783 Funding available to improve electric delivery and reliability, energy efficiency, renewable energy, telecommunications broadband deployment, clean water, waste water and railroads
PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Funding Available to Improve Electric Delivery and Reliability, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Telecommunications Broadband Deployment, Clean Water, Waste Water and Railroads [39 Pa.B. 2179]
[Saturday, April 25, 2009]To: All Jurisdictional Electric Distribution Companies, Natural Gas Distribution Companies, Telecommunications Companies, Water Companies, Wastewater Companies and Railroad Companies; Doc. No. M-2009-2094772
Re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
At a public meeting held March 12, 2009, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) unanimously adopted the Joint Motion of Vice Chairperson Tyrone J. Christy and Commissioner Wayne E. Gardner with respect to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Act). The Act will, among other things, provide funding and incentives to improve the infrastructure of the United States. Governor Edward G. Rendell has sent a letter to President Barack Obama requesting use of the funds provided by the Act. In addition, the Governor has announced a new web site www.recovery.pa.gov providing information about the stimulus plan. Potentially, the Commonwealth should be the recipient of billions of dollars from the Act. This Commonwealth must take advantage of this opportunity.
The Commission is keenly interested in ensuring that the funding available for our utility infrastructure and related matters is identified, aggressively pursued and secured.
Funding is available to improve electric delivery and reliability, energy efficiency, renewable energy, telecommunications broadband deployment, clean water, waste water and railroads. With that said, the Commission is actively involved in looking at available moneys that may benefit this Commonwealth's public utilities. The Commission will continue to work diligently with the administration to ensure that the Commonwealth receives the full benefit from the economic stimulus plan.
The Commission is also interested in programs that would benefit the State's utility customers that fall outside of our direct purview but which are consistent with the Commission's overall mission. Programs such as weatherization, smart grid applications, advanced battery technologies, railroad security and infrastructure and others are among those that could help this Commonwealth's utility consumers.
The Commission is committed to making certain that the utility infrastructure in the Commonwealth receives the maximum benefits afforded by the Act.
We are confident that the utilities under the Commission's jurisdiction and affected stakeholders are actively involved in determining what moneys they may qualify for and how they may obtain the maximum benefit of the Act. To the extent that the utilities and stakeholders need formal action or other support from the Commission, they are encouraged to seek the Commission's assistance.
The Commission stands ready to offer reinforcement to the Commonwealth utilities and stakeholders through activities such as writing letters of support for those seeking funds that will have a positive effect on improving our utility infrastructure. By its action in adopting the Joint Motion and issuing this letter, the Commission is formalizing that commitment.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-783. Filed for public inspection April 24, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]