Pipeline Operators Subject to the Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Act; 2013 Registrations [43 Pa.B. 1393]
[Saturday, March 9, 2013]The purpose of this Secretarial Letter is to inform pipeline operators of the annual registration requirements of the Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipelines Act (act) (58 P. S. §§ 801.101—801.1101), which gives the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (Commission) jurisdiction to enforce Federal pipeline safety laws over operators of nonpublic utility gas and hazardous liquids pipeline equipment and facilities within this Commonwealth. The Commission issued Implementation Orders, which included the Annual Registration Form, in early 2012, at Doc. M-2012-2282031.
Information for Pipeline Operators Currently Registered with the Commission
A company who continues to be a Commonwealth pipeline operator, as defined in section 102 of the act (58 P. S. § 801.102), shall submit by March 31, 2013, the Annual Registration Form to report a pipeline operator's Commonwealth pipeline miles as of December 31, 2012, along with the $250 annual registration fee. Note that mileage should be reported per mile of individual pipeline; multiple pipelines in one trench are each individual pipelines for reporting purposes. The Annual Registration Form along with accompanying attachments and the instructions can be found on the Commission's Act 127 web page at http://www.puc.pa.gov/filing_resources/issues_laws_regulations/act_127_pipeline_act.aspx.
If a pipeline operator filed a Commonwealth Pipeline Operator Registration Form in 2012, then the company was given a docket number (for example, A-2012-xxxxxxx). Indicate the docket number at the top of the 2013 Annual Registration Form. For reference, instructions to view the Commission's current list of docket numbers for Commonwealth pipeline operators can be found on the Commission's previously listed Act 127 web page.
If a pipeline operator has a docket number but changed its name or otherwise altered its legal status (acquisition, merger) in the past calendar year, explain the change so the Commission can update its records and maintain an accurate Pipeline Operator Registry.
Information for Pipeline Operators not Currently Registered with the Commission
This Secretarial Letter has been sent to pipeline operators because the Commission believes the companies may be Commonwealth pipeline operators under the act. A company who is a Commonwealth pipeline operator shall submit by March 31, 2013, the Annual Registration Form to report a pipeline operator's Commonwealth pipeline miles as of December 31, 2012, along with the $250 Annual Registration Fee.
Filing Instructions
The Annual Registration Form may be electronically filed. To do so, pipeline operators first need to establish an account on the Commission's eFiling system, which may be accessed at http://www.puc.pa.gov/efiling/default.aspx. Paper copies need not be filed for materials that are eFiled; however, the Commission suggests that pipeline operators keep a copy of whatever is submitted to the Commission for their records.
Note that failure of a Commonwealth pipeline operator to timely file an Annual Registration Form and provide an accurate reporting of Commonwealth pipeline mileage could result in enforcement proceedings by the Commission's Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement, and possible civil penalties, under section 502 of the act (58 P. S. § 801.502).
If pipeline operators have any questions regarding this Secretarial Letter, e-mail questions to ra-Act127@pa.gov or see the Commission's previously listed Act 127 web page.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-436. Filed for public inspection March 8, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]