Title 4—ADMINISTRATION [45 Pa.B. 1062]
[Saturday, March 7, 2015]PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [ 4 PA. CODE CH. 1 ] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2015-04 ] Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency (''GO TIME'') February 5, 2015
Whereas, the Commonwealth faces significant fiscal challenges which require that it make every effort to maximize efficiency, and find new ways of modernizing, and innovating the operations of state government while continuing to deliver services at the highest level; and
Whereas, the administration believes that inter-agency coordination and collaboration is critical to providing high quality services and ensuring the most efficient use of resources; and
Whereas, there are many opportunities for the Commonwealth to enter into partnerships with the private sector in order to develop and pursue innovative new practices; and
Whereas, the Commonwealth, as a major purchaser of goods and services, can benefit from economies of scale in procurement, and leverage the collective buying power of its many agencies to reduce costs; and
Whereas, the employees of state agencies are best positioned to understand the strengths and opportunities within their agency, and to make recommendations for improvement where possible; and
Whereas, the above initiatives, if appropriately administered, should generate over $150 million in cost savings for the 2015-2016 fiscal year; and
Whereas, the Governor believes that these goals can be best achieved through coordination among agencies and partners to ensure a government that is responsive to the concerns and needs of the people it serves.
Now, Therefore, I, Thomas W. Wolf, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do hereby establish the Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency within the Governor's Office of Administration and do order and direct as follows.
Fiscal Note: 2015-04. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
1.821. Mission. 1.822. Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency. 1.823. Powers and duties. 1.824. Cooperation by Commonwealth agencies. 1.825. Effective date. 1.826. Rescission. § 1.821. Mission.
The mission of the Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency is to:
(1) Deliver cost savings to the citizens of this Commonwealth through multiagency efficiencies, productivity improvements and cost-saving innovations.
(2) Remain fully and continuously engaged with agencies to identify new project needs and opportunities.
(3) Promote and foster a culture of innovation, open data and collaboration across agencies in alignment with the Governor's priorities.
(4) Identify partnering opportunities with nonprofit organizations and local communities to leverage resources that will save taxpayer dollars.
(5) Focus on citizen engagement to further improve user oriented services and realize cost-efficiencies through use of modern platforms.
(6) Increase the involvement and participation of State employees at all levels in improving management, reducing waste and improving the delivery of State services.
§ 1.822. Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency.
(a) The Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency (Office) is created within the Office of Administration. The Director of the Office shall report to the Secretary of Administration. The Office of Administration shall provide all support services and staff for the Office.
(b) The Office shall be directed by a Steering Committee (Committee) comprised of the following members:
(1) The Secretary of Administration.
(2) The Director of the Office.
(3) The Secretary of Policy and Planning.
(4) The Secretary of General Services.
(5) The Secretary of the Budget.
(c) The Governor may appoint, to serve at his pleasure, individuals as he might deem appropriate to provide advice to the Office and the Committee.
(d) The Office shall be managed by a Director appointed by the Secretary of Administration.
(e) The Secretary of Administration shall serve as Chair of the Committee. The Director of the Office shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.
§ 1.823. Powers and duties.
The Steering Committee shall have the power and duty to:
(1) Work collaboratively with the heads of Commonwealth agencies to identify opportunities for streamlining the operation of government and generating new efficiencies.
(2) Develop and implement strategies for implementing these opportunities.
(3) Identify barriers to the implementation of transformational efforts and recommend strategies for addressing these barriers.
(4) Exercise other powers and duties that the Governor may delegate as permitted by law.
§ 1.824. Cooperation by Commonwealth agencies.
Commonwealth agencies shall cooperate with the Governor's Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management and Efficiency (Office) to ensure the success of its mission. Agency heads shall identify key staff to form innovation teams, which shall be responsible for implementing the initiatives identified by the Office. Innovation teams shall recommend to the Office new opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
§ 1.825. Effective date.
This subchapter takes effect immediately.
§ 1.826. Rescission.
Executive Order 2012-04, dated March 22, 2012, is rescinded effective immediately.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-400. Filed for public inspection March 6, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]