FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Temporary Changes to Fishing Regulations; Yellow Perch Fishing--Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay [26 Pa.B. 953] The Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission, acting under the authority of 58 Pa. Code § 65.25, is taking immediate action to adjust the minimum size and daily limit for yellow perch taken from Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay. Effective immediately, the minimum size limit for yellow perch taken from these waters is 8 inches and the daily creel limit is 20 yellow perch per day.
The Executive Director finds that such action is necessary and appropriate for the protection, preservation and management of fish in these waters. The same changes have been approved by the Fish and Boat Commission on proposed and final rulemaking and are pending publication of the order adopting the new regulations. Implementation of these changes now will help address fishing pressure caused by ice fishing and will provide better protection for yellow perch during the next few weeks.
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-311. Filed for public inspection March 1, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]