715 Taxicab and Limousine Division; fuel surcharge comments and public hearing  

  • Taxicab and Limousine Division; Fuel Surcharge Comments and Public Hearing

    [42 Pa.B. 2144]
    [Saturday, April 14, 2012]

    April 2, 2012

     The price per gallon for gasoline has been climbing steadily over the past few months. Fuel prices across the region are now averaging $3.89 for regular and $4.14 for premium gasoline. One week ago, the price of regular gasoline in our area was $3.85, 1 month ago it was $3.76 and 1 year ago, just before the most recent fuel surcharge was approved by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA), it was $3.58.

     On March 28, 2012, the Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania filed a petition and Fuel Surcharge proposal with the Taxicab and Limousine Division (TLD) of the PPA requesting that a surcharge be implemented. The proposal, which follows for review and comment, describes a sliding scale at which the first surcharge is ''triggered'' when gasoline reaches $3.50 per gallon of regular gasoline and increases commensurately by .50 cents with each .50 cent increase in the price of regular gasoline. The proposal calls for an additional .50 cents on top of the base surcharge for trips to and from the Philadelphia International Airport.

     A simpler but more comprehensive approach is the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's (Commission) procedure for implementing on going fuel surcharges which has been under consideration by the PPA since receipt of public comments last summer praising the system. The Commission fuel surcharge system and implementation procedure, which follows, has been in effect for a number of years. It provides for a much greater degree of consistency and predictability in addressing what has become a very problematic and costly aspect of making a living as a call or demand/for hire transportation driver. The system allows fuel surcharges to be implemented or repealed on a monthly basis without the need for the inherent delays of emergency petitions, comments, investigations and hearings.

     Accordingly, the PPA invites public comment with regard to the need for a fuel surcharge and for comments as to the best way to implement a sliding scale surcharge. The proposed surcharge applies to all medallion and partial rights taxicab trips as well as airport transfer service under Philadelphia jurisdiction.

     The surcharge system selected and implemented by the PPA will need to be one which may be electronically implemented and repealed by all vendors of meter technology systems approved by PPA's TLD.

     Partial rights taxicabs will need to adhere to the terms and schedule concerning any surcharge method selected and approved but will need to have their meters manually updated and sealed at TLD Headquarters with regard to surcharge addition and removal.

     Submit any comments regarding this proposal no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2012, to the attention of Charles Milstein, Esq., Assistant to the Director, Taxicab and Limousine Division, cmilstein@ philapark.org. A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2012, at 10 a.m. at the PPA, TLD Headquarters. Oral and/or typed or printed comments will be accepted at the hearing. Notice for comments and a public hearing concerning the implementation of a Fuel Surcharge for Medallion and Partial Rights Cabs as well as Airport Transfer service serving Philadelphia has been conveyed to all concerned by a posting to the TLD web site, posting at the TLD Headquarters and broadcast by e-mail on April 4, 2012. In addition, an abbreviated notice was sent to each medallion cab through the meter system. It is requested that Medallion owners and Dispatch Associations pass this information to drivers.

    JAMES R. NEY, 
    Taxicab and Limousine Division

    Fuel Surcharge for Passenger Motor Carriers
    http://www.puc.state.pa.us/transport/ motor/fuel_surcharge.aspx
    Accessed April 3, 2012

    April 2012 Average Price of Gasoline = $3.83

    Taxi Fuel Surcharge = $1.15

    Airport Transfer & Paratransit Fuel Surcharge = $2.55

    March 2012 Average Price of Gasoline = $3.69

    Taxi Fuel Surcharge = $1.05

    Airport Transfer & Paratransit Fuel Surcharge = $2.35

    Docket No. S.P. 28209

     Taxi companies, providers of paratransit transportation, and motor carriers providing transportation to and from airports, are permitted to add the fuel cost recovery charge to the cost of the trip in order to recover the unanticipated high price of gasoline.

    Fuel Surcharge Determination

     The amount of the fuel surcharge is determined by locating the average price of gasoline (posted at the top of this page) in the chart displayed below, and then select the corresponding fuel surcharge in the column for the respective type of transportation. The average price of fuel is posted on the third Friday of each month, with the effective date of the surcharge being the first day of the subsequent month.

     For example, if the posted average price of gasoline is $3.85, the ninth line of the chart contains the price range for the $3.85 cost. The corresponding surcharge for taxicabs is $1.15, while the corresponding surcharge for paratransit and airport transfer transportation is $2.55. Those surcharges would be effective on the first day of the next month.

    FUEL ($ per Gallon) Taxicabs* Paratransit & Airport Transfers**
    $1.40—$1.49 $.05 $.05
    $1.50—$1.59 $.05 $.15
    $1.60—$1.69 $.10 $.25
    $1.70—$1.79 $.15 $.35
    $1.80—$1.89 $.20 $.45
    $1.90—$1.99 $.20 $.55
    $2.00—$2.09 $.25 $.70
    $2.10—$2.19 $.30 $.80
    $2.20—$2.29 $.35 $.90
    $2.30—$2.39 $.40 $1.00
    $2.40—$2.49 $.45 $1.10
    $2.50—$2.59 $.50 $1.20
    $2.60—$2.69 $.55 $1.30
    $2.70—$2.79 $.60 $1.40
    $2.80—$2.89 $.65 $1.50
    $2.90—$2.99 $.70 $1.60
    $3.00—$3.09 $.75 $1.70
    $3.10—$3.19 $.80 $1.80
    $3.20—$3.29 $.85 $1.95
    $3.30—$3.39 $.90 $2.05
    $3.40—$3.49 $.95 $2.15
    $3.50—$3.59 $1.00 $2.25
    $3.60—$3.69 $1.05 $2.35
    $3.70—$3.79 $1.10 $2.45
    $3.80—$3.89 $1.15 $2.55
    $3.90—$3.99 $1.20 $2.65
    $4.00—$4.09 $1.25 $2.75
    $4.10—$4.19 $1.30 $2.85
    $4.20—$4.29 $1.35 $2.95
    $4.30—$4.39 $1.40 $3.05
    $4.40—$4.49 $1.45 $3.15
    $4.50—$4.59 $1.50 $3.25
    $4.60—$4.69 $1.55 $3.35
    $4.70—$4.79 $1.60 $3.45
    $4.80—$4.89 $1.65 $3.55
    $4.90—$4.99 $1.70 $3.65
    $5.00—$5.09 $1.75 $3.75
    $5.10—$5.19 $1.80 $3.85
    $5.20—$5.29 $1.85 $3.95
    $5.30—$5.39 $1.90 $4.05
    $5.40—$5.49 $1.95 $4.15
    $5.50—$5.59 $2.00 $4.25
    $5.60—$5.69 $2.05 $4.35
    $5.70—$5.79 $2.10 $4.45
    $5.80—$5.89 $2.15 $4.55
    $5.90—$5.99 $2.20 $4.65
    $6.00—$6.09 $2.25 $4.75
    $6.10—$6.19 $2.30 $4.85
    $6.20—$6.29 $2.35 $4.95
    $6.30—$6.39 $2.40 $5.05
    $6.40—$6.49 $2.45 $5.15
    $6.50—$6.59 $2.50 $5.25
    $6.60—$6.69 $2.55 $5.35
    $6.70—$6.79 $2.60 $5.45
    $6.80—$6.89 $2.65 $5.55
    $6.90—$6.99 $2.70 $5.65
    $7.00—$7.09 $2.75 $5.75

    * The amount is per trip.

    ** The amount is per paying passenger per trip.

    How the Amounts for the Fuel Surcharge are Determined

     The basis for the fuel surcharge is the premise that the cost of gasoline rose dramatically following the year 2003, when the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline was $1.35. The fuel surcharge compensates carriers for the difference in the current cost of gasoline for an average trip and the cost of gasoline for an average trip in 2003.

     In its order of June 1, 2006, creating the Fuel Cost Recovery Surcharge, the Commission established that the following constants would be utilized in the formulas for determining the amounts for the surcharge:

     • The base price to be used is $1.35 per gallon of unleaded regular gasoline.

     • The average distance of a trip for taxicabs is 6.8 miles.

     • The average distance of a trip for paratransit and airport transfer carriers is 13.61 miles.

     • The average gasoline mileage for taxicabs is 15.04 miles per gallon.

     • The average gasoline mileage for paratransit and airport transfer carriers is 13.01 miles per gallon.

     In determining the cost of gasoline per trip the following formulas are used:

     • Taxicab cost/trip = [(gas price) X (6.8 miles per trip)]÷ (15.04 miles per gallon)

     • Paratransit/Airport Transfer = [(gas price) X (13.61 miles/trip)]÷ (13.01 miles/gallon)

     The amounts in the chart are calculated determining the cost per trip for the costs of gasoline in the chart and subtracting the cost per trip at $1.35 per gallon. The difference was then rounded to the nearest nickel or dime.

    Carrier Notification of Fuel Surcharge

     Carriers shall notify the public by placing a notice in all vehicles, which shall read:

    The PA Public Utility Commission has authorized a fuel surcharge under Special Permission No. 28209. The surcharge has been extended and shall terminate on June 30, 2012. The current surcharge is (insert current charge here) per trip for each paying passenger.

    History of Fuel Surcharge

     On June 10, 2004 the Commission approved a temporary fuel surcharge of 30 cents per trip for each paying passenger for taxis. Paratransit and airport transfer carriers were allowed 70 cents per trip for each paying passenger. The temporary fuel surcharge was to last for one year.

     At a public meeting on June 2, 2005, the PUC extended the temporary fuel surcharge for another year. The extension was granted in response to the Commission's receipt of verbal and written requests from passenger motor carriers. Throughout the first year of the fuel surcharge the price of gasoline fluctuated, but the average price of gasoline for that period was $2.

     Due to the unanticipated increase in gasoline prices, the PUC approved an emergency order on Sept. 2, 2005, to raise the fuel surcharge to 70 cents for taxis and $1.55 for paratransit and airport transfer carriers.

     The fuel surcharge was then determined on a monthly basis until 2006, when the review became quarterly. At the June 1, 2006 public meeting, the PUC determined that on the third Friday of each month, the Commission will post the average cost of unleaded regular gasoline, which will determine the surcharge. The Commission extended the surcharge at five public meetings: June 21, 2007, June 24, 2008, June 18, 2009, June 16, 2010 and then again on June 9, 2011.

     The fuel surcharge is scheduled to terminate June 30, 2012.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-715. Filed for public inspection April 13, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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