DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Commission Meeting and Public Hearing [26 Pa.B. 1275] The Delaware River Basin Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 26, 1996. The hearing will be part of the Commission's regular business meeting which is open to the public and scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, New Jersey.
The subjects of the hearing will be as follows:
Applications for Approval of the Following Projects Under Article 10.3, Article 11 and/or Section 3.8 of the Compact:
1. Hanover Foods Corporation D-85-70 Renewal. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 75 million gallons (mg)/30 days of water to the applicant's food processing facility from well nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Commission approval on November 26, 1985 was limited to 10 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 75 mg/30 days. The project is located near the Town of Clayton, Kent County, DE.
2. Town of Frederica D-89-CP Renewal. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 3.9 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from well nos. 3 and 4. Commission approval on January 12, 1990 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 3.9 mg/30 days. The project is located in the Town of Frederica, Kent County, DE.
3. Honey Brook Borough Authority D-91-99 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 4.32 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from new well no. 8, and to retain the existing withdrawal limit from all wells of 12 mg/30 days. The project is located in Honey Brook Township, Chester County, PA.
4. Heidelberg Heights Sewage Company D-94-9. A project to upgrade and expand the applicant's existing 35,000 gallons per day (gpd) sewage treatment facility by providing a new advanced secondary biological treatment system capable of providing 60,000 gpd of treatment. The project is located just south of Heidelberg Heights Road in Heidelberg Township, Lehigh County, PA. Treated effluent will continue to discharge to an unnamed tributary of Mill Creek, which is a tributary of Jordan Creek.
5. Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority D-95-13 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply water to the applicant's distribution system from existing well nos. 1 and 2; from new well nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, A, B, C, D and F; and to limit the withdrawal from all wells to 33 mg/30 days. The project is located in Nesquehoning Borough, Carbon County, PA.
6. Borough of Berlin D-95-24 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 40 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from new well nos. 12 and 14, and to limit the withdrawal from all wells to 92.3 mg/30 days. The project is located in Berlin Borough and Berlin Township, Camden County, NJ.
7. B & B Poultry Company D-95-33. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to continue to supply water to the applicant's poultry processing facility from new well no. 7 and existing well nos. 4, 5 and 6, and to increase the existing withdrawal limit from all wells of 9.3 mg/30 days to 14.19 mg/30 days. The project is located in Pittsgrove Township, Salem County, NJ.
8. City of Vineland D-95-47 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 5.6 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from new well no. 14, and to increase the existing withdrawal limit of 400 mg/30 days from all wells to 494.5 mg/30 days. The project is located in the City of Vineland, Cumberland County, NJ.
9. Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. D-96-2. A project to construct a groundwater remediation treatment plant with the capacity to treat up to 47,520 gpd of groundwater recovered from two extraction well nos. RW-1 and MW-5. The applicant will provide an air stripper for removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), a particle filter to remove suspended solids, and a liquid phase granular-activated carbon filtration system for final polishing prior to discharge to the Westfall Town shopping center storm drainage system which outfalls to the Delaware River in the Special Protection Waters designated as Significant Resource Waters. The remediation system will serve only the applicant's former Texaco Service Station site (now a Mobil gas station) at Route 209/6 and Kokolias Lane in Westfall Township, approximately 1 mile downstream of Matamoras Borough, Pike County, PA.
Documents relating to these items may be examined at the Commission's offices. Preliminary dockets are available in single copies upon request. Contact George C. Elias concerning docket-related questions. Persons wishing to testify at this hearing are requested to register with the Secretary prior to the hearing.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-446. Filed for public inspection March 22, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]