Fuel Surcharge; S. P. 28204 [30 Pa.B. 2004] Commissioners Present: John M. Quain, Chairperson; Robert K. Bloom, Vice-Chairperson; Nora Mead Brownell; Aaron Wilson, Jr.; Terrance J. Fitzpatrick
Public Meeting
March 30, 2000Order By the Commission:
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) is aware of the recent surge in the retail price of fuel. To prevent financial hardships and even bankruptcy, it is imperative that passenger motor carriers under the jurisdiction of this Commission be afforded an opportunity to adjust rates and fares to offset unanticipated fuel expenditures.
To permit call or demand, paratransit and airport transfer carriers to recover unanticipated increased fuel costs, we are hereby authorizing a fuel surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger. The fuel surcharge is to be in addition to existing officially filed tariff rates.
To permit call or demand motor carriers of First Class Cities to recover increased fuel costs, we are hereby requiring that each call or demand carrier of First Class Cities to charge the authorized fuel surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger, in addition to the authorized meter rate. Call or demand carriers of First Class Cities are also required to charge the authorized fuel surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger, in addition to the flat rate of $20, for transportation to or from the Philadelphia International Airport. This requirement is consistent with the Commission's decision at R-901703, entered January 11, 1991, which requires that all call or demand carriers in First Class Cities charge uniform rates.
We have determined that the authorized fuel surcharge is just and reasonable for both the passenger carrier and the paying passenger. Therefore,
It Is Ordered That:
1. Call or demand carriers, paratransit carriers and airport transfer motor carriers rendering service under jurisdiction of this Commission may establish a fuel surcharge under Special Permission No. 28204.
2. Call or demand carriers of First Class Cities are required to charge the authorized fuel surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger, in addition to the authorized meter rate.
3. Call or demand carriers of First Class Cities are required to charge the authorized fuel surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger, in addition to the flat rate of $20.
4. The surcharge shall become effective on April 1, 2000, and shall terminate on June 30, 2000.
5. Motor carriers establishing a fuel surcharge and call or demand carriers of First Class Cities shall notify the public by placing notice in all vehicles. The notice shall read ''The PA Public Utility Commission has authorized the establishment of a fuel surcharge under Special Permission No. S. P. 28204. The surcharge of $0.25 per paying passenger is effective on April 1, 2000 and shall terminate on June 30, 2000.''
6. The Secretary shall duly certify this order and deposit same with the Legislative Reference Bureau of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-654. Filed for public inspection April 14, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]