665 Availability of Title V funds through mini-grants to support elimination of barriers to community inclusion for children and youth with special health care needs  

  • Availability of Title V Funds through Mini-Grants to Support Elimination of Barriers to Community Inclusion for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

    [37 Pa.B. 1743]
    [Saturday, April 14, 2007]

       The Bureau of Family Health (Bureau) is accepting mini-grant applications up to $3,000 related to eliminating barriers to inclusion of children and youth with special health care needs in Pennsylvania communities. These mini-grants are called the Barrier Elimination (BE) Project mini-grants. BE mini-grants are available to support activities which directly address physical, environmental and informational barriers allowing community organizations, businesses, places of worship and schools to be more inclusive of children with special health care needs. This project is an extension of the Bureau of Family Health's Building Inclusive Communities for Children/Youth With Special Health Care Needs Mini-grant Initiative (BIC) which offers financial support for educational endeavors addressing community inclusion. BE Project funds will be used to advance this work by financially supporting the elimination of tangible barriers to inclusion.

       For purposes of this funding opportunity, ''children with special health care needs'' are defined as those aged birth to 21 years who have or are at risk of developing a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition requiring services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally.

       The degree to which communities are healthy can be partly gauged by the degree to which children/youth with special health care needs are provided a full complement of services, civic engagement and social interaction. The BE Project is designed to empower communities by providing financial support for activities that either remove or significantly reduce obstacles that children and youth with special health care needs and their families confront as they seek to participate fully and productively in their communities. These include barriers to self-care, activities of daily living, receptive/expressive communication, learning, mobility, access to service, recreation, academics, spiritual practice, volunteerism, hobby exploration, employment, voting and economic self-sufficiency. The ultimate goal of the project is to build social capital by assisting communities to be fully accessible and inclusive and, consequently, allow for the full integration of Pennsylvania's children with special health care needs in all aspects of community life. Project funds must be used to reimburse purchases and activities occurring prior to June 30, 2008.

       Eligible applicants are Pennsylvania public and private organizations, foundations or community-based agencies as recognized by Federal Tax ID number. Individuals may not apply. Informal groups without Federal Tax ID numbers are encouraged to partner with a sponsor organization who may apply on behalf of the group. For-profit organizations may apply; however, no applicant may take a profit from these funds.

       Applicants may include:

       *  Day care centers and child care providers.

       *  Medical/Dental providers.

       *  Educational providers.

       *  Youth groups.

       *  Community planners.

       *  Places of worship/congregations.

       *  Community groups/Civic clubs.

       *  Entertainment/Recreation/Play providers.

       *  Potential employers/businesses.

       *  Professional associations/organizations.

       *  Libraries.

       *  Voting/Polling providers.

       *  Travel/tourism providers.

       *  Park/Forest/Camp ground staff.

       *  Bankers/Lenders.

       *  Retailers.

       *  Minority groups.

       Funding decisions are contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 funds and Department approval by means of a proposal review panel. The approval will be based upon a common set of pre-established criteria. The applications are scored in three categories worth a maximum of 10 points per category with a total maximum of 30 points;

       1.  Justification of the need for the elimination of the proposed barrier to advance inclusion of young people with special needs, and the number of children and young people with special needs who will ultimately benefit.

       2.  Likelihood that the proposed activities will be of on-going systemic benefit to the community.

       3.  Reasonableness of the proposed expenditures as it relates to the number of young people with special needs who will ultimately benefit.

       Applicants will be notified of approval/disapproval in writing within 30 days of receipt of a completed application. Applicants not selected for funding will be notified and may revise their application once to conform to the guidelines for reconsideration. It is anticipated that 33 to 36 awards of $3,000 or less will be made for this fiscal year period. Grantees must spend their own funds first and then be reimbursed by the Department of Health (Department).

       Applicants may apply for funding for reimbursement of multiple purchases or activities. However, the maximum cumulative award to any one applicant (as identified by Federal Tax ID number) is $3,000 per fiscal year or for any one purchase when combined with any other funding received through the Bureau of Family Health's Building Inclusive Communities (BIC) for Children/Youth With Special Health Care Needs Mini-grant Initiative. Department funds should be used as payer of last resort. Grant funds may not supplant existing funds. Grant funds may be used for reimbursement of one time purchases only. The grantee is the sole owner of the purchased property. Eligible expenses fall within the following categories: Equipment, Assistive Technology/Communication Devices, Site/Facility Improvements, Environment/Curriculum and Technology, as described in the application materials. Three deadlines have been set: August 2, 2007, with awards made known by October 1, 2007; November 1, 2007, with awards made known by January 1, 2008; and January 16, 2008, with awards made known by March 1, 2008. Applications will only be accepted if funds have not been fully awarded for the fiscal year. Before applying, check the Department of Health's website (www. health.state.pa.us, search word: mini-grant) to see if funding is still available.

       To apply for funding, download application materials from the Department website, by visiting www.health. state.pa.us (search word: mini-grant). Seven copies of a complete application must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on the dates identified previously. Applications may be mailed or hand delivered. Applications may not be faxed. Late applications will not be accepted regardless of the reason. This is a reimbursement program. Grantees must spend their own funds first and then be reimbursed by the Department.

       Application materials can be downloaded from the Department's website: www.health.state.pa.us (Search: mini-grant). Individuals can also request application materials or additional information related to this initiative by contacting Cindy Findley. Persons with a disability who require an alternative format of this notice or application materials (for example, large print, audiotape, Braille) should contact Cindy Findley, Bureau of Family Health, Division of Community Systems Development and Outreach, 7th Floor East, Health and Welfare Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 772-2763, cfindley@ state.pa.us or for speech and/or hearing impaired persons V/TT (717) 783-6514 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 634-5984 (TT).

    CALVIN B. JOHNSON, M. D., M.P.H.,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-665. Filed for public inspection April 13, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]

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