DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Design Professional Selections [28 Pa.B. 1898] The Selections Committee for the Department of General Services (Department) will meet to consider selections of Design Professionals for the following projects:
Project No. DGS 251-36--Construction of New Maintenance Building, District 9-0 Headquarters, Hollidaysburg, Blair County, PA. Construction Cost: $645,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, construction of an approximately 12,000 square foot, one story, insulated metal structure, including all utilities which will provide space for storage, repair area and offices.
Project No. DGS A 404-101--Addition to and renovation of Carlson Library, Clarion University, Clarion, Clarion County, PA. Construction Cost: $11,000,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, demolition of Carlson Classroom Building of the Carlson Library and construction of an approximately 28,000 gsf addition. Also, renovation of structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems of the Tower and North Wings of the Library (approximately 80,500 gsf). In addition to traditional library functions this project will provide for instructional media, audiovisual services, microcomputer access, teleconferencing and video production. Key features are reader spaces, lounge and vending area (available for extended hours), a 30 station microcomputer laboratory, space for archives, special collections, art gallery, service and staff areas.
Project No. DGS 503-18--Installation of Updated High Voltage Distribution Cables throughout System, Danville State Hospital, Danville, Montour County, PA. Construction Cost: $450,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, replacement of Feeders 2, 4 and 6 from main switchgear in Power Plant to appropriate buildings. Replace all switchgear and oil fused cutouts associated with Feeders 2, 4 and 6. Addition of second power source feed for the Maintenance/Garage and upgrade/redesign of power distribution system for the Center Block.
Project No. DGS 506-21--Renovate Building Number 12, Harrisburg State Hospital, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA. Construction Cost: $605,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, installation of new air conditioning system to entire building (three story--24,000 sq. ft.); upgrade existing (steam radiators) heating system; upgrade electrical system and replacement of windows for energy conservation.
Project No. DGS 571-25--New Level 2 Housing Unit/Kitchen and Dining Renovations/Perimeter Security Improvements, State Correctional Institution, Rockview, Centre County, PA. Construction Cost: $9,874,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, construction of a level 2 housing unit of approximately 27,000 sq. ft., expansion of the kitchen and dining renovations including division of present inmate dining room into three separate 250 seat dining rooms, ramped entrances and exits and the resetting of tables, serving lines, and the like. Also included is installation of security fencing in three locations (approximately 1,114'), installation of high mast lighting and a new gatehouse and horizontal sliding gates. This project will be phased to provide for an accelerated design/construction schedule for the high mast lighting, fencing and new gatehouse.
Project No. DGS 581-10--Upgrade of Electrical Distribution System, White Haven Center, Luzerne County, PA. Construction Cost: $400,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, replacement of the 5KV feeders from the main substation to all buildings (except those recently replaced) and replacement of all connections including lugs, stress cones and elastimold connectors.
Project No. DGS 947-8--Construction of Visitor Center, Old Economy Village, Ambridge, Beaver County, PA. Construction Cost: $2,080,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, construction of an approximately 15,000 to 18,000 sq. ft., multistory visitor center to serve Old Economy Village. Included in the center will be exhibits, restrooms, visitor services, administrative offices, collections storage, outdoor playground and visitor parking. The historic artifact storage and exhibit area will require special environmental conditions and controls (temperature/humidity/particulate air filtration). A security and fire detection/suppression system are to be included.
Project No. DGS 948-51--Exterior Building Improvements, Agriculture Building, Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, PA. Construction Cost: $450,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, repair/replace waterproofing of the exterior walls below grade and repair damage. Replace entrance lobby doors to provide ADA accessibility, security and normal operations. Repair/reset stone and brick masonry with remedial corrections to systemic defect.
Project No. DGS 1576-4-5--Addition to Education Building and addition to Treatment Building, State Correctional Institution, Frackville, Schuylkill County, PA. Total Construction Cost: $1,339,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, an addition to the Education Building of 2,880 sq. ft. per level (two levels) and will provide classrooms (for vocational training), work rooms, offices, interview rooms, janitor storage and separate inmate and staff toilet facilities. The addition to the Treatment Building of 2,400 sq. ft. per level (two levels) shall include a dental suite, multipurpose rooms, interview rooms, janitor storage and separate inmate and staff toilet facilities.
Requirements and Information Note--Project Program
A Project Program, prepared by the Using Agency, for the above advertised projects may be available and can be obtained upon request to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 783-8468.
Instructions for Filing Application
Professionals will not be considered by the Committee until all of the following requirements are met.
(a) Signed Revised 1994 Form 150, not more than 1 year old as of the deadline date stated in paragraph (d) must be filed with the Department for the requesting professional firm and the designated key consultants listed on the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-S). All signatures on Form 150 must be original signatures. Consultants listed on the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-S) shall be deemed to be designated key consultants. If these documents are not on file with the Department, the requesting professional firm must submit them with firm's application (Form l50-S). A photocopy of Form 150 without an original signature of a principal of the firm is not acceptable. Revised 1994 Form 150, Architect/Engineer Questionnaire, may be obtained upon request to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 783-8468.
(b) The requesting professional firm shall obtain from each consultant listed in the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-S) a signed letter of certification on the consultant's letterhead, attesting to the firm's consent to participate in the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-S) for the specific project. Signed letters of certification from consultants are required and constitute a part of the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-S) for the specific project. All signatures on letters of certification must be original signatures.
(c) The requesting professional firm must submit six signed copies of Revised 1994 Form 150-S, Specific Project Form, for each project herein advertised in which the firm is interested and qualified to perform. All signatures on Form 150-S must be original signatures. For architectural projects and, when appropriate, for engineering projects, the professional shall supply photographs showing a maximum of two different views of each of the three projects described in Question 14, Page 5 of the application (Form 150-S). The requesting professional firm or Joint Venture members must be the Professional of Record for the projects described in Question 14, Page 5 of the application (Form 150-S). It is not acceptable to list work performed by key consultants. The identification and appropriate supportive information concerning each photograph shall include the name, project title, location and the name of the professional of record. Renderings and brochures will not be accepted in lieu of photographs. The photographs shall be attached to each copy of the application, (Form 150-S). The pages of each copy of revised 1994 Form 150-S must be stapled with photographs and consultant's letters of certification followed by photocopies of licenses of registered professionals included as the last section of the application. Do not bind the application (Form 150-S) in any way to any other documentation. Do not bind the application (Form 150-S) in a binder of any type. Revised 1994 Form 150-S may be obtained upon request to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 783-8468.
(d) A complete project submission, which consists of documents described in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) must be received on or before the close of business (5 p.m.) Monday, May 11, 1998, and addressed to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125. Fax applications are not acceptable.
Project submissions must be made on the current 1994 forms. Outdated forms are not acceptable.
(e) The Selections Committee may at its discretion establish interviews with any or all of the professionals who have requested consideration for appointment as designer for the above projects. If an interview is required, the professional will be notified by the Committee as to the date, time and location.
(f) Additional information, in writing, may be requested by the Committee as required. Additional Services--Indoor Air Quality Assessment Program and Hazardous Materials.
The professional firm selected to design a project will be expected to perform and administer, when required by the Department as Additional Services, an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Program during building or renovation commissioning and the sampling, testing, inspection and monitoring for removal of any asbestos, other hazardous waste or contaminants encountered during project design or construction, unless otherwise stated in the scope.
The professional agrees to comply with the terms of the agreement and specifically as it relates to the professional liability insurance and the general liability insurance requirements.
The Selections Committee encourages responses from small firms, minority firms, women-owned firms and firms who have not previously performed State work, and will consider Joint Ventures, which will enable them to participate in this program.
All applications submitted are subject to review by the Selections Committee. The Selections Committee disclaims any liability whatsoever as to its review of the applications submitted and in formulating its recommendations for selection. All recommendations for selection made by the Committee shall be final under the act of July 22, 1975, (P. L. 75, No. 45).
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-606. Filed for public inspection April 17, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]