660 Commission meeting and public hearings  


    Commission Meeting and Public Hearings

    [29 Pa.B. 2150]

       The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 28, 1999. The hearing will be part of the Commission's regular business meeting which is open to the public and scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ.

       An informal conference among the Commissioners and staff will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the same location and will include discussions of proposals for a flow needs study and a Commission-Corps of Engineers drought storage agreement; and status reports on the Flowing Toward the Future workshops and activities of the Toxics Advisory Committee.

       In addition to the subjects summarized as follows which are scheduled for public hearing at the business meeting, the Commission will also address the following: Minutes of the March 9, 1999 business meeting; announcements; report on Basin hydrologic conditions; reports by the Executive Director and General Counsel; status of compliance of Somerton Springs Golf Development; resolutions to contract for fish tissue analyses, continued development of the water quality model for the Delaware Estuary and participation in the EPA's Energy Star building program; consideration of a resolution to authorize funding of selected tasks of the flow needs study for the Delaware Estuary; and public dialogue.

       The subjects of the hearing will be as follows:

    Applications for Approval of the Following Projects Under Article 10.3, Article 11 and/or Section 3.8 of the Compact:

       1.  New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) D-77-20 CP (Revision No. 4). A project to modify the revised schedule of experimental augmented conservation releases for Pepacton and Cannonsville Reservoirs (each located in Delaware County, NY) and Neversink Reservoir (located in Sullivan County, NY). The NYSDEC requests the following modifications for a 2-year period: 1) storage of 50% of the annual excess release quantity to create a fisheries protection bank that would be available to augment releases during drought warnings; 2) a revision to the drought operating curves to temporarily replace the Drought Warning One and Drought Warning Two designations with Drought Watch and Drought Warning, respectively; and 3) raise the Drought Warning (formerly Drought Warning Two) threshold by four billion gallons. The existing experimental release program (D-77-20 CP Revision No. 3) will be extended until April 30, 2001 to coincide with Revision 4.

       2.  SPI Polyols, Inc. D-88-74 RENEWAL. An application for the renewal of a groundwater and surface water withdrawal project to supply up to 60.04 million gallons (mg)/30 days of groundwater and 470.58 mg/30 days of surface water to the applicant's industrial facility from Well Nos. 8 through 12 and Delaware River intake. Commission approval on January 25, 1989 was extended to 10 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 60.04 mg/30 days and 470.58 mg/30 days from the river intake. The project is located in New Castle County, DE.

       3.  Northampton Generating Company, L.P. D-98-40. A project to increase the withdrawal of water from 67.5 mg/30 days to 75 mg/30 days from the Lehigh River to continue to serve the applicant's existing 96 megawatt cogeneration facility located on Route 329 in Allen Township and Northampton Borough, both in Northampton County, PA. The applicant also proposes to modify the passby flow condition relative to Lehigh River low-flow periods.

       4.  Township of East Rockhill D-99-6 CP. A project to construct a new 0.113 mgd sewage treatment plant (STP) in East Rockhill Township, Bucks County, PA. The proposed extended aeration secondary treatment STP will serve East Rockhill Township only and will discharge treated effluent to East Branch Perkiomen Creek approximately 500 feet upstream of Perkasie Borough, Bucks County, PA.

       5.  Parkway Gravel, Inc. D-99-8. An application for approval of a surface water withdrawal project to supply up to 97.2 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's sand and gravel washing facility from a proposed water supply pond, and to limit the withdrawal from all sources to 97.2 mg/30 days. The project is located in New Castle County, DE.

       6.  Upper Dublin Township D-99-9 CP. A project to upgrade and expand the applicant's existing 1.1 mgd capacity secondary treatment plant to provide an additional 0.25 mgd capacity. The plant will continue to serve a portion of Upper Dublin Township and discharge to Pine Run, a tributary of Wissahickon Creek in Montgomery County, PA.

       7.  Lehigh County Authority D-99-11 CP. A project to upgrade and expand the applicant's existing 35,000 gallons per day (gpd) sewage treatment facility by providing a new advanced secondary biological treatment system capable of providing 60,000 gpd of treatment. The project is located just south of Heidelberg Heights Road in Heidelberg Township, Lehigh County, PA. Treated effluent will continue to discharge to an unnamed tributary of Mill Creek, which is a tributary of Jordan Creek.

       8.  Warrington Township and The Cutler Group D-99-12 CP. An application to rerate the applicant's existing 0.26 mgd Tradesville STP to 0.33 mgd to serve existing and proposed residential development in the northwestern portion of Warrington Township, Bucks County, PA. The applicant proposes an additional ultraviolet disinfection system and changes to the sequencing batch reactor process to allow the STP to operate more efficiently. The STP is located along the west side of Mill Creek Road in Warrington Township and will continue to discharge to Mill Creek, a tributary of Neshaminy Creek.

       Documents relating to these items may be examined at the Commission's offices. Preliminary dockets are available in single copies upon request. Please contact Thomas L. Brand at (609) 883-9500, Ext. 221 concerning docket-related questions. Persons wishing to testify at this hearing are requested to register with the Secretary at (609) 883-9500, Ext. 203 prior to the hearing.

       Individuals in need of an accommodation as provided for in the Americans With Disabilities Act and who would like to attend a hearing should contact the Secretary at (609) 883-9500, Ext. 203 or through the New Jersey Relay Service at (800) 852-7899 (TTY) to discuss how the Commission may accommodate their needs.

    Other Scheduled Hearings

       By earlier notice, the Commission announced its schedule of public hearings on a determination that the assimilative capacity of the tidal Delaware River is being exceeded for certain toxic pollutants. This determination will authorize the Executive Director to establish wasteload allocations for specific point source discharge of these pollutants.

       The public hearings are scheduled as follows:

       May 3, 1999 beginning at 1:30 p.m. and continuing until 5 p.m., as long as there are people present wishing to testify. The hearing will be held in the Second Floor Auditorium of the Carvel State Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE.

       May 5, 1999 beginning at 1:30 p.m. and continuing until 5 p.m. as long as there are people present wishing to testify, and resuming at 6:30 p.m. and continuing until 9 p.m., as long as there are people present wishing to testify. The hearing will be held in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ.

       May 11, 1999 beginning at 1:30 p.m. and continuing until 5 p.m., as long as there are people present wishing to testify. The hearing will be held in the Jefferson Room of the Holiday Inn at 400 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA.

       Copies of supporting documents may be obtained by contacting Christopher Roberts, Public Information Officer at (609) 883-9500, Ext. 205.

       Persons wishing to testify are requested to notify the Secretary in advance. Written comments on the proposed determination should also be submitted to the Secretary at the Delaware River Basin Commission, P. O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-660. Filed for public inspection April 23, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]

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