March 29, 1997 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1260226-01 03/12/97 Sprint United Telephone 6,996.00 1323156-01 03/12/97 J. H. Zerbey Newspapers, Inc. (The Pottsville Republican) 11,700.00 1353206-01 03/12/97 Stop Stick LLC 277,140.00 1440206-01 03/12/97 InframeTrics, Inc. 110,800.00 1490126-01 03/12/97 Augmentative Communications Consultants, Inc. 5,680.00 1492126-01 03/12/97 Sentient Systems Technology, Inc. 9,320.00 1519206-01 03/12/97 Meissner Chev/Geo/Olds, Inc. 399,735.00 1546046-01 03/12/97 University of Georgia 19,750.00 1557356-01 03/12/97 Tekran, Inc. 33,640.00 1560116-01 03/12/97 Asgrow Seed Co. 30,700.00 1560116-02 03/12/97 Centre Hall Farm Store 9,921.00 1590116-01 03/17/97 Pennsylvania Police Supply, Inc. 9,144.83 1602206-01 03/12/97 Kustom Signals, Inc. 44,280.06 1610206-01 03/12/97 Moore Business Forms, Inc. 31,655.00 2599-01 03/21/97 Vehicle Maintenance Program 57,045.90 3610-03 03/17/97 Nashua Corp. 5,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Sec Industries Battery Co. 50,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Packaged Electrical Power 50,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Energy Source Distributing Co. 50,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Westco 50,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Consolidated Electrical Dist. 30,000.00 5999-01 (Supplement No. 1) 03/21/97 Dauphin Associates 70,000.00 7313730-01 03/11/97 Dupont Industries 79,571.00 8169120-01 03/12/97 Zoubeck Associates 21,504.00 9140-04 03/17/97 Orris Fuel Service 12,088.00 9140-04 03/17/97 Guttman Oil Company 6,398.00 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-469. Filed for public inspection March 28, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]