Finding [29 Pa.B. 1562] Centre County Pursuant to the provisions of 71 P. S. Section 2002(b), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:
The Department of Transportation plans to replace the existing narrow and deteriorated concrete culvert that carries SR 550 over Halfmoon Creek in Halfmoon Township, Centre County. This project will require the acquisition of 0.21 hectares (0.51 acres) of right of way from the Hall Farm property, which has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The effect of this project on the Hall Farm property will be mitigated by the mitigation measures outlined in the Categorical Exclusion Evaluation/Section 2002 Evaluation.
I have considered the environmental, economic, social, and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in Section 2002 of the Administrative Code, and have concluded that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to the project as designed, and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize such effect.
No adverse environmental effect is likely to result from the replacement of this bridge.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-471. Filed for public inspection March 19, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]