GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [26 Pa.B. 1804] Renewal of Declaration of Disaster Emergency of January 7, 1996 Whereas, On January 7, 1996, I declared a State of Disaster Emergency in forty-seven counties of the Commonwealth due to a severe winter storm which produced historical record amounts of snow accumulation, freezing rain, and high winds which devastated certain areas of Pennsylvania and resulted in extensive road closures and posed other adverse life safety impacts upon the general population of the Commonwealth; and
Whereas, on January 13, January 20, and February 12, 1996, I amended my Proclamation of Disaster Emergency of January 7, 1996, in order to add eleven additional counties to the designated disaster emergency area due to a second severe winter storm which struck Pennsylvania and subsequent widespread flooding which occurred throughout the stream and river systems of the Commonwealth; and
Whereas, the Proclamation and its Amendments authorized the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, other State agencies and departments and the governing bodies and executive offices of all political subdivisions within the designated disaster emergency area to perform emergency response and recovery activities as deemed necessary to meet the emergency circumstances caused by the winter storms and flooding throughout Pennsylvania; and
Whereas, the winter storms and flooding caused widespread damage and destruction throughout Pennsylvania to highways, bridges, public utilities, businesses, and other forms of public and private property which requires the Commonwealth, its agencies and departments and political subdivisions to continue to perform emergency recovery activities in the form of repairing, maintaining, reconstructing or replacing damaged highways, bridges, and other public facilities and to provide other types of federal and State disaster assistance to businesses, individuals, and other eligible disaster applicants; and
Whereas, the current Proclamation is due to expire on April 5, 1996.
Now therefore, Pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 7301(c) of the Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa.C.S.A. Section 7101 et seq.), I do hereby declare, order, and direct that the Proclamation of January 7, 1996, be renewed in the fifty-eight disaster declared counties for a period of ninety days. All provisions of the January 7, 1996, Proclamation and its Amendments and all authorized actions carried out pursuant to that Proclamation and its Amendments shall remain in effect.
Given under my hand and Great Seal of the Commonwealth, this third day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine-hundred and ninety-six, and of the Commonwealth, the two-hundred and twentieth.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-618. Filed for public inspection April 19, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]