510 Establishing costs for issurance of a partial payment plan for summary cases in the magisterial courts of the 31st judicial district; no. AD-32009
Title 255--LOCAL
COURT RULESLEHIGH COUNTY Establishing Costs for Issuance of a Partial Payment Plan for Summary Cases in the Magisterial Courts of the 31st Judicial District; No. AD-3-2009 [39 Pa.B. 1386]
[Saturday, March 21, 2009]Administrative Order And Now, this 4th day of March, 2009, It Is Ordered, pursuant to the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 1725.1(c)(5), relating to unclassified costs, that a fee of fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50) for issuance of an installment payment plan shall be imposed in each summary case where a defendant requests and is permitted to make installment payments as provided in Pa.Rs.Crim.P. 409(C)(5), 414(C)(5), 424(C)(5), 454(F)(1), and 456(C)(3)(a).
This Administrative Order replaces an earlier Administrative Order issued on October 5, 2007, and published in 37 Pa.B. 5743 on October 27, 2007; it increases the installment payment plan issuance fee from ten ($10.00) dollars to fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50), clarifies the intent of the prior Order that the fee is for the issuance of the payment plan itself, and further clarifies the intent of the previous Order that the fee be applicable to all forms of disposition of summary cases before an issuing authority.
This Order shall take effect thirty (30) days after its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and shall apply to all such plans issued on or after the effective date. The previous fee of ten ($10.00) dollars shall apply until this Order becomes effective.
It Is Further Ordered That one (1) certified copy of this Order shall be filed by the Court Administrator of Lehigh County with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts; that two (2) certified copies and a computer diskette or CD-ROM copy that complies with the requirement of 1 Pa. Code § 13.11(b) shall be filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; that one (1) certified copy shall be filed with the Criminal Procedural Rules Committee, which Committee has certified to this court that this Administrative Order is not inconsistent with any general rule of the Supreme Court. Finally, it is ordered that Court Administrator of Lehigh County publish a copy of this Order on the Unified Judicial System's web site at ujsportal.pacourts.us/localrules/ruleselection.aspx.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-510. Filed for public inspection March 20, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]