April 11, 1998 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1705357-01 03/27/87 Thermo Environmental Instruments 9,500.00 1544157-01 03/27/98 Greiner Industries, Inc. 330,793.00 1436207-01 03/27/98 Saturn of Harrisburg 106,599.50 8234570-01 03/27/98 Stephenson Equipment, Inc. 134,400.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Beckman Instruments, Inc. 9,738.00 6505-06 02/11/98 ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 3,840.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Becton, Dickinson & Company 73,583.90 6505-06 02/11/98 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 29,901.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Gen-Probe, Inc. 55,428.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Sanofi Diagnostics, Inc. 142,148.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Dade Behring, Inc. 19,718.00 6505-06 02/11/98 Wampole Laboratories 9,892.40 6505-06 02/11/98 Columbia Diagnostics, Inc. 1,681.60 6505-06 02/11/98 Abbott Laboratories-
Diagnostics Division134,414.87 6505-06 02/11/98 Roche Diagnostic Systems, Inc. 135,472.50 8970700-01 03/31/98 Aspen Aerials, Inc. 316,744.80 1528117-01 03/31/98 Alltel Meadville District 16,232.85 5610-49 03/25/98 Allegheny Concrete LLC 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Beaver Concrete and Gravel 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Berks Products 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Carbondale Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Castle Builders Supply 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Central Builders Supply 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Centre Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Centre Concrete/Montoursville 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Centre Concrete/State College 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Consolidated Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Coon Industries 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Darlington Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Depaul Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Dubrook/Butler 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Dubrook/Dubois 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Earl M. Brown 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Eastern Industries/West 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 FI Hoff Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Frank Casilio & Sons 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Franklin Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Gavco Industries 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Glenn Redi Mix 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Glenn Sand and Gravel 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 H. B. Mellott Estates 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Hanover Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Hempt Brothers 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Hoy's Construction 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Hunlock Sand/Gravel 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 J & F Ready Mix 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 J D M Materials 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 James W. Quandel & Sons 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 John Boger & Sons 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Judson Wiley & Sons 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Juniata Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Marion Center Supply 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Masters Ready Mix Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Meadville Redi Mix Concrete Co. 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 New Enterprise Stone 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Pennsy Supply 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Pike Co. Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Pocono Transcrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Porters Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Prospect Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 R. W. Sidley 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Ready Mix Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Rock Hill Materials 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Serv All Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Sheesley Supply 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 State Aggregates 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Stone & Company 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Susquehanna Supply Company 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Thomson & Montgomery 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Union Quarries 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Valley Transit 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Wades Coal & Concrete 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Walter Zeigler & Sons 5,000.00 5610-49 03/25/98 Wayne Concrete 5,000.00 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-589. Filed for public inspection April 10, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]