574 Retention of engineering firms  


    Retention of Engineering Firms

    [28 Pa.B. 1794]

    Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Counties
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2175

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for an Open-End Contract for various engineering and/or environmental services on various projects located in Engineering District 12-0, that is Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Counties. The Contract will be for a sixty (60) month period with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The maximum amount of the Open-End Contract will be $1.0 million.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Specialized experience and technical competence of firm.

       c.  Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, ability to meet schedules, and previous experience on Open-End Contracts. The specific experience of individuals employed by the firm shall be considered.

       d.  Location of Consultant in respect to the District.

       e.  Available staffing for this assignment and the ability to meet the Department's needs.

       f.  Projected workload for the next two 2) calendar years.

       The work and services required under this Contract may encompass a wide range of environmental studies and engineering efforts with the possibility of several different types of projects with short completion schedules being assigned concurrently. The anticipated types of projects include, but not limited to, bridge replacements or bridge rehabilitation with minor approach work, environmental studies, roadway betterments (3R type), minor capital improvement projects (bridges or roadway), railroad grade crossing projects, and minor location studies, etc.

       The engineering work and services which may be required under this Contract include, but are not limited to: perform field surveys; plot topography and cross sections; prepare submission for utility verification and relocations engineering; prepare all pertinent submissions and materials necessary for the Department to prepare the application to PUC and for the PUC field conference; attend and supply any required information for all PUC meetings and hearings during the design of the project; develop erosion control details and narrative; prepare right of way plans; complete structure designs including type, size, and location reports, core boring layouts and foundation designs and reports; develop traffic control plans with narratives; conduct soils investigations and prepare soils reports; investigate utility involvement on projects; provide material for and participate in value engineering reviews; coordinate contacts with railroad officials and procure railroad related costs, permits, and insurance; collect signal timing, accident data and other traffic flow data; document engineering study findings and activities; alternative analysis to assess impacts and mitigation; and prepare construction plans, specifications, and estimates.

       The areas of environmental study required under the Contract may include, but are not limited to: air quality; noise; energy; vibration; hazardous waste; surface water and ground water quality; surface water and ground water hydrology; terrestrial ecology including threatened and endangered species; wetlands; soils; geology; farmlands; visual quality; socio-economic resources; cultural resources; Section 4(f) Evaluations; early coordination and; scoping correspondence; meeting minutes; public meeting and hearing presentations; visualization materials, handouts and displays; technical basis reports (TBRs) and/or technical files; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; mitigation plans and reports; wetland and floodplain findings; and preliminary engineering plans, and remote sensing/mapping innovations. The format and content of all documents will be consistent with applicable State and Federal regulations, policies and guidelines.

       The engineering services and environmental studies identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under this Open-End Contract. A more specific and project-related Scope of Work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-End Contract.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Michael H. Dufalla, P.E., District Engineer, District 12-0, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. William Oshnack, District 12-0, at (724) 439-7321.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Montour and Northumberland Counties
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2176

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately five (5) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services for S.R. 0054, Section 014 and S.R. 0054, Section A14, in Montour and Northumberland Counties.

       The project designated S.R. 0054, Section 014 will provide a new bridge across the Susquehanna River from Riverside to Danville with associated roadway construction. The project designated S.R. 0054, Section A14 will provide construction of the approach roadway to the bridge which will feature a unique cut and cover through the historic district of Danville. The construction will take approximately two (2) years.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.

       c.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       d.  Review of inspectors' resumes with the emphasis on construction inspection, capabilities and specialized experience in structures, asphalt paving, drainage, CPM scheduled usage, construction documentation system and soils.

       e.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.

       f.  Past performance.

       g.  Workload.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Manager    1    (TCM-1) 1  (1)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 4 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super.    (TCIS) 2  (2)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 2  (2)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or    equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       One inspector in the TCIS and TCI classification must be certified by the Northeast Center of Excellence for Pavement Technology (NECEPT) as a Field Technician.

       Since this project is a large bridge, all of the inspectors assigned must have a climbing ability.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCM-1) $44.93
    (TCIS) $39.36
    (TCI) $34.43

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; and perform other duties as may be required.

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCM-1 and/or TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    ClassificationNo. of Resumes
    TCM-1 2
    TCIS 3
    TCI 3

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Paul E. Heise, P.E., District Engineer, District 3-0, P. O. Box 218, Montoursville, PA 17754,

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. John P. Ryan, P.E., District 3-0, at (717) 368-4233.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Allegheny and Beaver Counties
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2177

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately twelve (12) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services on the following projects:

       1.  S.R. 3077, Section A05, Allegheny County. Local Name: Beaver Grade Widening. This project involves the reconstruction of Beaver Grade Road and Coraopolis Heights Road to improve sight distance and add turning lanes. Also included is concrete curb gutter, drainage, driveway adjustments, new traffic signal installation at their intersection, signing, pavement markings, and widening for a right turn lane on Beaver Grade Road at the intersection with Thorn Run Road.

       2.  S.R. 0065, Section B13, Beaver County. Local Name: Mercer Road. This project involves the milling and resurfacing with bituminous wearing course and bituminous binder course of Mercer Road in Beaver County. Also included is paved shoulders, rebuilding inlets, driveway adjustments, and guide rail.

       3.  S.R. 0051, Section B16, Beaver County. Local Name: Ohio River Boulevard. This project involves concrete patching, bituminous wearing course, bituminous binder course, guide rail, and drainage for Ohio River Boulevard in Beaver County.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, soils, concrete, asphalt paving, drainage, guide rail, signing, pavement markings, and signals.

       c.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.

       d.  Past performance.

       e.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       f.  Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.

       g.  Workload.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super.    (TCIS) 3  (3)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector-- 3  (2)
    Materials (TCI-Materials) (NICET Highway    Materials Level 2 or equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 3  (2)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or    equivalent)
    Technical Assistant (TA) 3  (0)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or    equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCI-Materials) $35.51
    (TCI) $34.43
    (TA) $23.67

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; supply one (1) inspector certified in computer documentation and perform other duties as may be required.

       The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:

    1 Nuclear Densometer Gauges/License
    1Vehicle for the Transportation of Nuclear    Gauges
    3Base Radio Stations
    9Two-Way Radios
    3Fax Machines

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    ClassificationNo. of Resumes
    TCI-M 4
    TCI 4
    No resumes are required for the TA Classification.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Henry Nutbrown, P.E., District Engineer, District 11-0, 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017. Attention Mr. Richard Curry, P.E.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Bob Collins, P.E., District 11-0, at (412) 429-4928.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Allegheny County
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2178

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately six (6) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services for S.R. 0022, Section A07, Allegheny County, Route 22 Expressway Rehabilitation. This project involves the reconstruction of existing roadway, shoulders, and two (2) bridge decks. Also included is drainage, guide rail, crossovers and temporary lighting.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, soils, structures, concrete, asphalt paving, drainage, guide rail and lighting.

       c.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.

       d.  Past performance.

       e.  Workload.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super.    (TCIS) 1  (1)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector - 1  (1)
       Materials (TCI-Materials)
    (NICET Highway Materials Level 2 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 3  (2)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or    equivalent)
    Technical Assistant (TA) 3  (0)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or    equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCI-Materials) $35.51
    (TA) $23.67

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; one (1) inspector certified in computer documentation and perform other duties as may be required. Firms applying must have qualified personnel capable of climbing structures during painting, rehabilitation, or construction.

       The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:

    1 Camera (type digital)
    1Fax Machine

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    No. of Resumes
    TCIS 2
    TCI-M 2
    No resumes are required for the TA Classification.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Henry Nutbrown, P.E. District Engineer, District 11-0, 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017. Attention: Mr. Richard Curry, P.E.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Bob Collins, P.E., District 11-0, at (412) 429-4928.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Allegheny County
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2179

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately twenty (20)inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services on the following projects:

       1.  S.R. Group 111-97-7135-4, Allegheny County. This project involves bituminous resurfacing, drainage work, and base work on various state roads in Wilkinsburg, Plum, Edgewood, Forest Hills, and Churchill, all in Allegheny County.

       2.  S.R. 0051, Section A40, Allegheny County. Local Name: Traffic Route 51. This project involves concrete pavement patching at various locations on Traffic Route 51, along with bituminous and concrete overlay of two (2) bridge decks. The job is located in Elizabeth Borough, and is approximately 5.3 miles in length.

       3.  S.R. 0019, Section A25, Allegheny County. Local Name: Washington Road. This project involves the milling and resurfacing of Washington Road with superpave wearing surface. Also included is concrete patching, drainage work, curbs, sidewalks, and pavement markings, and is located in Mount Lebanon, Allegheny County.

       4.  S.R. Group 111-98-7135-6, Allegheny County. This project involves the milling and resurfacing on nine (9) roads in Franklin Park, McCandless, Marshall Township, Pine Township, and Leetsdale, all in Allegheny County. Also included is drainage, loop sensors, paved shoulders, and bituminous gutter work.

       5.  S.R. 0376, Section A18, Allegheny County. Local Name: I-376/Grant Street to Greensburg Pike. This project involves concrete patching and spall repair on I-376 from the Bates St. Ramp to the Greensburg Pike Ramp, located in the City of Pittsburgh, Edgewood, and Churchill I Allegheny County. Also included is crack scaling, loop sensors and pavement markings. The majority of the work will be done on weekends.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the Maintenance and Protection of traffic, soils, structures, concrete, asphalt paving, drainage, curbs, sidewalks, loop sensors, and pavement markings.

       c.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.

       d.  Past performance.

       e.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       f.  Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.

       g.  Workload.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super.    (TCIS)  5  (5)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or    equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 10  (7)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or    equivalent)
    Technical Assistant (TA)  5  (0)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or    equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCI) $34.43

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; supply one (1) inspector certified in computer documentation and perform other duties as may be required. Firms applying must have qualified personnel capable of climbing structures during painting, rehabilitation, or construction.

       The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:

      1 Nuclear Densometer Gauges/License
      1Vehicle for the Transportation of Nuclear    Gauges
      5Base Radio Stations
    15Two-Way Radios
      1Cellular Phone
      5Fax Machines

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    No. of Resumes
    TCI 12
    No resumes are required for the TA Classification.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Henry Nutbrown, P.E., District Engineer, District 11-0, 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017. Attention: Mr. Richard Curry, P.E.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Bob Collins, P.E., District 11-0, at (412) 429-4928.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    Allegheny County
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2180

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately nine (9) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services for S.R. 0279, Sections A39 and A50, Allegheny County, Fort Pitt Blue Phase. This project involves the rehabilitation of selected ramps in the Point Interchange in the City of Pittsburgh. Also included is lighting, rehab of part of the Portal Bridge, Fort Pitt Tunnel cut slopes, over-height detector installation, repair of the Fort Pitt Tunnel Portal Building's roofs and electrical work on the Fort Pitt Tunnel.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the Maintenance and Protection of traffic, soils, structures, concrete, asphalt paving, drainage, lighting, and electrical work.

       c.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.

       d.  Past performance.

       e.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       f.  Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.

       g.  Workload.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Manager 1 (TCM-1) 1  (1)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 4 or equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super. (TCIS) 1  (1)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector-- 1  (1)
    Materials (TCI-Materials) (NICET Highway Materials Level 2 or equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 4  (3)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or equivalent)
    Technical Assistant (TA) 2  (0)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCI) $34.43

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; supply one (1) inspector certified in computer documentation and perform other duties as may be required. Firms applying must have qualified personnel capable of climbing structures during painting, rehabilitation, or construction.

       The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:

    1 Paint Test Kit
    1Base Radio Station
    3Two-Way Radios
    1 Cellular Phone
    1Camera (type digital)
    1Fax Machine

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCM-1 and/or TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    No. of Resumes
    No resumes are required for the TA Classification.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Henry Nutbrown, P.E., District Engineer, District 11-0, 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017. Attention: Mr. Richard Curry, P.E.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Bob Collins, P.E., District 11-0, at (412) 429-4938.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Chester County
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2181

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately twenty (20) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services on the following projects:

       1.  S.R. 0030, Section C10, Chester County. This project involves various signal improvements on Traffic Route 30, Traffic Route 100 and Traffic Route 113 in Uwclan, West Whiteland and East Caln Townships.

       2.  S.R. 0100, Section R2R, Chester County. This project involves an interchange improvement and ramp construction at the northbound exit ramp of Traffic Route 100 to Traffic Route 724 in North Coventry Township.

       3.  S.R. 2006, Section 54S, Chester County. This project involves the bridge replacement of Westbourne Road over Goose Creek in Westtown Township.

       4.  S.R. 2007, Section S98, Chester County. This project involves an intersection improvement of Westtown Road at the Traffic Route 202 ramps in West Goshen Township.

       5.  S.R. 3028, Section 64S, Chester County This project involves the bridge replacement of Pennsgrove Road over Big Elk Creek in Upper Oxford Township.

       6.  S.R. 3070, Section M00, Chester County. The project involves the milling, overlay and drainage system replacement on Traffic Route 30 from Hope Avenue to the Conrail Bridge in Coatesville Borough, Caln Township.

       7.  S.R. 3070, Section M01, Chester County. The project involves the milling, overlay and shoulders and minor drainage on Traffic Route 30 from the Conrail Bridge to Stuart Avenue in Downingtown Borough and Caln Township.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities, Department and District experience and supervisory experience.

       c.  Specialized experience in bituminous paving, drainage structures and signalization.

       d.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       e.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies and specifications.

       f.  Ability to provide three (3) ''CDS'' operators or persons capable of inputting data into a personal computer (TCIS Classification).

       g.  Past performance.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Classification Inspectors
    Transportation Construction Ins. Super. (TCIS) 9  (6)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or equivalent)
    Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 9  (6)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or equivalent)
    Technical Assistant (TA) 2  (0)
    (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or equivalent)

       The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1998:

    Maximum Straight Time
    Reimbursement Per Hour
    Payroll ClassificationOf Inspection
    (TCI) $34.43
    (TA) $23.67

       The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.

       Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; and perform other duties as may be required.

       The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:

       a.  Seven (7) 35MM cameras (one per project)

       b.  Two (2) two-way radios/repeater equipment and base unit (maximum number per project) for S.R. 3070, Section M00 and S.R. 3070, Section M01 only.

       c.  Safety vests--high visibility for inspectors S.R. 0030, Section C10, S.R. 2007, Section S98, S.R. 3070, Section M00 and S.R. 3070, Section M01 only.

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.

       The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:

    No. of Resumes
    TCIS 10
    No resumes are required for the TA Classification.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Andrew Warren, District Administrator, District 6-0, 200 Radnor-Chester Road, St. Davids, PA 19087.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Russell Swallow, District 6-0, at (610) 964-6686.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Allegheny, Beaver and Lawrence Counties
    Project Reference No. 08430AG2182

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for an Open-End Contract for various geotechnical engineering services on various projects located in Engineering District 11-0, that is Allegheny, Beaver and Lawrence Counties. The Contract will be for a sixty (60) month period with project assigned on an as-needed basis. The required services may encompass a wide range of design, review and consultation efforts with the possibility of several different types of projects having short completion schedules. The anticipated types of projects may include, but are not limited to, bridge replacements or bridge rehabilitations with minor approach work, roadway betterments (3R type), Capital Improvement Projects (bridges or roadways), maintenance type remediation and minor location studies. The maximum amount of the Open-End Contract will be one million ($1,000,000) dollars.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Open-End Contract based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Ability to package and present the Letter of Interest in accordance with the ''General Requirements and Information'' section.

       b.  Understanding of Department's requirements, design manuals, policies and specifications.

       c.  Specialized experience and technical competence of firm. The specific experience of individuals who constitute the firms shall be considered.

       d.  Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, ability to meet schedules and previous experience on Open-End Contracts.

       e.  Location of consultant in respect to the District. This will include ability/provisions for quick responses to District requests.

       f.  Method of controlling quality of projects and submissions. Consideration will be given to coordination between disciplines, subconsultants, etc.

       The firm may be required to perform, but will not be limited to, the following geotechnical engineering services: review of geotechnical work performed by private engineering firms; perform geotechnical design for major Department designed projects; perform geotechnical investigations under a Health and Safety Plan; develop Health and Safety Plans (HASP) for projects; investigate and prioritize slope movements and other geologic hazards for future programming; install and/or monitor geotechnical instruments; perform geophysical investigations; geotechnical consultation during and after construction; review projects developed by local municipalities; drilling inspection in accordance with D.M. 4/D.M. 1 qualifications and criteria; review of wetland designs from a geological or geotechnical perspective emergency response to geologic hazards; review and comment on Department procedures and documents; review of right-of-way relinquishments; investigate tunnels and design any necessary remediations; review of requests of mine variances; review of permit requests; assist in evaluating the level of effort needed to complete geotechnical work tasks; investigate stability of retaining systems; develop specifications; water quality sampling and evaluation; review erosion and sedimentation plans from a geological or geotechnical perspective; develop experimental work plan activities and other research activities; review preliminary area reconnaissances (PAR'S), initial site assessments (ISA'S), preliminary site investigations (PSI'S), detailed site investigations (DSI'S) and waste management plans; prepare and review pavement designs; respond to requests from maintenance for various types of investigations; develop and administer subsurface boring sampling and testing contracts; perform stability analyses of slopes and retaining structures; preparation of erosion and sedimentation plans; perform scour analyses and developing remedial solutions; review of contour grading plans; review of storm water management plans; develop remediation schemes for acid mine drainage (AMD) problems; and preparation of geotechnical engineering reports. These services may include, but not be limited to, the following specific items: attend field views and prepare minutes; prepare submissions for field views and safety review meeting; perform related field surveys; plot topography and cross sections. Most of the drilling and testing services will be provided by the Department through separate service purchase contracts with other contractors. However, the firm may be required to let separate contracts for drilling and will have to have soil. Rock and water testing capabilities. The soil and rock testing will be performed at an AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) accredited laboratory and the water testing must be performed at a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources certified laboratory. Some tests may be required to be performed under a HASP.

       The primary services to be provided are geotechnically related; however, other services may be required and they may include, but not be limited to, the following items: prepare submissions and materials necessary for the Department to prepare the application to Public Utility Commission (PUC) for the PUC field conference; attend and supply any required information for all PUC meetings and hearings during project design; develop erosion control details and narrative; develop right-of-way plans; prepare type, size and location reports; prepare hydraulic report for waterway approval; prepare bridge drawings; prepare traffic control plans and narrative; investigate utility and property involvement; prepare and disseminate right-of- entry letters; prepare prints and information required for a value engineering review; make the necessary investigations and adjustments to the design as a result of the value engineering review comments; make all necessary contact with railroad officials for any railroad-related costs estimates, permits, insurance, approvals and other required information; alternatives using benefit/cost analysis; document geotechnical study activities and findings; attend coordination and status meetings with District personnel and prepare minutes; and construction plans, specifications including special provisions and estimates.

       The format and content of all documents, plans and specifications will be consistent with applicable State and Federal regulations and guidelines.

       The firm may be required to perform any or all of the following environmental studies: air quality; surface water and groundwater hydrology; terrestrial ecology; wetlands; soils; geology; farmland; hazardous waste; visual quality; socioeconomic, cultural; Section 4(f) and Section 106 documents; and other related studies not identified above. The environmental studies will be conducted in accordance with Department policy and accepted analysis techniques and methodologies.

       The reports and other written graphic material to be prepared may include, but are not limited to, early coordination and scoping correspondence; meeting minutes; public meetings and hearing presentations; handouts and displays; technical basis reports; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; Section 4(f) evaluations; mitigation plans and reports; and wetland and floodplain findings.

       The firm may also be required to perform any or all of the following in order to ensure a complete investigation has been performed: plans and lists of areas where soil, rock and water will be impacted and demolition will occur during proposed construction activities.

       The geotechnical, geological and geophysical engineering services identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under this Open-End Contract. A more specific and project-related scope of work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-End Contract.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section shall be sent to: Mr. Henry Nutbrown, P.E., District Engineer, District 11-0, 45 Thoms Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017.

       Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. William R. Adams, Jr., P.E., District 11-0, at (412) 429-4919.

       Any questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    General Requirements and Information

       Firms interested in providing the above work and services are invited to submit two copies of a Letter of Interest are required information for each Project Reference Number for which the applicant wishes to be considered.

       The first copy of the Letter of Interest and required information must be submitted to: Mr. Charles W. Allwein, P.E., Chief, Consultant Selection Committee, 7th Floor, Forum Place, 555 Walnut Street, P. O. Box 3060, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3060. Note: The Zip Code for express Mailing is 17101-1900.

       The Letter of Interest and required information must be received within twenty (20) calendar days of this Notice. The Deadline for receipt of a Letter of Interest at the above address is 4:30 P.M. prevailing time of the twentieth day.

       The second copy of the letter of interest and required information must be submitted to the appropriate District Engineer/Administrator or the Bureau Director as indicated in the individual advertisement. This copy must be postmarked or delivered on or before the deadline indicated above.

       If an individual, firm, or corporation not authorized to engage in the practice of engineering desires to submit a Letter of Interest, said individual, firm, or corporation may do so as part of a Joint Venture with an individual, firm, or corporate which is permitted under the state law to engage in the practice of engineering.

       If a Joint Venture responds to a project advertisement, the Department of Transportation will not accept separate Letters of Interest from the Joint Venture constituents. A firm will not be permitted to submit on more than one (1) Joint Venture for the same Project Reference Number. Also a firm that responds to a project as a prime may not be included as a designated subcontractor to another firm that responds as a prime to the project. Multiple responses under any of the foregoing situations will cause the rejection of all responses of the firm or firms involved. The above does not preclude a firm from being set forth as a designated subcontractor to more than one (1) prime responding to the project advertisement.

       If a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation is established for an advertised project, firms expressing interest in the project must agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms as defined in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and currently certified by the Department of Transportation shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in any subcontracting or furnishing supplies or services approved under Form 442, Section 1.10(a). The Act requires that firms owned and controlled by women (WBEs) be included, as a presumptive group, within the definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The goal for DBE participation shall be as stated in the individual project advertisement. Responding firms shall make good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using DBEs (as they were defined prior to the act, WEBs or combinations thereof.

       Proposing DBE firms must be certified at the time of submission of the Letter of Interest. If the selected firm fails to meet the established DBE participation goal, it shall be required to demonstrate its good faith efforts to attain the goal.

       Responses are encouraged by small firms, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms, and other firms who have not previously performed work for the Department of Transportation.

       Each Letter of Interest must include the following information and the information must be packaged and presented in the following order:

       1.  Transmittal Letter (Maximum of two (2) 8 1/2" x 11" typed pages, one side)

       The subject heading of the transmittal letter must include the project reference number for which the applicant wishes to be considered, the firm's legal name, fictitious name (if applicable), and the firm's federal identification number. If the project advertisement indicated the Department will retain an engineering firm for the project, the applicant must indicate in the body of their transmittal letter the names and Professional Engineer License Number of individuals who are directing heads or employees of the firm who have responsible charge of the firm's engineering activities, and whose names and seals shall be stamped on all plans, specifications, plats, and reports issued by the firm.

       2.  Project Organizational Chart (one page, one side, maximum size 11" x 17")

       This Chart must show key staff from the prime and each subconsultant and their area of responsibility.

       3.  Standard Form 255, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project'' (one Form 255 for the project team)

       The Standard Form 255 must be signed, dated, and filled out in its entirety, including Item No. 6 listing the proposed subconsultants and the type of work or service they will perform on the project.

       Under Item 4 of this form, Column A must specify only the number of subconsultant personnel and Column B must specify only the number of prime consultant personnel to be assigned to work on this project reference number. Do not include the total personnel for either the subconsultant or prime consultant under Item 4 unless the total personnel are necessary to provide the required work and services.

       The prime and each subconsultant may include no more than one page each for Items 10 and 11.

       If a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal is specified for the project, the DBE must be currently certified by the Department of Transportation, and the name of the DBE and the work to be performed must be indicated in Item No. 6. If a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) firm is substituted for the DBE, the WBE firm must also be presently certified by the Department of Transportation and indicated in Item 6.

       4.  Standard Form 254, ''Architect-Engineer for Related Services Questionnaire''

       A Standard Form 254, not more than one (1) year old as of the date of this advertisement, must accompany each Letter of Interest for the firm, each party to a Joint Venture, and for each subconsultant the firm or Joint Venture is proposing to use for the performance of professional services regardless of whether the subconsultant is an individual, a college professor, or a Company, unless an acceptable Standard Form 254 for the prime and each subconsultant/subcontractor is on file in both the Bureau of Design and the Engineering District Office or Central Office Bureau identified in the individual project advertisement.

       If the Standard Form 254 is not submitted with the Letter of Interest, the transmittal letter shall indicate the dates that the Standard Forms 254 were submitted to the Bureau of Design and appropriate Engineering District/Central Office Bureau.

       These Forms must be assembled with the prime's form first, followed by the form for each subconsultant in the same order as the subconsultants appear in Item 6 of Form 255.

       5.  Workload Projection Graph (Not required for Construction Inspection Services)

       Separate Workload Projection Graphs for the prime and each subconsultant shown in Item 6 of the Form 255 must be included and must indicate the firm's current and anticipated workload compared to the anticipated capacity available for the next two-year time frame. The Workload Projection Graphs must be submitted for the office(s) where the work would be performed and must only include the personnel classifications required for providing the advertised services and work.

       6.  Authorization Letters (For Construction Inspections Services, if required)

       If the advertisement requires a letter signed by individuals giving their approval to use their name in the Letter of Interest, the letters from proposed prime employees must be first, followed by subconsultant employees, in the same order as shown in Item 6 of Form 255.

       7.  Registration To Do Business

       Firms with out-of-state headquarters or corporations not incorporated in Pennsylvania must include, with each Letter of Interest, a copy of their registration to do business in the Commonwealth as provided by the Department of State. Firms who are not registered to do business in Pennsylvania at the time of this advertisement must document that they have applied for registration to the Department of State, Corporation Bureau. The telephone number for the Corporation Bureau is (717) 787-1057 or (717) 787-2004.

       8.  Overhead Rates (one page)

       A single page summary must indicate the latest audited overhead rate developed in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) for the prime consultant and each subconsultant. If a FAR rate is not available, the latest rate available from a Certified Public Accountant must be indicated. New firms should indicate how long the firm has been in existence and when an audited overhead rate would be available.

       9.  Additional Information

       Additional information, not to exceed ten (10) one sided 8 1/2" x 11" pages or five (5) double sided 8 1/2" x 11" pages may be included at the discretion of the submitting firm.

       The assignment of the agreement/contract for the above advertisement(s) will be made to one of the firms who submitted an acceptable Letter of Interest in response to the project advertisement. The assignment will be made based on the Department's evaluation of the firm's qualification and capabilities. The Department reserves the right to reject all letters submitted, to cancel the solicitations requested under this Notice, and/or to readvertise solicitation for the work and services.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-574. Filed for public inspection April 10, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information