642 Repeal of outdated Bulletin notices; Department Notice 1999-02  

  • Repeal of Outdated Bulletin Notices; Department Notice No. 1999-02

    [29 Pa.B. 2105]

       The Insurance Commissioner hereby formally repeals the following Bulletin Notices. The notices were issued to provide general information, guidance in advance of the promulgation of a regulation, or announce a change in law or Insurance Department practice. The insurance industry is now familiar with the information contained in these Notices or the information is outdated and no longer relevant or necessary for the proper regulation of the insurance industry in this Commonwealth.

    Notice No. Title
    1996-03Calculation of Maximum Interest Rate Chargeable By Insurance Premium Finance Companies
    1996-19Surplus Lines Advisory Organization
    1997-01Flood Insurance
    1997-04Notice to Medical Malpractice Insurance Carriers and Self-Insured Health Care Providers
    1998-02Repeal of Outdated Notices and Bulletins

       Questions regarding this notice may be addressed to Peter J. Salvatore, Regulatory Coordinator, 1326 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (7l7) 787-4429.

       Questions may also be e-mailed to psalvato@ins.state.pa.us or faxed to (717) 705-3873.

    M. DIANE KOKEN,   
    Insurance Commissioner

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-642. Filed for public inspection April 16, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]

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