DELAWARE COUNTY Local Criminal Rules; Continuances—Motions; CP-23-MD 525-14 [44 Pa.B. 1872]
[Saturday, March 29, 2014]And Now, this 4th day of March 2014, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the existing Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 301(d) is rescinded and shall be entirely replaced and renamed by Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 106(D)(1) Continuances—Motions in accordance with the language set forth as follows. Said Rule shall go into effect thirty (30) days after Publication in the Pennsylvania Law Bulletin.
Delaware County Local Criminal Rule 106(D)(1).Continuances—Motions.
All motions for continuance must be presented personally to the assigned trial judge prior to trial, or at the time of trial to the assigned trial judge, by the moving party on a form (provided by the court) which is used for the purpose of a continuance. Opposing counsel shall be notified prior to the filing of any motion for continuance.
The Office of Judicial Support will ensure that the information on the continuance form is immediately and accurately recorded on the Clerk's Certificate and that the court's copy of the application is filed permanently with the record papers.
The required forms are available from the Office of Judicial Support and shall be in the form as approved from time to time by the court.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-640. Filed for public inspection March 28, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]