DELAWARE COUNTY Local Criminal Rules; Filing and Service by Parties—Omnibus Pretrial Motions; CP-23-MD 525-14 [44 Pa.B. 1873]
[Saturday, March 29, 2014]And Now, this 4th day of March 2014, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the existing Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 306(b) is rescinded and shall be entirely replaced and renamed by Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 576(B)(5) Filing and Service by Parties—Omnibus Pretrial Motions accordance with the language set forth as follows. Said Rule shall go into effect thirty (30) days after Publication in the Pennsylvania Law Bulletin.
Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 576(B)(5).Filing and Service by Parties—Omnibus Pretrial Motions.
An original and five (5) copies of such pre-trial motions shall be filed with the Office of Judicial Support. The Office of Judicial Support upon time stamping and docketing said original motion shall timely forward the original and four (4) copies to the Court Administrator, who shall keep a copy pursuant to Pa.R.C.P 576 and forward the original and three (3) copies to the trial judge for service upon the filing party or attorney if represented, and District Attorney.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-646. Filed for public inspection March 28, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]