264 Pennsylvania Monte Carlo instant lottery game (correction)  


    [34 Pa.B. 1864]


    Pennsylvania Monte Carlo Instant Lottery Game

       The Department of Revenue has discovered a typographical error in a document that originally appeared at 34 Pa.B. 921, 924 (February 14, 2004) and was corrected at 34 Pa.B. 1399, 1400 (March 6, 2004).

       In the table which delineates the number and description of prizes and approximate odds, the approximate number of winners per 7,200,000 tickets for the win with a prize of $500 × 2 should have been 240.

       The correct version of that prize line is as follows:

    $500 × 2

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-264. Filed for public inspection February 13, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]

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