386 Recent actions during the 2010 regular session of the General Assembly  

  • Recent Actions during the 2010 Regular Session of the General Assembly

    [40 Pa.B. 1145]
    [Saturday, March 6, 2010]

     The following is a summary of recent actions of the General Assembly during the 2010 Regular Session.

    Doc. Date ofBill Printer'sEffective Subject Matter
    001 Jan 7 SB0711 PN1586Immediately*Amusements (4 Pa.C.S.)—omnibus amendments
    002 Feb 1HB0458PN137760 daysQueen Aliquippa Bridge—designation
    003Feb 1 HB1801PN2404 60 daysMilton L. Lebowitz Memorial Bridge—designation
    004 Feb 1HB1847PN2794Immediately*Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act—establishment of Coal Bed Methane Review Board and declaration of policy.
    005Feb 1SB0380PN0378ImmediatelyChristopher E. Loudon Memorial Bridge—designation
    006Feb 17 HB0692PN2674 60 daysPOW/MIA Memorial Bridge, Lt. Colonel Richard J. Berrettini Memorial Bridge, Potter County World War II Veterans Memorial Bridge and Veterans Memorial Gay Street Bridge—designations
    007Feb 17HB1551 PN1926ImmediatelyCrane Operator Licensure Act—licensing without certification
    008 Feb 17SB0125PN133360 daysControlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act—offenses of methamphetamine production, operating a methamphetamine laboratory, illegal dumping of methamphet- amine waste and environmental costs and prohibited acts and penalties

     * denotes an effective date with exceptions

    Effective Dates of Statutes

     The effective dates specified previously for laws and appropriation acts were contained in the applicable law or appropriation act. Where no date is specified or where the effective date specified is prior to the date of enactment, the effective date is 60 days after final enactment except for statutes making appropriations or affecting budgets of political subdivisions. See 1 Pa.C.S. §§ 1701—1704 (relating to effective dates of statutes).

    Advance Copies of Statutes

     Section 1106 of Title 1 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes provides that the prothonotaries of each county shall file advance copies of statutes in their offices for public inspection until the Laws of Pennsylvania are generally available. Section 2406(h) of The Administrative Code of 1929 provides that the Department of General Services (Department) shall distribute advance sheets of the Laws of Pennsylvania to each law judge of the courts, to every county and public library of this Commonwealth and to each member of the General Assembly. These copies shall be furnished without charge. The Department shall also mail one copy of each law enacted during any legislative session to any person who pays to it the sum of $25.

     Requests for annual subscriptions for advance copies of statutes should be sent to the State Bookstore, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, accompanied by a check or money order in the sum of $20, payable to the ''Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.''

    ROBERT W. ZECH, Jr., 
    Legislative Reference Bureau

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-386. Filed for public inspection March 5, 2010, 9:00 a.m.]

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