Restriction for Special Areas; Youghiogheny River Lake, Fayette and Somerset Counties [34 Pa.B. 1641] The Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission (Commission), acting under the authority of 58 Pa. Code § 103.3(d) (relating to restriction for special areas) has taken immediate action to establish a temporary ''slow, minimum height swell speed'' zone on Youghiogheny River Lake, Fayette and Somerset Counties. The Commission has taken this action at the request of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, which operates and maintains the lake, because the Department of Transportation recently awarded a contract for the replacement of the U. S. Route 40 bridge that crosses the lake. The Commission has determined that the construction activity associated with the bridge replacement will have a significant impact on boating on the lake.
The ''slow, minimum height swell speed'' zone will extend 100 feet south of the existing U. S. Route 40 bridge to a line extending from just north of the Somerfield launch ramp to a point in the mouth of Jockey Hollow that is approximately 100 feet north of the contractor's work barges and then to shore inside Jockey Hollow. This zone will go into effect upon the placement of buoys in the area and will remain in effect throughout the bridge replacement project but in no event longer than 2 years. This zone shall be fully effective and enforceable in accordance with the law.
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-489. Filed for public inspection March 19, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]