoeuf Township, Erie County affecting 43.53 acres. Receiving streams: a UNT to Wheeler Creek, classified for the following use: WWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application to include a land use change from natural unmanaged natural habitat to unmanaged natural water impoundment and unmanaged natural habitat. Application received: March 14, 2007.

       25070303. Ray Showman Jr. Excavating, Inc., (P. O. Box 646, Waterford, PA 16441). Commencement, operation and restoration of a sand and gravel and topsoil operation in LeBoeuf Township, Erie County affecting 30.0 acres. Receiving streams: a UNT to French Creek and French Creek, classified for the following use: WWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 21, 2007.

       5834-25070303-E-1. Ray Showman Jr. Excavating, Inc., (P. O. Box 646, Waterford, PA 16441). Application for a stream variance to continue to utilize the existing access/haul road as well as to allow mining activities within 100 feet of the stream channel but no closer than 50 feet in LeBoeuf Township, Erie County. Receiving streams: a UNT to French Creek and French Creek, classified for the following use: WWF. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: March 21, 2007.


       The following permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for 401 Water Quality Certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341) requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) as well as relevant State requirements. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 of the FWPCA or to the issuance of a Dam Permit, Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit or the approval of an Environmental Assessment must submit comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice, as well as questions, to the regional office noted before the application. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting, identification of the certification request to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including the relevant facts upon which they are based.

       The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to comments if deemed necessary. Individuals will be notified, in writing, of the time and place of a scheduled hearing or conference concerning the certification request to which the comment, objection or suggestion relates. Maps, drawings and other data pertinent to the certification request are available for inspection between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on each working day at the regional office noted before the application.

       Persons with a disability who wish to attend a hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    Applications received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Floodplain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and requests for certification under section 401(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).


       Northeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, (570) 826-2511.

       E35-403. James A. Sposito, Esq., 1155 Whitmore Lane, R. R. 1, Crystal Lake, Carbondale, PA 18407, in Fell Township, Lackawanna County, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District.

       To authorize the existing fill placed in the floodway of Fall Brook (HQ-CWF). The project is located on the northeast side of SR 0106 approximately 2.6 miles southeast of SR 0247 (Carbondale, PA Quadrangle N:  18.0 inches; W:  2.6 inches).

       Southwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       E11-325. S & T Bank, P. O. Box 190, Indiana, PA 15701. To place fill in a UNT in Cambria Township, Cambria County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Nanty Glo, PA Quadrangle N:  16 inches; W:  1.25 inches and Latitude: 40° 27` 47"; Longitude: 78° 45` 32"). The applicant proposes to place and maintain approximately 95` of fill in a UNT to the south Branch of Blacklick Creek (CWF) and to place and maintain fill in approximately 0.066 acre of wetlands, for the purpose of construction and addition to a commercial building. The project is located on the south side of Industrial Park Drive, approximately 0.3 mile SW of the intersection between Industrial Park Drive and Mini Mall Road.

       Northwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       E10-428, William Weaver, President, BelleVue Park Partners, LP, P. O. Box 449, Mars, PA 16046. BelleVue Park Residential Development, in Cranberry Township, Butler County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Baden and Mars, PA Quadrangles N:   40° 42` 1.5"; W:  80° 07` 30").

       To conduct activities associated with the construction of BelleVue Park, a 293-unit residential development on a 121-acre site, north of Rochester Road and east of Powell Road:

       1.  Impact 2.03 acres of six existing wetlands (PEM/PSS) for the construction of roadways, buildings and stormwater facilities.

       2.  To construct and maintain a 140-foot long, 42-inch diameter stream enclosure in a tributary to Brush Creek (Tributary 4) having a drainage area of less than 100 acres for the construction of a roadway.

       3.  To construct and maintain a 330-foot long, 60-inch diameter stream enclosure in a tributary to Brush Creek (Tributary 5) having a drainage area of less than 100 acres for the construction of a road and retail center.

       4.  To construct and maintain a 125-foot long stream enclosure and box culvert (30-inch by 48-inch) in a tributary to Brush Creek (Tributary 4) having a drainage area of less than 100 acres for the construction of a roadway.

       5.  To construct and maintain a 183-foot long stream enclosure in a tributary to Brush Creek (Tributary 2) having a drainage area of less than 100 acres for the construction of a roadway.

       6.  To conduct fill and grading within the floodway of a tributary to Brush Creek (Tributary 3) for the construction of a roadway.

       7.  To construct and maintain three utility line crossings of tributaries to Brush Creek (Tributary 2 and 3) and wetland 6 (0.09 acre temporary impact).

       This project proposes the following measures and/or activities as onsite mitigation for the project impacts:

       1.  Construction of a 0.60-acre replacement wetland adjacent to an existing wetland (Wetland 6).

       2.  Construction of a 1.58-acre replacement wetland adjacent to an existing wetland (Wetland 6).

       3.  Establish approximately 7,800 linear feet of Conservation Easement along the undisturbed corridors of the tributaries to Brush Creek.

       4.  Establish Conservation Easements on the undisturbed wetlands (approximately 22.5 acres) in the project area.


       Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 3, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105.

       D14-022EA. Bureau of Engineering, Fish and Boat Commission, 450 Robinson Lane, Bellefonte, PA 16823. Boggs Township, Centre County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       Project proposes to breach and remove McCoy-Linn Dam across Spring Creek (HQ-CWF) for the purpose of eliminating a threat to public safety and restoring the stream to a free flowing condition. The project will restore approximately 2,000 feet of stream channel. The dam is located adjacent to SR 144 approximately 1.2 miles south of the intersection of SR 144 and US 220 (Bellefonte, PA Quadrangle; Latitude: 40° 55` 52"; Longitude: 77° 47` 7").

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]




       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received applications for new, amended and renewed NPDES and WQM permits, applications for permit waivers and Notices of Intent (NOI) for coverage under general permits. This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing provisions of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.

    Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category
    Section I NPDES Renewals
    Section II NPDES New or amendment
    Section III WQMIndustrial, sewage or animal wastes; discharges to groundwater
    Section IV NPDES MS4 individual permit
    Section V NPDES MS4 permit waiver
    Section VI NPDES Individual permit stormwater construction
    Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES general permits

       Sections I--VI contain actions related to industrial, animal or sewage wastes discharges, discharges to groundwater and discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Section VII contains notices for parties who have submitted NOIs for coverage under general NPDES permits. The approval for coverage under general NPDES permits is subject to applicable effluent limitations, monitoring, reporting requirements and other conditions set forth in each general permit. The approval of coverage for land application of sewage sludge or residential septage under applicable general permit is subject to pollutant limitations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions set forth in the respective permit. Permits and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the contact office noted before the action.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    I. NPDES Renewal Permit Actions

       Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    (Watershed #)
    EPA Waived Y/N ?
    PA0064131 Raceway Truckstop, Inc.
    P. O. Box 239
    Harford, PA 18823-0239
    Tremont Township
    Schuylkill County
    Swatara Creek
    PA0060283 Penn Estates Utilities, Inc.
    503 Hallet Road
    East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
    Stroud Township
    Monroe County
    UNT to Brodhead Creek

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    (Watershed #)
    EPA Waived Y/N ?
    Meadows Sewer Company
    5015 East Trindle Spring Road
    Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-3622
    Cumberland County
    Middlesex Township
    Conodoguinet Creek
    Frank Plessinger
    Guest Farm Village, Inc.
    c/o P & W Excavating
    P. O. Box 712
    McConnellsburg, PA 17233
    Franklin County
    Montgomery Township
    UNT Licking Creek

       Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    (Watershed #)
    EPA Waived Y/N
    West Mifflin Sanitary Sewer Municipal Authority Allegheny County
    West Mifflin Borough
    Thompson Run N

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    (Watershed #)
    EPA Waived Y/N ?
    PA0112623 J. J. Bucher Producing Corporation
    2568 Bells Run Road
    Shinglehouse, PA 16748-3030
    Shinglehouse Borough
    Potter County
    Oswayo Creek

       Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

    NPDES No.
    Facility Name &
    County &
    Stream Name
    (Watershed #)
    EPA Waived Y/N ?
    J. J. Bucher Producing Corp.
    Pearsall Lease
    2568 Bells Run Road
    Shinglehouse, PA 16748-3030
    Potter County
    Shinglehouse Borough
    Oswayo Creek

    II. New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Actions

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0021075, Sewage, Borough of Myerstown, 101 East Washington Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067-1142. This proposed facility is located in Jackson Township, Lebanon County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to the Tulpehocken Creek in Watershed 3-C.

       WQM Permit No. PA0260142, Sewage, Thomasville Land, LP, 240 Bender Road, Hanover, PA 17331. This proposed facility is located in Jackson Township, York County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Honey Run in Watershed 7-F.

       WQM Permit No. PA0053054, Sewage, Shahida Chaudhry, Allahdin Corporation, 9648 Old Route 126, Worfordsburg, PA 17267. This proposed facility is located in Brush Creek Township, Fulton County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization for Transfer of Permit.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0011371, Industrial Waste, Baldwin Hardware Corporation, 841 East Wyomissing Boulevard, Reading, PA 19611. This proposed facility is located in Reading City, Berks County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to the Schuylkill River in Watershed 3-C.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0009253, Sewage/Industrial Waste, BAE Systems Land & Armaments, LP, Ground Systems Division, P. O. Box 15512, York, PA 17405-1512. This proposed facility is located in West Manchester Township, York County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to Codorus Creek and UNTs thereto in Watershed 7-H.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0260100, Sewage, James Lyons, 9 Mathias Road, Littlestown, PA 17340. This proposed facility is located in Germany Township, Adams County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to discharge to UNT Piney Creek in Watershed 13-D.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0248592, CAFO, Roy Shank, Shank's Hen Houses, 4640 Lighthouse Road. This proposed facility is located in Guilford Township, Franklin County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Authorization to operate a 851-AEU layer operation located in Watershed 13-C.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0259896, CAFO, Flintrock Corporation, Flintrock Farms, 16 East Brubaker Valley Road, Lititz, PA 17543. This proposed facility is located in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County.

       Description of Size and Scope of Proposed Operation/Activity: Authorization to operate a 510-AEU broiler and horse operation in Watershed 7-J.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       NPDES Permit No. PA0021792, Sewage Amendment No.1, Edinboro Borough, 124 Meadville Street, Edinboro, PA 16412. This proposed facility is located in Edinboro Borough, Erie County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Removal of the total copper effluent limitation from NPDES permit.

    III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001)

       Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

       WQM Permit No. 1506410, Sewerage, Little Washington Wastewater Company, 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-3489. This proposed facility is located in Londonberry Township, Chester County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant and spray irrigation system.

       WQM Permit No. 0907401, Sewerage, Villa Building Company, Inc., 3720 Skipview Lane, Collegeville, PA 19426. This proposed facility is located in West Rockhill Township, Bucks County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a single-residence small flow treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 0907402, Sewerage, Villa Building Company, Inc., 3720 Skipview Lane, Collegeville, PA 19426. This proposed facility is located in West Rockhill Township, Bucks County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a single-residence small flow treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 0907403, Sewerage, Villa Building Company, Inc., 3720 Skipview Lane, Collegeville, PA 19426. This proposed facility is located in West Rockhill Township, Bucks County.

       Description of Action/Activity: Construction and operation of a single-residence small flow treatment plant.

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

       WQM Permit No. 0690411 Amendment 06-1, Sewage, Joint Municipal Authority of Wyomissing Valley, 701 Old Wyomissing Road, Reading, PA 19611. This proposed facility is located in Reading City, Berks County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities consisting of Grit Disposal-Vortex grit separator, dewatering screw, building and related appurtenances; Scum Handling-pumps, holding tank and related appurtenances; Sludge Handling-centrifuge, polymer system, drying system, odor control system, conveyors and related appurtenances; Maintenance and garage building.

       WQM Permit No. 0606405, Sewage, Birdsboro Municipal Authority, 202 East Main Street, Birdsboro, PA 19508. This proposed facility is located in Birdsboro Borough, Berks County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/modification of sewerage facilities consisting of an addition of two new raw sewage pumps with 16-inch diameter force main, one new primary clarifier, two aeration basins utilizing the vertical loop process, two circular clarifiers, final clarifiers, conversion of the existing final clarifiers and chlorine contact tanks to chlorine and post aeration basins respectively, replace the existing outfall with a new outfall, conversion of the existing anaerobic digesters to the aerobic digestion process and the addition of a centrifuge.

       WQM Permit No. 2807402, Sewage, David Flaud, 15853 Burnt Mill Road, Newburg, PA 17240. This proposed facility is located in Lurgan Township, Franklin County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities consisting of a small flow system meeting the requirements of the Small Flow Treatment Facilities Manual for a subsurface sand filter. Treatment units are a dual compartment 1,250-gallon septic tank, 500-gallon dosing tank and pump, 750 square feet (15` by 50`) lined sand filter and 415-gallon chlorine contact tank with tablet chlorinator.

       WQM Permit No. 2182405 Amendment No. 06-1, Sewage, Newburg Hopewell Joint Authority, P. O. Box 128, Newburg, PA 17240. This proposed facility is located in Hopewell Township, Cumberland County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit amendment approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities consisting of a rerating of the organic capacity from 101 lbs BOD5/day to 144 lbs BOD5/day. The previous chlorine contact tank is modified with additional aeration for use as an aerobic digester/biosolids storage tank.

       WQM Permit No. 3806406, Sewage, Borough of Myerstown, 101 East Washington Street, Myerstown, PA 17067. This proposed facility is located in Jackson Township, Lebanon County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities consisting of a headworks building containing unit processes for grinding, grit removal, flow metering and raw sewage pumping. A three-channel oxidation ditch process with eight rotors to supply oxygen, three circular final clarifiers, a UV disinfection system, a post aeration tank with an effluent meter, conversion of existing primary clarifier to sludge thickener and conversion of anaerobic digesters to aerobic digesters, dewatering building housing a centrifuge, chemical addition facility and sludge pumps and new QA outfall sewer.

       WQM Permit No. 3106403, Sewage, Petersburg Borough Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 6, Petersburg, PA 16669. This proposed facility is located in Logan Township, Huntingdon County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/operation of sewerage facilities consisting of the refurbishing of the influent pump station with dual 180 gpm submersible pump and the installation of a mechanically cleaned fine screening unit.

       WQM Permit No. 0503407 Transfer No. 1, Sewage, Craig Roland, 237 Whitetail Lane, Manns Choice, PA 15550. This proposed facility is located in Juniata Township, Bedford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction/operation of sewage facilities consisting of a 1,500-gallon three-compartment septic tank, a 600-ft2 buried sand filter, tablet chlorinator and a 300-gallon chlorine contact tank.

       WQM Permit No. 6707401, Sewage, Springettsbury Township, 1501 Mount Zion Road, York, PA 17402. This proposed facility is located in Springettsbury Township, York County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction of sewerage facilities consisting of the installation of two hydro cyclone grit removal units each rated at 35 mgd to replace the existing system.

       WQM Permit No. 6776415 Amendment 07-1, Sewage, Thomasville Land, LP, 240 Bender Road, Hanover, PA 17331. This proposed facility is located in Jackson Township, York County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the transfer of operation from Pfaltzgraff to Thomasville Land, LP.

       WQM Permit No. 4405401, Sewage, Derry Township Sanitary Sewer Authority Mifflin County, P. O. Box 465, Yeagertown, PA 17099. This proposed facility is located in Derry Township, Mifflin County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction of sewerage facilities consisting of a sewage collection system consisting of 6-inch to 12-inch PVC gravity sewers, two 10-inch Ductile Iron Pipe Force mains and two pump stations.

       WQM Permit No. 2806401, Sewage, Waynesboro Borough Authority, 57 East Main Street, P. O. Box 310, Waynesboro, PA 17268. This proposed facility is located in Washington Township, Franklin County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit approval for the construction of sewerage facilities consisting of replacement of the West Penn Pump Station.

       WQM Permit No. 2198404, Transfer 1, Sewage, Gregory and Melissa Blades, 635 Mohawk Road, Newville, PA 17241. This proposed facility is located in Upper Frankford Township, Cumberland County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of Permit.

       WQM Permit No. 0106403, Sewage, James Lyons, 9 Mathias Drive, Littlestown, PA 17340. This proposed facility is located in Germany Township, Adams County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit Approval for the construction of sewerage facilities consisting of a single-family residence sewage treatment facility with one 1,000-gallon septic tank, a 500-gallon pump tank, Ecoflo peat filter and UV disinfection.

       WQM Permit No. 6790204, Amendment 06-1, Sewage, BAE Systems Land & Armaments, LP, Ground Systems Division, 1100 Bairs Road, York, PA 17405. This proposed facility is located in West Manchester Township, York County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit Approval for the modifications of sewerage and industrial wastewater facilities consisting of using the existing DAF unit and carbon filters (as needed) to pretreat industrial wastewater prior to sending it to the sanitary wastewater treatment plant.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       WQM Permit No. WQG018526, Sewage, Charles T. Osborne, 1099 Linn-Tyro Road, Hadley, PA 16130-2831. This proposed facility is located in Perry Township, Mercer County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: A Single-residence Sewage Treatment Plant.

    IV. NPDES Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Permit Actions

    V. NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Actions

    VI. NPDES Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities Individual Permit Actions

       Northeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving
    PAI024005001 DCNR, Bureau of Facility Design & Construction
    P. O. Box 8451
    Harrisburg, PA 17105-8451
    Luzerne Fairmount Township Kitchen Creek
    PAI024806023 Windrift Real Estate Associates
    179 Mikron Road
    Bethlehem, PA 18017
    Northampton Bethlehem City Nancy Run
    HQ-CWF, MF

       Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Centre County Conservation District: 414 Holmes Avenue, Suite 4, Bellefonte, PA 16823, (814) 355-6817.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving
    PAI041407003 Edward Walker
    Laurel Ridge, Lot 26
    1008 Stratford Court
    State College, PA 16801
    Centre Harris Township Spring Creek
    Revision No. 50
    Ian Salada
    PSU East Campus/Computer Building Addition
    Penn State University
    101P Physical Plant Building
    University Park, PA 16802
    Centre State College Borough Thompson Run

       Southwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Cambria County Conservation District, 401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 221, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-2120.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving
    PAI051106001 Raeger Mountain, LP
    912 Greengate North Plaza
    Greensburg, PA 15601-2012
    Cambria Jackson and West Taylor Townships Laurel Run

    VII. Approvals to Use NPDES and/or Other General Permits

       The EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.23(d).

    List of NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types

    PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges From Stripper Oil Well Facilities
    PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Construction Activities (PAR)
    PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Industrial Activities
    PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges From Small Flow Treatment Facilities
    PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges From Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems
    PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges From Combined Sewer Systems (CSO)
    PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application
    PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Non-Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site
    PAG-8 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application Under Approved PAG-8 General Permit Coverage
    PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Residential Septage by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, or a Land Reclamation Site
    PAG-9 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application Under Approved PAG-9 General Permit Coverage
    PAG-10 General Permit for Discharge Resulting from Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines
    PAG-11 (To Be Announced)
    PAG-12 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
    PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

       General Permit Type--PAG-02

    Facility Location &
    Permit No. Applicant Name &
    Contact Office &
    Phone No.
    West Sadsbury Township
    Chester County
    PAG2001506082 Mast Stoltzfus
    875 Zook Road
    Atglen, PA 19344
    Pine Creek
    TSF, MF
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    (484) 250-5900
    Upper Darby Township
    Delaware County
    PAG2002307002 State and Lansdowne Associates
    234 Mall Boulevard
    King of Prussia, PA 19406
    Cobbs Creek
    WWF, MF
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    (484) 250-5900
    Prospect Park
    Delaware County
    PAG2002306031 Kerry Wiley
    205 East Glenolden Avenue
    Glenolden, PA 19036
    UNT Darby Creek
    WWF, MF
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    (484) 250-5900
    City of Philadelphia
    Philadelphia County
    PAG2015106066 Temple East Real Estate
    3509 North Broad Street
    9th Floor--TUCMC
    Philadelphia, PA 19140
    Delaware River/Estuary
    WWF, MF
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    (484) 250-5900
    City of Philadelphia
    Philadelphia County
    PAG2015107006 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
    890 Winter Street
    Suite 300
    Waltham, MA 02451
    Schuylkill River
    WWF, MF
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    (484) 250-5900
    Lower Mt. Bethel Township
    Northampton Co.
    PAG2004805025 Richard Krasley, V. P.
    CMC Development Corp.
    4511 Falmer Drive
    Bethlehem, PA 18020
    Little Martins Creek
    Martins/Jacoby Creek Watershed
    Northampton Co.
    Cons. Dist.
    (610) 746-1971
    New Milford Township
    Susquehanna County
    PAR106401R Ireno and Mary Monteforte
    R. R. No. 2, Box 34
    New Milford, PA 18834
    Tributary to Nine Partners Creek
    Susquehanna Co.
    Cons. Dist.
    (570) 278-4600
    City of Scranton
    Lackawanna County
    PAG2003507007 Daniel Santaniello
    Fidelity Deposit & Discount Bank
    338 North Washington Avenue
    Scranton, PA 18503
    Lackawanna River
    Lackawanna Co.
    Cons. Dist.
    (570) 281-9495
    Snyder County
    Penn Township
    PAG2005506012 James L. Lyons
    610 University Avenue
    Selinsgrove, PA 17870
    Penns Creek
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Snyder County
    Penn Township
    PAG2005506013 George Heim
    166 Broad Street
    Montgomery, PA 17752
    Rolling Green Run
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Snyder County
    Centre Township
    PAG2005506014 Ken Zechman
    66 Walnut Hollow Road
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    UNT to Middle Creek
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Snyder County
    Penn Township
    PAG2005506015 Kurt Kissinger
    P. O. Box 10
    104 South
    Susquehanna Trail
    Shamokin Dam, PA 17876
    UNT to Penns Creek
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Snyder County
    Penn Township
    PAG2005506018 Ryan Housekeeper
    3723 Fairview
    Industrial Drive
    Suite 270
    Salem, OR 97302
    Penns Creek
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Snyder County
    Monroe Township
    PAG2005507001 Nathan Allison
    200 South Broad Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19102-3803
    Susquehanna River
    Snyder County Conservation District
    403 West Market Street
    Middleburg, PA 17842
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 5
    Beaver County
    Chippewa Township
    PAG2000407001 Christopher Cofiero
    Management Co.
    1050 Germantown Pike
    Suite A-2
    Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
    Bradys Run
    Beaver County CD
    (724) 378-1701
    Indiana County
    White Township
    PAG20032050171 John Pappal Indiana High School
    501 East Pike
    Indiana, PA 15701
    Marsh Run
    Indiana County CD
    (724) 463-8547
    Washington County
    Burgettstown Borough
    Smith Township
    PAG2006307019 Washington County Commissioners
    100 West Beau Street
    Suite 701
    Washington, PA 15301
    Burgetts Branch Raccoon Creek
    Washington County CD
    (724) 228-6774
    Westmoreland County
    Penn Township
    PAG2006506013 Tony G. Berardi
    1424 Lincoln Way
    North Versailles, PA 15137
    UNT to Bushy Run
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Upper Burrell Township
    PAG2006506037 A. Richard Kacin, Inc.
    3875 Old William Penn Highway
    Murrysville, PA 15668
    UNT to Pucketa Creek
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    City of Lower Burrell
    PAG2006506048 Steven Arciuolo Crossroads Plaza Limited Partnership
    508 Allegheny River Boulevard
    Oakmont, PA 15139
    Little Pucketa Creek
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Rostraver Township
    PAG2006506049 John F. Curtin Tractor Supply Center
    250 Grandview Drive
    Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
    UNIT to Monongahela River
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Hempfield Township
    PAG2006507002 Diocese of Greensburg
    901 Armory Drive
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Jacks Run
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Rostraver Township
    PAG2006507007 David G. Galloni
    Charleroi Federal
    101 McKean Avenue
    Charleroi, PA 15022
    Tributary to Pollock Run
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    PAG2006507008 John Curtin
    250 Grandview Avenue
    Fort Mitchell, KY 41017
    Turtle Creek
    Westmoreland County CD
    (724) 837-5271
    Butler County
    Adams Township
    PAR10E152R Adams Pointe Square
    Ridge Development, LP
    3468 Brodhead Road
    Monaca, PA 1506
    UNT Kaufman Run
    Butler Conservation District
    (724) 284-5270
    Butler County
    Cranberry Township
    PAR10E180R Ehrman Farms, LP
    1l700 North Highland Avenue
    Suite 302
    Pittsburgh, PA 15241
    Wolfe Run
    Butler Conservation District
    (724) 284-5270
    Erie County
    Harborcreek Township
    PAG2002506024 Lakehaven Estates
    Salvatore R. Sellaro
    8850 East Lake Road
    Erie, PA 16511
    UNT Lake Erie
    CWF, MF
    Erie Conservation District
    (814) 825-6403
    Erie County
    Millcreek Township
    PAG2002506040 John Maleno
    Maleno Family, LP
    2236 West 38th Street
    Erie, PA 16506
    UNT Mill Creek
    WWF, MF
    Erie Conservation District
    (814) 825-6403
    Erie County
    Edinboro Borough
    PAG2002507003 Edinboro University
    of PA
    Gordon Harbst
    219 Meadville Street
    Edinboro, PA 16444
    UNT Conneautee Creek
    Erie Conservation District
    (814) 825-6403
    Venango County
    City of Oil City
    PAG006107003 Christopher Reber
    Clarion University
    Venango Campus
    1801 West First Street
    Oil City, PA 16301
    UNT Allegheny River
    Venango Conservation District
    (814) 676-2832

       General Permit Type--PAG-3

    Facility Location &
    Permit No. Applicant Name &
    Contact Office &
    Phone No.
    Berks County
    Heidelberg Township
    PAR123552 Nutcracker Brands, Inc.
    d/b/a Linette Quality Chocolates
    336 Hill Road
    Womelsdorf, PA 19567
    UNT Tulpehocken Creek
    909 Elmerton Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
    (717) 705-4707
    Lancaster County
    West Donegal Township
    PAR123554 Wenger's Feed Mill, Inc.
    101 West Harrisburg Avenue
    Rheems, PA 17570
    UNT to Donegal Creek
    909 Elmerton Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
    (717) 705-4707
    West Mead Township
    Crawford County
    PAR208311 Meadville Forging Company, LP
    P. O. Box 4590
    Meadville, PA 16335-9803
    UNT to French Creek
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Hempfield Township
    Mercer County
    PAR608338 Frank R. Crash
    480 Mercer Road
    Greenville, PA 16125
    Shenango River
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Young Township
    Jefferson County
    PAR118337 FEMCO Machine Company
    754 South Main Street
    Punxsutawney, PA 15767
    UNT to Mahoning Creek
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942

       General Permit Type--PAG-4

    Facility Location:
    Municipality & County
    Permit No. Applicant Name &
    Contact Office &
    Phone No.
    West Rockhill Township
    Bucks County
    PAG040065 Gerhart Subdivision
    Lot No. 3
    Villa Building
    Company, Inc.
    3720 Skipview Lane
    Collegeville, PA 19426
    UNT to East Branch
    of Perkiomen Creek Watershed
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    West Rockhill Township
    Bucks County
    PAG040066 Gerhart Subdivision
    Lot No. 4
    Villa Building
    Company, Inc.
    3720 Skipview Lane
    Collegeville, PA 19426
    UNT to East Branch
    of Perkiomen Creek Watershed
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    West Rockhill Township
    Bucks County
    PAG040067 Gerhart Subdivision
    Lot No. 5
    Villa Building
    Company, Inc.
    3720 Skipview Lane
    Collegeville, PA 19426
    UNT to East Branch
    of Perkiomen Creek Watershed
    Southeast Regional Office
    2 East Main Street
    Norristown, PA 19401
    Sandy Creek Township
    Mercer County
    PAG049325 County Line Café
    3808 Perry Highway
    Hadley, PA 16130
    Attn: Renee J. Rice
    UNT to Sandy Creek
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Perry Township
    Mercer County
    PAG049321 Charles T. Osborne
    1079 Linn-Tyro Road
    Hadley, PA 16130-2831
    Little Shenango River
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Farmington Township
    Warren County
    PAG048324 William G. Quatse
    R. D. 3, Box 334
    Valentine Run Road
    Russell, PA 16345
    UNT to Rhine Run
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Worth Township
    Mercer County
    PAG048427 Gerald C. Fleet
    1066 Jackson Center Polk Road
    Stoneboro, PA 16153-3204
    UNT to South Sandy Creek
    Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942

       General Permit Type--PAG-8 (SSN)

    Facility Location:
    Municipality & County
    Permit No. Applicant Name &
    Site Name &
    Contact Office &
    Phone No.
    Dickinson Township
    Cumberland County
    PAG083570 Borough of Carlisle
    53 West South Street
    Carlisle, PA 17013
    John Mckeehan
    Route 81 Farm
    Dickinson Township
    Cumberland County
    909 Elmerton Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
    (717) 705-4707
    South Annville Township
    Lebanon County
    South Londonderry Township Municipal Authority
    20 West Market Street
    Campbelltown, PA 17010
    Algers-Louser Road Farm
    South Annville Township
    Lebanon County
    909 Elmerton Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
    (717) 705-4707

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]


       The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17) for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.


    Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act

       Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.

       Operations Permit No. 1507502 issued to Pennsylvania American Water Company, 4 Wellington Boulevard, Wyomissing, PA 19601, (PWSID No. 1150166) East Vincent Township, Chester County issued on March 16, 2007, for the operation of facilities approved under construction permit no. 1505508, for the East Vincent Pump Station Modification.

       Operations Permit No. 0907504 issued to Buckingham Water Department, P. O. Box 413, Buckingham, PA 18912, (PWSID No. 1090159) Buckingham Township, Bucks County issued on March 16, 2007, for the operation of facilities approved under construction permit no. 0905505, for the newly constructed Wells F6 and F7, a storage tank and pump station for the Furlong Water System.

       Operations Permit No. 4607501 issued to Audubon Water Company, 2650 Eisenhower Drive, Suite 104A, Norristown, PA 19403, (PWSID No. 1460055) Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County issued on March 20, 2007, for the operation of facilities approved under construction permit no. 4606505, for the newly constructed Well No. AWC-15 to replace the existing Well No. 10.

       Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Canton Borough Authority (Public Water Supply), Bradford County: The Source Water Protection (SWP) report for Canton Borough Authority has been approved on March 26, 2007. Canton Borough Authority is to be commended for taking this proactive step to protect the source water for the community. Development of the program was funded, in part, by a SWP grant (L. Richard Adams, (570) 321-6581).

       Northwest Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       Operations Permit issued to Aiken Water Company, PWSID #6420010, Keating Township, McKean County. Permit Number 4297502-MA1, issued March 23, 2007, for the operation of the gas chlorination system, as approved under construction permit 4297502-MA1, dated June 27, 2006.


    Plan Approvals Granted under section 5 of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. § 750.5)

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Conewago Township 3279 Old Hershey Road
    Elizabethtown, PA 17022

       Plan Description: Approval of a revision to the Official Sewage Plan of Conewago Township, Lebanon County. The proposed Aberdeen Mills subdivision, DEP Code No. B3-22910-148-2 consists of seven residential lots served by individual onlot sewage disposal. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant impacts resulting from this proposal.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Newville Borough Four West Street
    Newville, PA 17241
    Pennsboro Township
    2150 Newville Road
    Carlisle, PA 17013
    Penn Township 1301 Centerville Road
    Newville, PA 17241

       Plan Description: Approval of a revision to the Official Sewage Plan of Newville Borough, Cumberland County. The approved plan provides for the extension of the sewer line along Route 233 tributary to the Newville Borough Wastewater Treatment Plant. The extension starts approximately 1 mile south of Newville Borough in West Pennsboro Township, and runs approximately 20,000 linear feet to the site of the proposed Key Logistics property in Penn Township, approximately 3/4 mile south of Route 81. The extension includes two pump stations, force mains and gravity sewers. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Any required NPDES Permits or WQM Permits must be obtained in the name of the Newville Borough Water and Sewer Authority.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Winslow Township 177 Yellow Brick Road
    Reynoldsville, PA 15851-4356

       Plan Description: The approved plan provides for the construction of a collection and conveyance system to serve the sewage disposal needs of the Village of Soldier. Wastewater will be conveyed to and treated at the Sykesville Borough STP. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Any required NPDES Permits or WQM Permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.


    Plan Disapprovals Granted under section 5 of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. § 750.5)

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4707.

       Plan Location: Located on Irvin Drive, Tippetts Drive and Edwards Drive, Montgomery Township, Franklin County.

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Montgomery Township 12868 Fort Loudon Road
    Mercersburg, PA 17236
    Franklin County

       Plan Description: The Minor Act 537 Update Revision, entitled Lenwood Heights Sewer Extension, proposing a sewer extension of Mercersburg Sewer Authority facilities to serve 37 existing single-family dwellings and 31 existing undeveloped lots, was disapproved because the Minor Update Revision failed to adequately provide for the existing needs in the area. The Revision also failed to provide for the administrative organization and legal authority necessary for plan implementation in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 71.21(a)(5)(vi)(D) in that it failed to include an intermunicipal agreement to establish operation, maintenance and repair responsibilities and ordinances necessary to implement the Township's plan. Finally, the Minor Update Revision failed to provide an adequate implementation schedule in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 71.21(a)(7)(iv). The dates for completion of the listed milestones have already passed in most cases.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The following plans and reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Provisions of Chapter 3 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Submission of plans and reports, other than the final report, shall also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These include the remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan for a site-specific standard remediation. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements.

       For further information concerning plans or reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program manager in the Department regional office after which the notice of receipt of plans or reports appears. If information concerning plans or reports is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following plans and reports:

       Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Carlton Snack Foods, Heidelberg Township, York County. GemChem, Inc., 53 North Cedar Street, P. O. Box 383, Lititz, PA 17543-0384, on behalf of Jeffrey Carl, 725 Oakwood Drive, Red Lion, PA 17356, submitted a Remedial Investigation Report and Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site groundwater contaminated with gasoline. The report and plan intend to document remediation of the site to the Site-Specific Standard.

       Penn State Fruit Research and Extension Center, Butler Township, Adams County. EPSYS Corporation, 1414 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103, on behalf of Penn State University, 6 Eisenhower Parking Deck, University Park, PA 16802, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with gasoline released from an unregulated underground storage tank. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to the Statewide Health Standard.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Provisions of 25 Pa. Code § 250.8, administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act), require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media, benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.

       For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program manager in the Department regional office before which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following plans and reports:

       Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Former Chevron Facility/Sinking Springs Bulk Storage Facility, Spring Township, Berks County. Earth Tech, Inc., 2 Market Plaza Way, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, on behalf of Reading Terminals, P. O. Box 2621, Harrisburg, PA 17105 and CRL Holdings, LP c/o Apple Hill Business Advisors, Inc., 33 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated from four removed unregulated underground storage tanks. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Nonresidential Statewide Health Standard, and was approved by the Department on March 19, 2007.

       Former Marietta AFS Fire Training Pit, East Donegal Township, Lancaster County. United States Army Corps of Engineers, 10 South Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21203 on behalf of United States General Services Administration, Project Management Division, The Strawbridge Building, 20 North 8th Street, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3191, submitted a combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with metals, SVOCs and VOCs. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Nonresidential Statewide Health and Nonresidential Site-Specific Standards and was approved by the Department on March 22, 2007.


    Actions on applications for Hazardous Waste Transporter License received under the Solid Waste Management (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to transport hazardous waste.

       Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.

       Hazardous Waste Transporter License Renewed

       Nortru, Inc., 1701 E. Matzinger Road, Toledo, OH 43612. License No. PA-AH 0451. Effective February 8, 2007.

       Brenntag Northeast, Inc., P. O. Box 13788, Reading, PA 19612. License No. PA-AH 0082. Effective February 8, 2007.

       Allstate O.R.C., Inc., 473 Hamburg Turnpike, West Milford, NJ 07480-3746. License No. PA-AH 0564. Effective February 9, 2007.

       Reserve Environmental Services, Inc., P. O. Box 1038, Ashtabula, OH 44005-1038. License No. PA-AH 0678. Effective February 12, 2007.

       Lionetti Oil Recovery, Inc. d/b/a Lorco, 450 S. Front Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. License No. PA-AH 0567. Effective February 13, 2007.

       Cambridge Chemical Cleaning, Inc., P. O. Box 4220, 1250 W. Elizabeth Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. License No. PA-AH 0356. Effective February 13, 2007.

       HMHTTC Response, Inc., 400 Vallery Road, Suite 303, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856. License No. PA-AH 0554. Effective February 22, 2007.

       Envirotran, Inc., 387 Gore Road, Conneaut, OH 44030. License No. PA-AH 0543. Effective February 23, 2007.

       Laidlaw Carriers Tank Group, Inc., 1179 Ridgeway Road, Woodstock, ON N4S 8P6. License No. PA-AH 0704. Effective February 23, 2007.

       Laidlaw Carriers Bulk Group, Inc., 1179 Ridgeway Road, Woodstock, ON N4S 8P6. License No. PA-AH 0703. Effective February 23, 2007.

       Bethlehem Apparatus Company, Inc., P. O. Box Y, 890 Front Street, Hellertown, PA 18055. License No. PA-AH 0681. Effective February 26, 2007.

       Clean Harbors Environmental Services, 42 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA 02061. License No. PA-AH 0312. Effective February 27, 2007.

       Elliott Truck Line, Inc., P. O. Box 1, 532 South Wilson Street, Vinita, OK 74301. License No. PA-AH 0355. Effective March 2, 2007.

       MCF Systems Atlanta, Inc., 5353 Snapfinger Woods Drive, Decatur, GA 30035. License No. PA-AH S240. Effective March 5, 2007.

       Providence Environmental, Inc., 312 Sharpe Road, Columbia, SC 29203. License No. PA-AH 0695. Effective March 16, 2007.

       Wade Salvage, Inc., 382 Jackson Road, Atco, NJ 08004. License No. PA-AH S246. Effective March 19, 2007.

       Hukill Chemical Corporation, 7013 Krick Road, Beford, OH 44146. License No. PA-AH 0625. Effective March 19, 2007.

       Joseph Moving And Storage Company, P. O. Box 5, Woodland, PA 16881. License No. PA-AH 0390. Effective March 19, 2007.

       Triad Transport, Inc., P. O. Box 818, Mcalester, OK 74502. License No. PA-AH 0392. Effective March 19, 2007.

       Monarch Transport, Inc., P. O. Box 330, Woodstown, NJ 08098. License No. PA-AH 0558. Effective March 21, 2007.

       Hazardous Waste Transporter License Issued

       Commercial Environmental Solutions, Inc., 1809 Jester Drive, Corsicana, TX 75109. License No. PA-AH 0731. Effective March 15, 2007.


    Actions on applications for Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste Transporter License received under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and Act 93 (P. L. 525, No. 93) and regulations to transport infectious and chemotherapeutic waste.

       Central Office: Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Hazardous Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471.

       Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste Transporter License Renewed

       S-J Transportation Company, Inc., P. O. Box 169, Woodstown, NJ 08098. License No. PA-HC 0031. Effective February 22, 2007.

       Bio-Team Mobile, LLC, 6 East Kendig Road, Willow Street, PA 17584. License No. PA-HC 0225. Effective March 7, 2007.

       Stericycle, Inc., 1525 Chestnut Hill Road, Morgantown, PA 19543. License No. PA-HC 0196. Effective March 7, 2007.

       Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste Transporter License Issued

       Environmental Products & Services, Inc., 2 Flynn Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401. License No.PA-HC 0230. Effective February 15, 2007.


    Permits issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904) and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.

       Southwest Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Permit ID No. 101532. Weavertown Transport Leasing, Inc., 201 South Johnson Road, Houston, PA 15342. Weavertown Transport Leasing, Inc., SR 50, Box 411, Cecil, PA 15321. A major permit modification for processing residual waste at a municipal waste transfer facility in Cecil Township, Washington County was issued in the Regional Office on March 23, 2007.


    General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       48-310-067GP3: Chrin Brothers, Inc. (635 Industrial Drive, Easton, PA 18042) on March 20, 2007, to construct and operate a portable stone crushing operation and associated air cleaning device at Island Park Road Dairy Farm in Williams Township, Northampton County.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       GP11-36-03164A: The Berg Corp. (2519 Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21223-3333) on March 26, 2007, for Nonroad Engines under GP11 in Manheim Borough, Lancaster County.

       Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       GP5-65-00816: Power Gas Marketing and Transmission, Inc. (33 North Wickliffe Circle, Youngstown, OH 44515) on March 20, 2006, to operate a rich burn natural gas-fired Compressor Engine and a natural gas glycol dehydrator at their Silvis Compressor Station in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County.

       GP5-32-00381: Power Gas Marketing and Transmission, Inc. (33 North Wickliffe Circle, Youngstown, OH 44515) on March 20, 2006, to operate a lean burn natural gas-fired Compressor Engine at their Pineton Compressor Station in Montgomery Township, Indiana County.

       GP5-32-00324: Power Gas Marketing and Transmission, Inc. (33 North Wickliffe Circle, Youngstown, OH 44515) on March 20, 2006, to operate a rich burn natural gas-fired Compressor Engine at their Myers Compressor Station in Montgomery Township, Indiana County.

       GP5-32-00325: Power Gas Marketing and Transmission, Inc. (33 North Wickliffe Circle, Youngstown, OH 44515) on March 20, 2006, to operate a rich burn natural gas-fired Compressor Engine and a natural gas glycol dehydrator at their Wandin Compressor Station in Green Township, Indiana County.

       GP5-32-00326: Power Gas Marketing and Transmission, Inc. (33 North Wickliffe Circle, Youngstown, OH 44515) on March 20, 2006, to operate a lean burn natural gas-fired Compressor Engine and a natural gas glycol dehydrator at their Rhea Compressor Station in Cherry Hill Township, Indiana County.

    Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       36-05093C: Martin Limestone, Inc. (P. O. Box 550, Blue Ball, PA 17506-0550) on March 22, 2007, to install a replacement recycled asphalt paving system at the company's Denver asphalt plant in East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County.

       Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       26-00451D: CONSOL Docks, Inc. (1800 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241) on March 20, 2007, to construct a clean bituminous coal transfer facility in Luzerne Township, Fayette County.

    Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.

       Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401, Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (484) 250-5920.

       23-0001W: Sunoco, Inc.--R&M (P. O. Box 426, Marcus Hook, PA 19061-0426) on March 24, 2007, to operate a desulphurize gasoline (tier II) in Marcus Hook Borough, Delaware County.

       46-0037Q: Cabot Supermetals (P. O. Box 1608, County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on March 21, 2007, to operate a wet dust collector in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0155: Sermatech International, Inc. (159 South Limerick Road, Royersford, PA 19468) on March 21, 2007, to operate three paint spray booths in Limerick Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0155C: Sermatech International, Inc. (159 South Limerick Road, Royersford, PA 19468) on March 21, 2007, to operate a binder mix tank in Limerick Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037V: Cabot Supermetals (P. O. Box 1608, County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on March 21, 2007, to operate a gemco dryer in Building 19 in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0180: Transicoil Corp. (9 Iron Bridge Drive, Collegeville, PA 19426) on March 27, 2007, to operate three solvert vapor degreasers in Perkiomen Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0180A: Transicoil Corp. (9 Iron Bridge Drive, Collegeville, PA 19426) on March 27, 2007, to operate a methanol glass cleaning operation in Perkiomen Township, Montgomery County.

       15-0078B: Centocor, Inc. (200 Great Valley Parkway, Malvern, PA 19355) on March 26, 2007, to operate two natural gas fired boilers in East Whiteland Township, Chester County.

       46-0035B: SmithKline Beecham--d/b/a Glaxo- SmithKline (709 Swedeland Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406) on March 26, 2007, to operate an emergency electric generator in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County.

       15-0078C: Centocor, Inc. (200 Great Valley Parkway, Malvern, PA 19355) on March 26, 2007, to operate two emergency generators in East Whiteland Township, Chester County.

       09-0134C: Reed Materials (P. O. Box 8888, Camp Hill, PA 17001) on March 26, 2007, to operate a replacement dust collector in Falls Township, Bucks County.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       PA06-03124: James Hardie Building Products, Inc.--Excelsior Industrial Park (318 June Avenue, Blandon, PA 19510) on April 6, 2007, to install a surface coating (painting) line in Maidencreek Township, Berks County. This plan approval was extended.

       Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.

       41-327-003A: PMF Industries, Inc. (2601 Reach Road, Williamsport, PA 17701) on March 20, 2007, to allow the use of n-propyl bromide solvents in a vapor degreaser in place of trichloroethylene in the City of Williamsport, Lycoming County.

       47-399-016: Augusta Fiberglass Coatings, Inc. (86 Lake Cynthia Road, Blackville, SC 29817) on March 23, 2007, to operate a fiberglass stack liner manufacturing operation on a temporary basis until July 21, 2007, at the PPL Montour Steam Electric Station in Derry Township, Montour County. The plan approval has been extended.

    Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.

       Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, Mark Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       58-00008: Pennfield Corp. (Box 222 Mill Street, South Montrose, PA 18843) on March 23, 2007, to operate a grain processing mill and associated air cleaning devices at their facility in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       06-003132: Ernst Cabinet Works, Inc. (51 Primrose Street, Hamburg, PA 19526) on March 21, 2007, to operate a wooden furniture manufacturing facility in Hamburg Borough, Berks County.

       21-03027: Lafferty and Co., Inc. (1100 Hummel Avenue, Lemoyne, PA 17043-1700) on March 20, 2007, for a wood fired boiler and wood working dust collection system silo in Lemoyne Borough, Cumberland County. This is a renewal of the State-only operating permit.

       28-05041: Jerr Dan Corp. (1080 Hykes Road, Greencastle, PA 17225-9647) on March 20, 2007, to construct two coating booths and three natural gas fired curing ovens of combined 7.5 mmBtu/hr rated heat input in Antrim Township, Franklin County.

       36-05064: Skyline Corp. (465 North Reading Road, Ephrata, PA 17522-9606) on March 20, 2007, to operate their modular home manufacturing facility in Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County. This is a renewal of their State-only operating permit.

       36-05065: Skyline Corp. (99 Horseshoe Road, Leola, PA 17540-1763) on March 20, 2007, to operate their modular home manufacturing facility in Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County. This is a renewal of their State-only operating permit.

       36-05145: Craigg Manufacturing Corp. (P. O. Box 901, Adamstown, PA 19501) on March 19, 2007, to operate their utility box manufacturing process at their facility in West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County.

       Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, Barbara Hatch, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       03-00202: Dominion Peoples--Roaring Run Station (1201 Pitt Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221-2029) on March 21, 2007, the facility's major sources of emissions include a compressor engine for natural gas transmission, an auxiliary power generating engine, a parts washer and fugitive VOC emissions in Kiskiminetas Township, Armstrong County.

       32-00365: Rosebud Mining Co. (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201) on March 21, 2007, for a State-only operating permit to operate the Dutch Run Mine Coal Preparation Plant in Washington Township, Indiana County.

       Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       25-00891: Corry Contract, Inc. (21 Maple Avenue, Corry, PA 16407) on March 22, 2007, to reissue a Synthetic Minor Permit to operate an office furniture manufacturing facility in City of Corry, Erie County. The facility's major emission sources include miscellaneous natural gas usage, boiler, third floor paint booth (5), three touch-up booths, batch oven touch up, cure oven, pyrolysis oven, five paint booths in plant II, plant II curing oven and degreaser unit. The facility has taken a restriction on VOC emission from the facility not more than 49.9 tpy to maintain the status of synthetic minor.

    Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.

       Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       67-03094: Rocher, Inc.--d/b/a Del-Wood Kitchens, Inc. (1856 Dubs Church Road, Hanover, PA 17331-8581) on March 22, 2007, to operate a wood kitchen cabinetmaking facility in Manheim Township, York County. This operating permit was administratively amended due to a change of ownership. This is revision No. 1.

       Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.

       14-00008: Bolton Metal Products, Ltd. (P. O. Box 388, Bellefonte, PA 16823) on March 20, 2007, in accordance with the minor operating permit modification requirements of 25 Pa. Code § 127.462, to authorize the discontinuation of use of a scrubber on a pickling vat, to remove several sources from the permit which no longer exist at the facility and to identify all of the facility's pickling vats in the permit in Spring Township, Centre County.

       Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       62-00162: Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC (Box 60B, Kinzua Road, Warren, PA 16365) on March 23, 2007, for an administrative amendment to the facility's Natural Minor Operating Permit 1 mile south of the City of Warren along Zimmerman Hill Road, in Pleasant Township, Warren County. The facility is permitted to operate a process which removes moisture from a natural gas pipeline and separates out propane and butane. This amendment was for a change of ownership.

       42-00181: Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC--Lewis Run Facility (371 South Avenue, Bradford, PA 16701) on March 23, 2007, to incorporate a change of ownership in Bradford Township, McKean County. The Department administratively amended Natural Minor Operating Permit Number.

       62-00148: Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC--Roystone Facility (Route 6, Sheffield, PA 16347) on March 23, 2007, for an administrative amendment to a Natural Minor Operating Permit to incorporate a change of ownership in Warren County.


    Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the request for 401 Water Quality Certification and the NPDES permit application. Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).

       Coal Permits Actions

       California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, (724) 769-1100.

       Permit No. 56841328 and NPDES Permit No. PA0033677. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201-9642). To revise the permit for the Mine 78 (known as Windber Mine No. 78) in Paint Township, Somerset County to change the operation name and add surface and subsidence control plan area acres to reopen the mine. Surface Acres Proposed 25.0, Subsidence Control Plan Acres Proposed 2,570.0, Receiving streams: Paint Creek, classified for the following use: CWF and UNT to Paint Creek, classified for the following use CWF. Application received: December 14, 2005. Permit issued: March 21, 2007.

       Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       56050108 and NPDES No. PA0249874. Hoffman Mining, Inc., (P. O. Box 130, 118 Runway Road, Friedens, PA 15541). Revision of an existing bituminous surface and auger mine to add 3 acres for extraction of coal and an additional 5 acres including support facilities for a total of 8 acres. Total SMP acres goes to 247.9. Receiving streams: Shade Creek and UNTs to/and Spruce Run classified for the following use: CWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Border Dam of Cambria/Somerset Authority. Application received: October 10, 2006. Permit issued: March 14, 2007.

       56823143 and NPDES No. PA0605841. Croner, Inc., (P. O. Box 260, Friedens, PA 15541). Permit renewal for the continued operation and restoration of a bituminous surface mine in Quemahoning Township, Somerset County, affecting 202.0 acres. Receiving streams: UNTs to Beaverdam Creek and Beaverdam Creek classified for the following use: HQ-CWF. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Hooversville Municipal Authority, Stonycreek River. Application received: January 17, 2007. Permit issued: March 20, 2007.

       32050104 and NPDES Permit No. PA0249742. Mears Energy, LLC, (225 Rich Hill Road, Penn Run, PA 15765). Transfer of an existing bituminous surface and auger mine from Short Brothers, Inc., 15 Rayne Run Road, Marion Center, PA 15759, located in West Mahoning Township, Indiana County, affecting 126.0 acres. Receiving stream: Carr Run classified for the following use: CWF. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: June 6, 2006. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 925-5500.

       26010102 and NPDES Permit No. PA0203009. Amerikohl Mining, Inc., (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Permit renewal issued for continued reclamation only of a bituminous surface mining site located in Saltlick Township, Fayette County, affecting 131.9 acres. Receiving streams: UNTs to Little Champion Creek to Little Champion Creek to Indian Creek. Application received: January 4, 2007. Reclamation-only renewal issued: March 20, 2007.

       Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.

       40-305-002GP12. Stockton Anthracite, Inc., (P. O. Box 546, Hazleton, PA 18201). General operating permit to operate a coal preparation plant (on SMP No. 40041601) in Hazle Township, Luzerne County. Application received: August 14, 2006. Permit issued: January 31, 2007.

       40-305-003GP12. Mammoth Anthracite, LLC, (P. O. Box Q, Milnesville, PA 18239). General operating permit to operate a coal preparation plant (on SMP No. 40930102) in Hazle Township, Luzerne County. Application received: August 14, 2006. Permit issued: November 7, 2006.

       49861303T and R4. Bear Gap Coal Company, (P. O. Box 64, Spring Glen, PA 17978). Transfer and renewal of an existing anthracite underground mine operation in Zerbe Township, Northumberland County affecting 2.8 acres, receiving stream: none. Applications received: November 20, 2006. Transfer and Renewal issued: March 20, 2007.

       54-305-001GP12. Blaschak Coal Corp., (P. O. Box 12, Mahanoy City, PA 17948). General operating permit to operate a coal preparation plant (on SMP No. 54830207) in Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill County. Application received: February 21, 2007. Permit issued: March 21, 2007.

       54733020R4 and NPDES Permit No. PA0012360. Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company, (P. O. Box 311, Tamaqua, PA 18252). Renewal of an existing anthracite surface mine, coal refuse disposal, coal preparation plant and coal ash utilization operation and NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage in Tamaqua, Coaldale, Lansford, Summit Hill and Nesquehoning Boroughs, Schuylkill and Carbon Counties affecting 7596.4 acres, receiving stream: Little Schuylkill River. Application received: February 28, 2005. Renewal issued: March 22, 2007.

       40850102R3. Northeast Energy Company, (254 Johnson Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702). Renewal of an existing anthracite surface mine operation in Laurel Run Borough, Luzerne County affecting 111.1 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received: August 14, 2006. Renewal issued: March 23, 2007.

       Noncoal Permits Actions

       Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       20062806. William J. and Sue A. Thompson, (16521 Phelps Road, Linesville, PA 16424). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small noncoal sand and gravel operation in Conneaut Township, Crawford County affecting 7.0 acres. Receiving streams: UNT to Black Jack Creek. Application received: November 17, 2006. Permit issued: March 15, 2007.

       Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, (814) 342-8200.

       08060815. Stephen L. Walter (R. R. 1, Box 39B, Sugar Run, PA 18846). Commencement, operation and restoration of a small noncoal (flagstone and shale) permit located in Stevens Township, Bradford County affecting 3.0 acres. Receiving streams: UNT to Cold Creek. Application received: November 13, 2006. Permit issued: March 13, 2007.

       Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.

       58070803. John Vandermark, (R. R. 7, Box 7298, Montrose, PA 18801). Commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation in Dimock Township, Susquehanna County affecting 5.0 acres, receiving stream: none. Application received: January 5, 2007. Permit issued: March 20, 2007.

       5273SM1C2. Haines & Kibblehouse, Inc., (P. O. Box 196, Skippack, PA 19474). Correction to an existing quarry operation in Aston Township, Delaware County affecting 50.02 acres, receiving stream: Chester Creek. Application received: November 15, 2006. Correction issued: March 21, 2007.


    Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 (43 P. S. §§ 151--161); and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124 (relating to blasting activity permits). Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.


       Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       21074123. T. J. Angelozzi, Inc., (7845 Kabik Court, Woodbine, MD 21797-9149). Blasting activity permit issued for residential development in Silver Spring Township, Cumberland County. Blasting activity permit end date is March 8, 2008. Permit issued: March 12, 2007.

       21074124. M & J Explosives, Inc., (P. O. Box 608, Carlisle, PA 17013-0608). Blasting activity permit issued for residential development in South Middleton Township, Cumberland County. Blasting activity permit end date is March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 12, 2007.

       21074125. M & J Explosives, Inc., (P. O. Box 608, Carlisle, PA 17013-0608). Blasting activity permit issued for residential development in South Middleton Township, Cumberland County. Blasting activity permit end date is March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 16, 2007.

       Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, (570) 621-3118.

       45074117. Explosive Services, Inc., (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431). Construction blasting for The Estates at Tannersville in Pocono Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       45074118. Explosive Services, Inc., (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431). Construction blasting for Leisure Lands Development in Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       45074121. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for Timber Hills Development in Price and Paradise Townships, Monroe County with an expiration date of March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       45074122. Hayduk Enterprises, Inc., (257 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419). Construction blasting for Timber Hills Development in Price and Paradise Townships, Monroe County with an expiration date of March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       52074104. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for a single dwelling in Delaware Township, Pike County with an expiration date of August 30, 2007. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       52074106. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for Pocono Mt. Lake Estates in Dingman, Delaware and Lehman Townships, Pike County with an expiration date of March 20, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       52074108. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for Sugar Mountain in Lackawaxen Township, Pike County with an expiration date of March 15, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       64074102. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for Wallenpaupack Lake Estates in Paupack Township, Wayne County with an expiration date of March 31, 2008. Permit issued: March 19, 2007.

       35074001. Dyna Tec Drilling and Blasting, LLC, (17 Deerfield Drive, Spring Brook, PA 18444). Construction blasting at Spring Brook Township Fire Hall in Spring Brook Township, Lackawanna County with an expiration date of December 31, 2007. Permit issued: March 20, 2007.

       40074001. Mazzuca Enterprises, Inc., (P. O. Box 443, 510 North 14th Street, Pottsville, PA 17901). Construction blasting for Municipal Authority of Hazle Township Southside Area Sewer Project in Hazle Township, Luzerne County with an expiration date of February 1, 2008. Permit issued: March 20, 2007.

       15074104. Horst Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (141 Ranck's Church Road, New Holland, PA 17557). Construction blasting for Brandywine Hill in Wallace Township, Chester County with an expiration date of March 1, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       23074101. Horst Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (141 Ranck's Church Road, New Holland, PA 17557), Construction blasting for Traymore Development in Rose Valley Borough, Delaware County with an expiration date of March 30, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       35074104. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for Valley View Business Park in Jessup Borough, Lackawanna County with an expiration date of March 25, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       36074128. Keystone Blasting Service, (381 Reifsnyder Road, Lititz, PA 17543). Construction blasting for manure storage facility in Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of June 30, 2007. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       45074123. Explosive Services, Inc., (7 Pine Street, Bethany, PA 18431). Construction blasting for Ivy Ridge in Smithfield Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of April 30, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       45074124. Hayduk Enterprises, Inc., (257 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419). Construction blasting for Greenwood Acres in Tunkhannock Township, Monroe County with an expiration date of April 30, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       46074108. Rock Work, Inc., (1257 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422). Construction blasting for Wooded Ridge in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County with an expiration date of April 1, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       52074107. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435). Construction blasting for commercial development in Palmyra Township, Pike County with an expiration date of March 20, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       52074109. ER Linde Construction Corp., (9 Collan Park, Honesdale, PA 18431). Construction blasting for commercial development in Palmyra Township, Pike County with an expiration date of March 1, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       52074110. Hayduk Enterprises, Inc., (257 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419). Construction blasting for Pocono Ranch Lands in Lehman Township, Pike County with an expiration date of April 30, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       67074117. Warren's Excavating & Drilling, Inc., (P. O. Box 1022, Honey Brook, PA 19344). Construction blasting for Newberry Township Salt Shed in Newberry Township, York County with an expiration date of March 20, 2008. Permit issued: March 22, 2007.

       23074102. Allan A. Myers, Inc. d/b/a Independence Construction Materials, (P. O. Box 98, Worcester, PA 19490). Construction blasting for Maris Grove in Concord Township, Delaware County with an expiration date of March 22, 2008. Permit issued: March 23, 2007.

       36074129. Horst Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (141 Ranck's Church Road, New Holland, PA 17557). Construction blasting for Strasburg Commons in Strasburg Borough, Lancaster County with an expiration date of March 26, 2007. Permit issued: March 23, 2007.

       36074130. Gerlach's Drilling & Blasting, (172 Bender Mill Road, Lancaster, PA 17603). Construction blasting for Crossgates in Millersville Borough and Manor Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of April 1, 2008. Permit issued: March 23, 2007.

       47074102. DC Guelich Explosives, Inc., (R. R. 3, Box 125A, Clearfield, PA 16830). Construction blasting for Woods of Welsch in Mahoning, Valley and Mayberry Townships, Montour County with an expiration date of March 21, 2008. Permit issued: March 23, 2007.


       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).

       Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users should contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law (35 §§ 691.1--691.702) and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).

       Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued

       Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3636.

       E53-413. Dominion Transmission, Inc., 445 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301. Dominion Transmission Cove Point TL-453 EXT1 Expansion Project, Bingham, Genesee and Harrison Townships, Potter County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Ellisburg, PA Quadrangle N:  9.19 inches; W:  2.37 inches).

       To construct, operate and maintain a 24-inch diameter gas pipeline, designated TL-453 EXT1, over 11.6 miles within a 75-foot right-of-way for the transmission of natural gas. Construction, operation and maintenance of the TL-453 EXT1 will require 15 stream and 23 wetland crossings that are as follows:

    Crossing Identification Crossing Disturbance Aquatic Resource Water Quality Latitude Longitude
    SPA-KDR-023 75.0 feet UNT HQ-CWF 41° 56` 30.47" 77° 53` 10.92"
    SPA-KDR-024 87.0 feet UNT HQ-CWF 41° 55` 30.43" 77° 53` 10.80"
    SPA-KDR-026 77.0 feet Middle Branch Genesee HQ-CWF 41° 55` 58.76" 77° 51` 02.58"
    SPA-SCR-001 78.5 feet UNT CWF 41° 56` 19.08" 77° 49` 47.71"
    SPA-SCR-012 78.0 feet Genesee River CWF 41° 56` 26.91" 77° 48` 51.85"
    SPA-SCR-011 111.5 feet   UNT CWF 41° 56` 49.10" 77° 46` 22.87"
    SPA-SCR-010 77.0 feet UNT CWF 41° 56` 53.70" 77° 48` 17.01"
    SPA-SCR-009 89.0 feet UNT CWF 41° 56` 59.92" 77° 46` 09.10"
    SPA-SCR-008 94.0 feet UNT CWF 41° 57` 02.46" 77° 46` 05.91"
    SPA-SCR-007 78.0 feet UNT CWF 41° 57` 47.65" 77° 44` 19.74"
    SPA-SCR-006 78.0 feet UNT CWF 41° 57` 48.23" 77° 44` 18.44"
    SPA-SCR-005B 143.0 feet   UNT CWF 41° 58` 15.10" 77° 43` 11.86"
    SPA-SCR-013 84.0 feet Marsh Creek CWF 41° 58` 01.47" 78° 05` 19.28"
    SPA-KDR-025 50.0 feet UNT HQ-CWF 41° 56` 36.90" 77° 53` 11.30"
    SPA-SCR-002 50.0 feet North Branch Cowanesque CWF 41° 58` 39.82" 77° 41` 06.03"
    WPA-KDR-025 270.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 55` 58.54" 77° 51` 01.47"
    WPA-SCR-001 82.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 55` 29.37" 77° 48` 52.83"
    WPA-SCR-032 53.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 56` 30.14" 77° 48` 51.26"
    WPA-SCR-040 43.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 56` 33.44" 77° 48` 43.63"
    WPA-SCR-030 27.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 56` 53.97" 77° 46` 17.25"
    WPA-SCR-029 288.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 56` 55.87" 77° 46` 13.83"
    WPA-SCR-028 194.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 56` 59.81" 77° 46` 09.17"
    WPA-SCR-027 92.0 feet Wetland CWF41° 57` 02.36" 77° 46` 05.29"
    WPA-SCR-026 43.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 57` 07.23" 77° 46` 00.22"
    WPA-SCR-022 148.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 57` 26.67" 77° 45` 19.03"
    WPA-SCR-021 35.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 57` 28.04" 77° 45` 16.05"
    WPA-SCR-020 17.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 57` 29.19" 77° 25` 14.55"
    WPA-SCR-017 21.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 12.94" 77° 43` 19.84"
    WPA-SCR-035 301.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 58` 15.10" 77° 43` 11.18"
    WPA-SCR-033 20.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 17.00" 77° 43` 03.66"
    WPA-SCR-013 155.0 feet   Wetland CWF41° 58` 29.92" 77° 42` 37.25"
    WPA-SCR-012 37.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 24.72" 77° 42` 33.06"
    WPA-SCR-010 330.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 58` 25.52" 77° 42` 27.90"
    WPA-SCR-009 24.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 27.62" 77° 42` 21.50"
    WPA-SCR-008 19.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 27.18" 77° 42` 19.76"
    WPA-SCR-002 11.0 feet Wetland CWF 41° 58` 33.41" 77° 41` 46.29"
    WPA-SCR-003 243.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 58` 32.47" 77° 41` 40.79"
    WPA-SCR-003 111.0 feet   Wetland CWF 41° 58` 36.53" 77° 41` 17.56"

       All gas transmission lines under streambeds shall be constructed so there will be a minimum of 3 feet of cover between the top of the pipe and the lowest point in the streambed. Trench plugs or clay dikes shall be used at every waterway and wetland crossing to ensure the existing hydrology is not altered. The western terminus of TL-453 EXT1 is located along the eastern right-of-way of SR 0244 approximately 1,950 feet south of Genesee Township Road No. 410 and SR 0244 intersection. This permit also will authorize construction, operation, maintenance and removal of temporary construction crossings, causeways, stream diversions and cofferdams. All temporary structures shall be constructed of clean rock that is free of fines; and upon completion of construction activities, all temporary structures shall be removed with disturbed areas being restored to original contours and elevations. If upon investigation, the Department determines the gas transmission line and/or in-stream structures approved by this permit is serving to degrade water quality, stream profile, meander pattern or channel geometries, then the permittee shall be required to implement all measures necessary to mitigate the degradation. Construction of the gas pipelines will permanently impact 1.63 acres of wetland, for which the permittee has agreed to replace 1.0 acre, enhance 0.1 acre and preserve 5.1 acres of wetlands for mitigating the permanent wetland impacts authorized by this permit.

       E53-416. Dominic DiFilippo and Gino J. DiFilippo, 192 New Garden Road, Avondale, PA 19311. DiFilippo Private Bridges and Streambank Stabilization Project in Abbott Township, Potter County, ACOE Baltimore District (Galeton, PA Quadrangle Latitude: 41° 38` 53"; Longitude: 77° 39` 29").

       The applicant proposes to: (1) remove an existing streambank retaining wall along Germania Branch-Kettle Creek and a residential dwelling within the floodway of the same waterway; (2) repair, operate and maintain 200 feet of streambank retaining wall; (3) repair, operate and maintain two existing footbridges across Germania Branch; and (4) construct, operate and maintain two private vehicular bridges across Germania Branch to provide access to private properties and existing residential dwellings. Repair of the existing streambank retaining wall will be limited to a poured concrete and/or concrete blocks that shall be constructed during stream low flow and dry work conditions by dam and pumping or diverting stream flow around the work area. The two vehicular bridges shall be constructed by complete spans of the stream channel providing for a maximum waterway opening. The project is located along the northern right-of-way of Rauch Road approximately 1,050 feet east of SR 0144 and Rauch Road intersection. This permit was issued under Section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E59-481. Emory Cook, 2119 Armstrong Valley Road, Halifax, PA 17032. Water Obstruction and Encroachment Joint Permit Application in Westfield Borough, Tioga County, ACOE Susquehanna River Basin District (Potter Brook, PA Quadrangle N:  41° 54` 25"; W:  77° 32` 2").

       To construct and maintain a 50-foot long by 14-foot wide bridge, having an average underclearance of 5 feet on a skew of 90° over Mill Creek (CWF). The project is located along SR 0349 approximately 1 mile south of the intersection with SR 0049 in Westfield Borough, Tioga County. This project does not propose to impact any jurisdictional wetlands. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.


       Southwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       E02-1515. Riverlife Task Force, 425 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. To construct a new boat ramp and pedestrian path in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Pittsburgh West, PA Quadrangle N:  11.35 inches; W:  0.70 and Latitude: 40° 26` 15", Longitude: 80° 01` 17"). To remove the existing boat ramp and to construct and maintain a new boat ramp, to construct and maintain a new pedestrian recreation path, concrete box planters, improvements to the bulkhead of the existing wall and replacing existing asphalt along the right bank of the Monongahela River (WWF) for the purpose of improving the existing Monongahela Wharf. The project is located approximately 1,500.0 feet upstream from the Fort Pitt Bridge, and will impact 2,017.0 linear feet of stream channel.

       E32-479. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 10-0, 2550 Oakland Avenue, P. O. Box 429, Indiana, PA 15701. To construct numerous culverts in the Conemaugh River in East and West Wheatfield Townships, Indiana County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (beginning from Bolivar, PA Quadrangle, N:  7.08 inches and W:  1.02 inches and Latitude 40° 27` 12"; Longitude 79° 8` 38"; and ending New Florence, PA Quadrangle, N:  6.87 inches and W:  3.64 inches and Latitude 40° 26` 58"; Longitude 79° 2` 58"). To construct and maintain: a 250 ft. long 36-inch diameter culvert, a 290-ft. long 30-inch diameter culvert, a 236-ft. long 36-inch diameter culvert and a 360-ft. long 36-inch diameter culvert in UNTs to the Conemaugh River; an 84-ft. long 24-inch diameter culvert and a 272-ft. long 36-inch diameter culvert in UNTs to Blacklick Creek; a 260-ft. long 30-inch diameter culvert in a UNT to the West Branch Richards Run; a 128-ft. long 24-inch diameter culvert in a UNT to the East Branch Richards Run; a 184-ft. long 30-inch diameter culvert in a UNT to Ramsey Run; a 139-ft. long 48-inch diameter extension to an existing 197-ft. long 3-ft. by 3-ft. box culvert in a UNT to Blacklick Creek; a 135-ft. long 42 inch diameter extension to an existing 130-ft. long 4-ft. by 3-ft. box culvert in a UNT to the West Branch of Richards Run; 810-ft. of stream relocation to a UNT of Blacklick Creek; and 170-ft. of stream relocation in a UNT of West Branch Richards Run. In addition 0.38 acre of wetlands will be filled and maintained; 340-ft. of existing culverted stream channel will be opened in a UNT to Blacklick Creek; 170-ft. of existing culverted stream will be opened in a UNT to West Branch Richards Run; and construction and maintenance of road associated stormwater outfalls. All streams are Chapter 93 CWF and all drainage areas are less than 37 acres. Replacement wetlands have already been constructed at the AMD and Art Demonstration Project in Vintondale. Stream mitigation includes completed stream bank and crossing fencing at various farms. This project is associated with the larger, phased SR 0022 relocation and improvement work with this section (Section 494) starting approximately 5 miles east of Blairsville and extending east 4.5 miles located in West Wheatfield and East Wheatfield Townships.

       E63-586. Tanger Factory Outlet, 3200 Northline Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408. To construct a bridge in South Strabane Township, Washington County, Pittsburgh ACOE District. (Washington East, PA Quadrangle N:  16.7"; W:  12.06"; Latitude: 40° 13` 09"; Longitude: 80° 12` 13"). To construct and maintain a 150-ft. of 20-ft. by 9-ft. concrete arch bridge in a UNT to Chartiers Creek (WWF) and fill in 0.27 acre of nearby wetland (PEM), to provide access (Tanger Boulevard) to a proposed commercial outlet center (Tanger Outlets at Victory Centre). In addition, another 605-ft. of various UNTs to Chartiers Creek (WWF) will be cumulatively filled, in association with the proposed development. The project is located off Race Track Road (SR 1041), approximately 0.2 mile east of this roadway's interchange with I-79. To compensate for these environmental impacts, the permittee will construct 0.58 acre of replacement wetland (0.34 acre PEM/0.24 acre PSS), restore 907-ft. Tributary 1 and reconstruct 197-ft. of Tributary 3. In additional three utility line stream crossings and associated temporary road crossings will be constructed. In addition, the permittee will restore 450-ft. of Tributary 6, to compensate for previously unauthorized activities.

       Northwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       E20-544, Robert E. Thompson, Chairperson, Beaver Township Supervisors, 3298 Parker Road, Springboro, PA 16435. T-338 Maples Road Bridge Replacement, in Beaver Township, Crawford County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Beaver Center, PA Quadrangle N:  5.3 inches; W:  10.0 inches).

       The applicant proposes to remove the existing bridge and to construct and maintain a stream crossing on T-338 (Maples Road) consisting of three HDPE plastic culvert pipes having a diameter of 4 feet and a length of 30 feet in the East Branch of Conneaut Creek approximately 1.1 mile North of the intersection of SR 198 and T-338 (Maples Road). Project includes wingwalls consisting of 2-foot by 2-foot by 6-foot concrete blocks and removal of a gravel deposit/channel realignment having a length of approximately 50 feet. The existing structure was severely deteriorated and the proposed crossing has already been constructed under Emergency Permit No. EP2005605. East Branch of Conneaut Creek is a perennial stream classified as a CWF and a migratory fishery. The project proposes to directly impact approximately 100 feet of stream.


       Northcentral Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       EA 14-005. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 315 South Allen Street, State College, PA 16801. State College Elks Club Stream Restoration Project, Harris Township, Centre County. ACOE Baltimore District (State College, PA Quadrangle Latitude 40° 46` 45.89"; Longitude 77° 45` 39.69"). To restore 668 linear feet of stream on a UNT to Spring Creek (CWF). The project involves the installation of eight mudsills, four water jacks, two rock vanes and one log vane. The floodplain will be raised to bankfull height on the right bank and two existing sand traps will be converted to wetlands. Approval of an Environmental Assessment is requested in conjunction with § 105.12(a)(16), Dam Safety and Waterway Management, regarding restoration activities.

       Cambria District: Environmental Program Manager, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931-4119.

       EA1009-008. Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project, in Allegheny Township, Butler County, Pittsburgh ACOE District.

       The applicant proposes to backfill an abandoned surface mine, which includes a total of 1,500 linear feet of dangerous highwall. The project will include the backfilling of 0.26 acre of PEM wetland that have developed within the open surface mine pit. 0.33 acre of replacement wetland will be constructed with the project. (Sunbury Quadrangle N:  7.25 inches; W:  10.5 inches).

       Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 3, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105.

       EA28-003CO. Dirk Schenk, 10204 Amsterdam Road, Waynesboro, PA 17268, Washington Township, Franklin County, ACOE Baltimore District. To repair the embankment and remove accumulated sediment from an existing nonjurisdictional dam adjacent to a UNT to Red Run (CWF). The dam is located approximately 900 feet west of the intersection of Old Mill Road and Amsterdam Road (Smithsburg, MD-PA Quadrangle, Latitude 39° 44' 03"; Longitude: 77° 33' 08"). The project will impact 0.025-acre of PEM wetland. The wetland impact is considered de minimis, therefore replacement is not required.

    Special Notice

    Sewage Facilities Act Special Notice

    Special Notice Under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. § 750.5)

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       Project Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Washington Township 11800 Edinboro Road
    Edinboro, PA 16412

       Project Description: On March 22, 2007, the Department of Environmental Protection entered into a Consent Order and Agreement with Washington Township and the Washington Township Sewer Authority to, among other things, settle two separate EHB appeals, violations of The Clean Streams Law and address Washington's existing and future sewage flows in order to achieve compliance with The Clean Streams Law, the Sewage Facilities Act and all applicable Regulations by May 31, 2009.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-603. Filed for public inspection April 6, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]

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