591 Temporary general provisions; gaming related gaming service providers; and table game rules for Sic Bo?
PENNSYLVANIA GAMING CONTROL BOARD [ 58 PA. CODE CHS. 521, 528 and 539 ] Temporary General Provisions; Gaming Related Gaming Service Providers; and Table Game Rules for Sic Bo [40 Pa.B. 1740]
[Saturday, April 3, 2010]The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (Board), under its general authority in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1303A (relating to temporary table game regulations) enacted by the act of January 7, 2010 (Act 1) and the specific authority in 4 Pa.C.S. §§ 1302A(1)—(4) and 1317.2(a) (relating to regulatory authority; and gaming service provider), adopts temporary regulations in Chapters 521, 528 and 539 (relating to general provisions; gaming related gaming service providers; and Sic Bo) to read as set forth in Annex A. The Board's temporary regulations will be added to Part VII (relating to Gaming Control Board) as part of Subpart K (relating to table games).
Purpose of the Temporary Rulemaking
This temporary rulemaking contains general provisions, certification requirements for gaming related gaming service providers and the table game rules for Sic Bo.
Explanation of Chapters 521, 528 and 539
Section 521.4 (relating to request to offer a new table game or new feature for an existing table game) has been amended to provide certificate holders a more detailed list of the information the Board will require to be included in a request to offer a new game or feature for an existing game. New §§ 521.6—521.9 (relating to electronic, electrical and mechanical devices prohibited; minimum and maximum wagers; additional wagering requirements; rules of the games; notice; and patron access to the rules of the games; gaming guides) have been added. Section 521.6 prohibits the use of equipment that could be used for cheating. Section 521.7 sets forth the requirements for setting maximum and minimum wagers at gaming tables while § 521.8 sets forth the rules governing signage at the gaming tables. Finally, § 521.9 requires certificate holders to make the rules of each table game offered available to the public and to develop a gaming guide which summarizes the rules.
Chapter 528 sets forth the certification process for gaming related gaming service providers. These individuals or entities provide new games or wagers, game variations or similar innovations for which they have received or applied for a patent. Since they do not meet the definition of a manufacturer or supplier, the Board is creating a category of gaming service providers for these individuals and entities.
Included in this Chapter are provisions relating to: who will be considered to be a gaming related gaming service provider; the application and renewal process; the qualification process for key individuals who own or are employed by the gaming related gaming service provider; gaming related gaming service provider responsibilities; the gaming related gaming service provider list; permission to conduct business prior to certification; requirements related to using a gaming related gaming service provider; and certificate holders' duty to investigate.
Chapter 539 contains the rules governing the play of Sic Bo, a game that uses three dice and an electronic layout which contains various combinations of the results that can occur when the dice are rolled. The provisions in this chapter address: physical characteristics of Sic Bo tables, dice and other related equipment; the permissible wagers; the opening of Sic Bo tables and procedures for completion of each round of play; payment and collection of wagers; and how irregularities in play are to be handled.
Affected Parties
Slot machine licensees who elect to become certificate holders will be required to post minimum and maximum wagering limits at each gaming table, make the rules of each table game offered available to the public and develop a gaming guide which summarizes the rules. They will also have to hire and train dealers for the table games they wish to offer and purchase the equipment necessary to conduct the table games.
Individuals who want to become gaming related gaming services providers will have to complete a certification application and pay the applicable fees.
The Board does not anticipate that it will receive many gaming related gaming service provider applications and any applications it does receive will be reviewed by existing Bureau of Licensing staff. The Board will experience increased regulatory demands resulting from the implementation of table games. The most significant increases will be the hiring of additional casino compliance agents to oversee the operation of the table games at the licensed facilities and increased number of license and occupation permit applications that will have to be processed by the Bureau of Licensing.
Fiscal Impact
The Board expects that it will experience increased costs related to adding additional staff at the licensed facilities and at its offices to handle the increased licensing and oversight requirements that will result from the introduction of table games. Because the Board is just starting to receive petitions from slot machine licensees seeking permission to conduct table games, the extent of these additional costs are not known. However, the Board does not expect these increased costs to exceed the additional funding provided to the Board under Act 1.
Political Subdivisions
This rulemaking will have no direct fiscal impact on political subdivisions of this Commonwealth. Eventually, host Municipalities and Counties will benefit from the local share funding that is mandated by Act 1.
Private Sector
This rulemaking will result in additional costs for slot machine licensees who elect to become certificate holders. More specifically, certificate holders will experience minor costs associated with the signage requirements for gaming tables and the production costs associated with the gaming guides. However the Board does not expect these costs to be significant. Certificate holders will also be required to pay a table games licensing fee, purchase equipment to conduct the table games they elect to offer and to hire and train employees to operate table games. While these costs will be significant, they will be offset by the revenues generated from the table games.
General Public
This rulemaking will have no direct fiscal impact on the general public.
Paperwork Requirements
This rulemaking will require certificate holders to: post signs at gaming tables; have complete sets of rules for all the games they offer available for public inspection; produce a gaming guide summarizing the rules of the games they offer; and file Rules Submissions for each table game they elect to offer. The Rules Submissions may take the form of standardized checklists for each game and should be relatively simple to fill out.
Effective Date
This temporary rulemaking will become effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Public Comments
While this rulemaking will be effective upon publication, the Board is seeking comments from the public and affected parties as to how this temporary regulation might be improved. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regarding this temporary rulemaking within 30 days after the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin to Richard Sandusky, Director of Regulatory Review, Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, P. O. Box 69060, Harrisburg, PA 17106-9060, Attention: Public Comment on Regulation #125-114.
Contact Person
The contact person for questions about this rulemaking is Richard Sandusky, Director of Regulatory Review at (717) 214-8111.
Regulatory Review
Under 4 Pa.C.S. § 1303A, the Board is authorized to adopt temporary regulations which are not subject to the provisions of: sections 201—205 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P. L. 769, No. 240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law (CDL); the Regulatory Review Act (71 P. S. §§ 745.1—745.12); and sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the Commonwealth Attorneys Act (71 P. S. §§ 732-204(b) and 732-301(10)). These temporary regulations shall expire 2 years after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
The Board finds that:
(1) Under 4 Pa.C.S. § 1303A, the temporary regulations are exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Review Act, sections 201—205 of the CDL and sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the Commonwealth Attorney Act.
(2) The adoption of the temporary regulations is necessary and appropriate for the administration and enforcement of 4 Pa.C.S. Part II (relating to gaming).
The Board, acting under 4 Pa.C.S. Part II, orders that:
(1) The regulations of the Board, 58 Pa. Code Chapters 521, 528 and 539, are amended by amending § 521.4 and adding §§ 521.6—521.9, 528.1—528.9 and 539.1—539.7 to read as set forth in Annex A.
(2) The temporary regulations are effective April 3, 2010.
(3) The temporary regulations will be posted on the Board's web site and published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
(4) The temporary regulations shall be subject to amendment as deemed necessary by the Board.
(5) The Chairperson of the Board shall certify this order and Annex A and deposit them with the Legislative Reference Bureau as required by law.
ChairpersonFiscal Note: 125-114. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
Annex A TITLE 58. RECREATION PART VII. GAMING CONTROL BOARD Subpart K. TABLE GAMES CHAPTER 521. GENERAL PROVISIONS § 521.4. Request to offer a new table game or new feature for an existing table game.
A certificate holder that desires to offer a new table game that is not in this subpart or offer a new wager or feature as part of a table game included in this subpart, shall file a written request with the Board's Executive Director. The request, at a minimum, must contain:
(1) A detailed description of the table game or feature including the rules of play and wagering that would be used for the new table game or feature. In addition, for table games, the certificate holder shall:
(i) Indicate whether the game is a variation of an authorized game, a composite of authorized games, or a new game.
(ii) Provide the true odds, the payout odds, and the house advantage for each wager.
(iii) Provide a sketch or picture of the game layout, if any.
(iv) Provide sketches or pictures of the equipment used to play the game.
(2) The reason why the new table game or feature is being proposed.
(3) A list of other gaming jurisdictions where the new table game or feature is currently being offered.
(4) Whether the game, its name, or any of the equipment used to play the game is covered by any copyrights, trademarks or patents, either issued or pending.
§ 521.6. Electronic, electrical and mechanical devices prohibited.
Except as specifically permitted by the Board, a person may not possess with the intent to use, or actually use, at any table game, either by himself or in concert with others, any calculator, computer, or other electronic, electrical or mechanical device to assist in projecting an outcome at any table game or in keeping track of or analyzing the cards having been dealt, the changing probabilities of any table game, or the playing strategies to be utilized.
§ 521.7. Minimum and maximum wagers; additional wagering requirements.
(a) Certificate holders shall establish minimum and maximum wagers for any authorized table game in a licensed facility.
(b) A certificate holder shall provide notice of the minimum and maximum wagers in effect at each gaming table, and any changes thereto, in accordance with § 521.8 (relating to rules of the games; notice).
(c) Any wager accepted by a dealer that exceeds the current table maximum or is lower than the current table minimum shall be paid or lost in its entirety in accordance with the rules of the game.
(d) Nothing in this section precludes a certificate holder from establishing additional wagering requirements that are consistent with the rules of the game, such as a requirement that wagers be made in specified increments, provided that the wagering requirements are specified in the rules of the game or in the certificate holder's Rule Submission under § 521.2 (relating to table games Rules Submissions).
§ 521.8. Rules of the games; notice.
(a) Whenever a certificate holder is required by regulation to provide notice of the rules under which a particular table game will be operated, the certificate holder shall post a sign at the gaming table advising patrons of the rules in effect at that table.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), a certificate holder may not change the rules under which a particular table game is being operated unless the certificate holder files and receives approval of an amendment to its Rules Submission under § 521.2 (relating to table games Rules Submissions).
(c) A certificate holder may change the permissible minimum or maximum wager at a table game:
(1) At any time, if no patrons are playing at the table.
(2) Where patrons are playing the game, if the certificate holder:
(i) Provides at least a 30 minute advance notice of the change.
(ii) Posts a sign at the gaming table advising patrons of the change and the time that it will go into effect.
(iii) Announces the change to patrons who are at the table.
(d) The location, size and language of each sign required by this section shall be submitted to and approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations prior to its use.
§ 521.9. Patron access to the rules of the games; gaming guides.
(a) Each certificate holder shall maintain, at its security podium or other location approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations, a printed copy of the complete text of the rules of all authorized games. This information shall be made available to the public for inspection upon request.
(b) Each certificate holder shall make available to patrons upon request a gaming guide which contains an abridged version of the information required to be made available under subsection (a) in a printed format.
(c) The gaming guide required by subsection (b) may not be issued, displayed or distributed by a certificate holder until a sample of the gaming guide has been submitted to and approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations.
(d) Prior to issuing, distributing or displaying a gaming guide that is materially different from the approved gaming guide, a certificate holder shall submit and obtain approval from the Bureau of Gaming Operations of a sample of the revised gaming guide which contains the material changes.
(e) A certificate holder may display an approved gaming guide at any location in its licensed facility.
(f) Each certificate holder shall make the gaming guide required under subsection (b) available on its web site.
528.1. General requirements. 528.2. Gaming related gaming service provider certification applications. 528.3. Qualification of individuals and entities. 528.4. Certification term and renewal. 528.5. Certified gaming related gaming service provider responsibilities. 528.6. Gaming related gaming service provider list. 528.7. Requirements for use of a gaming related gaming service provider. 528.8. Permission to conduct business prior to certification. 528.9. Certificate holders' duty to investigate. § 528.1. General requirements.
A person seeking to conduct business with a certificate holder shall apply to the Board for certification as a gaming related gaming service provider if the person:
(1) Provides a gaming related service that includes a new game or new wager, game variation, side bet or similar innovation relating to a table game that has been approved by the Board.
(2) Is the owner of a patent or has a patent pending for the new game or new wager, game variation, side bet or similar innovation.
(3) Is not required to be licensed as a manufacturer, supplier or manufacturer designee.
§ 528.2. Gaming related gaming service provider certification applications.
(a) A gaming related gaming service provider seeking certification shall complete and the certificate holder for whom the gaming related gaming service provider may be providing gaming related services shall submit:
(1) An original and one copy of a Gaming Related Gaming Service Provider Certification Application and Disclosure Information Form unless otherwise directed by the Board.
(2) The nonrefundable application fee posted on the Board's web site (www.pgcb.state.pa.us).
(3) Applications and release authorizations for each individual required to be qualified under § 528.3 (relating to qualification of individuals and entities).
(4) A written statement from a certificate holder, stating that the certificate holder may do business with the gaming related gaming service provider for the purpose of utilizing the gaming related gaming service provider's gaming related service.
(b) In addition to the materials required under subsection (a), an applicant for a gaming related gaming service provider certification shall:
(1) Promptly provide information requested by the Board relating to its application or regulation and cooperate with the Board in investigations, hearings, and enforcement and disciplinary actions.
(2) Comply with the general application requirements in Chapters 421a and 423a (relating to general provisions; and applications).
(c) A gaming related gaming service provider certification will not be issued until all fees and costs, including any Gaming Laboratory Operation costs incurred in the review of the proposed new game or new wager, game variation, side bet or similar innovation, have been paid.
§ 528.3. Qualification of individuals and entities.
(a) The following individuals shall be required to submit a Pennsylvania Personal History Disclosure Form and be found qualified by the Board:
(1) Each officer and director of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term ''officer'' means a president, chief executive officer, a chief financial officer and a chief operating officer and any person routinely performing corresponding functions with respect to an organization whether incorporated or unincorporated.
(2) Each individual who has a direct or indirect ownership or beneficial interest of 10% or more in the certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification. A certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification shall provide information or documentation requested by the Board necessary to determine compliance with this paragraph.
(3) Each salesperson of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification who solicits or will be soliciting business from, or has regular contact with, any representatives of a certificate holder.
(b) Each entity that directly owns 20% or more of the voting securities of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification shall be required to file a Gaming Service Provider Certification Form-Private Holding Company with the Board and be found qualified by the Board.
(c) The following persons may be required to submit a Gaming Service Provider Certification Form-Private Holding Company or a Pennsylvania Personal History Disclosure Form and be found qualified by the Board if the Board determines that the qualification of the person is necessary to protect the public interest or to enhance the integrity of gaming in this Commonwealth:
(1) An intermediary or holding company of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification not otherwise required to be qualified.
(2) An officer or director of an intermediary or holding company of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification.
(3) An employee of a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification.
(4) A person who holds any direct or indirect ownership or beneficial interest in a certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification, or has the right to any profits or distribution, directly or indirectly, from the certified gaming related gaming service provider or applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification.
(5) A trustee of a trust that is required to be found qualified under this section.
(d) The Bureau of Licensing may issue a temporary credential to an individual who is required to be qualified by the Board under this section if:
(1) The individual's presence in the licensed facility is needed.
(2) The company with which the individual is associated is on the Authorized Gaming Service Provider List.
(e) The Bureau of Licensing will issue a permanent credential to an individual who has been found to be qualified under this section if the gaming related gaming service provider has been certified.
§ 528.4. Certification term and renewal.
(a) Gaming related gaming service provider certifications, and renewals issued under this chapter shall be valid for 4 years from the date of Board approval.
(b) A certified gaming related gaming service provider shall submit to the Board a completed renewal application and renewal fee at least 60 days prior to the expiration of a certification.
(c) A certification for which a completed renewal application and fee has been received by the Board will continue in effect until the Board sends written notification to the holder of the certification that the Board has approved or denied the certification.
§ 528.5. Certified gaming related gaming service provider responsibilities.
A holder of a gaming related gaming service provider certification shall have a continuing duty to:
(1) Provide information requested by the Board relating to licensing or regulation; cooperate with the Board in investigations, hearings, and enforcement and disciplinary actions; and comply with conditions, restrictions, requirements, orders and rulings of the Board in accordance with the act.
(2) Report a change in circumstances that may render the holder of a gaming related gaming service provider certification ineligible, unqualified or unsuitable to hold a certification under the standards and requirements of the act and of this part.
§ 528.6. Gaming related gaming service provider list.
The Board will maintain a list of gaming related gaming service providers who are certified and have had their gaming related service approved by the Bureau of Gaming Laboratory Operations.
§ 528.7. Requirements for use of a gaming related gaming service provider.
Prior to use of a gaming related service by a certificate holder the following must occur:
(1) The gaming related gaming service provider providing the gaming related service must submit its gaming related service to, and have it approved by, the Bureau of Gaming Laboratory Operations.
(2) The gaming related gaming service provider shall pay all Gaming Laboratory Operation costs incurred in the review of the proposed new game or new wager, game variation, side bet or similar innovation.
(3) The certificate holder shall make a written request to the Board's Executive Director and receive written approval for use of the new gaming related service in accordance with § 521.4 (relating to request to offer a new table game or new feature for an existing table game).
(4) The gaming related gaming service provider must be certified or have received written authorization from the Bureau of Licensing to conduct business prior to certification.
§ 528.8. Permission to conduct business prior to certification.
(a) Notwithstanding § 528.1 (relating to general requirements), the Bureau of Licensing may authorize an applicant for a gaming related gaming service provider certification to conduct business with a certificate holder prior to the certification of the gaming related gaming service provider applicant if the following criteria are met:
(1) A completed Gaming Related Gaming Service Provider Certification Application and Disclosure Information Form has been filed by the certificate holder in accordance with § 528.2 (relating to gaming related gaming service provider certification applications).
(2) The certificate holder certifies that it has performed due diligence on the gaming related gaming service provider.
(3) The applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification agrees, in writing, that the grant of permission to conduct business prior to certification does not create a right to continue to conduct business and that the Bureau of Licensing may rescind, at any time, the authorization granted pursuant to this section, with or without prior notice to the applicant, if the Bureau of Licensing determines that the suitability of the applicant is at issue or the applicant fails to cooperate in the application process.
(4) The gaming related gaming service provider and the certificate holder have satisfied the requirements in § 538.7 (relating to requirements for use of a gaming service provider).
(b) If the Office of Enforcement Counsel issues a Notice of Recommendation for Denial to an applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification, the Bureau of Licensing may rescind the permission granted to the applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification to conduct business with a certificate holder under subsection (a). If the permission is rescinded, the applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification shall cease conducting business with the certificate holder by the date specified in the notice of the rescission by the Bureau of Licensing under subsection (c).
(c) The Bureau of Licensing will notify the applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification and the certificate holder by registered mail that permission for the applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification to conduct business with the certificate holder under subsection (a) has been rescinded and that the certificate holder shall cease conducting business with the applicant for gaming related gaming service provider certification by the date specified in the notice.
§ 528.9. Certificate holders' duty to investigate.
(a) A certificate holder shall investigate the background and qualifications of the applicants for gaming related gaming service provider certification with whom it intends to have a contractual relationship or enter into an agreement.
(b) A certificate holder shall have an affirmative duty to avoid agreements or relationships with persons applying for gaming related gaming service provider certification whose background or association is injurious to the public health, safety, morals, good order and general welfare of the people of this Commonwealth, or who threaten the integrity of gaming in this Commonwealth.
(c) A certificate holder shall have a duty to inform the Board of an action by an applicant for or holder of a gaming related gaming service provider certification which the certificate holder believes would constitute a violation of the act or this part.
539.1. Sic Bo table; Sic Bo shaker; physical characteristics. 539.2. Dice; number of dice. 539.3. Permissible wagers. 539.4. Placement of wagers. 539.5. Procedures for opening and dealing the game. 539.6. Payout odds. 539.7. Irregularities. § 539.1. Sic Bo table; Sic Bo shaker; physical characteristics.
(a) Each Sic Bo table must have a drop box and tip box attached to the table on the same side of the gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer, in locations approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations.
(b) Each Sic Bo table must have an electrical device, approved by the Bureau of Gaming Laboratory Operations, where the numeric value of each die will be entered by the dealer and an area that depicts all permissible wagers under § 539.3 (relating to permissible wagers) and which causes the winning combinations to be illuminated after the numeric value of each die has been entered by the dealer.
(c) The layout for a Sic Bo table shall be approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations and contain, at a minimum:
(1) The name or logo of the certificate holder.
(2) Specific areas designated for the placement of the wagers authorized by § 539.3.
(3) The payout odds currently being offered in accordance with § 539.6 (relating to payout odds).
(d) Sic Bo shall be played with a Sic Bo shaker approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations, which shall be used to shake the dice to arrive at the winning combinations.
(1) A manual Sic Bo shaker shall be designed and constructed to maintain the integrity of the game and must, at a minimum, adhere to the following specifications:
(i) The Sic Bo shaker must have a compartment to secure the three dice and a separate cover which conceals the dice while the dealer is shaking the Sic Bo shaker. The compartment to secure the three dice must be transparent and the cover which conceals the dice must be opaque.
(ii) The Sic Bo shaker must have the capability of being sealed or locked to ensure the integrity of the dice contained inside the Sic Bo shaker.
(iii) The Sic Bo shaker must have the name or logo of the certificate holder imprinted or impressed thereon.
(2) An automated Sic Bo shaker, approved by the Bureau of Gaming Laboratory Operations, may be used in the game of Sic Bo, provided that:
(i) The shaker meets the requirements of paragraph (1), except that a separate opaque cover may not be used.
(ii) The shaker, its location on the Sic Bo table and the procedures for shaking the dice are submitted to and approved by the Bureau of Gaming Operations.
(f) The Sic Bo shaker shall be the responsibility of the dealer and may never be left unattended while at the table.
§ 539.2. Dice; number of dice.
(a) Sic Bo shall be played with three dice, which shall be kept inside the Sic Bo shaker while at the Sic Bo table.
(b) The dice that have been placed in a Sic Bo shaker for use in gaming may not be used for the play of the game for more than 24 hours.
§ 539.3. Permissible wagers.
The following are the permissible wagers for the game of Sic Bo:
(1) Three of a Kind. A wager which wins if the same number is showing on all three dice and the player selected that number to appear on all three dice.
(2) Two of a Kind. A wager which wins if the same number is showing on two of the three dice and the player selected that number to appear on two out of the three dice.
(3) Any Three of a Kind. A wager which wins if the numeric value on all three dice is the same and the player wagered that any of the numbers 1 through 6 would appear on all of the three dice.
(4) Total Value Bet. A wager which wins if the numeric total of all three dice equals the total of the number wagered.
(5) Two Dice Combination. A wager which wins when the player wagered that a combination of two specific but different numeric values would appear on at least two of the dice and the two numeric values chosen are showing.
(6) Small Bet. A wager which wins if the numeric total of all three dice equals any one of the following totals: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 and loses if any other numeric total is shown or if a three of a kind appears.
(7) Big Bet. A wager which wins if the numeric total of all three dice equals any one of the following totals: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 and loses if any other numeric total is shown or if a three of a kind appears.
(8) One of a Kind. A wager which wins if one or more of the three dice shows a numeric value equal to the number wagered.
§ 539.4. Placement of wagers.
(a) Wagers at Sic Bo shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate areas of the Sic Bo layout. Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may not be accepted at the game of Sic Bo.
(b) Each player shall be responsible for the correct positioning of his wagers on the Sic Bo layout regardless of whether the player is assisted by the dealer. Each player shall ensure that any instructions given to the dealer regarding the placement of wagers are correctly carried out.
(c) Each wager shall be settled strictly in accordance with its position on the layout when the dice come to rest and the numeric value showing on each die has been entered into the electrical device and illuminated at the table.
§ 539.5. Procedures for opening and dealing the game.
(a) Prior to opening the Sic Bo table for gaming activity, the floorperson assigned to the Sic Bo table shall inspect the following items to ensure that each is in proper working order:
(1) The electrical device which causes the winning combinations to be illuminated when the numeric value of each die has been entered by the dealer and the area of the Sic Bo table which depicts all permissible wagers under § 539.3 (relating to permissible wagers). At a minimum, the inspection shall be completed by entering three numeric values into the electrical device and verifying that all winning combinations are properly illuminated.
(2) The automated dice shaker, if one is in use. At a minimum, the inspection shall be completed by operating the device three times and verifying that the dice are being properly tossed.
(b) Prior to shaking the manual Sic Bo shaker or activating the automated dice shaker, the dealer shall announce ''no more bets.''
(c) Once ''no more bets'' has been announced, the dealer shall either:
(1) Place the cover on the manual Sic Bo shaker, and shake the Sic Bo shaker at least three times so as to cause a random mixture of the dice.
(2) Activate the automated dice shaker to cause a random mixture of the dice.
(d) The dealer shall then remove the cover from the manual Sic Bo shaker, announce the numeric value of each die and enter the numeric value of each die into the electrical device on the table. The electrical device shall then cause the winning combinations to be illuminated on the Sic Bo layout.
(e) After the winning combinations have been illuminated, the dealer shall first collect all losing wagers and then pay off all winning wagers at the odds currently being offered in accordance with § 539.6 (relating to payout odds). A manual Sic Bo shaker shall remain uncovered until all winning wagers have been paid. An automated Sic Bo dice shaker shall remain uncovered at all times.
(f) After losing wagers have been collected and winning wagers paid, the dealer shall clear the previously illuminated winning combinations from the table.
§ 539.6. Payout odds.
(a) Payout odds on the layout or in any brochure or other publication distributed by a certificate holder shall be stated through the use of the word ''to'' and no odds may be stated through the use of the word ''for.''
(b) Each certificate holder shall pay off winning wagers at the game of Sic Bo at the odds contained in the certificate holder's Rules Submission under § 521.2 (relating to table games Rules Submissions) which shall be no less than the odds listed below:
Wager Payout Odds Three of a Kind 150 to 1 Two of a Kind 8 to 1 Any Three of a Kind 24 to 1 Total Value Bet of 4 50 to 1 Total Value Bet of 5 18 to 1 Total Value Bet of 6 14 to 1 Total Value Bet of 7 12 to 1 Total Value Bet of 8 8 to 1 Total Value Bet of 9 6 to 1 Total Value Bet of 10 6 to 1 Total Value Bet of 11 6 to 1 Total Value Bet of 12 6 to 1 Total Value of Bet 13 8 to 1 Total Value of Bet 14 12 to 1 Total Value of Bet 15 14 to 1 Total Value Bet of 16 18 to 1 Total Value Bet of 17 50 to 1 Any Two Dice Combination 5 to 1 Small Bet 1 to 1 Big Bet 1 to 1 (c) One of a Kind shall be paid at:
(1) 1 to 1, if only one of the dice show the numeric value upon which the wager was placed.
(2) 2 to 1, if two of the dice show the numeric value upon which the wager was placed.
(3) 3 to 1, if all three dice show the numeric value upon which the wager was placed.
§ 539.7. Irregularities.
(a) If all three dice do not land flat on the bottom of the Sic Bo shaker after being tossed, the dealer shall call a ''no roll'' and all wagers placed shall be returned to the players.
(b) If the electrical device which causes the winning combinations to be illuminated when the numeric value of each die has been entered by the dealer or the area of the Sic Bo table which depicts all permissible wagers under § 539.3 (relating to permissible wagers) malfunctions after the manual Sic Bo shaker has been uncovered or the automated Sic Bo dice shaker has tossed the dice, the dealer shall, in the presence of a floorperson or above, collect losing wagers and pay winning wagers. Once the wagers on the layout have been settled, all gaming at the Sic Bo table shall cease until the electrical device which causes the winning combinations to be illuminated when the numeric value of each die has been entered by the dealer or the area of the Sic Bo table which depicts all permissible wagers under § 539.3 has been fixed.
(c) If the automated Sic Bo shaker fails to operate or malfunctions when activated, the round of play shall be void and wagers placed shall be returned to the players.
(d) An automated Sic Bo shaker shall be removed from a Sic Bo table before a manual Sic Bo shaker may be utilized at that table.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-591. Filed for public inspection April 2, 2010, 9:00 a.m.]
Document Information
- PA Codes:
- 58 Pa. Code § 521.4
58 Pa. Code § 521.6
58 Pa. Code § 521.7
58 Pa. Code § 521.8
58 Pa. Code § 521.9
58 Pa. Code § 528.1
58 Pa. Code § 528.2
58 Pa. Code § 528.3
58 Pa. Code § 528.4
58 Pa. Code § 528.5
58 Pa. Code § 528.6
58 Pa. Code § 528.7
58 Pa. Code § 528.8
58 Pa. Code § 528.9
58 Pa. Code § 539.1
58 Pa. Code § 539.2
58 Pa. Code § 539.3
58 Pa. Code § 539.4
58 Pa. Code § 539.5
58 Pa. Code § 539.6
58 Pa. Code § 539.7