Air Quality Plan Approvals Public Meeting and Hearing Change of Date and Location [42 Pa.B. 2248]
[Saturday, April 21, 2012]Public Notification of Change of Date and Location of Public Meeting and Hearing to Solicit Comments on Laser Northeast Gathering Company, LLC's
Plan Approval Application Nos. 58-399-016, 58-399-017, 58-399-018, and 58-399-019Under 25 Pa. Code § 127.48 (relating to conferences and hearings), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is changing the date and location of the public meeting and hearing to solicit comments on the proposed Air Quality Plan Approvals Nos. 58-399-016, 58-399-017, 58-399-018 and 58-399-019, for Laser Northeast Gathering Company, LLC (Permittee), 333 Clay Street, Suite 4500, Houston, TX 77022, to construct the proposed Compressor Stations, which are to be located in Liberty, Middletown and Forest Lake Townships, Susquehanna County, as described in the Permittee's June 24, 2011, Plan Approval Applications and any other subsequent supplemental submissions.
The stations each will consist of two CAT G3606LE engines and two dehydrators with reboilers. The VOC emissions from each facility will not equal or exceed 50 TPY, based on a 12-month rolling sum. The NOx emissions from each facility will not equal or exceed 100 TPY, based on a 12-month rolling sum. Total PM, SOx and CO emissions from each facility will not equal or exceed 100 TPY, based on a 12-month rolling sum. The HAPs from each facility must never equal or exceed 10 TPY of any single HAP and must never equal or exceed 25 TPY of all aggregated HAPs, based on a 12-month rolling sum. The Plan Approval and Operating Permit will include testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the sources operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
The facilities are subject to MACT 40 CFR Part 63 Subparts ZZZZ and HH, NSPS Subpart JJJJ and 25 Pa. Code § 127.12(a)(5) (relating to content of application) Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements. The visible emission opacity shall not be equal to or greater than 20% at any time. The Permittee shall be subject to and comply with 25 Pa. Code § 123.31 (relating to limitations) for malodorous emissions.
Emissions from the engines will meet MACT Subpart ZZZZ, MACT Subpart HH, BAT and NSPS Subpart JJJJ requirements. The Plan Approvals and Operating Permits will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facilities operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
A public meeting will be held for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposed air quality plan approvals. The meeting will be held on April 26, 2012, at 6 p.m. at the Elk Lake High School, 2380 Elk Lake School Road, Springville, PA 18844-0100. Persons interested in commenting are invited to appear.
Staff from the Department's Air Quality Program will explain the application review process and applicable regulations. This presentation will be followed by a question and answer session with citizens.
The public meeting will be followed by a Department public hearing beginning at 7:30 p.m. during which time citizens will have an opportunity to present oral testimony regarding the proposed Air Quality Plan Approval applications. Anyone who wishes to present oral testimony during the public hearing may register that evening prior to the hearing. Citizens will have a maximum of 5 minutes each to present testimony. Written testimony of any length also will be accepted. The testimony will be recorded by a court reporter and transcribed into a written document. The Department will respond in writing to all relevant testimony provided during the public hearing.
Copies of the applications, the Department's technical reviews and other supporting documents are available for public inspection between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Department's Wilkes-Barre Regional Office, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. Appointments for scheduling a review may be made by calling (570) 826-2511.
The general procedures for the hearing are as follows:
To develop an agenda for the hearing, the Department requests that individuals wishing to testify at the hearing submit a written notice of their intent. The notice should be sent to Mark Wejkszner, Air Quality Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Air Quality Program, Wilkes-Barre Regional Office, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. The Department will accept notices up to the day of the public hearing.
This written notice should include the person's name, address, telephone number and a brief description as to the nature of the testimony. Individuals who submit a notice of intent to testify will be given priority on the agenda. If time permits, the Department will allow individuals who have not submitted a notice of intent to testify to present their comments.
To ensure that all speakers have a fair and equal opportunity to present testimony, relinquishing of time will be prohibited. Further details relating to the procedures to be followed at the hearing will be outlined at the beginning of the hearing.
Persons unable to attend the hearing can submit written testimony to the Department through May 7, 2012.
The Department will address comments from the public before any final actions are taken on the proposals. A summary report addressing the concerns raised by the public will be released should the Department decide to issue the Plan Approval. Send written comments to Mark Wejkszner at the previously listed address.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations should contact the Department at the address shown previously, or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may address their needs.
For additional information contact Mark Wejkszner at (570) 826-2511 or write to the Department at the Wilkes-Barre address given previously.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-738. Filed for public inspection April 20, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]