Special Reports and Requests for Data [26 Pa.B. 1876] The Health Care Cost Containment Council, according to its enabling legislation, is to publish a listing of all special reports and data that have been prepared during the previous fiscal year periods. The following represents a summary of the reports and requests for data generated by the Council in calendar years 1994 and 1995. Questions about these reports and procedures for obtaining access to data should be addressed to Robert Maley, Manager, Special Requests Department, Health Care Cost Containment Council, 225 Market Street, Suite 400, Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717) 232-6787.
Exective DirectorRQ#92-099
Community General Osteopathic Hospital
1991 inpatient discharge data to be used for market share analysis and to prepare a report on leading causes of hospitalization by age/sex cohorts.RQ#92-104
Divine Providence
1991 inpatient discharge data for specified patient zip codes and facilities in order to develop a planning database.RQ#92-117
Oakland Neurosurgical Associates
To utilize data for purposes of conducting both peer review and benchmarking of quality and cost-effectiveness indicators. ONA will also use data to analyze practice patterns for short and long range planning purposes. Data for PHC4 Regions 1, 2 and 3 for calendar years 1990 and 1991 were extracted from the non-confidential database.RQ#93-011
Hospital Research & Educational Trust
Pennsylvania has been identified as a site for a study of trauma system structure and performance. The first objective is to identify differences in trauma patient hospital utilization patterns and mortality rates and to examine the relationships between these and trauma system design. Data are necessary to determine the volume of trauma patients by severity levels, inter-hospital transfer rates, in-hospital mortality rates, and the proportion of patients referred to trauma and non-trauma centers. The second objective is to examine how payer and hospital environments vary across locations so that options for responding to trauma financing problems can be identified. Data will be used to examine the payer mix for trauma patients across trauma centers in differentRQ#93-036
Hunterdon Medical Center
1989 and 1991 inpatient discharge data to be used for program planning, Certificate of Need requests and physician utilization analysis.RQ#93-037
Ephrata Community Hospital
1991 PHC4 Region 5 patient origin and market-share data by major diagnostic category. This information will be used for strategic planning purposes.RQ#93-038
Hazleton General Hospital
1991 inpatient discharge data to be used to evaluate and develop hospital programs and services based on current and projected community needs.RQ#93-043
Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
Report that lists DRG, Length of Stay and Zip Code for those patients from select zip codes in southern New Jersey who obtained services at a hospital in PHC4 Regions 8 and 9. The data will be used to determine market share.RQ#93-049
Clearfield Hospital
1991 inpatient discharges for selected zip codes and all DRGs. Data will be used to assist the hospital in revising their strategic plan and submitting a request for sole community provider status with Medicare.RQ#93-053
Lehigh Valley Buy Right Council
The data will be used in conducting a community health status assessment project and for planning and marketing purposes. The 1991 data from PHC4 Regions 6, 7, 8 and 9 were extracted from the non-confidential database.RQ#93-057
Washington County Hospital
Data will be used to ascertain the number and classification of patients from Washington County, Maryland who have migrated to PA hospitals. Data from Washington County, Maryland zip codes for calendar year 1991 was extracted from the non-confidential database.RQ#93-061
Geisinger System Services
Data will be used to summarize hospital inpatient utilization of specific DRG's within Geisinger's 31 county service area. Data for third and fourth quarters of 1990 and first and second quarters of 1991 for specified zip codes were extracted from the non-confidential database.RQ#93-073
Economists Inc.
Data will be used in an investigation of a civil suit against Allentown Hospital. Data for calendar year 1992 for selected zip codes and hospitals in Regions 1, 2 and 3 was extracted from the non-confidential database.RQ#94-001
KPMG Peat Marwick
To provide an analysis of medical staff admitting and referral patterns to Tyler Memorial and other reporting hospitals for strategic planning.RQ#94-004
US Department of Justice, Antitrust Division
Inpatient discharge data for 1991 PHC4 Region 4. Will be used to assist the Antitrust Division in evaluating the proposed merger of Williamsport Hospital and Divine Providence/Williamsport.RQ#94-005
Southern NJ Perinatal Cooperative
1989, 1990 and 1991 inpatient discharge data for selected New Jersey zip codes. Will be used by a maternal and child health consortium to determine the amount and type of care received in the Philadelphia area from New Jersey residents specifically as it relates to births and pediatric care.RQ#94-007
Cooper Hospital / UMC
1990 inpatient discharge data for 8 specific hospitals in addition to PHC4 Regions 8 and 9. The data will be used for public health research, small area analysis and Epidemiological studies by Cooper Hospital.RQ#94-009
Burn Foundation
1992 inpatient discharge data for PHC4 Region 5. Data will be used for planning purposes including trending and market share analysis for service development or modification.RQ#94-010
Holy Spirit Hospital
1991 PHC4 Region 5 inpatient discharges. Data to be used to analyze their market position within the Region.RQ#94-013
Allied Services
1992 Rehab Hospital data. To be used for strategic planning and competitive analysis of Rehab hospitals State-wide. This study is being conducted by Allied Services for use by all members of the Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (PARF).RQ#94-014
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Strategic planning and competitive analysis of rehabilitation hospitals statewide. This study is being completed by Allied Services for use by all members of the Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Hospitals (PARF). Concept design of this analysis has been reviewed with and sanctioned by Ernest J. Sessa.RQ#94-015
Osteopathic Medical Ctr. of Philadelphia
CY1992 data for an NIH-sponsored study investigating predictors of medical outcomes and resource utilization for surgical correction of congenital heart defects in children using administrative data for 9 states, including Pennsylvania. Additional tentative uses would include investigation of similar outcomes for other pediatric cases.RQ#94-016
Holy Spirit Hospital
This is a request by the Osteopathic Medical Center for their CY1992 (1/1/92 thru 6/30/92) data. Data is to be sent to Datis Corporation, SanMateo, California.RQ#94-018
Public Health Resource Group
1991 data for specified New York zip codes will be used to analyze the outmigration of New York residents to Pennsylvania hospitals.RQ#94-019
Pa. Department of Health, EMS
To obtain aggregate Statewide numbers for selected ICD-9 code admissions for 1989, 1990, and 1991.RQ#94-022
PA Department of Health
Request is for Quarters 1 and 2 of 1992 inpatient data for the CODES project. The Emergency Medical Services Division of the PA Department of Health is participating in a study with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to study seat belt and motorcycle helmet usage. The study named the ''Crash Outcome Determination Study'' is attempting to link all databases related to a crash from the scene of the accident to the victim's return to work.RQ#94-025
Penn State University
The 1991 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (CABG) report dataset was provided to this client for an active research project on the appropriate computation of variance for mortality data.RQ#94-026
Penn State University
Hershey Medical Center data for 1992 data will be used to conduct academic research on methodology for adjusting for severity of illness of inpatients across a variety of hospital types and within academic medical centers by the Center for Biostatistics, analysis of market share within a region for strategic planning research by the Department of Planning and Health Services Assessment, and comparison of financial information by patient demographics and by hospital type for the Office of Financial Management.RQ#94-027
Penn State University
Conduct research activities on outcomes and utilization.RQ#94-028
Bray & Reardon, P.C.
Conduct research on outcomes and utilization.RQ#94-030
Cooper Hospital / UMC
Market analysis.RQ#94-031
Pa. Office of the Attorney General
Public Health Research, epidemiological studies using PHC4 1992 data. This is split from RQ94-007 to separate the years.RQ#94-033
N.Y. University Medical Center
DRG profile analysis for our hospital.RQ#94-034
University of PENN
Obtain a copy of the 1991 CABG data base.RQ#94-036
Economists Inc.
The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, 1988-1994 (HCUP-3) aims to bring together the data collection efforts of State data agencies, hospital associations, private data organizations, and the federal government to create a National information resource. Under the leadership of the Center for Intramural Research of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (CIR/AGCPR), a confidential discharge data base and a public use discharge data base will be created. The HCUP-3 databases will enable research on a broad range of health policy issues including cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, outcomes of treatments, and the impact of proposed health care reform legislation. CIR/AHCPRRQ#94-037
Chambersburg Hospital
Economists Incorporated has been retained to analyze economic aspects of the Wilkes-Barre area. The hospital discharge data we are requesting would be used to identify (1) the geographic areas from which the hospitals get their patients and (2) other hospitals that serve patients from these areas.RQ#94-040
Sachs Group, Ltd.
For the foremost purpose of efficiently servicing our Market Planner clients in and around the state of Pennsylvania. In past years, our clients ordered their ''custom'' cuts of the PHC4 database directly from PHC4. The clients would have the data sent to Sachs, where it would be customized for use in the Market Planner. This process was highly inefficient. PHC4 was required to release many data sets (thus using valuable time and resources), and Sachs was required to process multiple data sets. The end result is that the end users had to wait for a very long time (often a period of many months) between ordering and receiving the data.RQ#94-044
ValuCare, Inc.
ValuCare has contracted with the following clients to analyze the requested data to profile hospital and physician performance. Northwestern Region Employee Benefit Trust, Edinboro, PA; Aetna Health Plan, Pittsburgh, under a request from the Laborers' combined Funds, Pittsburgh, PA.RQ#94-046
Hazleton General Hospital
Evaluate and develop hospital programs and services based on current and projected community (service area) needs.RQ#94-047
Marian Community Hospital
Market share analysis.RQ#94-048
Center for Health Policy
Data are requested to facilitate description of diagnoses and procedures that are prevalent in smaller rural hospitals. More specifically, we will focus on those that affect the greatest number of patients in these settings; and we will estimate the degree of variation in the prevalence of conditions encountered by hospitals in different rural communities. Hospital volume outcome analyses will be conducted based upon the data. The work will be done for the study of ''Volume Thresholds For Diagnoses Community Treated in Rural Hospital'', which is part of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) Rural Centers - Region VIII Program; funded by AHCPR (Contract no: 282-93-0039, Delivery Order 1).RQ#94-049
Center for Health Policy
Data are requested to facilitate description of diagnoses and procedures that are prevalent in smaller rural hospitals. More specifically, we will focus on those that affect the greatest number of patients in these settings; and we will estimate the degree of variation in the prevalence of conditions encountered by hospitals in different rural communities.RQ#94-053
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
To examine the costs associated with management of gallstones disease, with a special emphasis on comparing direct and indirect costs associated with laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. Data on other conditions and procedures will be used to contrast and standardize this information as well as identify possible sources of heterogeneity in resource utilization with and across medical care centers.RQ#94-055
Burn Foundation
The data requested by the Burn Foundation for the year 1992 will be compared with comparable data collected for the years 1977, 1982, and 1990, to determine trends in hospitalized burn injury in Pennsylvania. This will enable us to determine trends in the cost and incidence of burn injury, and provide a baseline with respect to trends in the causes of burn injury serious enough to require hospitalization.RQ#94-057
Pennsylvania Legislature
Medicaid newborns by hospital for calendar year 1989.RQ#94-062
PA Department of Health & Tech. Asst.
To determine which hospital are providing care in several counties not having hospitals with designated pediatric units; that is, providing general medical/surgical services for patients aged 17 and younger.RQ#94-064
Pennsylvania Blue Shield
This request for 1992 Statewide HC4 data is being made on behalf of the Pennsylvania Blue Cross and Blue Shield organizations. The Pennsylvania Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans intend to use these HC4 data (as in past uses) for accounting and community reporting, selective contracting, utilization review, and applied health services research.RQ#94-065
Hunterdon Medical Center
Data used for planning certificate of need requests, physician utilization analysis.RQ#94-066
PA Department of Health
The data will be used in a need assessment formula. The total number of discharge with a principal diagnosis of acute heart disease along with the total number of discharges with a principal procedure for open heart surgery will help determine the number of open heart surgery units required to meet the needs of Pennsylvania's population.RQ#94-067
Philadelphia Health Management Corp.
To identify and respond to the public health and social service needs of Southeastern Pennsylvania. PHMC conducts research and analyzes programs, provides management and technical assistance services, and provides specialized direct care services in the community.RQ#94-070
Joint State Government Commission
This Commission has been instructed by the General Assembly to ''undertake a comprehensive review of the diverse social, health-related, educational and financial costs of urban and rural violence.RQ#94-071
PA Department of Health & Tech. Asst.
For use in producing a Department publication that tracks Pennsylvania's progress in meeting year 2000 public health objectives.RQ#94-072
HMO Blue
HMO blue has established a subsidiary in the 5-county Philadelphia area under the name of MedisGroup HMO of Pennsylvania. We are beginning to establish a hospital network and are looking for date to ensure the selections of a quality network.RQ#94-074
Zelenkofske Axelrod & Co., Ltd.
The data requested will be used to prepare a market analysis for use by an expert witness in a litigation matter.RQ#94-075
Pa. Office of the Attorney General
Our office is investigating the proposed acquisition of Bloomed Corporation, the corporate parent of Bloomsburg Hospital in Bloomsburg, PA, by Geisinger Health System, the corporate parent of Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. The requested data will be used to determine the relevant product and geographic markets within which to analyze the competitive effects of the proposed acquisition.RQ#94-078
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Lehigh Valley Hospital requires all patient level information for (1) patients who were admitted to hospitals located in specified Regions, (2) all patients living in specified regions who were admitted to hospitals outside of the specified regions, and (3) all data for patients admitted to six additional hospitals not located in specified regions. This information should be provided on tape. It will be used for market share analysis.RQ#94-079
Hospital Council of Western PA
The full State dataset including non-protected and allowed protected data elements is requested for calendar year 1992 for two purposes 1) to develop the PA-HCMAS system to provide to PHC4 and to ultimately sell to other entities when permitted by PHC4 licensing arrangements. 2) Prepare reports based on PHC4 data to provide or sell to other entities. *Reports are defined as two or three dimensional counts or tabulations of selected data elements arrayed within a set format, for the purpose of providing the recipient with an understanding of the volume, percentage, change over time, or relationship of various discharge abstract data elements. While reports generally are provided as printed tables on paper, extensive reports may be provided on floppy disk.RQ#94-080
Ephrata Community Hospital
To obtain patient origin and market-share data by major diagnostic category. This information will be used for strategic planning purposes.RQ#94-081
Diabetes Treatment Center at Montgomery Hospital
This report will be utilized as a tool for the assessment of community needs regarding diabetes. Additionally, data from this report will be utilized in an analysis of Montgomery Hospital's market share for the diabetes product line.RQ#94-084
Sunbury Hospital
The purpose of this data request is to enhance the ability of both hospitals to serve their respective communities. The utilization patterns identified through this data will also be used for future joint health care service planning by these institutions.RQ#94-087
Urban Health Institute
To identify the number of cardiac catheterization patients going to PA hospitals from Monmouth County, NJ.RQ#94-089
Office of Attorney General
Our Office is investigating the proposed merger between Harrisburg Hospital and Polyclinic Medical Center in Harrisburg, PA. The requested data will be used to determine the relevant product and geographic markets within which to analyze the competitive effects of the proposed merger.RQ#94-103
Connelly, Reid & Spade
To identify average cost of providing medical services for treatment identified as ICD-9 Code 952.00, diskectomy anterior, with decompression of spinal cord and/or nerve roots.RQ#94-041
USQA - U.S. Quality Algorithms, Inc.
The data will be used for in-house review and analysis only.RQ#94-063
PA Department of Health
Report of patients in specific DRGs for 1992. The data will be used to study the numbers of transfers between General Acute and Rehabilitation hospitals and rehab and sub-acute units in PA.RQ#94-082
Economists Inc.
Economists Incorporated has been retained to analyze competition among hospitals in the Lancaster area. The patient discharge data would be used to determine the geographic area from which hospitals get their patients and other hospitals that serve this area.RQ#94-083
The Western Pennsylvania Hospital
Data will be used for market analyses. For example: how many inpatients of a specific type are there in a chosen area; how much of the market is admitted to our facility. Data will also be used to analyze physician practice parameters. Also wants all data associated with patients that may reside in the counties requested but are treated in other facilities in other counties.RQ#94-086
Reading Rehabilitation Hospital
To note, within our catchment area, trends in ICD-9 codes that are associated with ''potential'' for physical rehabilitation. Our goal is to extrapolate market potential for physical rehabilitation services based on these trends.RQ#94-088
Allied Services
Strategic planning and competitive analysis of rehab. hospitals Statewide. This study is being completed by Allied Services for use by all members of PARF.RQ#94-091
Hunterdon Medical Center
Data used for program planning, certificate of needs requests, and physician utilization analysis.RQ#94-092
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
Data requested for needs assessment section of community service plan.RQ#94-093
University Hospital of Cleveland
To evaluate the number, and range of conditions, of patients who reside in Ohio but are admitted to hospitals in Western Pennsylvania.RQ#94-097
Community General Osteopathic Hospital
We propose to determine market share for hospitals in the Greater Harrisburg Area. This data will be useful to the hospital for planning the delivery of community health services.RQ#94-099
Penn State University
Our Center has underway a series of studies on the statistical methodology used to support the public release of data on hospital and physician performance. These studies will be submitted for publication to peer reviewed journals in medicine and statistics. We are requesting the working datasets for any special data releases of the Council--releases similar to those on CABG mortality for 1990 and 1991. The working datasets are those use by the Council to produce the public reports. If these working datasets include data elements not generally included in the public release datasets, we request permission to use those data elements subject to the confidentiality requirements the Council might impose on the use of sensitive patient-level data.RQ#94-100
Penn State University
To support research activities on outcomes and utilization.RQ#94-101
Penn State University
To support research activities on outcomes and utilization.RQ#94-106
Washington County Hospital
To identify numbers and classifications (types of cases) from Washington County, Maryland who have outmigrated to PA hospitals.RQ#94-108
ValuCare, Inc.
To profile physician performance utilizing mortality, major morbidity, length of stay and other characteristics derived from PHC4 data.RQ#94-109
To conduct a study to peer group the providers of heart catheterization.RQ#94-111
Healthshore Technology, Inc.
To analyze LOS, charges and costs across Pennsylvania hospitals, for particular product lines (e.g. cardiology, orthopedics) after adjustment for severity of illness using the DRG methodology individual data records including ICD-9 detail are necessary both to determine the DRG for severity and adjustment purposes and to determine estimated hospital costs from the charge information by revenue code grouping.RQ#94-112
Easton Hospital
Market share analysis.RQ#94-113
Solutions for Progress
To facilitate report/study we are completing for the Delaware Disabilities Council. We are doing a cost model for analyzing single payer option.RQ#94-114
Geisinger System Services
The data are to be used to conduct research on issues of statistical modeling of rare events.RQ#94-115
Healthcare Research Affiliates, Inc.
Analysis of hospital performance via comparison of mortality rates, morbidity rates, lengths of stay, charges andother performance measures. One current project involves comparisons of hospitals in Hershey Foods Corporation's (HFC) geographic area in order to identify hospitals for inclusion in the HFC managed care network.RQ#94-116 Healthcare Research Affiliates, Inc.
Analysis of hospital performance via comparison of mortality rates, morbidity rates, length of stay, charges and other performance measures.RQ#95-002
PA Department of Health
1992 data for a specific list of hospitals to be used for the Sub-Acute Task Force Research.RQ#95-003
Urban Health Institute
To determine the number of cases of Ocean City, NJ residents going to Philadelphia hospitals for cardiac catheterization.RQ#95-004
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
With data from California, Florida, Texas, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Louisiana, and Maryland, Pennsylvania's data will be used in an analysis of the association between restrictive Medicaid reimbursement policies affecting anti-ulcer drugs and trends in hospitalization for Medicaid patients with peptic ulcer disease. Measured outcomes will include hospitalization rates, length of stay, in-hospital mortality rate, and total charges. Each state will act as its own historical control comparing before-policy years to after-policy years. Hospitalization rates will be age-, sex-, and race-standardized using U.S. census data. States with policies will then be compared to states without policies.RQ#95-005
Sachs Group, Ltd.
For the foremost purpose of efficiently servicing our Market Planner clients in and around the state of Pennsylvania.RQ#95-006
L. Byrne and Associates
All MDC 14 for Region 9 all payor.RQ#95-007
Penn State University College of Medicine
Our Center has underway a series of studies on the statistical methodology used to support the public release of data on hospital and physician performance. These studies will be submitted for publication to peer reviewed journals in medicine and statistics. We are requesting the working dataset for the 1992 data on CABG surgery. The working dataset is the one used by the Council staff to produce the public report on CABG surgery. If the working dataset includes data elements not generally included in public release datasets, we request permission to use those elements, subject to the confidentiality requirements the Council might impose.RQ#95-008
St. Mary Medical Center
Data will be presented as part of a public hearing for a Certificate of Need.RQ#95-009
St. Mary Medical Center
Data will be presented as part of a public hearing for a Certificate of Need.RQ#95-012
Grauman & Associates, Inc.
To define healthcare market based on hospital inpatient patient origin data.RQ#95-013
Manito Inc.
Used to apply for a Grant. MDC 14 for 91 and 92 in Franklin County.RQ#95-014
Merck & Co., Inc.
To perform a cost of illness analysis for osteoporosis.RQ#95-016
Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania
To develop the PA-HCMAS system to provide to PHC4 and to ultimately sell to other entities when permitted by PHC4 licensing arrangements. Prepare reports based on PHC4 data to provide or sell to other entities.RQ#95-017
National Health Advisors
National health advisors would like to obtain New Jersey outmigration to Pennsylvania hospitals. We are a healthcare management consulting firm with client hospitals in Monmouth County, New Jersey. We will be using this information in a summarized format, showing number of residents of Monmouth County, and who were discharged from Pa. hospitals.RQ#95-020
Jonathan Lindsey & Assoc.
Market share report for Lancaster, York, Berks, Chester, Lebanon, Dauphin, Cumberland and Maryland counties.RQ#95-022
Pottsville Hospital
Service area analysis.RQ#95-024
Pa. Office of the Attorney General
Data will be used to prepare a report on the markets for hospital sources in the Philadelphia area (Regions 8 and 9) for 1990-1993.RQ#95-025
Milliman & Robertson, Inc.
1) To compare the cost and utilization by geographic region to other reporting data sources and reconcile any discrepancies, 2) to determine patient migration patterns, i.e., how far do patients travel for care, which hospitals do they choose, and for which diagnoses do patients travel the farthest, 3) to determine cost and utilization differences by payor source, and 4) to determine length of stay by DRG.RQ#95-026
Dept. of Public Welfare - OMA
To help prepare a findings analysis to help the program provide assurances that its rates paid to providers for medical assistance recipients are adequate. This study will use 1992 data.RQ#95-027
Dept. of Public Welfare - OMA
The data will used to prepare a findings analysis to help the program provide assurances that its rates paid to providers for medical assistance recipients are adequate, using 1992 psychiatric data.RQ#95-028
Saint Vincent Health Center
Data will be used for: 1) internal planning for the health center, and 2) joint planning with regional providers.RQ#95-029
Health Department/Bur. of EPI.
To describe the burden of diabetes in the Commonwealth for 1990-1993.RQ#95-031
MediQual Systems, Inc.
To obtain patient level data for all PA hospitals, convert, reformat, regroup, rescore and repackage it into CD-ROM format for resale with MediQual's market view analytical software Pennsylvania and non-Pennsylvania hospitals.RQ#95-032
LEK/Alcas Consulting
Patient data. Interested in discharges (or admits) by DRG.RQ#95-036
Zelenkofske Axelrod & Co., Ltd.
Market Share Report.RQ#95-037
Ohio Hospital Association
In exchange for their data, they want patient specific data of residents of Ohio treated in Pennsylvania hospitals, from PHC4.RQ#95-038
Arthur Andersen LLP
To gain a better understanding of what the hospital's share of the primary and secondary service areas is with regard to births and pregnancy for Hanover General Hospital.RQ#95-039
APM Incorporated
To obtain patient level data (Pa codes, ICD-9s, LDs, etc.) for cardiothoracic surgery study. Interested only in three hospitals (Pittsburgh Children's, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, St. Christopher's of Philadelphia). This is a pediatric study only and data is being used as comparison to other leading CU surgery programs around the country.RQ#95-040
Chester County Hospital
These data will be used as part of market analysis in preparation for filing merger documents between Chester County and Brandywine Hospitals. It is for research purposes only.RQ#95-041
Senate of Pennsylvania
To be used in comparing data for counties in order to seek ways to cut health care costs and promote community health outreach programs. This request will use 1993 data for 5 hospitals in Lancaster county.RQ#95-043
Codman Research Group, Inc.
For generating comprehensive population bases analyses of hospital utilization rates and charges by residents of each state.RQ#95-044
St. Luke's Hospital
The data will be used as part of a market analysis in preparation for filing merger documents between St. Luke's Hospital and Quakertown Community Hospital. The data is for research purposes only.RQ#95-045
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
We wish to compare the cost and outcomes of care at UPMC with those at other Pennsylvania hospitals. The purpose of these analyses is to enable UPMC physicians and managers to reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical care in our hospitals.RQ#95-046
Albert Einstein Medical Center
To conduct facility planning.RQ#95-047
Carlisle Hospital & Health Systems
Data records will be used for marketing research purposes.RQ#95-048
Easton Hospital
Data will be used in internal strategic market planning including market share analysis.RQ#95-049
Pennsylvania Blue Shield
To conduct account and community reporting, selective contracting, utilization review and applied health services research.RQ#95-052
PA Department of Health
1993 data for a specific list of zip codes, regions and counties for a range of DRGs. Data will be used for analysis of access/utilization of cardiac services relative to a Certificate of Need issue.RQ#95-053
University of PENN
To capture all inpatient discharges that originated from any of the above counties and were discharged from a Pennsylvania hospital, as well as patients that originated from beyond the identified area and were discharged from a hospital in the area. In particular, we want to insure that we include patients that originated from New Jersey and were discharged from a hospital in southeastern Pennsylvania.RQ#95-054
Center for Health Policy
To track pediatric patients who are transferred from one hospital to another hospital, in an effort to measure their ultimate outcome of care subsequent to transport.RQ#95-055
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
To compare several standards of hospital performance, including the cost of treating hospital patients, between the two hospital sectors.RQ#95-056
The Center for Forensic Economic Studies
Discharges of each hospital, by zip code for all hospitals in the following counties: Lehigh, Carbon, Schuylkill, Northampton, Berks, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester and Philadelphia Counties.RQ#95-057
JFK Health Systems, Inc.
Internal planning.RQ#95-058
Geisinger System Services
To better understand: * Geisinger's market share; *Clinical needs of residents of our service area; * What other facilities are servicing residents of our service area and why.RQ#95-059
Pa. Department of Health
Total admissions for DRGs 104-109 and DRGs 115-145 for specified age groups, for each county in Region 8, 9 and Statewide for 1992.RQ#95-060
Pa. Department of Health
1993 data for DRG's 104-109 for a specific list of hospitals.RQ#95-061
Villanova University
The data will be devoted to several research applications: 1) primary research exploring sex differences in medical conditions; 2) social category breakdowns on health for a forthcoming book (Social Problems, Harcourt Brace, 1977).RQ#95-064
Hospital strategic planning.RQ#95-065
HMO Blue
The data will be used to research the use of the APR-DRG grouper software to compare hospitals with each other.RQ#95-066
Susquehanna Health System
To develop a database for planning.RQ#95-067
Pa. Office of the Attorney General
Prepare analysis of impact of merger of Wilkes-Barre General and Nesbitt Memorial Hospitals on Wilkes-Barre and surrounding area. Request was amended to include all admissions in specific counties for 1989-1993.RQ#95-069
Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
To fulfill the obligations of a federal contract with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to identify the number and type of hospital injury/trauma admissions to each acute care hospital within each state. This research will assist the states in developing or improving their Statewide trauma systems by identifying which hospitals are major suppliers of inpatient trauma care and the historical patient flow patterns of major trauma patients. The data will be further analyzed to characterize the delivery of trauma care across regions within the state of Pennsylvania and should prove helpful in the future development of the trauma system in Pennsylvania.RQ#95-070
Chambersburg Hospital
The Chambersburg Hospital is requesting raw data to facilitate a better understanding of the acute care needs of residents in our service area and to identify outmigration of healthcare from our service area. We are interested in quantitatively evaluating the number of patients and types of services patients require, and where these patients are receiving that care.RQ#95-071
Lehigh Valley Buy Right Council
For market share analysis and related marketing research.RQ#95-072
City of Pittsburgh
Used by the Department of Finance to evaluate and monitor the tax-exempt status of hospitals in Pittsburgh.RQ#95-073
The Reading Hospital and Medical Center
To compare the average cost of its neonatal intensive care program with similar programs in the region.RQ#95-074
USQA - U.S. Quality Algorithms, Inc.
To analyze patterns in hospital care.RQ#95-077
PA Department of Health
The data will be used to assist the Pennsylvania Department of Health's Cardiovascular Program in the development of a strategic plan.RQ#95-078
PA Department of Health
The data will be used to evaluate a needs assessment formula used by the Department of Health for Open Heart surgery programs.RQ#95-081
The Wharton School, Univ. of PA.
The data requested in this application will be incorporated into a time-series analysis aimed at evaluating factors influencing hospital choice in the 5-county greater Phila. area. Request is made for monthly volume data by hospital by DRG for regions 8 and 9. If monthly data is not available, quarterly data would also be beneficial. In addition, request is made for annual estimated payer code distribution by hospital. This research will fulfill a doctoral curriculum requirement in Wharton's Health Care Systems Department.RQ#95-082
Philadelphia Health Management Corp.
To develop aggregated reports of health status and access indicators to enhance the planning of health services in the Delaware Valley.RQ#95-083
J.E. Hanger, Inc.
Requesting data on the number of amputations in PA to help determine, 1) the scope of existing practices, 2) where to locate additional branches.RQ#95-084
Federal Trade Commission
For patient origin flow information that is needed for a decision to be made on whether to issue a second request in the case: Polyclinic Medical Center/Harrisburg Hospital.RQ#95-085
This is a request for data for Dr. Brody, MD020508E to demonstrate the correction of the errors at Jeanes Hospital.RQ#95-086
Holy Redeemer Health System
The data will be used for a networking study.RQ#95-087
Polyclinic Medical Center
As part of a defense of real estate tax litigation. Data will be analyzed by a defense expert, solely for the purpose of litigation.RQ#95-088
Nathan Associates, Inc.
The data will be used to help identify geographic markets and corresponding market shares of hospitals providing open heart surgeries in Northwestern PA. 1991-93 data will be used.RQ#95-089
Sachs Group, Inc.
The data will be used in a commercial software product.RQ#95-090
HBS International
The data will be used in a commercial software product.RQ#95-092
Data will be used to do analysis on Magee Women's Hospital.RQ#95-093
Center for Delivery Research
The data will be used to design and develop a national database of information on hospitals and their patients, to be used for health services research and health policy analysis.RQ#95-095
Market Insights
This data for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia will be used for research and analysis purposes. They will be performing relative cost performance and market share analysis on the DRG level.RQ#95-096
Pennsylvania Blue Shield
The data will be used to conduct account and community reporting, selective contracting, utilization review and applied health services research.RQ#95-097
Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania
The data will be used for two purposes: 1) for incorporation into HCMAS-PA software, and 2) to prepare reports based on HC4 data to provide or sell to other entities.RQ#95-098
Healthcare Research Affiliates, Inc.
The data will be used to provide hospitals, physician groups, managed care organizations, and other health care decision makers with quality, charge and utilization statistics with market share figures. The reports are used by their clients to assist with quality assurance efforts, to evaluate provider performance, and to assist with service needs assessment.RQ#95-099
Easton Hospital
The data will be used to allow them to do internal strategic market planning including market share analysis.RQ#95-101
Nicholas Gianvito
1993 data for factual research.RQ#95-102
KPMG Peat Marwick
1993 Data will be for a Certificate of Need on NJ residents who seek health care in PA.
Economic Insights
The report will be used to study the needs of children impacted by HIV/AIDS in Dauphin, Cumberland, Perry and Franklin Counties.RQ#95-106
Ernst & Young, LLP
To analyze market share trends for clients interested in starting Medicaid HMO.RQ#95-107
Charles Rivers Associates, Inc.
The data will be used for internal research purposes.RQ#95-109
Pa. Comm. on Crime and Delinquency
To evaluate potential sites for a ''weed'' and ''seed'' program to be implemented in the community.RQ#95-110
Devon Hill Associates
Research report for long term care facilities to see where patients reside.RQ#95-111
Penn State University/Hershey Med. Ctr.
Academic research is often conducted collaboratively among investigators as several institutions. Although no such collaborative research is currently planned, in the future Penn State faculty might want to engage in such collaborative research based in part on these data. All investigators will be required to abide by the confidentiality requirements set forth by statute and by this application.RQ#95-113
Parente, Randolph, Orlando, Carey Assoc.
Preparation of Financial Feasibility Study.RQ#95-118
Milliman & Robertson, Inc.
Milliman & Robertson, Inc. would like to use this data to: 1) Determine the level of efficiency for a hospital or payer as compared to well-managed efficient experience as defined by M&R's HealthCare Management Guidelines; 2) Compare the cost and utilization by geographic region to other reporting data sources.RQ#95-119
Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania
The data will be used for two purposes: 1) For incorporation into HCMAS-PA software, and 2) To prepare reports based on HC4 data to provide or sell to other entities.RQ#95-137
Chester County Hospital
The data will be used as part of a market analysis in preparation for filing merger documents between Chester County and Brandywine Hospitals. It is for research purposes only.RQ#95-143
Quorum Health Resources, Inc.
To be used for consulting purposes.[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-646. Filed for public inspection April 19, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]