736 Request for bids?  


    Request for Bids

    [42 Pa.B. 2200]
    [Saturday, April 21, 2012]

     The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is soliciting bids for the following projects. Bid documents can be obtained from the Administrative Services Section, Bureau of Facility Design and Construction at (717) 787-5055.

     FDC-016-3855.1—Structure Replacement, Bridge No. 16-0014, Cedar Mountain Road over Cedar Run, Forest District 16, Tioga State Forest, Elk Township, Tioga County. Work consists of removing an existing deteriorating concrete slab bridge and providing and installing a new 13` x 5` precast reinforced concrete box culvert, including associated driving surface aggregate approaches, rock lining and architectural surface treatment. Bid documents will be available on or after April 25, 2012. The bid opening will be held on May 24, 2012.

     FDC-010-7160.1—Construction of New Culvert, Bridge No. 10-0101, Beaverdam Road over Left Fork of Beaverdam Run, Forest District 10, Sproul State Forest, Leidy Township, Clinton County. Work consists of construction of a precast concrete box culvert including roadway surfacing, guiderail and architectural surface treatment. Bid documents will be available on or after April 25, 2012. The bid opening will be held on May 24, 2012.

     FDC-003-7209.1—Structure Replacement, Bridge No. 03-0032, Couch Road over Unnamed Tributary to Shaeffer Run, Forest District 03, Tuscarora State Forest, Toboyne Township, Perry County. Work consists of removing an existing CMP structure and providing and installing a new precast box culvert, driving surface aggregate approaches, with weathering steel railing. Bid documents will be available on or after April 25, 2012. The bid opening will be held on May 24, 2012.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-736. Filed for public inspection April 20, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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