Availability of Technical Guidance [35 Pa.B. 2691] Technical guidance documents are on the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) website: www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: Participate). The ''Current Inventory'' heading is the Governor's list of nonregulatory guidance documents. The ''Final Documents'' heading is the link to a menu of the various Department bureaus and from there to each bureau's final technical guidance documents. The ''Draft Technical Guidance'' heading is the link to the Department's draft technical guidance documents.
The Department will continue to revise its nonregulatory documents, as necessary, throughout 2005.
Ordering Paper Copies of Department Technical Guidance
The Department encourages the use of the Internet to view guidance documents. When this option is not available, persons can order a bound paper copy of the latest inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the inventory by calling the Department at (717) 783-8727.
In addition, bound copies of some of the Department's documents are available as Department publications. Check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.
Changes to Technical Guidance Documents
Following is the current list of recent changes. Persons who have questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document.
Notice to Rescind/Remove
DEP ID: 012-0830-001. Title: Data Standards for Names and Addresses. Description: This document provided standard naming conventions for use within the Department. It provided no directives, guidance or compliance related information that is of use to the public. It is being rescinded to avoid confusion with the procedures and instructions for the Department's internal database systems. Effective Date: The document will be rescinded effective May 3, 2005. Contact: Patricia Hammaker, Bureau of Information Technology, (717) 772-4784.
DEP ID: 012-0830-002. Title: Data Standards for Pennsylvania Municipality Codes and Names. Description: This document provided standard naming conventions for use within the Department. It provided no directives, guidance or compliance related information that is of use to the public. It is being rescinded to avoid confusion with the procedures and instructions for the Department's internal database systems. Effective Date: The document will be rescinded effective May 3, 2005. Contact: Patricia Hammaker, Bureau of Information Technology, (717) 772-4784.
Draft Guidance--Substantive Revision
DEP ID: 393-0900-011. Title: Modification and Maintenance Issues. Description: This guidance document assists individuals in determining the classification of various modifications to storage tank systems and in determining when certified inspectors or installers are required. Written Comments: Interested persons may submit written comments on draft technical guidance document 393-0900-011 by May 31, 2005. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. The Department will accept comments submitted by e-mail. A return name and address must be included in each e-mail transmission. Written comments should be submitted to Charles Swokel, Division of Storage Tanks, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 10th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17105, cswokel@state.pa.us. Questions regarding the draft technical guidance document should be directed to Charles Swokel (717) 772-5551 or cswokel@state.pa.us. Contact: Charles Swokel, Division of Storage Tanks, (717) 772-5551, or cswokel@state.pa.us. Effective Date: Upon publication as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Final Guidance--New Guidance
DEP ID: 383-2129-003. Title: Consumer Confidence Report Handbook. Description: This handbook was developed to assist community water suppliers in complying with the consumer confidence reporting requirements found in 25 Pa. Code § 109.416 (relating to CCR requirements). Under these requirements, community water systems must provide to their customers an annual consumer confidence report (CCR) on the quality of the water delivered by the public water system. These requirements incorporate the provisions of the Federal CCR Rules that were mandated by the 1996 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and represent the cornerstone of the public right-to-know provisions in the SDWA. A notice of availability of the draft version of this document was published at 35 Pa.B. 794 (February 5, 2005). Provision for a 30-day public comment period was provided for the draft document, which concluded on March 7, 2005. No comments were received. Contact: Deb Rotz, Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, (717) 772-2190. Effective Date: April 30, 2005.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 05-844. Filed for public inspection April 29, 2005, 9:00 a.m.]