contract_awards Contract awards  

  • April 6, 2002

       The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:

    Contract No.
    Date or
    ToIn the
    Amount Of
    2805-01 rip#1 03/20/02 Five Star International $   50,000.00
    2805-01 rip#1 03/20/02 Sunbury Motor 50,000.00
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 Neville Aggregates 400,000.00
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 Valley Forge 400,000.00
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 Jamestown Macadam 400,000.00
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 Dushore Materials/div Haines & Kibblehouse 400,000.00
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 E. R. Lindy Construction/
    Leeward Quarry
    5610-15 sup#4 03/20/02 Chestnut Ridge Sand/div Haines & Kibblehouse 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Allegheny Concrete 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Arrow Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Beaver Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Berks Products 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Carbondale Concrete 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Castle Builders Supply 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Central Builders Supply 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Centre Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Coon Industries 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Cumberland Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 DePaul Concrete 200,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 DuBrook 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Earl M Brown 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Eastern Industries West 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Fl-Hoff Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Frank Casillio & Sons 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Glenn Sand & Gravel/Glenn Redi-Mix 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 H. B. Mellott Estate 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Hempt Brothers 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Hoys Construction 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 J. D. M. Materials 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 J. J. Kennedy 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 James W. Quandel & Sons 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 John H. Boger & Sons 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Judson Wiley & Sons 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Juniata Concrete 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 LER Concrete Products 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Little Lise/Wayne Concrete 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Marion Center Supply 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Martin Limestone/dba New Holland Concrete 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Masters RMC 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Meadville Redi Mix Concrete 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 New Enterprise Stone & Lime 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Pennsy Supply 300,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Pocono Transcrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Porters Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Prospect Concrete 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 R. W. Sidley 200,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Ready Mix Concrete/Lancaster 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Schiffer Excavating/Franklin Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Scranton Craftsmen 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Serv-All Concrete 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 State Aggregates 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Susquehanna Supply 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 T. C. Redi Mix/New Castle 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Thompson & Montgomery 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Trenton Group/Hanover Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Trenton Group/Shrewsbury Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Union Quarries 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Valley Quarries 350,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 W. H. Stone 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Wades Coal &Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Wayne County Ready Mic Concrete 250,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Wine Concrete 400,000.00
    5610-49 03/15/02 Wolyniec Construction/J & F Ready Mixed Concrete 350,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Central Asphalt 386,375.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Daniel B Krieg 120,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Dosch King Emulsions 11,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Eastern Industries 100,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Highway Materials 140,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 JMG Enterprises 286,700.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Koch Materials 1,659,866.40
    5710-01 04/01/02 Marathon Asland Petroleum 4,931,949.50
    5710-01 04/01/02 Russell Standard 240,983.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Suit-Kote 4,215,614.90
    5710-01 04/01/02 T D P S Materials 20,000.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Vestal Asphalt 167,202.00
    5710-01 04/01/02 Warden Asphalt 596,292.58
    5710-01 04/01/02 Whitaker Roads 567,740.66
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Ciber 5,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Erdas 5,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Knowledgeplanet 20,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Monette Information Systems 10,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Seebeyond Technology 5,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Sybase 5,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Unisys 15,000.00
    5810-03 sup#11 03/27/02 Young Opportunities 25,000.00
    5820-01 sup#2 03/22/02 Hitachi 10,000.00
    5820-01 sup#2 03/22/02 Visual Sound 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip& sup#1 03/21/02 American Furniture/American of Martinville 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Biofit Engineered Products 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Butler Woodcrafters 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Canadian Atlas/CAF Contract Seating 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Concept Seating 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 DMI Furniture 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 David Edward 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Desaussure Equipment/Maywood Furniture 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 ERG International 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Environmental Interiors 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Epic Furniture Group 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 ISE 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 J. P. Jay Associates 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 JSJ Seating/Superior Seating 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Jaspar Chair 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Jaspar Desk 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 LBM/Lizell 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Mastercraft Specialties 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 The New This End Up Furniture 100,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Tract International 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Transamerican Office Furniture 550,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 Ulysses Woodcraft 50,000.00
    7105-05 rip & sup#1 03/21/02 World Designs 100,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Mailing Systems 10,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Moore of North America 10,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Neopost 5,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Pitney Bowes 10,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Priority Systems 50,000.00
    7490-03 04/01/02 Transamerican Office Furniture 10,000.00
    7520-10 03/04/02 Adolph Sufrin 120,532.00
    7520-10 03/04/02 Pyramid School Products 20,286.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Anthony F Ramondo & Son 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Bear of Pennsylvania 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Bitting Recreation 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 BJM Industries 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 General Recreation 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 George Ely Associates 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Jamestown Advanced Products 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Kettle Creek/Windsor Barrel 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Kompan 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Lawn & Golf Supply 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Litchfield Industries 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Mary Ann Susik/Mas Supply 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Miracle Recreation/Mid Atlantic Park & Playground 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Playworld Systems 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Progressive Products& Materials 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Recreation Resource 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 R. J. Thomas 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Sofsurfaces 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Speciality Plastics 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Spectra Turf 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Sportime 42,500.00
    7810-01 02/28/02 Wabash Valley 42,500.00
    9550-10 03/22/02 Franklin Industries 116,118.85
    9550-10 03/22/02 Garden State Highway Products 15,967.90
    9550-10 03/22/02 Sigma Industries 85,825.00
    9905-04 04/01/02 3M TCM 23,995.16
    9905-04 04/01/02 Avery Dennison/Stimsonite 40,242.50
    9905-06 04/01/02 3M 277,115.36
    9905-06 04/01/02 Avery Dennison 1,666.91
    9905-06 04/01/02 Hershey Paper 4,125.00
    9985-12 03/15/02 Capitol Wire 100,000.00
    9985-15 sup#3 03/13/02 Acurid Commercial Services/Orkin 50,000.00
    9985-15 sup#3 03/13/02 Pest Solutions 50,000.00
    1230181-01 03/26/02 Mail-Well Envelope 41,790.00
    8141880-01 03/26/02 W L Dunn Construction 38,341.16
    8251140-01 03/26/02 Tenco USA 455,334.00
    8251300-01 03/26/02 Ralph A Mattiola 42,898.00
    8251560-01 03/26/02 J & J Truck 56,962.00
    8260120-01 03/26/02 AWS Remediation 557,433.00



    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-559. Filed for public inspection April 5, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]


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