629 Delaware County--finding  



    [29 Pa.B. 2092]

    Delaware County

       Pursuant to the provisions of 71 P. S. Section 2002(b), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:

       The Department of Transportation plans to install median barrier and construct protected left turn lanes and a five lane roadway with a continuous center turn lane, resurface the roadway, repair and reconstruct shoulders, and improve drainage for S.R. 0001, Section H05. This project is in Birmingham and Concord Townships, Delaware County. This project will require the acquisition of right-of-way from the adjacent Brandywine Battlefield National Historic Landmark and the Chadds Ford Historic District. The effect of this project on the Brandywine Battlefield National Historic Landmark and the Chadds Ford Historic District will be mitigated by the following measures to minimize harm to the resources:

       1.  To coordinate with the historic, rural and scenic setting of the project area, the proposed median barrier will be installed with a visually aesthetic stone facing which is similar to the facing installed along Route 1 to the south in Chester County.

       2.  Clearing and grubbing along the corridor will be minimized to retain as much of the existing vegetative appearance of the roadway as possible.

       3.  Battlefield signing enhancements, construction of a southbound right turn lane, realigning the Brandywine Battlefield State Park entrance for bus traffic, adding protected left turn lanes for traffic turning from Route 1 into the Park, enclosing the nearby stream to allow for removal of existing guide rail, and regrading and reseeding existing paved areas not included as part of the revised entrance will be incorporated into the project.

       4.  Coordination with the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission and the Brandywine Battlefield will continue through final design.

       I have considered the environmental, economic, social, and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in Section 2002 of the Administrative Code, and have concluded that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the project as designed, and that all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize such effect.

       No adverse environmental effect is likely to result from the construction of this highway project.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-629. Filed for public inspection April 16, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]

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