HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT COUNCIL Special Reports and Requests for Data [42 Pa.B. 1579]
[Saturday, March 24, 2012]The Health Care Cost Containment Council (Council), according to Act 89 as amended by Act 14 and as amended by Act 3, is required to publish a list of all special reports and data that have been prepared during the previous calendar year. The following represents a summary of the reports and requests for data generated by the Council in calendar year 2011. Questions about procedures for obtaining access to the Council data should be addressed to JoAnne Z. Nelson, Supervisor of Special Requests Unit, Health Care Cost Containment Council, 225 Market Street, Suite 400, Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717) 232-6787,
Executive DirectorApplicant Project Description Agency for Healthcare Research
& QualityA standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge and inpatient revenue code detail data set, customized to be used in the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, which uses the data for multiple databases, reports, tools and products. Akron Children's Hospital A standard regional 2009 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for Regions 1 and 2 to be used to assess the community health needs, level of access and migration patterns for pediatric and adolescent patients residing in northeast Ohio and surrounding areas. Allied Services A standard regional 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for Region 5 to be used for market assessment to determine the need for additional services in the markets the client serves. Altoona Regional Health System A custom second quarter 2009 through first quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set for specified zip codes within Regions 2, 3, 4 and 5 to be used to assess and determine the number of physicians that are needed to care for the community as part of a Medical Staff Development Plan. Atlantic Health A standard regional 2009 through 2010 inpatient discharge data set for Regions 6, 7 and 8 to be used for market share analysis, DRG coding analysis, and demographic trends. AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center A standard regional 2010 inpatient discharge data set for Regions 8 and 9 to be used for various web-based health statistic reports, as a reporting tool focused on the epidemiology of health services, to estimate demand for health services, to measure morbidity and comorbities that will be used by AtlantiCare to use in comparing themselves to peer hospitals. Bill J. Crouch & Associates A custom 2007 through 2009 inpatient discharge data set of West Virginia residents going to Pennsylvania hospitals to be used to determine utilization rates for West Virginia residents going to Pennsylvania for certain services, such a cardiac catheterization. Bon Secours Health System, Inc. A 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure standard Region 6 data set and custom data set of patients who reside within region 6 to be used to assess community health care needs, examine variations in health status, and access to care so that appropriate programs and services can be developed. The data will quantify needy and underserved segments by geographic area, type of diagnosis, mode of access, and other variables compared to national and local benchmarks. Boston University School of Medicine A fourth quarter 2003 through 2010 standard Statewide inpatient discharge data set and custom inpatient discharge data set with 30-day readmissions of cases with an acute myocardial infarction or heart failure. The data will be used to evaluate whether the expansion of major health insurance coverage in the state of Massachusetts has improved access to care and reduced disparities in care for cardiovascular conditions. Charles Cole Memorial Hospital A custom second quarter 2006 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge data report of cases from Cameron, McKean, Potter and Tioga Counties to be used for strategic planning and community needs assessment. Community Health Systems A standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be used to create utilization and market share information that will be used for strategic and facility planning. Community Medical Center A custom 2008 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data report of cases of patients from Lackawanna County by DRG and by facility to be converted into market share analysis reports by service line to assist Community Medical Center in its strategic planning process. DataBay Resources A standard Statewide fourth quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be combined with other all-payer health care data that will be used to produce various aggregate report files distributed within their Navigate system (PC based) and NavigateNet system (internet-based) that are offered as health care software products to their customers. Eastern Niagara Hospital, Inc. A standard 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for Altoona Regional Health System to be used for an assessment of a physician's workload to predict suitability for recruitment. Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency A custom 2000 through 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set of New York patients to be used for an analysis of health care utilization of Southern Subarea of the Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency region compared to other subareas of the region and adjacent communities. The analysis will cover overall trends in inpatient discharges and patient days, prevention quality indicators discharges, discharges by service group, ambulatory procedures, and patient migration for care. The analysis may be used in review and comment of Certificate of Need applications in the Southern Subarea. Global Lower Extremity Amputation Study Group A custom 2007 through 2009 inpatient discharge data set to be used to determine the amputation rate in Philadelphia. Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital A standard regional 2010 inpatient discharge data set for Regions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 to be used for internal analysis of hospital services. A standard regional fourth quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set of Region 1 to be used for a market analysis of discharges to rehabilitation or long-term care hospitals from acute hospitals. HCR ManorCare A standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge data set to be used to assess the needs of residents in HCR Manor Care's skilled nursing facilities across the State. HEALTHSOUTH A standard Statewide 2009 inpatient discharge data set to be used to determine market share and better serve the population. Highmark A standard Statewide 2004, 2008, 2009 and 2010 inpatient discharge data set to be used to trend inpatient health care use patterns and provider market share. Homeland Center A custom 2009 inpatient discharge data report to include hospital discharges with specified DRGs from hospitals in Dauphin, Cumberland and York Counties to be used to measure the need for additional skilled nursing ventilator beds. Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania A standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge data set. The data will be used to conduct ongoing monitoring of Statewide, regional and hospital-specific quality outcomes, primarily utilizing the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Quality Indicators. Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania A standard 2010 and restated 2009 financial data report. The data will be used to supplement financial and utilization data that they currently collect on a voluntary basis from their member hospitals. They will use the data on a routine basis to model potential effects of policy changes and to support their representation and advocacy initiatives in support of member hospitals and the communities they serve. Ingenix/OptumInsight, Inc. A standard Statewide 2009 inpatient discharge data set to be used to provide health plans with a reporting tool for their members that provides consumers hospital inpatient quality and efficiency information (hospital charge/cost, length of stay, mortality, complications, and volume) on the web and via data files; and to produce reports that are used by health care professionals to analyze and compare their inpatient charges, costs, length of stay and volume with other facilities. Kindred Operating, Inc. A standard Statewide third quarter 2009 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and inpatient revenue code detail data set to be used to identify trends in health care affecting the client's ability to provide its often specialized level of services to residents of Pennsylvania. Intensive marketing and strategic planning campaigns are planned to enhance the level of service provided at the seven Kindred facilities. Lancaster General Health A custom second quarter 2010 ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set of records within a specified zip code and a standard Statewide third quarter 2006 through first quarter 2011 ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be used to understand demand and utilization for ambulatory surgery in the local market. Lehigh Valley Health Network A standard Statewide second quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge data set to be used for analysis of service area, product line trends, and competitive analysis, as well as incidence rate comparisons and trends for program development. LW Consulting, Inc. A custom fourth quarter 2009 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data report of patients age 60 and older with specific DRGs/MDCs at specified hospitals to be used to identify types of discharges over a specified time frame at Doylestown Hospital, Grand View Hospital, Lansdale Hospital, Mercy Suburban Hospital, Montgomery Hospital Medical Center and Abington Memorial Hospital for consulting. Memorial Medical Center A standard Statewide second quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge data set to be utilized to internally evaluate Memorial Medical Center's current performance, its competitors' performance, and future opportunities. The data will be used to illustrate current market share, and for planning and budgeting purposes. New Solutions, Inc. A custom 2010 inpatient discharge data set of cases of patients who are residents from New Jersey and Monroe, Northhampton, Pike, Bucks, Wayne and Philadelphia Pennsylvania Counties. The data will be risk adjusted and loaded on to a server for employees to run reports from the data and provide market share analysis to their hospital clients. Oconco Healthcare Consultants A custom 2009 inpatient discharge data set that provides all patient records for New Jersey residents admitted to Pennsylvania hospitals. The data will be used for consulting purposes to examine patient migration and to create summary reports for their clients that are also available as a web-based tool and feature utilization rates, market share and benchmark comparisons of clinical, cost and revenue information. Penn State College of Medicine A custom 2009 through 2010 inpatient discharge data set of mother and newborn hospital records linked with Pennsylvania Department of Health birth certificate data of participants in The First Baby Study who delivered during 2009 and 2010. The data will be used for an interview study of women who live in Pennsylvania and will be delivering their first live (singleton) birth during 2009 through February 2011. The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of mode of first delivery (vaginal vs. cesarean) on subsequent childbearing over a five-year period. Pennsylvania Department of Health A custom 2005 through 2009 inpatient discharge data report of select conditions to be used as a part of a series of Department of Health web pages containing State and local data that correspond to the Healthy People 2020 topics/objectives, as developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pennsylvania Department of Health A custom 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set of patients with a primary diagnosis of asthma. The Pennsylvania Department of Health's Asthma Control Program will use the data to analyze morbidity for asthma risk education and prevention programs in order to reduce the State's asthma hospitalization rate. The data analysis will be distributed to the PA Asthma Coalition and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through press releases, conferences, presentations, reports and fact sheets. Pennsylvania Department of Health A custom 2010 inpatient discharge data set of asthma, acute myocardial infarction and carbon monoxide poisoning related hospitalization cases to be used in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. The data will be used with other health outcomes data, exposure and bio-monitoring data, and environmental hazards and environmental monitoring data to be displayed in aggregate form on CDC's public portal and analyzed to provide valid scientific information on environmental exposure and adverse risk of health conditions to drive actions that will improve the health in communities. Pennsylvania Department of Health A custom 2010 inpatient discharge data set to be used for the Injury Prevention Program. The data will be used in injury reports including: 1) Injuries in Pennsylvania, Hospital-Discharge—annual age specific report of injury data by mechanism; 2) Injuries in Pennsylvania County Profiles—annual report containing State, regional and county data; 3) Injury-Specific Monographs— provides data on specific injury topics; and 4) Injury-Specific Fact Sheets—contain data on specific injuries, identifying risk factors and high-risk groups. The data will also be used to respond to requests for aggregate injury data at the state and local level, and will be provided to the Department Bureau of Epidemiology. The reports will be used by State and local agencies to identify specific segments of the population at highest risk for injury, specific types and causes of injury, and to assist in Statewide injury prevention, emergency medical services, traumatic brain injury and youth suicide prevention planning, and evaluation. Pennsylvania Department of Health A modification to a previous request for a custom 2001 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data report of carbon monoxide admissions. The data will be part of the Pennsylvania State Environmental Public Health Tracking Program (EPHT) indicators and incorporated into the Pennsylvania Department of Health's EPHT web site, along with the asthma and acute myocardial infarction, and other indicators. Pennsylvania Department of Health A standard Statewide 2009 through 2010 inpatient discharge data set to be analyzed in support of the goals of the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program to reduce the burden of diabetes by preventing and controlling its complications. The Bureau of Health Statistics and Research will provide surveillance data to the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, to prepare county monographs and fact sheets, to create the bi-annual The Burden of Diabetes in Pennsylvania report, and to respond to requests for aggregate data at the State or local level. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare A custom 2008 financial data report for select hospitals to be used as part of the Hospital Quality Care Assessment. The data will be used to determine an annual hospital assessment amount for hospitals that do not have an accepted 2008 Medicare cost report in order to comply with Act 49 of 2010. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare A custom third quarter 2008 through second quarter 2009 inpatient discharge data set and 2007 through 2009 financial data report to be used to compute payments to hospitals for the Hospital Uncompensated Care and Extraordinary Expense programs established under the Tobacco Settlement Act of 2001. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare A custom third quarter 2008 through second quarter 2009 inpatient discharge data set of records with an MDC 14 or 15 from general acute care hospitals to be used to calculate payments to hospitals for obstetrical and neonate services. Pennsylvania Department of the Auditor General A custom third quarter 2008 through second quarter 2009 inpatient discharge data set and a custom 2007 through 2009 financial data report to be used for auditing hospitals that received tobacco funds in 2011 from the PA Department of Public Welfare, which used PHC4 data to compute payments to hospitals for the Uncompensated Care and Extraordinary Expense Programs established under the Tobacco Settlement Act of 2001. Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General A standard Statewide second quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge, ambulatory/outpatient procedure, inpatient revenue and ambulatory/outpatient revenue code detail data set, and 2010 financial data report. The data will be used for reviewing hospital mergers to ensure that the mergers are in compliance with antitrust laws. These data will be used by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for hospital merger investigations that are conducted jointly with the PA Office of the Attorney General. Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority A custom third quarter 2004 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data report of cases with ureteral stent procedures. The data will be used to normalize data related to the number of reported adverse events associated with ureteral stent procedures in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Senator Mike Brubaker A custom third quarter 2007 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data report to be used to understand utilization patterns in Lancaster County as compared to the rest of the State. Philadelphia Inquirer A standard regional 2009 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set for Regions 8 and 9 to be used for news stories. PinnacleHealth System A standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge, ambulatory/outpatient procedure, and inpatient and outpatient revenue code detail data set to be used to determine share of market by hospital, physician activity by specialty, physician provider preferences, and outpatient total market volume by service. Pittsburgh Tribune Review A custom fourth quarter 2008 through third quarter 2009 inpatient discharge data report of hospital-specific charge information related to readmissions for complication for each of the 29 conditions reported in the Hospital Performance Report for Federal fiscal year 2009. The data will be used in news stories. Pittsburgh Tribune Review A custom fourth quarter 2009 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data report of Statewide coronary stent procedures. The data will be used for a news article. Schuylkill Health Medical Center A custom 2008 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set of patients residing from Schuylkill County to be used for internal market share analysis. SDI Health A standard Statewide 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be combined with other states' data to be used in estimating diagnoses and procedures at hospital and national levels for commercial healthcare software products and services. Sharon Regional Health System A custom 2008 and 2010 inpatient discharge data report based by patient origin of select zip codes. The data will be used to determine the number and type of discharges originating from the Sharon Regional service area over time to identify changing community need and relative ability of Sharon Regional to meet these needs compared to other service area providers. St. Vincent Hospital A standard regional 2008 through third quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set for Region 2 to be used to analyze the market and health care environment in the region to determine potential services St. Vincent Health Center may want to offer. Susquehanna Health System A standard regional third quarter 2008 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge dataset for Regions 4 and 6 to be used for market share reports and trend information. Temple University Pulmonary & Critical Care A custom 1990 through 2009 inpatient discharge data set of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) cases with 1-year readmissions linked with the Pennsylvania Department of Health 1990 through 2009 mortality data. The data will be used to study: 1) the epidemiological changes in acute COPD exacerbations over the last 20 years in Pennsylvania and the cost of inpatient COPD treatment in the state and 2) how readmission rate and all-cause and COPD-specific mortality is affected by: rural vs. urban location, impact of gender and age, zip codes as surrogates of air quality and socioeconomic status, all-cause and COPD-specific mortality, readmission rates, hospitalization duration, and academic teaching vs. community hospital. Thomson Reuters Healthcare A standard Statewide fourth quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be used to be processed, standardized, and distributed to their clients through decision tools, benchmark databases, research, custom studies, and other associated products. University of Iowa Department of Health Management & Policy A modification to a previous request for a custom 2008 through 2010 inpatient discharge data set to be used for an academic research study on health services delivery. The data will be combined with data previously received to extend the analysis of the study that will examine whether shortened temporal distance between surgeries is the primary driver of improved surgical outcomes. University of Pennsylvania A custom Statewide second quarter 2008 through first quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set with added calculated data fields and a standard inpatient revenue code detail data set. The data will be used to assess the incidence, nature, and preventability of harm and error events that occur within inpatient psychiatric units of acute care hospitals, as well as to identify patient, provider and hospital unit characteristics associated with these events. University of Pittsburgh A custom 2000 through 2009 inpatient discharge data set of records from Regions 1, 2 or 3 general acute care hospitals with a respiratory, cardiopulmonary, toxic effect of substances, or effects of radiation condition and patient residence within 10 Southwestern Pennsylvania counties (Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Fayette, Washington, Lawrence, Indiana or Westmoreland). The data will be used to investigate the environmental threats that pose the highest risk to the Pittsburgh region, through a Pittsburgh Regional Environmental Threat Analysis (PRETA). The data will aid in linking environmental exposure pathways to health outcomes. University of Pittsburgh A custom third quarter 2009 through second quarter 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set of patients age 50 and older to be used to assess cost-effectiveness of Healthy Steps and Healthy Steps in Motion programs. University of Pittsburgh A standard facility 2008 through 2010 inpatient discharge and 2009 ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside. The data will be used to study etiology, pathophysiology, management, treatment (medical and surgical), procedures/surgeries, imaging, laboratory abnormalities, complications, cost-effectiveness, medication usage, chronic pain management, hospital stay, intensive care unit admissions, repeat hospitalizations, age, sex, geographic distribution, motility disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease, fundoplication, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis, liver disorders and Gastrointestinal malignancies. University of Pittsburgh A standard regional 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for Regions 1, 2 and 3. The data will be used to examine the similarities and differences among the counties in these regions in terms of their capacity for providing public health services, the vulnerability of the population in these regions to public health threats, and the demand placed on these services, including weather-related events which lead to disruption in services and increased vulnerability for the population at risk. The goal of the analysis is to identify what factors contribute to and/or inhibit building a regional public health system. The data will be used to analyze possible strategies for strengthening the public health system in Southwestern Pennsylvania. This study is part of a larger study of public health preparedness for emergency events, Public Health Adaptive System Studies, conducted through the Graduate School of Public Health. University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine A custom request to modify and extend a prior data request for first quarter 2000 through fourth quarter 2007 inpatient discharge data set of adults from acute care hospitals linked with Pennsylvania Department of Health death data. The data will be used to conduct a National Institute on Aging-funded study of diagnosis-specific and race-specific hospital end-of-life treatment intensity measures: ''Developing a Robust Measure of Hospital End-of-Life Treatment Intensity.'' University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine A modification to a previous request for a custom 2007 through first quarter 2010 inpatient discharge data set of readmission records of the patients who were diagnosed with a positive CT-scan for pulmonary embolism at a UPMC facility during 2007. The data will be used in a funded NIH grant application (Identifying CT Imaging Biomarkers Associated with Prognosis of Pulmonary Embolism) to evaluate the diagnostic performance of new CT-derived biomarkers of pulmonary embolism and assess if they improve prediction of prognosis in acute pulmonary embolism. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center A modification of a previous request for a custom 1996 through second quarter 2007 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data report of Allegheny residents hospitalized with pancreatitis related conditions. The data will be used for a research study, Trends in the Epidemiology of Alcoholic Pancreatitis in Allegheny County, PA that will determine the epidemiology of pancreatitis and the relationship to the epidemiology of diseases associated with common risk factors of pancreatitis. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) A standard Statewide second quarter 2010 through first quarter 2011 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set to be used to produce various reports on patient origin for UPMC hospitals, UPMC market share in various geographic areas and for various service lines, utilization trends in volume and market share over different time periods, and physician volumes at UPMC and other hospitals. WebMD Health A standard Statewide 2009 inpatient discharge and inpatient revenue code detail data set to be used in developing healthcare consulting comparison software tools that compare resources utilization and quality measures to be used by health plans, hospitals, consulting organizations and consumers. WellSpan Health A standard regional 2010 inpatient discharge and ambulatory/outpatient procedure data set for Region 5 to be used for internal analysis of healthcare services utilization within their region. Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation A custom Statewide third quarter 2008 through 2010 inpatient discharge data set with calculated data fields. The data will be used to test the performance of existing hospital-level readmission measures as well as those measures that are under development for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in an all-payer data set. They are developing several hospital risk-standardized readmission quality measures based on Medicare fee-for-service population for CMS. [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-546. Filed for public inspection March 23, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]