Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Proficiency Test Study Requirements [39 Pa.B. 1447]
[Saturday, March 21, 2009]In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 252.501(a) (relating to proficiency test study requirements), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is providing the following list of new fields of accreditation (FOA) for which proficiency test (PT) studies are available. To obtain or maintain a FOA, the Department requires that an environmental laboratory successfully participate in PT studies when available.
The following Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT) listing updates the previous listing published at 36 Pa.B. 8006 (December 30, 2006). The new FoPT listings are effective immediately. Please note that this listing of FoPTs includes additions to those previously printed on December 30, 2006. Environmental laboratories seeking to maintain accreditation for a FOA that has been added to the tables by this notice, must successfully complete a PT study for that analytes by January 1, 2010. Environmental laboratories seeking initial accreditation or laboratories seeking to add FOAs to their current Scope of Accreditation must successfully complete a PT study before accreditation is granted. Accredited environmental laboratories must successfully complete at least one PT study for each FOA, where available, once every 12 months to maintain accreditation. Additional information regarding the proficiency test study requirements is contained in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 252, Subchapter E (relating to proficiency test study requirement).
Updates to the following additions will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as revisions are made. Questions concerning this notice, including the lists of proficiency testing currently available, should be directed to Aaren S. Alger, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories, (717) 346-8212, aaaler@state. pa.us.
Acting SecretaryPennsylvania State (Chapter 252) Accreditation
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Drinking Water
Effective March 1, 2009Matrix Analyte Microbiology Drinking Water Fecal Coliform Enumeration Drinking Water Total Coliform Enumeration Pennsylvania State (Chapter 252) Accreditation
Fields of Proficiency Testing
Nonpotable Water
Effective March 1, 2009Matrix Analyte Microbiology Nonpotable Water E.coli, MF Nonpotable Water E.coli, MPN [Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-525. Filed for public inspection March 20, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]