DELAWARE COUNTY Local Criminal Rules; Post Sentence Procedures—Service of Briefs; CP-23-MD 525-14 [44 Pa.B. 1875]
[Saturday, March 29, 2014]And Now, this 4th day of March, 2014, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the existing Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 1123(i) is rescinded and shall be entirely replaced and renamed Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 720(B)(2)(b) Post Sentence Procedures—Service of Briefs in accordance with the language set forth as follows. Said Rule shall go into effect thirty (30) days after Publication in the Pennsylvania Law Bulletin.
Delaware County Local Rule 720(B)(2)(b). Post Sentence Procedures—Service of Briefs.
(b) The moving party shall serve a brief upon the opposing party and trial judge thirty (30) days prior to the date listed for argument; the reply brief shall be served upon opposing party and two copies upon the trial judge ten (10) days before the date listed for argument. Failure to comply may result in dismissal of the motion or other appropriate sanctions.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-655. Filed for public inspection March 28, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]