DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Applications, Actions and Special Notices
[43 Pa.B. 1425]
[Saturday, March 16, 2013]THE CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT APPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMITS AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT (WQM) PERMITS This notice provides information about persons who have applied for a new, amended or renewed NPDES or WQM permit, a permit waiver for certain stormwater discharges or submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under a General Permit. The applications concern, but are not limited to, discharges regarding industrial, animal or sewage waste, discharges to groundwater, discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO). This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92a and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1—691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1251—1376).
Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category Section I NPDES Renewals Section II NPDES New or Amendment Section III WQM Industrial, Sewage or Animal Waste; Discharge into Groundwater Section IV NPDES MS4 Individual Permit Section V NPDES MS4 Permit Waiver Section VI NPDES Individual Permit Stormwater Construction Section VII NPDES NOI for Coverage under NPDES General Permits For NPDES renewal applications in Section I, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a tentative determination to reissue these permits for 5 years subject to effluent limitations and monitoring and reporting requirements in their current permits, with appropriate and necessary updated requirements to reflect new and changed regulations and other requirements.
For applications for new NPDES permits and renewal applications with major changes in Section II, as well as applications for MS4 Individual Permits and Individual Stormwater Construction Permits in Sections IV and VI, the Department, based upon preliminary reviews, has made tentative determinations of proposed effluent limitations and other terms and conditions for the permit applications. In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 92a.32(d), the proposed discharge of stormwater associated with construction activities will be managed in accordance with the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102. These determinations are published as proposed actions for comments prior to taking final actions.
Unless indicated otherwise, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to proposed NPDES permit actions under the waiver provision in 40 CFR 123.24(d). Persons wishing to comment on NPDES applications are invited to submit statements to the contact office noted before the application within 30 days from the date of this public notice.
Persons wishing to comment on WQM permit applications are invited to submit statements to the office noted before the application within 15 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within the respective comment periods will be considered in the final determinations regarding the applications. A comment submittal should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
The Department will also accept requests for public hearings on applications. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation within the relevant geographical area. The Department will postpone its final determination until after a public hearing is held.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users, or other accommodations to seek additional information should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
I. NPDES Renewal Applications
Northeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. Phone: 570-826-2511.
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived Y/N? PA0061441
(Sewage)Freeman Mobile Home Park
Monroe Township, PA 18612
Wyoming County
Monroe TownshipUnnamed Tributary to Leonard Creek (4-G) Y
Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481NPDES No.
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed#)EPA Waived Y/N? PA0037133
(Industrial Waste)Fairview State Fish Hatchery
2000 Lohrer Road
Fairview, PA 16415
Erie County
Fairview TownshipUnnamed Tributary to Trout Run
(15)Y PA0003085
(Industrial Waste)GrafTech USA
800 Theresia Street
St Marys, PA 15857
Elk County
Saint Marys CityUnnamed Tributary to Elk Creek
(17-A)Y PA0005622
(IW)Bessemer & Lake Erie RR Ohl Street
85 Ohl Street
PO Box 471
Greenville, PA 16125
Mercer County
Hempfield TownshipShenango River
II. Applications for New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Non-Waived Permit Applications
Southeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
PA0021181, Sewage, SIC Code 4952, Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority, 1275 Almshouse Road, Warrington, PA 18976. Facility Name: Green Street STP. This existing facility is located in Doylestown Borough, Bucks County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for a renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage.
The receiving stream(s), an Unnamed Tributary to Neshaminy Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed2-F and is classified for warm water fishes and migratory fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 1.2 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Dissolved Oxygen XXX XXX 5.0 Report XXX XXX CBOD5 Influent Report XXX XXX Report XXX XXX CBOD5 May 1 - Oct 31 150 230 XXX 15 23 30 Nov 1 - Apr 30 250 400 XXX 25 40 50 BOD5 Influent Report XXX XXX Report XXX XXX Total Suspended Solids Influent Report XXX XXX Report XXX XXX Total Suspended Solids 300 450 XXX 30 45 60 Fecal Coliform (No./100 ml) XXX XXX XXX 200
Geo MeanXXX 1,000 Nitrate-Nitrite as N Jul 1 - Oct 31 95.0 XXX XXX 9.5 XXX 19.0 Nov 1 - Jun 30 Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Ammonia-Nitrogen May 1 - Oct 31 15.0 XXX XXX 1.5 XXX 3.0 Nov 1 - Apr 30 45.0 XXX XXX 4.5 XXX 9.0 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Total Phosphorus Apr 1 - Oct 31 (Interim) 12.0 XXX XXX 1.2 XXX 2.4 Nov 1 - Mar 31 (Interim) Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Apr 1 - Oct 31 (Final) 8.5 XXX XXX 0.85 XXX 1.7 Nov 1 - Mar 31 (Final) 17.0 XXX XXX 1.7 XXX 3.4 Total Copper (Interim) XXX XXX XXX Report Report
Daily MaxXXX (Final) XXX XXX XXX 0.036 0.056
Daily MaxXXX Total Lead XXX XXX XXX XXX Report
Daily MaxXXX Chronic Toxicity—Ceriodaphnia Survival (TUc) XXX XXX XXX 1.1
Daily MaxXXX XXX Reproduction (TUc) XXX XXX XXX 1.1
Daily MaxXXX XXX Chronic Toxicity—Pimephales Survival (TUc) XXX XXX XXX 1.1
Daily MaxXXX XXX Growth (TUc) XXX XXX XXX 1.1
Daily MaxXXX XXX The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 are based on a design flow of 0.2 MGD (A maximum of 0.2 mgd of the permitted flow can be diverted through Outfall 002 for irrigation).
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Dissolved Oxygen XXX XXX 5.0 Report XXX XXX CBOD5 May 1 - Oct 31 25 38 XXX 15 23 30 Nov 1 - Apr 30 42 66 XXX 25 40 50 Total Suspended Solids 50 75 XXX 30 45 60 Fecal Coliform (No./100 ml) XXX XXX XXX 200
Geo MeanXXX 1,000 Nitrate-Nitrite as N Jul 1 - Oct 31 16.0 XXX XXX 9.5 XXX 19.0 Nov 1 - Jun 30 Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Ammonia-Nitrogen May 1 - Oct 31 2.5 XXX XXX 1.5 XXX 3.0 Nov 1 - Apr 30 7.5 XXX XXX 4.5 XXX 9.0 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Total Phosphorus Apr 1 - Oct 31 (Interim) 2.0 XXX XXX 1.2 XXX 2.4 Nov 1 - Mar 31 (Interim) Report XXX XXX Report XXX Report Apr 1 - Oct 31 (Final) 1.4 XXX XXX 0.85 XXX 1.7 Nov 1 - Mar 31 (Final) 2.8 XXX XXX 1.7 XXX 3.4 The proposed effluent limits for stormwater Outfalls 003 and 004 are based on a design flow of an average stormwater event.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
WeeklyMinimum Annual
MaximumpH (S.U.) XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX CBOD5 XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Chemical Oxygen Demand XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Oil and Grease XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Fecal Coliform (No./100 ml) XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Total Phosphorus XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX Dissolved Iron XXX XXX XXX Report Report XXX In addition, the permit contains the following major special conditions:
• Notification of designation of responsible operator
• Definition of average weekly
• Remedial measures if public nuisance
• No stormwater to sanitary sewers
• Necessary property rights
• Small stream discharge
• Change in ownership
• Proper sludge handling
• TMDL/WLA data submission
• Operator training
• Instantaneous maximum limits
• Operation and maintenance plan
• Laboratory certification
• Fecal coliform reporting
• Specification of test methods
• Copper limits
• Whole Effluent Toxicity requirements
• Stormwater requirements
You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 484-250-5910.
The EPA Waiver is not in effect.
Northeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. Phone: 570-826-2511.PA0063029 A-1, Sewage, SIC Code 6515, SHIV 9 LLC, Plymouth Woods Office Center 521 Plymouth Road, Suite 118, Plymouth Meeting, Pa 19462. Facility Name: Fountain Court Shopping Mall Wastewater Treatment Plant. This existing facility is located in Pocono Township, Monroe County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for a transfer of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated Sewage.
The receiving stream(s), Cranberry Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed 1-E and is classified for High Quality Waters—Cold Water Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.005 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Dissolved Oxygen XXX XXX 5.0 XXX XXX XXX Total Residual Chlorine XXX XXX XXX 1.2 XXX 2.8 CBOD5 XXX XXX XXX 25.0 XXX 50.0 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 30.0 XXX 60.0 Fecal Coliform (CFU/100 ml) May 1 - Sep 30 XXX XXX XXX 200
Geo MeanXXX 1,000 Oct 1 - Apr 30 XXX XXX XXX 2,000
Geo MeanXXX 10,000 You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 570-826-5472.
The EPA Waiver is in effect.
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-705-4707.PA0248045, Sewage, SIC Code 6514, Jason Sauder, 88 Oaktree Road, Manheim, PA 17545. Facility Name: Jason Sauder Residence. This existing facility is located in Rapho Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for a renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated Sewage.
The receiving stream, UNT Rife Run, is located in State Water Plan watershed 7-G and is classified for Warm Water Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.0004 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX Total Residual Chlorine XXX XXX XXX Report XXX Report CBOD5 XXX XXX XXX 10 XXX 20 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 10 XXX 20 Fecal Coliform (CFU/100 ml) XXX XXX XXX 200
Geo MeanXXX XXX You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 717-705-4732.
The EPA Waiver is in effect.
PA0081264 A-1, Sewage, SIC Code 7999, Mountainview Thoroughbred Racing Association, PO Box 32, Grantville, PA 17028-0032. Facility Name: Penn National Horse Race Track and Hollywood Casino. This existing facility is located in East Hanover Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for an amendment of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated Sewage.
The receiving stream(s), Unnamed Tributary to Swatara Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed 7-D and is classified for Warm Water Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.23 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Dissolved Oxygen XXX XXX 5.0 XXX XXX XXX Total Residual Chlorine XXX XXX XXX 0.22 XXX 0.73 CBOD5 XXX XXX XXX 25 XXX 50 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 30 XXX 60 Fecal Coliform (CFU/100 ml) May 1 - Sep 30 XXX XXX XXX 200
Geo MeanXXX 1000 Oct 1 - Apr 30 XXX XXX XXX 2000
Geo MeanXXX 10000 Ammonia-Nitrogen May 1 - Oct 31 XXX XXX XXX 1.7 XXX 3.4 Nov 1 - Apr 30 XXX XXX XXX 5.1 XXX 10.2 Total Phosphorus XXX XXX XXX 1.0 XXX 2.0 The proposed monitoring requirements and, where appropriate, effluent limits for implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy are as follows for Outfall 001.
Mass (lbs) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Monthly Annual Minimum Monthly
AverageMaximum Ammonia—N Report Report XXX Report XXX Kjeldahl—N Report XXX XXX Report XXX Nitrate-Nitrite as N Report XXX XXX Report XXX Total Nitrogen Report Report XXX Report XXX Total Phosphorus Report Report XXX Report XXX Net Total Nitrogen Report 5601 XXX XXX XXX Net Total Phosphorus Report 700 XXX XXX XXX * This permit contains conditions which authorize the permittee to apply nutrient reduction credits to meet the Net Total Nitrogen mass limits, under the Department's Trading of Nutrients and Sediment Reduction Credits Policy and Guidelines (Document #392-0900-001, December 30, 2006). The condition includes the requirement to report the application of these credits in Supplemental Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) submitted to the Department.
You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 717-705-4732.
The EPA Waiver is not in effect.
Southwest Regional Office: Regional Manager, Clean Water, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; 412-442-4000PA0097462, Industrial Waste, SIC Code 4952, Indiana County Municipal Services Authority, 602 Kolter Drive, Indiana, PA 15701-3570. Facility Name: ICMSA—Cherry Tree Borough Water System. This existing facility is located in Susquehanna Township, Cambria County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for a renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated Industrial Waste.
The receiving stream(s), Peg Run, is located in State Water Plan watershed 8-B and is classified for Cold Water Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.003 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Total Residual Chlorine XXX XXX XXX 0.5 XXX 1.0 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 30 XXX 60 Total Aluminum XXX XXX XXX 4.0 XXX 8.0 Total Iron XXX XXX XXX 2.0 XXX 4.0 Total Manganese XXX XXX XXX 1.0 XXX 2.0 The EPA Waiver is in effect.
PA0097497, Industrial Waste, SIC Code 4952, Cowanshannock Township Municipal Authority, PO Box 127, Nu Mine, PA 16244. Facility Name: Sagamore WTP. This existing facility is located in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County.
Description of Existing Activity: The application is for a renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated Industrial Waste.
The receiving stream(s), Unnamed Tributary to North Branch Plum Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed 17-E and is classified for Cold Water Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.0035 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Total Residual Chlorine XXX XXX XXX 0.5 XXX 1.0 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 30 XXX 60 Total Aluminum XXX XXX XXX 4.0 XXX 8.0 Total Iron XXX XXX XXX 2.0 XXX 4.0 Total Manganese XXX XXX XXX 1.0 XXX 2.0 The EPA Waiver is in effect.
Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481PA0272591, Industrial Waste, SIC Code 4911, Hickory Run Energy LLC, 400 Chesterfield Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017-4800. Facility Name: Hickory Run Energy Station. This proposed facility is located in North Beaver Township, Lawrence County.
Description of Proposed Activity: The application is for a new NPDES permit for a new discharge of non-contact cooling water, reverse osmosis reject water and miscellaneous wastewater.
The receiving stream(s), the Mahoning River (Outfall 001) and Unnamed Tributary to Mahoning River (Outfalls 002 & 003), are located in State Water Plan watershed 20-B and are classified for warm water fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 1.3 MGD.
Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l) Parameters Average
MaximumMinimum Average
MaximumFlow (MGD) Report Report XXX XXX XXX XXX pH (S.U.) XXX XXX 6.0 XXX XXX 9.0 Free Available Chlorine XXX XXX XXX 0.2 0.5 0.5 Total Suspended Solids XXX XXX XXX 30 100 100 Total Dissolved Solids Report XXX XXX Report XXX XXX Oil and Grease XXX XXX XXX 15 20 30 Total Chromium XXX XXX XXX 0.2 0.2 0.5 Total Zinc XXX XXX XXX 1.0 1.0 2.5 The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 & 003 are based on a design flow of N/A MGD.
This discharge shall consist of non-polluting stormwater runoff from the industrial site.
In addition, the permit contains the following major special conditions:
• Chemical Additives
• Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reporting requirement
• No discharge of PCB's
• Limit on discharging free available and total residual chlorine
• Non-detect, 126 priority pollutants in cooling water chemicals
• Stormwater Best Management Practices
You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 814-332-6340.
The EPA Waiver is in effect.
III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Applications under The Clean Streams Law
Northeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. Phone: 570-826-2511.
WQM Permit No. 5409401-T1, Sewage, Little Washington Wastewater Company, 762 W. Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.
This existing facility is located in East Union and North Union Townships, Schuylkill County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of a WQM Permit from Eagle Rock Resorts Company to authorize the operation and maintenance of low pressure sewer extensions and pump stations in Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Western Summit South section of Eagle Rock Resort residential community.
WQM Permit No. 3513402, Sewage, Lackawanna River Basin Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 280, Olyphant, PA 18477.
This proposed facility is located in Archbald Borough, Lackawanna County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Upgrade of existing treatment plant headworks including CSO diversion, flow metering, screening and grit removal.
WQM Permit No. 4091402 T-1, Sewerage, Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 651, Hazleton, PA 18201-0651.
This existing facility is located in Hazleton City, Luzerne County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of permit from the City of Hazleton to the Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority for the operation of the existing South Church Street Wastewater Pumping Station.
WQM Permit No. 4094403 T-1, Sewerage, Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 651, Hazleton, PA 18201-0651.
This existing facility is located in Hazleton City, Luzerne County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of permit from the City of Hazleton to the Greater Hazleton Joint Sewer Authority for the operation of the existing Stacie Manor Wastewater Pumping Station.
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-705-4707.
WQM Permit No. 3495201, Amendment 13-1, Sewerage, Empire Kosher Poultry, Inc., 247 Empire Drive, Mifflintown, PA 17059-1203.
This proposed facility is located in Walker Township, Juniata County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Seeking permit approval for the upgrade of the existing wastewater treatment plant for Total Nitrogen Removal.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
WQM Permit No. 6512200, Industrial Waste, Royal Window & Door Profiles, One Contact Place, Delmont, PA 15626-1402
This proposed facility is located in Salem Township, Westmoreland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for the construction and operation of a treatment facility.
WQM Permit No. 0313400, Sewerage, Manor Twp Jt Muni Auth., 2310 Pleasant View Dr., Ford City, PA 16226
This proposed facility is located in Manor Twp., Armstrong County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for the construction and operation of a sewage pump station.
WQM Permit No. 6513402, Sewerage, Franklin Twp Muni Sani Auth., 3001 Meadowbrook Rd., Murrysville, PA 15668
This proposed facility is located in Murrysville Boro, Westmoreland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for the construction and operation of a sewer system.
Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
WQM Permit No. WQG02251301, Sewerage, Millcreek Township Sewer Authority, 3608 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16506.
This proposed facility is located in Millcreek Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for a small duplex sewage grinder pump station located on the east side of Streamwood Drive.
WQM Permit No. WQG02101301, Sewerage, Slippery Rock Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 157, Slippery Rock, PA 16057.
This proposed facility is located in Slippery Rock Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for a pump station on Harmony Road to serve a student housing development.
WQM Permit No. 1097410, Sewerage, Amendment, Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, 5508 Lonas Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.
This existing facility is located in Muddycreek Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application to replace existing blowers to provide increased aeration capacity to wastewater treatment facilities at 2010 New Caste Road, Portersville, PA.
WQM Permit No. 1001401, Sewerage, Amendment No. 2, Borough of Prospect, 159 Monroe Street, Prospect, PA 16052.
This existing facility is located in Franklin Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application requesting an Amendment to the permit to allow installation of equipment to automate the operation of the existing Flow Equalization Tank.
WQM Permit No. 2571412, Sewerage, Amendment, GCP Countryside Limited Partnership, P. O. Box 14032, Pittsburgh, PA 15239.
This existing facility is located in McKean Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for an aeration system to meet ammonia limits.
WQM Permit No. 4398415, Sewerage, Transfer, John Mockricky Jr., 480 Serpentine Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15243-2056.
This existing facility is located in West Salem Township, Mercer County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application for transfer of permit for single residence sewage treatment plant.
WQM Permit No. 1010404, Sewerage, Amendment, Cranberry Township, 2525 Rochester Road, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.
This existing facility is located in Cranberry Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Application to amend permit to relocate and reconstruct interceptor.
IV. NPDES Applications for Stormwater Discharges from MS4
Southeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
PAI130509, MS4, Easttown Township, Chester County, 566 Beaumont Road, Devon, PA 19333-0079. The application is for a renewal of an individual NPDES permit for the discharge of stormwater from a regulated municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to waters of the Commonwealth in Easttown Township, Chester County. The receiving stream(s), Darby Creek, Unnamed Tributaries of Crum Creek, Unnamed Tributaries of Darby Creek, and Unnamed Tributary of Trout Creek, are located in State Water Plan watershed 3-F and 3-G and is classified for Warm Water Fishes, Migratory Fishes, High Quality Waters—Cold Water Fishes, Cold Water Fishes and Migratory Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The Department has made a tentative determination to issue the NPDES permit. Written comments on the application and draft permit will be accepted for 30 days following publication of this notice. The period for comment may be extended at the discretion of DEP for one additional 15-day period. You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 484-250-5910.
The EPA waiver is in effect.
PAI130541, MS4, South Coventry Township, Chester County, 1371 New Philadelphia Road, Pottstown, PA 19465-8669. The application is for a renewal of an individual NPDES permit for the discharge of stormwater from a regulated municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to waters of the Commonwealth in South Coventry Township, Chester County. The receiving streams, Pigeon Creek and Unnamed Tributary to French Creek, are located in State Water Plan watershed 3-D and are classified for High Quality Waters and Exceptional Value Waters respectively.
The Department has made a tentative determination to issue the NPDES permit. Written comments on the application and draft permit will be accepted for 30 days following publication of this notice. The period for comment may be extended at the discretion of DEP for one additional 15-day period. You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 484-250-5910.
The EPA waiver is not in effect.
PAI130505, MS4, Uwchlan Township, Chester County, 715 N Ship Road, Exton, PA 19341-1945. The application is for a renewal of an individual NPDES permit for the discharge of stormwater from a regulated municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to waters of the Commonwealth in Uwchlan Township, Chester County. The receiving stream(s), Pine Creek, Unnamed Tributary to Deer Creek, Unnamed Tributary to East Branch Brandywine Creek, Unnamed Tributary to Pickering Creek, Shamona Creek, Lionville Creek, Colebrook Creek, East Branch Brandywine Creek, and Unnamed Tributary to Valley Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed 3-D, 3-H and 7-I and is classified for Warm Water Fishes, Migratory Fishes, High Quality Waters—Trout Stocking, Cold Water Fishes and Migratory Fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.
The Department has made a tentative determination to issue the NPDES permit. Written comments on the application and draft permit will be accepted for 30 days following publication of this notice. The period for comment may be extended at the discretion of DEP for one additional 15-day period. You may make an appointment to review the DEP files on this case by calling the File Review Coordinator at 484-250-5910.
The EPA waiver is not in effect.
VI. NPDES Individual Permit Applications for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities
Northeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.
Monroe County Conservation District: 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, 570-629-3060.
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI024513003 Pocono Health System
206 East Brown St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Monroe Chestnuthill Twp. UNT McMichael Creek,
EV, MFNorthcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Centre County Conservation District: 414 Holmes Avenue, Suite 4, Bellefonte, PA 16823, (814) 355-6817
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI041413001 Walker Township
816 Nittany Valley Dr
Bellefonte PA 16823
Bellefonte Youth Football
1151 Valley View Rd
Bellefonte PA 16823
Centre Walker Township Little Fishing Creek
HQ-CWFSouthwest Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745. (412) 442.4315
Permit No. Applicant &
AddressCounty Municipality Stream Name PAI051112003 Patton Borough
800 4th Ave
Patton, PA 16668
Cambria Patton Borough
Clearfield TownshipChest Creek
(HQ-CWF)PAI056513001 Barbara Bowser
2002 Lindenwood Ct.
Murrysville, PA 15668
Westmoreland Murrysville Municipality UNT to Haymaker Run (HQ-CWF) Northwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
McKean County Conservation District, 17137 Route 8, Smethport PA 16749
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI064212004 SBA Towers IV LLC
5900 Broken Sound Parkway,
Boca Raton FL 33487
McKean Sergeant Township Lanigan Brook CWF (existing use EV)
Clarion River CWF
VII. List of NOIs for NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types
CAFO Notices of Intent Received
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Telephone: 717-705-4707.
PAG123663, CAFO, David Rosenberg, Gretna View Farms, 3709 North Colebrook Road, Manheim, PA 17545.
This proposed facility is located in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Size and Scope of Proposed Operation/Activity: Renewal application for existing poultry operation.
The receiving stream, Little Chickies Creek, is in watershed 7-G, and classified for: WWF.
The proposed effluent limits for the operation/activity include: Except for the chronic or catastrophic rainfall events defined as over the 25-year/24-hour rain storms, the CAFO general permit is a non-discharge NPDES permit. Where applicable, compliance with 40 CFR federal effluent limitation guidelines is required. The general permit requires no other numeric effluent limitations and compliance with the Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Act and the Clean Stream Law constitutes compliance with the state narrative water quality standards.
PAG123666, CAFO, Harold Weaver Farm CAFO, 2693 North Colebrook Road, Manheim, PA 17545.
This proposed facility is located in Rapho Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Size and Scope of Proposed Operation/Activity: Renewal application for existing swine operation.
The receiving stream, Brubaker Run, is in watershed 7-G, and classified for: WWF.
The proposed effluent limits for the operation/activity include: Except for the chronic or catastrophic rainfall events defined as over the 25-year/24-hour rain storms, the CAFO general permit is a non-discharge NPDES permit. Where applicable, compliance with 40 CFR federal effluent limitation guidelines is required. The general permit requires no other numeric effluent limitations and compliance with the Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Act and the Clean Stream Law constitutes compliance with the state narrative water quality standards.
STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION PROPOSED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLANS RELATED TO APPLICATIONS FOR NPDES PERMITS FOR CAFOs This notice provides information about agricultural operations that have submitted nutrient management plans (NMPs) for approval under 3 Pa.C.S. Chapter 5 and that have or anticipate submitting applications for new, amended or renewed NPDES permits, or Notices of Intent (NOIs) for coverage under a general permit, for CAFOs, under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 92a. This notice is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapter 92a and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing The Clean Streams Law and the Federal Clean Water Act.
Based upon preliminary reviews, the State Conservation Commission (SCC) or County Conservation Districts (CCD) working under a delegation agreement with the SCC have completed an administrative review of NMPs described. These NMPs are published as proposed plans for comment prior to taking final actions. The NMPs are available for review at the CCD office for the county where the agricultural operation is located. A list of CCD office locations is available at or can be obtained from the SCC at the office address listed or by calling (717) 787-8821.
Persons wishing to comment on an NMP are invited to submit a statement outlining their comments on the plan to the CCD, with a copy to the SCC for each NMP, within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within the respective comment periods will be considered in the final determinations regarding the NMPs. Comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the SCC of the exact basis of the comments and the relevant facts upon which they are based. Comments should be sent to the SCC, Agriculture Building, Room 310, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users or other accommodations to seek additional information should contact the SCC through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Name and AddressCounty Total
AcresAnimal Equivalent Units Animal
TypeSpecial Protection Waters (HQ or EV or NA) Renewal/New Heidelberg Pig Family Farm
Marlin & Richard Martin
425 North Market Street
Myerstown, PA 17067
Lebanon 0 465.3 Swine NA Renewal KBN Storage, LLC
554 Greider Rd
Mount Joy, PA 17545
Lancaster 6.9 315.12 Pullets None Renewal Hillandale-Bailey Farms
2828 Daron Road
Spring Grove Pa 17362
York 25.2 4,147.96 Layers N/A Renewal
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (PWS) PERMITS Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1—721.17), the following parties have applied for PWS permits to construct or substantially modify public water systems.
Persons wishing to comment on permit applications are invited to submit statements to the office listed before the application within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding an application. A comment should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received during the 30-day public comment period.
Following the comment period, the Department will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
The permit application and related documents are on file at the office listed before the application and available for public review. Arrangements for inspection and copying information should be made with the office listed before the application.
Persons with a disability that require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the office listed before the application. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications Received Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Southeast Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Permit No. 1513508, Public Water Supply
Applicant PA American Water Company Borough Parkesburg County Chester Responsible Official David R. Kaufman
800 West Hershey Park Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer Jerry Debalko, P.E.
800 West Hershey Park Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Application Received Date February 26, 2013 Description of Action Within the Coatesville system, the following have been proposed: Installation of Chloramine feed systems at the Parkesburg Reservoir, the AIM Tank, and the Route 340 Booster Pump Station. Installation of hydraulic mixing systems at the Parkesburg Reservoir and the AIM tank. Installation of a mechanical tank mixing system at the Hill Road Tank. Permit No. 1513509, Public Water Supply
Applicant PA American Water Company Township Coatesville County Chester Responsible Official David Kaufman
Vice President of Engineering
800 W. Hershey Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility PWS Consulting Engineer David Lentowski, P.E.
800 W. Hershey Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Application Received Date February 26, 2013 Description of Action Construction of a new chemical feed building, installation of a tank mixing system, and installation of previously permitted chloramine feed system at the Mars Hill Tank Site. Chloramin injection will be moved from the previously planned location to within the tank. MINOR AMENDMENT
Applications Received Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Northeast Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Application No. 2350032MA
Applicant Pennsylvania-American Water Co. Township or Borough Roaring Brook Township
LackawannaResponsible Official Paul Zielinski, Senior Director
Water Quality & Envir. Compliance
PA-AM Water Company
800 West Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
Type of Facility Community Water System Consulting Engineer NA Application Received Date February 11, 2013 Description of Action Application to transfer of applicable PWS operations permit for Olwen Heights development from Olwen Heights Water Service Company to Pennsylvania-American Water Company. Application No. 3513501MA
Applicant Aqua PA., Inc
Moscow Water System
1775 N. Main Street
Honesdale, PA. 18431
[Township or Borough] Covington Township
Lackawanna CountyResponsible Official Mr. Steve Clark
Manager, Honesdale Division
Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Entech Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Douglas Berg, PE.
4 South 4th Street
Reading, PA. 19603
Application Received Date January 28, 2013 Description of Action This project provides for the construction of a chlorine contact chamber consisting of 54 LF of 36-in ductile iron pipe. This chamber will provide adequate chlorine contact time while the 150,000 gallon storage tank is taken out of service for painting. Replacement of ladders, roof vent, handrails and other minor repairs are proposed. Application No. 4013502MA
Applicant Valley View Park, LLC.
PO Box 1775
Shavertown, PA. 18708[Township or Borough] Dallas Township
Luzerne CountyResponsible Official Mr. Robert Oley Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Farnham and Associates
c/o Mr. George Parker, PE.
325 John Street
Clarks Summit, PA. 18411Application Received Date January 8, 2013 Description of Action This project provides for the modification of a public water supply system. The applicant intends to replace chlorine gas feed with sodium hypochlorite for disinfection purposes. Application No. 4813503MA
Applicant Riversedge Mobile Home Park
2129 Riverton Road
Bangor, PA. 18013
[Township or Borough] Lower Mt. Bethel Township
Northampton CountyResponsible Official Ms. Arlene Tishuk Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Nittany Engineering & Associates, LLC.
Eric S. Lundy, PE.
2836 Earlystown Road
Suite 1
Centre Hall, PA 16828
Application Received Date February 15, 2013 Description of Action This project provides for combining well #2 & #3 raw water lines. This involves the construction of 750 LF of new 1 1/2 inch connecting raw water main. Water from both wells are simultaneously chlorinated and sent to a new contact chamber consisting of 40 LF of 20 inch PVC pipe to meet the requirements of the Ground Water Rule. Northwest Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Application No. 2064-T1-MA4, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Johnsonburg Municipal Authority Township or Borough Ridgeway Township Responsible Official Lisa Sorg Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Mark V. Glenn, P.E.
Gwin Dobson and Foreman, Inc.
3121 Fairway Drive
Altoona, PA 16602
Application Received Date February 1, 2013 Description of Action Powers Run WTP—modification to the coagulation strategies. Application No. 2490501-MA5, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Johnsonburg Municipal Authority Township or Borough Johnsonburg Borough Responsible Official Lisa Sorg Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Mark V. Glenn, P.E.
Gwin Dobson and Foreman, Inc.
3121 Fairway Drive
Altoona, PA 16602
Application Received Date February 1, 2013 Description of Action Silver Creek WTP—modification to the coagulation strategies. Application No. 3386504-MA2, Minor Amendment.
Applicant Eldred Township Municipal Authority Township or Borough Eldred Township Responsible Official Mark Shaffer Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Brian S. Sekula, P.E.
The EADS Group, Inc.
15392 Route 322
Clarion, PA 16214Application Received Date February 8, 2013 Description of Action Repair and rehabilitation of existing water storage tank. LAND RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION UNDER ACT 2, 1995
Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate Submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907)
Sections 302—305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) (35 P. S. §§ 6026.302—6026.305) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. A person intending to use the background standard, Statewide health standard, the site-specific standard or intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area shall file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known or suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one or a combination of cleanup standards or receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the act will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.
Under sections 304(n)(1)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a site-specific standard, in whole or in part, and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the following site, proposed for remediation to a site-specific standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality, within which the site is located, may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified as follows. During this comment period, the municipality may request that the person identified as the remediator of the site develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved and comments should be directed to the remediator of the site.
For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office listed before the notice. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Oyler Residence, Little Mountain Estates Lot 30, 398 Kings Highway, Marysville, PA 17053, Marysville Borough, Perry County. Cardno MM&A, 2 Gunpowder Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, on behalf of P. C. Sekhar Chadaga, d/b/a Little Mountain Estates, 110 Inverness Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19433-3202, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils contaminated with #2 fuel oil released from an aboveground storage tank. The site will be remediated to the Residential Statewide Health standard and remain residential.
Farrell Rental Property, 231 Stonetown Road, Birdsboro, PA 19508, Exeter Township, Berks County. Elk Environmental Services, Inc., 1420 Clarion Street, Reading, PA 19601, on behalf of Patrick Farrell, 4215 D Saint Lawrence Avenue, Reading, PA 19606 and Liberty Environmental, Inc., 480 New Holland Avenue, Suite 8203, Lancaster, PA 17602, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils and groundwater contaminated with fuel oil released from an aboveground storage tank. The site will be remediated to a combination of Residential Statewide Health and Site-Specific standards and remain residential.
Ontelaunee Orchards, 5548 Pottsville Pike, Leesport, PA 19533, Borough of Leesport and Ontelaunee Township, Berks County. Liberty Environmental, Inc., 50 North 5th Street, 5th Floor, Reading, PA 19601, on behalf of Ontelaunee Orchards, Inc., PO Box 13613, Reading, PA 19612 and Lift, Inc., 3745 Hempland Road, Mountville, PA 17554, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils and groundwater contaminated with arsenic. The site will be remediated to a combination of the Residential Statewide Health and Site-Specific standards. Future use of the site is commercial and industrial.
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
PHC K Well Pad (PHC 36H Gas Well), Lawrence Township, Clearfield County. Wilson Ecological Consulting, LLC, 314 Hill Top Lane, Port Matilda, Pa 16870 on behalf of Punxsutawney Hunting Club, Inc., P. O. Box 27, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 has submitted a Final Report to remediate soils contaminated with Aluminum, Barium, Manganese, Chloride. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Background and Statewide Health Standard.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] AIR QUALITY PLAN APPROVAL AND OPERATING PERMIT APPLICATIONS NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS The Department has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State Operating Permit and Title V Operating Permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.
The Department received applications for Plan Approvals or Operating Permits from the following facilities.
Copies of these applications, subsequently prepared draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the regional office listed before the applications. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate regional office to schedule appointments.
Persons wishing to receive a copy of a proposed Plan Approval or Operating Permit shall indicate interests to the Department regional office within 30 days of the date of this notice and shall file protests or comments on a proposed Plan Approval or Operating Permit within 30 days of the Department providing a copy of the proposed documents to persons or within 30 days of its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, whichever comes first.
Interested persons may also request that hearings be held concerning a proposed Plan Approval or Operating Permit. A comment or protest filed with the Department regional office shall include a concise statement of the objections to the issuance of the Plan Approval or Operating Permit and relevant facts which serve as the basis for the objections. If the Department schedules a hearing, a notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior the date of the hearing.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate should contact the regional office listed before the application. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Final Plan Approvals and Operating Permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121—143, the Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 7401—7671q) and regulations adopted under the Federal Clean Air Act.
Plan Approval Applications Received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B that may have special public interest. These applications are in review and no decision on disposition has been reached.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
57-00005B: Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC (PO Box 54382, Oklahoma City, OK 73154-1382) accepted for technical review proposal to construct and operate dehydration process at their company's Cherry Compressor Station facility in Cherry Township, Sullivan County.
Intent to Issue Plan Approvals and Intent to Issue or Amend Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B. These actions may include the administrative amendments of an associated operating permit.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
46-0005AM: Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Corp. (770 Sunmeytown Pike, West Point, PA 19486-0004) for removal of a previously permitted air pollution control device (catalytic oxidizer, Source Number C161) in Upper Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County. The bypass of this control device is currently allowed in the Title V operating permit, under Alternative Operating Scenarios. The overall air emissions associated with the removal of this control device will decrease as the facility has committed to processing product with either zero or low VOCs in their batches. This project does not trigger applicability toward PADEP's NSR regulations or the federal PSD regulations. The plan approval will include monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief— Telephone: 717-705-4862 or William Weaver, Program Manager—Telephone: 717-705-4702.
06-05150A: Berks Hollow Energy Associates, LLC (400 Chesterfield Center, Suite 110, Chesterfield, MO 63017) for an electric generation plant to be located at 5662 Leesport Avenue in Ontelaunee Township, Berks County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(a) and 127.45(a), the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application, and intends to issue a Plan Approval to the abovementioned company for the abovementioned project.
Plan Approval 06-05150A is for installation and startup of a combined-cycle natural gas fired electric generation station. The company shall be subject to and comply with 40 CFR 60 Subpart KKKK (Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines), 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII (Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines), 40 CFR 72 (Acid Rain Program), 40 CFR 97 (Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)), 40 CFR 52 for Greenhouse Gases, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) of Air Quality regulations of 40 CFR 52.21, the Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) regulations of 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.201—127.218, and the Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements of 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.1 and 127.12. The Plan Approval will contain additional recordkeeping and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements, including requirements to equip the combined-cycle units with a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) unit and an oxidation catalyst for control of NOx and CO/VOC emissions, respectively, to meet BAT requirements. The proposed project has a potential-to-emit less than 267 tpy of NOx, 40 tpy of SO2, 430 tpy of CO, 104 tpy of PM-10, 100 tpy of PM-2.5, 189 tpy of VOC, 25 tpy of total HAP, 10 tpy of individual HAPs, 6 tpy of H2SO4 and 2.8 million tpy of CO2e.
Pursuant to the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) provisions of 40 CFR 52.21 and 25 Pa. Code § 127.83, Berks Hollow Energy Associates, LLC (Berks Hollow) has performed an air quality analysis which utilizes dispersion modeling. The Berks Hollow air quality analysis satisfies the requirements of the PSD regulations and is consistent with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ''Guideline on Air Quality Models'' (40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W) and the EPA's air quality modeling policy and guidance. The Berks Hollow air quality analysis adequately demonstrates that Berks Hollow's proposed emissions will not cause or significantly contribute to air pollution in violation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter less than or equal to 10 micrometers in diameter (PM-10), and the PSD increment standards for NO2 and PM-10. In addition, the analysis adequately demonstrates that Berks Hollow's proposed emissions, in conjunction with anticipated emissions due to general commercial, residential, industrial, and other growth associated with the Berks Hollow facility, will not impair visibility, soils, and vegetation. Furthermore, the analysis adequately demonstrates that Berks Hollow's proposed emissions will not adversely affect air quality related values, including visibility, in Federal Class I areas.
In accordance with 40 CFR 52.21(l)(2), where an air quality model specified in the EPA's ''Guideline on Air Quality Models'' (40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W) is inappropriate, the model may be modified on a case-by-case basis. Written approval of the EPA Regional Administrator must be obtained for the use of a modified model. In addition, the use of a modified model must be subject to notice and opportunity for public comment under procedures developed in accordance with 40 CFR 52.21(q). The air quality analysis for NO2 for the proposed Berks Hollow facility utilizes the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (PVMRM), which is currently implemented as a non-regulatory default option within the EPA's recommended near-field dispersion model, the American Meteorological Society / Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model (AERMOD). In accordance with the recommendations under section 3.2 of the EPA's ''Guideline on Air Quality Models'' (40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W), the Department submitted a request to EPA Region III for approval of the use of the PVMRM within AERMOD for the Berks Hollow air quality analysis for NO2. EPA Region III approved the Department's request on February 22, 2013. Pursuant to 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44 and 127.83, and 40 CFR 52.21(l)(2) and (q), notice is hereby given that the Department is expressly soliciting written comments on the use of the PVMRM in the Berks Hollow air quality analysis for NO2.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed plan approval, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed plan approval by the plan approval number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the plan approval.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests, or for requests for a public hearing. A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the comments received.
Mr. Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments, protests, or requests for a public hearing.
Plan approvals issued to sources identified in 25 Pa. Code § 127.44(b)(1)—(4) or plan approvals issued to sources with limitations on the potential to emit may become part of the SIP, and will be submitted to EPA for review and approval.
22-05047C: Dura-Bond Pipe, LLC (2716 South Front Street, Steelton, PA 17113) for replacement of the two (2) baghouses controlling emissions from the outside diameter shot blast operations with a single baghouse and the replacement of the existing outside blowout baghouse with a baghouse removed from the shot blast operations in Steelton Borough, Dauphin County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(a) and 127.45(a), the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received and intends to issue a Plan Approval to the abovementioned company for the abovementioned project. This plan approval may be incorporated into the company's facility-wide permit via an administrative amendment at a later date.
Plan Approval No. 22-05047C is for the replacement of the two (2) existing Wheelabrator baghouses, C201A & C201B, which control the outside diameter shot blast operations, Source Id 201. The baghouses will be replaced by a single 14,000 scfm custom made baghouse. Additionally, the existing Wheelabrator baghouse (C202) controlling the outside diameter blowout operations, Source Id 202, will be replaced with the 3,750 scfm Wheelabrator baghouse, C201A, being removed from the shot blast operations. The Plan Approval will contain testing, monitoring, recordkeeping & work practice standards designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements. Actual air emissions are not expected to change from this project since the throughput capacities for Sources 201 or 202 are changing. Actual particulate matter emissions from the two sources for the year 2011 have been reported to be 10.3 tons.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed plan approval, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests, or for requests for a public hearing. A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the comments received.
Tom Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments, protests, or requests for a public hearing.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Contact: M. Gorog & B. Hatch, Environmental Engineer Managers—Telephone: 412-442-4163/5226
32-00424A: Notice is hereby given that the Department of Environmental Protection intends to issue a Plan Approval (PA-32-00424A) to Western Allegheny Energy, LLC (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201) to authorize the construction and temporary operation of a coal preparation plant at their Brush Valley Mine located in Center Township, Indiana County.
The facility's main sources and controls include Pit Conveyor, Clean Coal Conveyor, Radial Stackers, Double Deck Screen, ROM Stockpile, Oversize & Clean Coal Stockpiles, Two (2) Emergency diesel engines, Cummins 500DFEK rated at 732 bhp & Cummins 175DSHAB rated at 187 bhp, Front-end loader, and Truck loadout (100 trucks/day estimated). Roadways will be controlled by paving and water sprays whereas the fugitive emissions from the process will be controlled by water sprays and partial enclosures. Emissions from diesel engines will be controlled by limited hours of operation.
This facility has the potential to emit the following type and quantity of air contaminants (on an annual basis): 76.1 tons of PM, 21.7 tons of PM10, 1.9 tons of PM2.5, 2.4 tons of NOx, and 1.5 tons of Carbon Monoxide. SOx, HAPs, and GHG being minimal are not included. The emission restriction, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice conditions of the Plan Approval have been derived from the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, 40 CFR Part 63, and 25 Pa. CodeChapters 123 and 127.
Any person wishing to provide DEP with additional information that they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of this permit may submit the information to DEP at DEP, Southwest Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. A 30-day comment period, from the date of this publication, will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed Plan Approval (Specify PA-32-00424A) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information in the proposed Plan Approval or objections to issuance of the Plan Approval.
A public hearing may be held, if DEP, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in the newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where DEP determines such notification by telephone is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Jesse Parihar, Air Quality Engineering Specialist, DEP, Southwest Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, (412) 442-4030.
63-00979A: Liquidmetal Coatings, LLC (50 Technology Drive, California, PA 15423) for metal coating, engraving, and allied services to manufacturers at Liquidmetal Coatings in California Boro, Washington County. This is a minor facility Plan Approval application submittal.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636
16-161A: Kelly IMG Energy, LLC (301 Oxford Valley Road, Yardley, PA 19067) for construction of a 6.2 MW natural gas-fired electric generating station at their proposed facility on Zanot Road, Toby Township, Clarion County.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(b) and 127.424(b), that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) intends to issue Plan Approval 16-161A to Kelly IMG Energy, LLC for the construction of a 6.2 MW natural gas-fired electric generating station at their proposed facility on Zanot Road, Toby Township, Clarion County. The Plan Approval will subsequently be incorporated into the facility's Operating Permit through an administrative amendment in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450.
Plan Approval No. 16-161A is for the construction of a natural gas-fired electric generating station, to consist of two (2) 4350 bhp natural gas fired generator engines and associated oxidation catalyst control devices. Based on the information provided by the applicant and DEP's own analysis, the proposed sources will emit a maximum of 42.02 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOx), 6.72 tons of carbon monoxide, 5.04 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOC), 2.44 tons of particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM-10), 0.14 ton of sulfur oxides (SOx), 1.68 tons of formaldehyde, and 1.76 tons of total hazardous air pollutants (HAP) per year.
The proposed sources will be subject to 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ (Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines), the applicable requirements of which will be contained in the Plan Approval. The Plan Approval will contain additional testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and work practice requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis, and other documents used in the evaluation are available for public inspection between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays at the address shown below. To make an appointment, contact Records Management at 814-332-6340.
Anyone wishing to provide DEP with additional information they believe should be considered may submit the information to the address shown below. Comments must be received by the Department within 30 days of the last day of publication. Written comments should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting comments, identification of the proposed Plan Approval; No. 16-161A and concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or any objections to issuance of the Plan Approval.
A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted on the comments received during the public comment period. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in a local newspaper of general circulation or the Pennsylvania Bulletin or by telephone, where the Department determines such notification is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to John Guth, Regional Air Quality Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335, 814-332-6940.
37-337A: Hickory Run Energy, LLC (NE intersection of McClelland and Edinburg Road, New Castle, PA 16102) Notice is hereby given in accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(b) and 127.424(b) that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) intends to issue a plan approval to Hickory Run Energy, LLC to construct a natural gas-fired combined-cycle electric generation facility in North Beaver Township, Lawrence County. This is a PSD application and this is a Title V facility. The address of Hickory Run Energy, LLC is 400 Chesterfield Center, Suite 110, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017. The public notice is required for sources required to obtain a Plan Approval in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.44. This plan approval will, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450 or § 127.505, be incorporated into a new Title V operating permit at a later date. The Department intends to issue a plan approval for this construction and has submitted the proposed plan approval to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its review.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.44(e)(1), all the pertinent documents regarding HRE's application (applications, review memos, and draft approvals) are also available for review from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Meadville Regional DEP office (Air Quality) located at 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA. Appointments for scheduling a review must be made by calling the DEP at (814) 332-6340.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.44(e)(2), a 30-day comment period, from the date of publication, will exist for the submission of comments. Any person(s) wishing to provide DEP with additional information, which they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of this permit, may submit the information to Regional Air Quality Program Manager, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3494 and must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed plan approval [37-337A] and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.45 and 127.46, a person may oppose the proposed plan approval by filing a written protest with the Department's Northwest Region.
Public Hearing:
Notice is hereby given pursuant to 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.44(b), 127.45 and 127.48 that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday April 3, 2013, at North Beaver Township VFD in North Beaver Township (969 Mount Jackson Road, New Castle, PA). The hearing will start at 6:00 PM. The hearing will conclude after all testimony has been received, but no later than 9:00 PM.
The hearing is to provide testimony with regards to Hickory Run Energy (HRE) plan approval application to construct a natural gas-fired combined-cycle electric generation facility that is designed to generate up to 900 MW nominal, using 2 combustion turbine generators with duct burners and 2 heat recovery steam generators that will provide steam to drive a single steam turbine generator. The Department intends to issue a plan approval for this construction and will be submitting the proposed plan approval to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its review.
During the hearing, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.48 and 127.49, the Department will accept and record testimony concerning HRE's application. Persons wishing to present testimony at the hearing should contact Community Relations Coordinator Gary Clark, at (814) 332-6615, at least one week in advance of the hearing to reserve a time to present testimony. Oral testimony during the hearing will be limited to a maximum of five minutes and three written copies of the oral testimony, together with exhibits are required. Organizations are encouraged to designate one witness to present testimony on behalf of the organization. Persons unable to attend the hearing may submit three copies of a written statement and exhibits within 10 days thereafter to the Department in care of Regional Air Quality Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335. Written submittals must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed plan approval [37-337A] and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
Persons with a disability who wish to comment and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to do so should contact Gary Clark or the Pennsylvania AT&T relay service at 1-800-654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate your needs.
The plan approval is for the construction of a natural gas-fired combined-cycle electric generation facility that is designed to generate up to 900 MW nominally, using 2 combustion turbine generators and 2 heat recovery steam generators that will provide steam to drive a single steam turbine generator. Other air emission sources at the facility include a natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler; a diesel engine-driven emergency generator; a diesel engine-driven firewater pump; a multi-cell evaporative cooling tower; and associated emission control system, tanks, and other balance of plant equipment. Control technology for each combined cycle unit (CCU) will be Dry Low NOx combustors & Selective Catalytic Reduction system for NOx control (Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER), Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and Best Available Technology (BAT), good combustion practices (GCP) and oxidation catalyst for CO (BACT and BAT) & VOC control (LAER, BACT, and BAT), pipeline quality natural gas for SOx and sulfuric acid mist control (BACT and BAT), GCP & pipeline quality natural gas for PM, PM10 and PM2.5 control (BACT and BAT), and energy efficiency for greenhouse gas (GHG) control (BACT and BAT). Best available technology for other sources will be the control of emissions through inherent low-emitting designs, low sulfur fuels, or good operating practices.
This construction will result in facility emissions of 4,163,948.3 tpy of CO2(e), 807.53 tpy of CO, 0.001 tpy of lead, 216.13 tpy of VOC, 56.70 tpy of SOx, 346.09 tpy of NOx, 134.41 tpy of PM2.5, 137.26 tpy of PM10, 143.98 tpy of PM, 8.57 tpy of H2SO4, 221.14 tpy of ammonia, 6.9 tpy of a single HAP, and 15.3 tpy of all HAPs combined. The application was reviewed in accordance with Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Non-Attainment New Source Review (NSR) requirements. Facility is subject to State and Federal requirements, including 40 CFR 60 Subpart Dc, IIII, & KKKK; Acid Rain Regulations (40 CFR 72-78); Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) (40 CFR 96 & 97); Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) (40 CFR 64); Risk Management Program (40 CFR 68—if applicable due to storing a regulated chemical on-site) and Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule (GHG) (40 CFR 51 and 52). To comply with these requirements, the plan approval contains conditions relating to emission limitations, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, work practices, and additional requirements. This Plan Approval will contain conditions, which will satisfy the requirements of 25 Pa. Code § 127.12b (pertaining to plan approval terms and conditions) and will demonstrate BAT for the source including, but are not limited to, the following:
• Nothing in this plan approval shall relieve the owner or operator from complying with any local zoning ordinances.
• Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) Requirements
• The permittee shall secure NOx and VOC ERCs sufficient to offset NOx and VOC emissions from the facility at a 1.15 to 1 ratio. ERCs shall be properly generated and certified by the Department. Upon transfer, the permittee shall provide the Department with documentation clearly specifying the details of the ERC transaction. The facility NOx PTE is based on 1.01 tpy for the Auxiliary Boiler, 0.49 tpy for the Emergency Generator, 0.09 tpy for the Emergency Fire Pump, and the NOx PTE for the Combined Cycle Units. The facility VOC PTE is based on 0.14 tpy for the Auxiliary Boiler, 0.03 tpy for the Emergency Generator, 0.06 tpy for the Emergency Fire Pump, and the VOC PTE for the Combined Cycle Units. The NOx and VOC PTE for the GE 7FA is 296.06 tpy and 215.84 tpy resulting in a facility NOx and VOC PTE of 297.65 tpy and 216.07 tpy. The NOx and VOC PTE for the Siemens SGT6-5000F5 is 298.0 tpy and 169.72 tpy resulting in a facility NOx and VOC PTE of 299.59 tpy and 169.95 tpy. The NOx and VOC PTE for the Mitsubishi M501GAC is 248.52 tpy and 187.62 tpy resulting in a facility NOx and VOC PTE of 250.11 tpy and 187.85 tpy. The NOx and VOC PTE for the Siemens SGT6-8000H is 344.5 tpy and 186.88 tpy resulting in a facility NOx and VOC PTE of 346.09 tpy and 187.11 tpy. The permittee shall obtain the following NOx and VOC ERCs based on the facility NOx and VOC PTE times the offset of 1.15:
• GE 7FA: NOx—342.3 tons and VOC—248.5 tons
• Siemens SGT6-5000F5: NOx—344.6 tons and VOC 195.5 tons
• Mitsubishi M501GAC: NOx—287.7 tons and VOC 216.1 tons
• Siemens SGT6-8000H: NOx—398.1 tons and VOC 215.2 tons
• CCU (Source 031 & 032)
• The source is subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart KKKK
• The source is subject to 40 FR 96 CAIR
• The source is subject to the Acid Rain Regulations
• No person may permit the emission into the outdoor atmosphere of the following in a manner that exceeds the following:
• Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): Normal operation with or without duct burner: 2.0 ppmvd at 15% oxygen
• NOx: 172.25 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Carbon Monoxide (CO): Normal operation with or without duct burner: 2.0 ppmvd at 15% oxygen
• CO: 401.88 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC): Normal operation with or without duct burner: 1.9 ppmvd at 15% oxygen for GE 7FA.05 and Siemens SGT6-5000F5/DLN or 1.5 ppmvd corrected to 15% O2 for Mitsubishi M501GAC and Siemens SGT6-8000H/DLN
• VOC: 107.92 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Sulfur Oxides (SOx): 28.26 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4): 4.26 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Particulate Matter (PM)/PM10/PM2.5—66.91 tpy based on 12-month rolling totals for each CCU
• Ammonia Slip (NH3 Slip)—5 ppmv, on a dry basis corrected at 15% oxygen
• The emission limitations for NOx, CO, and ammonia are 3-hour rolling averages calculated once per hour and verified by CEMS. The emission limitations for VOC, SOx, H2SO4, and PM/PM10/PM2.5 are based on the average of three stack test runs.
• A person may not permit the emission into the outdoor atmosphere of visible air contaminants in such a manner that the opacity of the emission is either of the following:
• Equal to or greater than 10% for a period or periods aggregating more than 3 minutes in any 1 hour.
• Equal to or greater than 10% for a period or periods aggregating more than 6 minutes during startup and shutdown.
• The facility shall perform an initial stack test for PM (filterable & condensable), PM10 (filterable & condensable), PM2.5 (filterable & condensable), NOx, SOx, CO, VOC, ammonia slip, sulfuric acid, and HAPs (Formaldehyde) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 139 of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection.
• The facility shall perform subsequent stack test for PM (filterable & condensable), PM10 (filterable & condensable), PM2.5 (filterable & condensable), VOC, sulfuric acid, and HAPs (Formaldehyde) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 139 of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection every two years (22 to 26 months after the date of the previous test).
• The following conditions are related to CAM:
• The permittee shall use the approved process parameter(s) or indicator(s) to obtain data and monitor the emission control equipment performance. A departure from the specified indicator range over a specified averaging period shall be defined as an excursion.
• Oxidation Catalyst
• Catalyst Temperature: Thermocouple or equivalent—continuously defined as a reading at least once every 15-minutes averaged over a 3-hour period
• The following conditions are related to CEMs:
• The following continuous emission monitoring system[s] (CEMS[s]) must be installed, approved by the Department, operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 139, Subchapter C (relating to requirements for source monitoring for stationary sources) and the 'Submittal and Approval', 'Record Keeping and Reporting', and 'Quality Assurance' requirements of Revision No. 8 of the Department's Continuous Source Monitoring Manual, 274-0300-001. Compliance with any subsequently issued revision to the Continuous Source Monitoring Manual will constitute compliance with this permit condition.
• CEMS #1: CO (ppmvd)
• CEMS #2: NOx (ppmvd)
• CEMS #3: CO2 (lbs/MW-hr gross)
• CEMS #4: Ammonia (ppmvd)
• The facility shall monitor Gross Electrical Output (MW-hr) in order to comply with the CO2 emission standard.
• The following conditions are related to GHG:
• No person may permit the emission into the outdoor atmosphere of the following in a manner that exceeds the following:
• CO2 emission rate of 1,000 # / MW-hr (gross) on a 12-operating month annual average basis
• CO2(e) emission rate of 2,075,069 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total for each CCU
• Facility shall implement a sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) leak detection program to minimize SF6 leaks as follows. Circuit breakers are to be state-of-the-art sealed enclosed-pressure circuit breakers equipped with low-pressure alarms that are triggered when 10% of the SF6 by weight has escaped. When alarms are triggered, the facility will take corrective action as soon as practicable to fix the circuit breaker units to a like-new state to prevent the emission of SF6 to the maximum extent practicable.
• Auxiliary Boiler (Source 033):
• The emissions shall not exceed the following:
• PM/PM10/PM2.5: 0.005 #/mmbtu or 0.46 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• NOx: 0.011 #/mmbtu or 1.01 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO: 0.036 #/mmbtu or 3.31 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• VOC: 0.0015 #/mmbtu or 0.14 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• SOx: 0.0021 #/mmbtu or 0.19 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• H2SO4: 0.00048 #/mmbtu or 0.04 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO2(e): 13,696 tpy based on a 12-month rolling basis
• Subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart Dc
• Emergency Generator (Source 101):
• The emissions shall not exceed the following:
• PM/PM10/PM2.5: 0.33 #/hr or 0.02 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• NOx: 9.89 #/hr or 0.49 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO: 5.79 #/hr or 0.29 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• VOC: 0.7 #/hr or 0.03 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• SOx: 0.01 #/hr or 0.0007 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• H2SO4: 0.0028 #/hr or 0.00014 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO2(e): 80.5 tpy based on a 12-month rolling basis
• Subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII
• The annual operation during testing shall not exceed 100 hours per year.
• The duration of each test shall not exceed 30 minutes.
• The emergency generator and the emergency firewater pump shall not be tested simultaneously (within the same hour).
• The emergency generator and the emergency firewater pump shall not be tested during (within the same hour as) startup or shutdown of the combustion turbines.
• Emergency Fire Water Pump (Source 102):
• The emissions shall not exceed the following:
• PM/PM10/PM2.5: 0.15 #/hr or 0.01 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• NOx: 1.86 #/hr or 0.09 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO: 2.58 #/hr or 0.13 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• VOC: 1.11 #/hr or 0.06 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• SOx: 0.0055 #/hr or 0.00027 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• H2SO4: 0.0012 #/hr or 0.00006 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total
• CO2(e): 33.8 tpy based on a 12-month rolling basis
• Subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII
• The annual operation during testing shall not exceed 100 hours per year.
• The duration of each test shall not exceed 30 minutes.
• The emergency generator and the emergency firewater pump shall not be tested simultaneously (within the same hour).
• The emergency generator and the emergency firewater pump shall not be tested during (within the same hour as) startup or shutdown of the combustion turbines.
• Cooling Water Tower (Source 103):
• The PM/PM10/2.5 emissions shall not exceed 2.19/0.66/0.0039 #/hr.
• The PM/PM10/PM2.5 emissions shall not exceed 9.59/2.87/0.017 tpy based on a 12-month rolling total.
• The total dissolved solids (TDS) of the cooling tower water shall not exceed 5,000 ppmw.
• The permittee shall, at a minimum of once per quarter, sample and analyze the cooling tower water for total dissolved solids (TDS) at a point which is representative of the water being evaporated to the atmosphere.
• Fuel Storage Tanks (Source 104):
• The company shall keep a record of the vapor pressure of the contents of the tanks unless the tank is equipped with pressure relief valves that meet the requirements in 25 Pa. Code § 129.57.
• The company shall not store any liquid containing volatile organic compounds with vapor pressure greater than 1.5 psia (10.5 kilopascals) under actual storage conditions unless the tank is equipped with pressure relief valves which are maintained in good operating condition and which are set to release at no less than 0.7 psig (4.8 kilopascals) of pressure or 0.3 psig (2.1 kilopascals) of vacuum or the highest possible pressure and vacuum in accordance with state or local fire codes or the National Fire Prevention Association guidelines or other national consensus standards acceptable to the Department.
Dispersion modeling was conducted for the proposed HRE facility with representative emission source data, terrain data, and meteorological data. The impacts of the emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter less than 10 micrometers, and sulfur dioxide from the proposed facility are estimated by modeling to be less than the significant impact levels established by the U.S. EPA; therefore, it is estimated by modeling that these emissions from the proposed facility will not cause or significantly contribute to air pollution in violation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards or PSD increment standards. Modeling also demonstrated that emissions from the proposed facility of particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) in conjunction with existing ambient concentrations, do not cause or contribute to a violation of either the national ambient air quality standards or the PSD increment for PM2.5.
The degree of PSD air quality increment consumption expected to result from operation of the HRES is as follows, based on the dispersion modeling analysis for the facility (all values given in micrograms per cubic meter):
• NO2/NOx (annual average): 0.80 vs. standard of 25
• PM2.5 (annual average): 0.04 vs. standard of 4
• PM2.5 (24-hour average): 0.63 vs. standard of 9
• PM10 (annual average): 0.53 vs. standard of 17
• PM10 (24-hour average): 2.26 vs. standard of 30
• SO2 (3-hour average): 0.91 vs. standard of 512
• SO2 (24-hour average): 0.26 vs. standard of 91
• SO2 (annual average): 0.018 vs. standard of 20
This notice was also published in the New Castle News on March 2, March 4 and March 5, 2013.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Contact: Edward Wiener, Chief—Telephone: 215-685-9426
Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507
54-00041: Silberline Manufacturing Co., Inc. (130 Lincoln Drive, P. O. Box B, Tamaqua, PA 18252) for operation of an aluminum pigment manufacturing and boilers operation in Rush Township, Schuylkill County. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 2005. These sources have the potential to emit major quantities of regulated pollutants (VOC) above Title V emission thresholds. The proposed Title V Operating Permit contains applicable requirements for emissions limitations, monitoring, record keeping, reporting, and work practice standards used to maintain facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or William Weaver, Program Manager—Telephone: 717-705-4702.
38-05019: PPL Ironwood LLC (305 Prescott Road, Lebanon, PA 17042) for their electric generating facility in South Lebanon Township, LebanonCounty.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue aTitle V Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility.
The subject facility has actual emissions of, based on 2011 data, approximately 212 tpy of NOx, 40 tpy of CO, 11 tpy of SOx, 49 tpy of PM10, 12 tpy of VOC and 7 tpy of HAPs. The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality regulations. Among other items, the conditions include provisions derived from 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart GG—Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office, at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed plan approval, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Mr. Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
67-05005: PPL Brunner Island, LLC (2 North 9th Street, Allentown, PA 18101) for their Brunner Island Steam Electric Station in East Manchester Township, York County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue a renewal of a Title V Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility.
The subject facility had the following actual air emissions in 2011: 17,657 tons SOx; 16,892 tons NOx; 1,419 tons PM10; 617 tons PM2.5; 839 tons CO; 2 tons VOC; 60 tons HCl; 15 tons HF; 2 tons Selenium; 1 ton Manganese; 1 ton Nickel; 80 tons total HAPs; 10,095,403 tons CO2; and 10,095,403 tons CO2e. The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations. Unit Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (Source IDs 031A, 032 and 033A, respectively) are subject to the following requirements: 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart UUUUU—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units; the NOx Budget Trading Program of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 145, Subchapter A; the Title IV Acid Rain Provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, as well as 25 Pa. Code § 127.531; the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 145, Subchapter D, and 40 CFR Part 97; the Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) requirements of 40 CFR Part 64; and the continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) requirements of 25 Pa. Code § 139.101 and 40 CFR Part 75. The two emergency quench pump engines (Source IDs 037 and 038) are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart IIII—Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines and 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed operating permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the operating permit.
A 30-day comment period from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
William R. Weaver, Air Quality Program Manager, may be contacted at 717-705-4702, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
55-00005: Wood-Mode, Inc. (1 2nd St, PO Box 250, Kreamer, PA 17833) to issue a renewal Title V operating permit for their facility located in Middlecreek Township, Snyder County. The facility is currently operating under Title V Operating Permit 55-00005. The facility's main sources include three boilers, various woodworking operations, and surface coating of wood products. The facility has potential emissions of 128.4 tons per year of carbon monoxide, 61.4 tons per year of nitrogen oxides, 4.8 tons per year of sulfur oxides, 960.9 tons per year of particulate matter, 666.9 tons per year of volatile organic compounds, 664.7 tons per year of total HAPs, and 41,685 tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalents (greenhouse gases). No emission or equipment changes are being proposed by this action. The proposed Title V operating permit contains all applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting conditions. The emission restriction, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice conditions of the TVOP have been derived from the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Parts 52, 60, 63, 64, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 96, 97, 98 and 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121—145.
All pertinent documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the Department's Northcentral Regional office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701. Appointments for scheduling a review must be made by calling 570-327-3693.
Any person(s) wishing to provide the Department with additional information, which they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of this permit, may submit the information to the Department of Environmental Protection at the address shown in the preceding paragraph. A 30-day comment period from the date of this publication will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit (specify Permit No. 55-00005) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the permit.
A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in the newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where the Department of Environmental Protection determines such notification is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Air Quality Program, Northcentral Regional Office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williams-port, PA 17701, 570-327-3648.
41-00005: Lycoming Engines. (652 Oliver Street, Williamsport, PA 17701) to issue a renewal Title V operating permit for their facility located in the City of Williamsport, Lycoming County. The facility is currently operating under Title V Operating Permit 41-00005. The facility's main sources include engine testing, surface coating, and degreasing/cleaning operations. The facility also operates one Perchloroethylene Degreaser and numerous storage tanks and small natural gas-fired combustion units. The facility has potential emissions of 3,567 tons per year of carbon monoxide, 65.8 tons per year of nitrogen oxides, 3.4 tons per year of sulfur oxides, 7.3 tons per year of particulate matter, 67.4 tons per year of volatile organic compounds, 9.9 tons per year of any hazardous air pollutant (HAP), 24.9 tons per year of total HAPs, 1.7 tons per year of lead, and 63,425 tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalents (greenhouse gases). No emission or equipment changes are being proposed by this action. The proposed Title V operating permit contains all applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting conditions. The emission restriction, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice conditions of the TVOP have been derived from the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Parts 52, 60, 63, 64, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 96, 97, 98 and 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121—145.
All pertinent documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the Department's Northcentral Regional office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701. Appointments for scheduling a review must be made by calling 570 327 3693.
Any person(s) wishing to provide the Department with additional information, which they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of this permit, may submit the information to the Department of Environmental Protection at the address shown in the preceding paragraph. A 30-day comment period from the date of this publication will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit (specify Permit No. 41-00005) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the permit.
A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in the newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where the Department of Environmental Protection determines such notification is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Air Quality Program, Northcentral Regional Office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, 570 327 3648.
49-00020: Truck Accessories Group LLC—d/b/a TAG East (3560 Housels Run Road, Milton, PA 17847) a Title V operating permit renewal for their Milton facility located in Milton Borough, Northumberland County. In accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.521, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue a renewal of an Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility. The subject facility has the following potential emissions: 9.97 tons per year (TPY) of CO; 7.26 TPY of NOx; 0.05 TPY of SOx; 1.80 TPY of PM/PM10; 188.36 TPY of VOC; 91.62 TPY of total HAPs and 10,672 TPY of CO2e. The facility's sources include forty-three (43) natural gas-fired space heaters, one (1) propane-fired emergency generator, a fiberglass reinforced plastic molding and assembly operation, a truck cap and Tonneau Cover assembly and finishing area, aluminum truck cap assembly and finishing area and three (3) solvent recovery units. The Department has determined that the sources at the facility satisfy best available technology (BAT) requirements, pursuant to 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.1 and 127.12, as well as the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Plastic Parts and Products, 40 CFR 63.4480 through 63.4581; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Reinforced Plastic Composites Production, 40 CFR 63.4480 through 63.4581 and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, 40 CFR 63.6580 through 63.6675. The proposed Title V operating permit contains all applicable Federal and State regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting conditions. The emission restriction, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice conditions of the TVOP have been derived from the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Parts 52, 60, 63, 64, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 96, 97, 98 and 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121—145.
All pertinent documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the Department's Northcentral Regional office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701. Appointments for scheduling a review must be made by calling 570 327 3693.
Any person(s) wishing to provide the Department with additional information, which they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of this permit, may submit the information to the Department of Environmental Protection at the address shown in the preceding paragraph. A 30-day comment period from the date of this publication will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit (specify Permit No. TVOP 49-00020) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the permit.
A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in the newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where the Department of Environmental Protection determines such notification is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection, Air Quality Program, Northcentral Regional Office, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, 570 327 3648.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6131
25-00179: Erie City Sewer Authority (68 Port Access Road, Erie, PA 16507-2204), for the renewal of a Title V operating permit for the wastewater treatment plant located in the City of Erie, Erie County. The significant sources are two sewage sludge incinerators and two natural-gas/oil fired boilers, as well as 1 oil fueled and 3 natural-gas fueled emergency generators, a fuel oil storage tank, and five aeration tanks. The conditions of the previous plan approvals and operating permit were incorporated into the renewal permit. This facility is subject to the following federal regulations for which the applicable requirements are included in the permit renewal: 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart O, Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants; 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart MMMM, Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units; 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart C, National Emissions Standard for Beryllium; 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart E, National Emissions Standard for Mercury; 40 CFR Part 503 Subpart E, Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge—Incineration; 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ, NESHAP for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines. The potential emissions from the facility are as follows: 44.56 tpy PM; 175.63 typ NOx; 19.69 tpy SO2; 732.18 tpy CO; 29.91 tpy VOC, and 3.44 tpy Total HAPs.
Intent to Issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19428
Contact: Janine Tulloch-Reid, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
09-00083: HOP Energy, LLC—dba Brinker's Fuels, Inc. (445 North West Street, Doylestown, PA 18901) for renewal of a Non-Title V Facility, State-Only, Natural Minor Permit in Doylestown Borough, Bucks County. Brinker's Fuels, Inc. operates and maintains a bulk gasoline plant, underground gasoline storage tanks, and aboveground storage tanks for the storage of home heating oil, on-road diesel fuel, and off-road diesel fuel. Volatile organic compounds are the main emissions from this facility, and the facility has the potential to emit 5.8 tons of volatile organic compounds per year. The requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts BBBBBB and CCCCCC were found to apply to the bulk gasoline plant and the gasoline dispensing operations of this facility, and the applicable requirements from these regulations were added to the permit. Monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements have been added to the permit to address applicable limitations.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507
39-00064: Cera-Met (2175 Avenue C, Bethlehem, PA 18017-2119) to issue a renewal State Only (Synthetic Minor) Operating Permit to an aluminum castings facility located in Bethlehem City, Lehigh County. The sources at the facility include aluminum casting process equipment (mixing tanks, shell room, autoclave, burnout / preheat ovens, work benches, media blast cabinets, melting / holding ovens). The sources have the potential to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) above Title V thresholds. The permittee shall demonstrate compliance by use of a wet scrubber and thermal oxidizer control devices to keep VOC emissions below the Title V limit. The proposed State Only (Synthetic Minor) Operating Permit contains applicable requirements for emissions limitations, monitoring, record keeping, reporting, and work practice standards used to ensure facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations.
39-00072: Hamilton 9999 Association LP (9999 Hamilton Boulevard, Breinigsville, PA 18031-9359) for an electronic manufacturing facility in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County. The facility's main sources include three natural gas/#2 fuel fired boilers. The facility has potential to emit PM, VOCs, HAPs, NOx, SOx and CO below the major emission thresholds. The proposed State-only Operating Permit contains applicable requirements for emissions limitations, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice standards designed to ensure facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations. This is a renewal State-Only Synthetic Minor operating permit.
54-00002: Honeywell International, Inc. (98 Westwood City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County Road, Pottsville, PA 17901-1834) to issue a renewal State Only (Synthetic Minor) Operating Permit for a plastics, film and sheet manufacturing facility in Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County. The facility sources include: eight (8) film extrusion lines, three (3) pellet die equipment sources, one (1) coater, two (2) ovens, two (2) oil heaters, one (1) pelletizer/powder conveyor system and one (1) pelletizer conveyor table. These sources have the potential to emit major quantities of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) above Title V emission thresholds. The facility is taking a limitation on production throughput in order to keep VOCs under the Title V limit. The proposed State Only Operating Permit contains all applicable requirements including Federal and State regulations. In addition, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions regarding compliance with all applicable requirements are included.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or William Weaver, Program Manager—Telephone: 717-705-4702.
22-03037: Consolidated Scrap Resources, Inc. (1616 North Cameron Street, P. O. Box 1761, Harrisburg, PA 17105) for operation of their metal scrap shredder and cyclone in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. This is a renewal of their State-only operating permit issued in 2008.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue an Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility.
The subject facility has the potential-to-emit 0.1 tpy CO, 0.3 tpy NOx, 64.1 tpy PM10, 55.6 tpy PM2.5, 0.7 tpy SOx, 1.1 tpy VOC, 0.3 tpy of a single HAP (benzene), and 1.1 tpy combined HAPs. The operating permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with monitoring and recordkeeping requirements to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office, at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests. Tom Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
22-03065: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (2305 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110) for operation of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory (PVL), including a pathological waste incineratorin Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue a renewal of an Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility.
The subject facility has the potential-to-emit 12.4 tpy of NOx, 5.9 tpy of CO, 0.7 tpy of SOx, 0.9 tpy of PM, 0.6 tpy of VOCs, and 8,364 tpy of CO2e. The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
36-03166: L & S Sweeteners (388 East Main Street, Leola, PA 17540) for operation of their liquid and dry bulk receiving and transfer facility located in West Earl Township, Lancaster County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue a renewal of an Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility.
The subject facility has the potential-to-emit 15.4 tpy of NOx, 8.4 tpy of CO, 0.5 tpy of SOx, 3.5 tpy of PM, 1.6 tpy of VOCs, and 2.1 tpy of HAPs. The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Thomas Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at 717-705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
22-05003: Orograin Bakeries Manufacturing—Capitol Bakery (3996 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111) for the operation of a bread baking facility in Swatara Township, Dauphin County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue an Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility. Actual VOC emissions are estimated to be around 10.81 tpy (after control). The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office, at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Thomas J. Hanlon, Facilities Permitting Chief, may be contacted at (717) 705-4862, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
36-03124: Reading Group, LLC. (1363 Bowmansville Road, Bowmansville, PA 17057) for operation of their custom truck assembly facility in Brecknock Township, Lancaster County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue a State Only Air Quality Operating Permit renewal for the above mentioned facility.
The actual emissions in year 2012 from the operation were 1.1 tons of VOC per year. The Operating Permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Southcentral Regional Office, at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period, from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, will exist for the submission of comments or protests. A public hearing may be held, if the Department of Environmental Protection, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the comments received.
Gary Helsel, Acting New Source Review Chief, may be contacted at 814-949-7935, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
41-00046: Pennsylvania College of Technology (One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701) for their Williamsport campus located in the City of Williamsport, Lycoming County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received a renewal application and intends to issue a renewal Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility. The subject facility has the following potential emissions: 36.94 TPY of NOx; 20.88 TPY of CO; 11.59 TPY of VOC; 3.06 TPY of PM10 and 90.14 TPY of SOx. The facility's main air contamination sources are natural gas/No. 2 fuel oil fired boilers, emergency generators and paint booths used for instructional purposes. The permittee has taken a restriction on the amount of No. 2 fuel oil permitted to be burned in order to become a synthetic minor facility. The operating permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Northcentral Regional Office at 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, Pa 17701
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Keith C. Allison, Chief, Facilities Permitting Section, may be contacted at 570-327-3640, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, Pa 17701, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
17-00020: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (711 East College Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823) for their drum mix asphalt plant located in Sandy Township, Clearfield County.
In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received a renewal application and intends to issue a renewal Air Quality Operating Permit for the abovementioned facility. The subject facility has the following potential emissions: 39.44 TPY of NOx; 81.32 TPY of CO; 20.44 TPY of VOC; 60.98 TPY of PM10 and 86.92 TPY of SOx, 5.37 TPY of HAPs. The facility's main air contaminations sources are drum mix plant, recycle asphalt paving equipment and parts washer. The permittee has taken an annual production throughput restriction of 1,230,000 tons to become a synthetic minor facility. The operating permit will include emission limits and work practice standards along with monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
Copies of the application, DEP's analysis and other documents used in the evaluation of the application are available for public review during normal business hours at the PA DEP Northcentral Regional Office at 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, Pa 17701
A person may oppose the proposed operating permit, or may provide the Department with additional information to consider in its review, or may request a public hearing, by filing a written protest with the Department at the address listed above. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit by the permit number listed above and a concise statement regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to the issuance of the permit.
A 30-day comment period from the date of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin will exist for the submission of comments or protests.
Keith C. Allison, Chief, Facilities Permitting Section, may be contacted at 570-327-3640, or at PA DEP Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, Pa 17701, for additional information or for the submission of comments or protests.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Contact: Barbara Hatch, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 412-442-4174
04-00065: WHEMCO Steel Castings, Inc. (5 Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203) for blast furnaces and iron and steel mills at the Midland Foundry in Midland Borough, Beaver County. This is a State Only Operating Permit Renewal application submittal.
30-00116: Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. (1700 MacCorkle Ave SE, Charleston, WV 25314-1518) In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is providing notice that they intend to issue a State Only Operating Permit (SOOP) Renewal to Columbia Gas to authorize the continued operation of the natural gas transmission facility known as the Waynesburg Station, located in Waynesburg Boro, Greene County.
This facility consists of five (5) natural gas-fired turbine compressor engines each rated at 1,080 horsepower, an emergency generator (173 hp) with an operating hour limit of 500 hr/yr, a gas heating system boiler (0.75 MMBtu/hr), a heater (0.025 MMBtu/hr), and five (5) under/above ground tanks for the storage of pipeline liquids, lube oil and wastewater.
This facility's potential to emit, on a rolling 12-month basis, is 19.2 tons of carbon monoxide, 63.0 tons of nitrogen oxides, 0.79 ton of volatile organic compounds, and 23,982 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (greenhouse gases). The emission restriction, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice conditions of the proposed SOOP have been derived from the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 63-Subpart ZZZZ and 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121—145. No emission or equipment changes are being proposed by this action.
Arrangements may be made to review the application at our offices. Those who wish to provide the Department with additional written information that they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of the Operating Permit renewal may written comments to Barbara Hatch, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222, 412-442-5226 ( A 30-day comment period, from the date of this publication, will exist for the submission of comments. Each written comment must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed permit (specify SOOP-30-00116) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information in the proposed permit or objections to issuance of the permit.
A public hearing may be held, if DEP, in its discretion, decides that such a hearing is warranted based on the information received. All persons submitting comments or requesting a hearing will be notified of the decision to hold a hearing by publication in the newspaper or by the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or by telephone, where DEP determines such notification by telephone is sufficient. Written comments or requests for a public hearing should be directed to Barbara Hatch at the location identified above.
65-00817: Lindy Paving, Inc. / New Kensington Plant (201 Industrial Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068) for the operation of a hot mix batch asphalt facility located in Lower Burrell City, Westmoreland County. In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.424 and 127.425 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has received an application and intends to issue an Air Quality Operating Permit for the above mentioned facility.
The subject facility consists of one hot mix batch asphalt plants rated at 275 tons per hour. The batch plant is limited to 495,000 tons production in any consecutive 12-month period. The facility has the potential to emit: 99 tpy CO; 6.2 tpy NOx; 1.15 tpy SOx; 32.5 tpy VOC; 36.7 tpy PM and 6.7 tpy PM10. The facility is required to conduct annual burner tune up tests and stack testing for all criteria pollutants every five years. The facility must perform daily survey of the facility to ensure compliance with the operating permit limitations. The proposed authorization is subject to State and Federal Regulations. The permit includes operation requirements, monitoring requirements, and recordkeeping requirements.
Those who wish to provide the Department with additional written information that they believe should be considered prior to the issuance of the Plan Approval may submit the information to Sheila Shaffer Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Written comments must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, identification of the proposed Operating Permit (65-00817) and concise statements regarding the relevancy of the information or objections to issuance of the Operating Permit.
All comments must be received prior to the close of business 30 days after the date of this publication.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6131
10-00337: Cellco Partnership Verizon Wireless Cranberry Call Center (700 Cranberry Woods Drive, Cranberry Township, PA 16066-5213), for a renewal of the operating permit for the facility located in Cranberry Township, Butler County. The facility has a 2000 kW emergency generator that is fueled with low sulfur diesel (less than 0.3 percent sulfur by weight). The conditions of the previous plan approval and operating permit were incorporated into the renewal permit. The emergency generator is restricted to 500 hours of operation and shall only be operated during utility power outages and for periodic maintenance testing. The emergency generators are subject to 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ—NESHAP for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE). The facility is a Natural Minor.
33-00116: Macdonald and Owen Lumber Co. (11424 Route 36, Brookville, PA 15825-8656), for the renewal of a Natural Minor Permit to operate a lumber processing plant located in Rose Township, Jefferson County. The facility's major emitting sources included, 1) Wood burning steam boiler, 2) 200 HP Boiler, 3) Grinder and, 4) Eight wood-drying kilns. The emissions from the facility are less than the Title V emission threshold. Thus, the facility is natural minor. The biomass fueled boilers are subject to area source boiler MACT 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart JJJJJJ. The actual emissions from the facility are PM: 6.57 Tons per year (TPY), CO: 14.15 TPY and, NOx: 11.52 TPY.
61-00122: Seneca Hardwood Lumber/Cranberry Facility (212 Seneca Hardwood Drive, Cranberry, PA 16319-2526), for the re-issuance of a Natural Minor Operating Permit located in Rockland Township, Venango County. The facility's major sources of emissions are two (2) Wood-Fired Boilers used to produce heat for the kiln operations. All emissions of criteria pollutants are below major source thresholds. The boilers at this facility will be subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart JJJJJJ—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers Area Sources. The compliance date for this subpart is March 21, 2014.
Department of Public Health, Air Management Services: 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Contact: Edward Wiener, Chief—Telephone: 215-685-9426
N12-013: SJA Construction, Inc. (at 2870 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia, PA 19134) for operating a 2.8 MMBTu/hr boiler, a mixer, a Baghouse and Cement Silo, in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
The operating permit will be issued under 25 Pa. Code, Philadelphia Code Title 3 and Air Management Regulation XIII. Permit copies and other supporting information are available for public inspection at AMS, 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. For further information, contact Edward Wiener at (215) 685-9426.
Persons wishing to file protest or comments on the above operating permit must submit the protest or comments within 30 days from the date of this notice. Any protests or comments filed with AMS must include a concise statement of the objections to the permit issuance and the relevant facts upon which the objections are based. Based upon the information received during the public comment period, AMS may modify the operating permit or schedule a public hearing. The hearing notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a local newspaper at least thirty days before the hearing.
S12-039: Southern Graphics Systems (2781 Roberts Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19129), for manufacturing of printing plates for the flexographic printing industry in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The synthetic minor facility's air emission sources include three (3) photo processing units, three (3) plate dryers, and two (2) distillation stills.
The operating permit will be issued under 25 Pa. Code, Philadelphia Code Title 3 and Air Management Regulation XIII. Permit copies and other supporting information are available for public inspection at AMS, 321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. For further information, contact Edward Wiener at (215) 685-9426.
Persons wishing to file protest or comments on the above operating permit must submit the protest or comments within 30 days from the date of this notice. Any protests or comments filed with AMS must include a concise statement of the objections to the permit issuance and the relevant facts upon which the objections are based. Based upon the information received during the public comment period, AMS may modify the operating permit or schedule a public hearing. The hearing notice will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a local newspaper at least thirty days before the hearing.
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] COAL AND NONCOAL MINING ACTIVITY APPLICATIONS Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1—1396.31); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301—3326); the Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1—691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51—30.66); the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1—1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to such applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1003).
The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). A copy of the application is available for inspection at the District Mining Office indicated above each application. Notices of requests for 401 Water Quality Certifications are included in individual application notices, as noted.
Written comments or objections, or requests for an informal conference, or a public hearing, as applicable, on a mining permit application may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any federal, state or local government agency or authority to the Department at the address of the District Mining Office indicated above each application within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121—77.123 and 86.31—86.34 (relating to public notices of filing of permit applications, opportunity for comment, and informal conferences).
Written comments or objections related to a mining permit application should contain the name, address and telephone number of persons submitting comments or objections; application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based.
Requests for an informal conference, or a public hearing, as applicable, on a mining permit application, as provided by 25 Pa. Code § 77.123 (relating to public hearing-informal conferences) or § 86.34 (relating to informal conferences), must contain the name, address and telephone number of the requestor; the application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor desires to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.
Where a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) number is listed, the mining activity permit application was accompanied by an application for an individual NPDES permit. The Department has made a tentative determination to issue the NPDES permit in conjunction with the mining activity permit, but the issuance of the NPDES permit is contingent upon the approval of the associated mining activity permit.
For coal mining activities, NPDES permits, when issued, will contain effluent limits that do not exceed the technology-based effluent limitations. The proposed limits are listed in Table 1.
For noncoal mining activities, the proposed limits are found in Table 2 below. Discharges from noncoal mines located in some geologic settings (for example, in the coal fields) may require additional effluent limits. If additional effluent limits are needed for an NPDES permit associated with a noncoal mining permit, then the permit description below specifies the parameters. The limits will be in the ranges specified in Table 1.
More restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume, or restrictions on the extent of mining that may occur, will be incorporated into an NPDES permit when necessary for compliance with water quality standards and antidegradation requirements (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91—96).
The procedures for determining the final effluent limits, using a mass-balance equation or model, are found in Technical Guidance Document 362-0600-001, NPDES Program Implementation-Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Concerning Water Quality Management, NPDES Program Implementation, and Related Matters. Other specific factors to be considered include public comments and Total Maximum Daily Load(s) (TMDLs).
Persons wishing to comment on an NPDES permit application should submit a statement to the Department at the address of the District Mining Office indicated above each application within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within the comment period will be considered in the final determinations regarding the NPDES permit applications. Comments must include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
The Department will also accept requests or petitions for a public hearing on NPDES permit applications, as provided in 25 Pa. Code § 92.61. The request or petition for a public hearing shall be filed within 30 days of this public notice and shall contain the name, address, telephone number and the interest of the party filing the request, and shall state the reasons why a hearing is warranted. A public hearing may be held if the Department considers the public interest significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing on the NPDES permit application will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation within the relevant geographical area. In the case where a public hearing is held, the Department will consider comments from the public hearing in the final determination on the NPDES permit application.
Noncoal Applications Returned
California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100
03851303 and NPDES No. PA0213462. McVille Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201). To revise the permit for the Clementine Mine #1 in North Buffalo Township, Armstrong County and related NPDES permit to install the North Buffalo shaft site. Surface Acres Proposed 16.2. Receiving stream: Unnamed Tributary No. 20 to Nicholson Run, classified for the following use: WWF. The application was considered administratively complete on July 8, 2011. Application received March 28, 2011. Application withdrawn February 26, 2013.
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200
59100301 and PA NPDES 0257494.Wesley J. Cole (343 Jess Drive, Middlebury Center PA 16935). Commencement, operation and restoration of a large industrial minerals mine in Middlebury Township, Tioga County affecting 20.0 acres. Receiving streams: Crooked Creek classified as Warm Water Fishes. Application received: December 17, 2010. Permit returned: February 25, 2013.
Coal Applications Received
California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100
14743701 and NPDES No. PA0600156. Pennsylvania Mines, LLC, (PPL Generation, LLC, 2 North Ninth Street, Gen PL6, Allentown, PA 18101). To renew the permit for the Pauline Hollow Coal Refuse Disposal Site in Rush Township, Centre County and related NPDES permit. The application was considered administratively complete on February 26, 2013. Application received December 20, 2012.
17031301 (Formerly 17031701) and NPDES No. PA0235504. Lady Jane Colleries, Inc., (Two North Ninth Street, Allentown, PA 18101-1179). To renew the permit for the Horning Run Passive Treatment in Huston Township, Clearfield County and related NPDES permit for post-mining passive treatment. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on February 28, 2013. Application received December 19, 2012.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900
56030103 and NPDES No. PA0249441. Hoffman Mining, Inc., P. O. Box 130, 118 Runway Road, Friedens, PA 15541, permit renewal for reclamation only of a bituminous surface and auger mine in Paint Township, Somerset County, affecting 262.0 acres. Receiving stream(s): Spruce Run, Shade Creek and tributary to Kaufman Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Cambria Somerset Authority Stonycreek SWI. Application received February 15, 2013.
56010106 and NPDES No. PA0249076. Marquise Mining Corporation, 3889 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905, permit renewal for reclamation only of a bituminous surface and auger mine in Shade Township, Somerset County, affecting 325.0 acres. Receiving stream(s): Dixie Run and Fallentimber Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Cambria Somerset Authority Stonycreek SWI. Application received February 19, 2013.
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, 724-925-5500
03020115 and NPDES Permit No. PA0250295. Bedrock Mines, LP (111 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15215). Renewal application for reclamation only to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Sugarcreek Township, Armstrong County, affecting 195.6 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Snyder Run and Huling Run, classified for the following use: CWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received: February 21, 2013.
30050103 and NPDES Permit No. PA0250759. Duquesne Light Company (1800 Seymour Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15233). Renewal application for continued mining to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Monongahela Township, Greene County, affecting 37 acres. Receiving streams: Sandy Run, classified for the following use: WWF. There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received: February 25, 2013.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118
54070104R. South Tamaqua Coal Pockets, Inc., (804 West Penn Street, Tamaqua, PA 18252), renewal of an existing anthracite coal refuse reprocessing operation in Blythe Township, Schuylkill County affecting 55.1 acres, receiving stream: unnamed tributary of the Schuylkill River, classified for the following use: cold water fishes.
Noncoal Applications Received
Effluent Limits—The following effluent limits will apply to NPDES permits issued in conjunction with a noncoal mining permit:
Table 2 30-day Daily Instantaneous Parameter Average Maximum Maximum Suspended solids 10 to 35 mg/l 20 to 70 mg/l 25 to 90 mg/l Alkalinity exceeding acidity* pH* greater than 6.0; less than 9.0 * The parameter is applicable at all times.
A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to surface runoff resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event. If coal will be extracted incidental to the extraction of noncoal minerals, at a minimum, the technology-based effluent limitations identified under coal applications will apply to discharges of wastewater to streams.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900
Permit No. 0579201 and NPDES Permit No. PA0118583. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Company, Inc., P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664, renewal of NPDES Permit, Broadtop Township, Bedford County. Receiving stream: Six Mile Run classified for the following use(s): warm water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 12, 2013.
Permit No. 4275SM14T and NPDES Permit No. PA0124532. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Company, Inc., P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664, renewal of NPDES Permit, Warriors Mark and Snyder Townships, Huntingdon and Blair Counties. Receiving stream: Logan Spring Run, UT to Little Juniata River and Juniata River classified for the following use(s): warm water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 12, 2013.
Permit No. 4174SM2 and NPDES Permit No. PA0009814. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Company, Inc., P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664, renewal of NPDES Permit, Shade Township, Somerset County. Receiving stream: Laurel Run and Beaver Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 12, 2013.
Permit No. 4274SM7 and NPDES Permit No. PA0009822. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Company, Inc., P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664, renewal of NPDES Permit, Walker Township, Huntingdon County. Receiving stream: Crooked Creek classified for the following use(s): warm water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 12, 2013.
Permit No. 4077SM7 and NPDES Permit No. PA0212580. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Company, Inc., P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664, renewal of NPDES Permit, Jenner Township, Somerset County. Receiving stream: Roaring Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Cambria-Somerset Authority Quemahoning Reservoir located 5 miles downstream. Application received February 12, 2013.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118
64132501 and NPDES Permit No. PA0225347. Kevin Schrader, (PO Box 262, Lake Como, PA 18437) commencement, operation and restoration of a quarry operation and NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage in Buckingham Township, Wayne County affecting 10.0 acres, receiving stream: Equinunk Creek, classified for the following use: HQ-cold water fishery. Application received: January 22, 2013.
09870301C17 and NPDES Permit No. PA0593796. Warner Company, (1000 New Ford Mill Road, Morrisville, PA 19067), renewal of NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage from a quarry operation in Falls Township, Bucks County affecting 501.1 acres, receiving stream: Van Sciver Lake, classified for the following use: warm water fishes. Application received: February 21, 2013.
58010301T3 and NPDES Permit No. PA0224171. Pennsy Supply, Inc., (P. O. Box 3331, Harrisburg, PA 17105), transfer of an existing quarry operation from Powers Stone, Inc. and renewal of NPDES Permit for discharge of treated mine drainage in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County affecting 41.9 acres, receiving streams: unnamed tributary to South Branch Wyalusing Creek and South Branch Wyalusing Creek, classified for the following uses: warm water fishes and migratory fishes. Application received: February 26, 2013.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL GOOD SAMARITAN ACTThe Environmental Good Samaritan Act (27 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 8001—8114) provides certain protections and immunities from civil liability for landowners and persons who voluntarily undertake reclamation and abatement projects to address land and water adversely affected by mining or oil or gas extraction or exploration for natural resources and left in an unreclaimed condition or left discharging water pollution. In order for landowners and persons to qualify for immunity, the projects must be approved by the Department.
The following project proposals have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection. A copy of the proposals is available for inspection at the office indicated above each proposal.
Written comments or objections may be submitted by any person or any office or head of any Federal, State, or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; the proposal identification number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department of the basis of the comment or objection and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
GOOD SAMARITAN ACT Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900
The Environmental Good Samaritan Act (27 Pa. C.S.A. §§ 8001—8114) provides certain protections and immunities from civil liability for landowners and persons who voluntarily undertake reclamation and abatement projects to address land and water adversely affected by mining or oil and gas extraction or exploration for natural resources and left in an unreclaimed condition or left discharging water pollution.
The following project proposals have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection at the Cambria District Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931. A copy of the proposals is available for inspection at the office indicated above.
Proposals: Broadtop Township projects at Sandy Run SAO-D4, SAO-D5, and Six Mile Run SX2-D5 AMD Remediation.
Written comments or objections may be submitted by any person or any office or head of any Federal, State, or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication.
Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; the proposal identification number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department of the basis of the comment or objection and the relevant facts upon which it is based.
FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, SECTION 401 The following permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for 401 Water Quality Certification have been received by the Department. Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341) requires the Commonwealth to certify that the involved projects will not violate the sections 301—303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311—1313, 1316 and 1317) as well as relevantState requirements. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 of the FWPCA, the issuance of a Dam Permit or Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit or the approval of an Environmental Assessment shall submit comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice as well as any questions to the office noted before an application. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting, identification of the certification request to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including the relevant facts upon which they are based.
The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to comments if deemed necessary. Each individual will be notified, in writing, of the time and place of a scheduled hearing or conference concerning the certification request to which the comment, objection or suggestion relates. Maps, drawings and other data pertinent to the certification request are available for inspection between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on working days at the office noted before the application.
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
Applications Received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and Requests for Certification under section 401(a) of the FWPCA.
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
E15-837. Mark Winnicki, Director of Facilities, Longwood Gardens, Inc., P. O. Box 501, Kennett Square, PA 19348-0501, East Marlborough, Kennett, and Pennsbury Townships, Chester County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To perform the following water obstruction and encroachment activities associated with the meadow improvement and expansion project at Longwood Gardens:
1. To construct and maintain two new pedestrian bridges measuring 28-foot long by 23-foot wide, and 13-foot long by 8-foot wide, respectively.
2. To replace and maintain two existing pedestrian bridges.
3. To construct and maintain a temporary bridge having a 30-foot span and measuring 8-foot wide.
All bridges are across an unnamed tributary to Pocopson Creek (Perennial, TSF) and adjacent wetlands.
The site is located at the northwest of intersection of US Route 1 and Pa Route 52 (Unionville & Kennett, PA USGS Quadrangle N: 22.3 inches; W: 5.88 inches).
Northeast Region: Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915, Telephone 570-826-2511.
E66-156. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 4-0, 55 Keystone Industrial Park, Dunmore, PA 18512, in Mehoopany Township, Wyoming County, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District.
To remove the existing structure; and to construct and maintain a 31-foot wide two-span pre-cast concrete bulb tee beam bridge with reinforced concrete abutments and wingwalls having a span of 149 feet and an approximate under-clearance of 19.8 feet over Mehoopany Creek (CWF, MF). The project is located approximately 10 feet downstream of the existing structure along S.R. 87, Section 754, Segment 0210, Offset 0110 (Meshoppen, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41°33`36"; Longitude: -76°4`5").
E64-295. Patrick J Johnston, 504 Oak Road, Merion Station, PA 19066, in Lehigh Township, Wayne County, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District.
To construct and maintain a dock cantilevered over approximately 40 square feet of Lake Watawga (EV, MF), extending into the lake approximately 2 feet from the shoreline. The project is located at 89 Lakeview Lane in the municipality of Lehigh Township (Tobyhanna, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41°14`36.76"; Longitude: -75°26` 7.62").
Southcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Telephone: 717.705.4802.
E07-445: Logan Township Board of Supervisors, 100 Chief Logan Circle, Altoona, Pennsylvania 16602, in Logan Township, Blair County, ACOE Baltimore District (Altoona, PA Quadrangle)
To install and maintain an 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer line crossing:
1) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`59", -78°24`09"),
2) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`34", -78°23`30"),
3) 20 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`39", -78°23`45"),
4) 5 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`38", -78°23`40"),
5) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`40", -78°23`39"),
6) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to the Little Juniata River (WWF, MF) (40°32`38", -78°23`29"),
7) 8 linear feet of Burgoon Run (TSF, MF) (40°29`19", -78°26`29"),
8) 5 linear feet of Burgoon Run (TSF, MF) (40°29`20", -78°2629),
9) 40 linear feet of Burgoon Run (TSF, MF) (40°2916, -78°2624),
10) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Burgoon Run (40°29`23", -78°26`34"),
11) 3 linear feet of Burgoon Run (TSF, MF) (40°29`20", -78°26`31"),
12) 10 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Burgoon Run (40°29`28", -78°26`52"),
13) 12 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Burgoon Run (40°29`23", -78°27`06"),
14) 30 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`28", -78°22`39"),
15) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`40", -78°22`54"),
16) 11 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`30", -78°23`06"),
17) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`30", -78°23`05"),
18) 10 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`37", -78°23`11"),
19) 17 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`30", -78°23`24"),
20) 17 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`30", -78°23`20"),
21) 32 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`31", -78°23`21"),
22) 22 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`31", -78°23`28"),
23) 5 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`40", -78°23`57"),
24) 25 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`37", -78°23`51"),
25) 13 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`35", -78°23`48"),
26) 20 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`46", -78°24`10"),
27) 14 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`45", -78°24`07"),
28) 27 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`43", -78°24`03"),
29) 15 linear feet of Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`41", -78°24`03"),
30) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Homer Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°33`49", -78°24`19"),
31) 20 linear feet of Dry Gap Run (WWF, MF) (40°32`00", -78°28`48"),
32) 8 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary to Burgoon Run (WWF, MF) (40°29`29", -78°26`50"),
33) 0.06 acre of PEM/PSS wetland (40°31`26", -78°21`50"),
34) 0.04 acre of PEM wetland (40°29`16", -78°26`12"),
35) 0.03 acre of PEM wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°29`19", -78°26`13"),
36) 0.04 acre of PSS wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°29`25", -78°26`44"),
37) 0.07 acre of PSS wetland (40°29`21", -78°26`36"),
38) 0.02 acre for of PEM wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°29`20", -78°26`31"),
39) 0.02 acre of PEM wetland and 0.02 acre of PFO wetland (40°29`29", -78°26`56"),
40) 0.02 acre of PEM wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°29`25", -78°26`45"),
41) 0.17 acre of PEM wetland (40°33`31", -78°22`45"),
42) 0.05 acre of PFO wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°33`30", -78°23`11"),
43) 0.02 acre of PFO wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°33`30", -78°23`10"),
44) 0.01 acre of PEM wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°33`35", -78°23`45"),
45) 0.16 acre of PFO wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°33`40", -78°24`02"),
46) 0.16 acre of PSS wetland which is classified as Exceptional Value (40°33`47", -78°24`12"),
47) 0.04 acre of PEM wetland (40°28`57", -78°23`20"),
48) 0.01 acre of PEM wetland (40°32`29", -78°23`46"),
49) 0.01 acre of PEM wetland (40°32`30", -78°23`48"), and
50) 0.01 acre of PEM wetland (40°32`00", -78°26`45").
The project proposes to temporarily impact 0.67 acre of wetland of and permanently impact 0.23 acre of wetland.
F22-590: Hummelstown Borough (Floodplain Mitigation), 136 South Hanover Street, Hummelstown, Pennsylvania 17036, in Hummelstown Borough, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 1.6 acres of floodplains. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 300 North Duke Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036Swatara Creek WWF
MFHershey 40°16`11.2" -76°43`2.36" 2 217 North Railroad Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036Swatara Creek WWF
MFHershey 40°16`5.95" -76°42`50.25" 3 109 North Hanover Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036Swatara Creek WWF
MFHershey 40°16`6.06" -76°42`3.38" 4 102 Circle Drive
Hummelstown, PA 17036Swatara Creek WWF
MFHershey 40°16`13.29" -76°42`23.6" 5 106 Circle Drive
Hummelstown, PA 17036Swatara Creek WWF
MFHershey 40°16`14.89" -76°42`22.93" F22-591: Londonderry Township (Floodplain Mitigation) 783 Geyers Church Road, Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057, in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 3.3 acres of floodplains. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 1290 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°12`52.74" -76°43`15.63" 2 1310 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40° 12` 54.56" -76°43`16.13" 3 1320 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°12`56.25" -76°43`17.47" 4 1790 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`26.11" -76°43`32.7" 5 1820 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`28.7" -76°43`32.43" 6 1830 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`29.67" -76°43`32.44" 7 1930 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`34.58" -76°43`32.4" 8 1950 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`35.51" -76°43`32.4" 9 1970 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`36.56" -76°43`32.4" 10 3137 Swatara Creek Road
Middletown, PA 17057Swatara Creek WWF
MFMiddletown 40°13`43.15" -76°43`33.29" F38-183: Swatara Township (Floodplain Mitigation), 68 Supervisors Drive, Jonestown, Pennsylvania 17038, in Swatara Township, Lebanon County, ACOE Baltimore
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 1.01 acres of floodplains. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 2329 SR 72 North
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°24`5.5" -76°29`32.1" 2 2331 SR 72 North
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°24`4.8" -76°29`32.1" 3 Three Ivy Lane
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°24`5.3" -76°29`28.1" 4 24 Willow Lane
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°23`27.1" -76°29`44.5" 5 2358 Quarry Road
Lebanon, PA 17046Little Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°24`26.8" -76°28`14.1" 6 2364 Quarry Road
Lebanon, PA 17046Little Swatara Creek WWF, MF Fredericksburg 40°24`26.8" -76°28`12.0" F38-185: Borough of Jonestown (Floodplain Mitigation), 295 South Mill Street, PO Box 446, Jonestown, Pennsylvania 17038, in Jonestown Borough, Lebanon County, ACOE Baltimore
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 0.35 acre of floodplains. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 352 South Mill Street
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek WWF Fredericksburg 40°24`30" -76°28`22" Southcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Telephone: 717.705.4802.
E01-305: HACC—Central Pennsylvania's Community College, Three Penn Center, Room 328, 349 Wiconisco Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110, in Cumberland Township, Adams County, ACOE Baltimore District
To remove the existing structure and construct and maintain: 1) a 96.0-foot long, 4.0-foot—6.0-foot, open bottom, reinforced concrete box culvert, 2) a 38.0-foot long, 4.0-foot—6.0-foot, open bottom, reinforced concrete box culvert in an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek and 0.029 acre of associated wetlands, and 3) to relocate 330.0 feet of an unnamed tributary to Rock Creek; all for the purpose of constructing site improvements. The project is located at 731 Old Harrisburg Road, along the southeastern side of Business Route 15 on the northeastern side of the Borough of Gettysburg (Gettysburg, PA Quadrangle; Latitude: 39°50`15.6", Longitude: -77°13`26.8") in Cumberland Township, Adams County.
F31-227: Petersburg Borough (Floodplain Mitigation), 223 Penn Street, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 16652, in Petersburg Borough, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 0.04 acre of floodplain. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 485 Colombia Street
Petersburg, PA 16669Shaver Creek HQ-CWF Alexandria 40° 34` 27.4" -78° 2` 59.4" 2 101 Shaver Street
Petersburg, PA 16669Shaver Creek HQ-CWF Alexandria 40° 34` 21.3" -78° 2` 59.4" F38-186: Annville Township, PO Box 178, Annville, Pennsylvania 17003, Floodplain Mitigation, in Annville Township, Lebanon County, ACOE Baltimore District
To remove structures from the floodplain that were damaged by flooding at the locations listed. The projects propose to temporarily affect approximately 2.44 acres of floodplains. The issuance of this permit will not constitute approval of Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Address Waterway Chapter 93
QuadrangleLatitude Longitude 1 326 S. White Oak St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`32.4" -76°30`44.9" 2 401 S. Spruce St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`45.7" -76°29`54.7" 3 315 S. Lancaster St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`31" -76°30`59.2" 4 351 S. Lancaster St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°37`30.2" -76°30`59.2" 5 352 S. Lancaster St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`29" -76°30`56" 6 354 S. Lancaster St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`29" -76°30`56.8" 7 1054 Willow Dr.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`53.9" -76°29`48.4" 8 143 Water St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`35.5" -76°31`3.7" 9 136 S. King St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`36.6" -76°31`10.4" 10 144 W. Queen St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`39" -76°31`04" 11 106 S. Weaber St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`54.3" -76°29`50.2" 12 310 S. White Oak St.
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek TSF Palmyra 40°19`33.5" -76°30`46.3"
Northcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, 570-327-3636
F19-006. Scott Township, 350 Tenny Street, Blooms-burg, PA 17815. Floodplain encroachment demolitions in Scott Township, Columbia County, ACOE Baltimore District (Bloomsburg, PA Quadrangle Latitude: 41° 0` 29.2"; Longitude: 76° 24` 11.56").
Scott Township is seeking authorization to demolish ten existing floodplain encroachments (flood-damaged structures) located at the following addresses along Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815: 2646, 2691, 2762, 2782, 2810, 2827, 2855, 2911, 2912 and 2914. The structures are located within the right floodplain of the Susquehanna River.
F19-007. Scott Township, 350 Tenny Street, Blooms-burg, PA 17815. Floodplain encroachment demolitions in Scott Township, Columbia County, ACOE Baltimore District (Bloomsburg, PA Quadrangle Latitude: 41° 0` 35.55"; Longitude: 76° 24` 9.46").
Scott Township is seeking authorization to demolish ten existing floodplain encroachments (flood-damaged structures) located at the following addresses: 175 Crabapple Lane, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; 2733 Riverview Avenue, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; 165 and 195 Edgar Lane, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; 2847, 2860, 2880, 2887, 2867 and 2877 White Birch Lane, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. The structures are located within the right floodplain of the Susquehanna River.
Southwest Region: Waterways &Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E02-1682. Robert and Barbara Shuty, 5518 Ohio St., Pittsburgh, PA 15225-1309, Neville Township, Allegheny County; ACOE Pittsburgh District
Applicant proposes to operate and maintain a retaining wall, which is approximately 9` high, along approximately 96` of the Ohio River (WWF, N), and approximately 1,400 cubic yards of fill material behind this wall, and an associated private, recreational, floating dock, which is approximately 680 ft2 and secured to two (2) pilings that are in the river. The dock is in front of the wall, but extends an additional 10` beyond the wall. The project is located near the terminus of Pershing Street, in Neville Township, Allegheny County, along the Ohio River. Quadrangle: Ambridge, PA; N: 2.50 inches; W: 0.75 inch; Sub-basin 20G; Latitude: 40° 30` 49.5"; Longitude: 80° 7` 49.5"; Chapter 93 Type WWF, N.
E04-343. Pine Valley Bible Camp. 504 Chapel Drive, Ellwood City, PA 16117, North Sewickley Township, Beaver County; ACOE Pittsburgh District
Applicant proposes to encroach upon 26,190 square feet in the floodway of Brush Creek (WWF) in order to construct two buildings along with additional site improvements for the purpose of rebuilding the applicant's camp. The project is located on the west side of Chapel Drive, approximately 2,500.0 feet south from the intersection of Chapel Drive and Harpers Ferry Road (Zelienople, PA Quadrangle N: 10.25 inches; W: 16.5 inches, Latitude: 40° 48` 29.7"; Longitude: 80° 14` 42.5") in North Sewickley Township, Beaver County.
Northwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
E25-762, Pennsylvania Electric Company, 76 South Main Street, Akron OH 44308. Four Mile Substation, in Harborcreek Township, Erie County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Hammett, PA Quadrangle N: 42° 06` 12.7"; W: 79° 59` 00.1").
To construct an electric substation and associated access road and transmission structures. Project proposes to permanently impact 33 LF of UNT Four Mile Creek and 0.01 acre of PEM wetland for access road construction and pole/guy placement. Project also proposes to utilize timber mats for construction access resulting in temporary impacts to 12 LF UNT Four Mile Creek and 2.64 acres PEM wetland.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Southcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Telephone: 717.705.4802
EA22-018: Derry Township Municipal Authority, 670 Clearwater Road, Hershey Pennsylvania 17033, Laurel Woods and Alpine Drive Infrastructure Repair, in Derry Township, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To remove an existing 10.0-foot long, 21.0-inch by 36.0-inch diameter CMP in an UNT to Swatara Creek (WWF, MF) and to restore the area using a 10.0-foot long constructed riffle structure and nine-step pool structures, all for the purpose of repairing damage caused by Tropical Storm Lee. The project is located immediately north of Verden Drive (Hershey, PA Quadrangle; Latitude: 40°15`16.37"N, Longitude: -76°40`34.04"W) in Derry Township, Dauphin County. No wetlands will be impacted by this project.
DAM SAFETY Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 3, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8460, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8460
D52-189. Charles Verga (6080 Wildrose Lane, Burtchville, MI 48059). To modify, operate, and maintain the Verga Pond Dam across an unnamed tributary to the Delaware River (HQ-CWF, MF), for the purpose of complying with the Commonwealth's regulations. (Shohola, PA Quadrangle Latitude: 41.4697°; Longitude: -74.9656°) in Shohola Township, Pike County.
THE PENNSYLVANIA CLEAN STREAMS LAW AND THE FEDERAL CLEAN WATER ACT FINAL ACTIONS TAKEN FOR NPDES PERMITS AND WQM PERMITS The Department has taken the following actions on previously received applications for new, amended and renewed NPDES and WQM permits, applications for permit waivers and NOIs for coverage under General Permits. This notice of final action is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92a and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing provisions of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1—691.101) and the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1251—1376).
Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category Section I NPDES Renewals Section II NPDES New or Amendment Section III WQM Industrial, Sewage or Animal Wastes; Discharges to Groundwater Section IV NPDES MS4 Individual Permit Section V NPDES MS4 Permit Waiver Section VI NPDES Individual Permit Stormwater Construction Section VII NPDES NOI for Coverage under NPDES General Permits Sections I—VI contain actions regarding industrial, animal or sewage wastes discharges, discharges to groundwater, and discharges associated with MS4, stormwater associated with construction activities and CAFOs. Section VII contains notices for parties who have submitted NOIs for Coverage under General NPDES Permits. The approval for coverage under these General NPDES Permits is subject to applicable effluent limitations, monitoring, reporting requirements and other conditions in each General Permit. The approval of coverage for land application of sewage sludge or residential septage under applicable general permit is subject to pollutant limitations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions in the respective permit. The permits and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the contact office noted before the action.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704 (relating to Administrative Agency Law). The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should contact a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
I. NPDES Renewal Permit Actions
Northeast Regional Office: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915. Phone: 570.826.2511.
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed No.)EPA Waived Y/N? PA0062529
(IW)Broad Mountain WTP Schuylkill County Municipal Authority
Broad Mountain WTP
St Clair, PA 17970
Schuylkill County
Blythe TownshipWolf Creek
(3-A)Y PA0064122
Industrial wasteCalpine Bethlehem LLC
2254 Applebutter Road
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Northampton County
Lower Saucon TownshipLehigh River and Unnamed Stream to Saucon Creek
(2-C)Y PA0043915
(Sewage)River Road Utilities STP
3300 River Road
Mount Bethel, PA 18343-6122
Northampton County
Upper Mount Bethel TownshipUnnamed Tributary to Delaware River
(1-F)Y Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-705-4707.
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed #)EPA Waived Y/N ? PA0247189
(CAFO)Country View Family Farms, LLC
1301 Fulling Mill Road,
Ste 3000
Middletown, PA 17057-5990
Franklin County
Metal TownshipWest Branch Conocochegue Creek / 13-C N PA0088935
(CAFO)Country View Family Farms, LLC
1301 Fulling Mill Road,
Ste 3000
Middletown, PA 17057-5990
York County
North Codorus TownshipUNT South Branch Codorus Creek / 7-H N PA0087769
(IW—GWCU)Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
5400 Westheimer Ct.
Houston, TX 77056
Perry County
Carroll TownshipShermans Creek / 7-A Y PA0082066
(IW)Valley Proteins, Inc.
(Terre Hill Division)
693 Wide Hollow Road
Terre Hill, PA 17519
Lancaster County
East Earl TownshipMuddy Creek / 7-J Y Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed #)EPA Waived Y/N PA0219347
SewageIams STP
4124 Finley-Elrama Rd.
Finleyville, PA 15332
Washington Cnty
Union TwpLobbs Run Y Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
(Type)Facility Name &
AddressCounty & Municipality Stream Name
(Watershed #)EPA Waived Y/N ? PA0034380
(Sewage)Emlenton Service Plaza
I-80 Exit 43,
Emlenton, PA 16373
Venango County
Scrubgrass TownshipUnnamed Tributary to the Allegheny River
(16-G)Y PA0222381
(Sewage)Dubois Region Airport
State Route 830
Reynoldsville, PA 15851
Jefferson County
Washington TownshipKeys Run
(17-C)Y PA0006238
(IW)Wismarq Valencia Plant
125 McFann Road
Valencia, PA 16059
Butler County
Middlesex TownshipGlade Run
(20-C)Y PA0221619
(Sewage)Otto Township STP
Bakers Trestle Road
Rixford, PA 16745
McKean County
Otto TownshipKnapp Creek
II. New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Actions
Southeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
NPDES Permit No. PA0056731, Sewage, Historic Salem Village Homeowners Association, 2193 Yellow Springs Road, Malvern, PA 19355.
This proposed facility is located in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge 0.0017 mgd of treated sewage from a facility known as Historic Salem Village STP to an Unnamed Tributary to Valley Creek in Watershed 3-F.
NPDES Permit No. PA0051497, Industrial, Lenape Forged Products Corporation, 1334 Lenape Road, West Chester, PA 19382-6893.
This proposed facility is located in Pocopson Township, Chester County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the renewal of an NPDES permit for the discharge of contact cooling water and Stormwater from a facility known as Lenape Forged Products Corporation to Brandywine Creek in Watershed 3-H.
NPDES Permit No. PA0057011, Sewage, Little Washington Wastewater Company, 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.
This proposed facility is located in Thornbury Township, Chester County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Approval for the renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge 0.013 mgd (AA and MM) of treated sewage from a facility known as Bridlewood Farm STP to Radley Run in Watershed 3-H.
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-705-4707.
NPDES Permit No. PA0070360, Sewage, Mr. Joey Cupp, Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, 5508 Lonas Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.
This proposed facility is located in Bethel Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of Permit (Pilot Travel Centers #518—Frystown).
NPDES Permit No. PA0084115, Sewage, Mr. Joey Cupp, Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, 5508 Lonas Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.
This proposed facility is located in Reed Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of Permit—Pilot Travel Centers #517—Clarks Ferry.
NPDES Permit No. PA0261378, Amendment #1, Sewage, Mr. R. Grant Gahagan, Sheetz, Inc., 5700 Sixth Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.
This proposed facility is located in Reed Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Amendment approval to expand facility to address hydraulic overload with discharge to concrete swale to Juniata River.
NPDES Permit No. PA0087793, Industrial Waste, William Kelvington, United Water PA, Inc., 4211 East Park Circle, Harrisburg, PA 17111-0151.
This proposed facility is located in Mechanicsburg Borough, Cumberland County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Ceased Discharging—United Water PA Mechanicsburg System.
NPDES Permit No. PA0261955, CAFO, Scott Kreider, S & A Kreider & Sons, Inc., 761 Spring Valley Road, Quarryville, PA 17566.
This proposed facility is located in East Drumore Township, Lancaster County.
Description of Size and Scope of Proposed Operation/Activity: Authorization to operate a 2402.5 AEU Dairy CAFO in Watershed 7-K.
NPDES Permit No. PA0246859, CAFO, Amos L. Hoover, Hickory Lane Farm, RD #1, Box 706, Blain, PA 17006.
This proposed facility is located in Jackson Township, Perry County.
Description of Size and Scope of Proposed Operation/Activity: Authorization to operate a 1001.2 AEU Swine & Steer CAFO in Watershed 7-A.
Northcentral Regional Office: Regional Clean Water Program Manager, 208 W Third Street Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448. Phone: 570.327.3664.
NPDES Permit No. PA0024759, Sewage, SIC Code 4952, Curwensville Municipal Authority, 900 Susquehanna Avenue, Curwensville, PA 16833-1526.
This existing facility is located in Curwensville Borough, Clearfield County.
Description of Existing Action/Activity: Issuance of an NPDES Permit for an existing discharge of treated Sewage.
NPDES Permit No. PA0232319, SIC Code 4952, Sortman Tammy J, 706 Northway Road, Williamsport, PA 17701.
This proposed facility is located in Lock Haven City, Clinton County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Issuance of an NPDES Permit for a new discharge of treated sewage from a single residence household.
Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
PA0272582, Sewage, SIC Code 8800, Arlene Fischer, 9019 Kuhl Road, Erie, PA 16510. Facility Name: Arlene Fischer SRSTP. This proposed facility is located in North East Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Activity: A new NPDES permit for a new discharge of treated sanitary wastewater.
The receiving stream, an Unnamed Tributary to the Twelvemile Creek, is located in State Water Plan watershed 15-A and is classified for High Quality Waters—Cold Water Fishes and, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The discharge is not expected to affect public water supplies.
PA0238716, Sewage, Corey & Danielle Hansen, 11432 Scotland Avenue, Erie, PA 16428-3143. Facility Name: Hansen SRSTP.
This existing facility is located in North East Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action: Cancellation of NPDES permit.
III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage Actions under The Clean Streams Law
Southeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
WQM Permit No. 0902408, Sewage, Amendment, Bedminster Municipal Authority, 432 Elephant Road, Perkasie, PA 18944-4163.
This proposed facility is located in Bedminster Township, Bucks County.
Description of Action/Activity: Rerate plant treatment capacity based on maximum monthly average flow and loadings.
Southcentral Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-705-4707.
WQM Permit No. 0690409, Transfer, Sewerage, Mr. Joey Cupp, Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, 5508 Lonas Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.
This proposed facility is located in Bethel Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of Permit (#518 Frystown).
WQM Permit No. 2290405, Transfer, Sewerage, Mr. Joey Cupp, Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, 5508 Lonas Road, Knoxville, TN 37909.
This proposed facility is located in Reed Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Transfer of Permit (#517 Clarks Ferry).
WQM Permit No. 2211401, Amendment 12-1, Sewerage, Mr. R Grant Gahagan, Sheetz, Inc., 5700 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.
This proposed facility is located in Reed Township, Dauphin County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Amendment approval to expand facility to address hydraulic overload.
WQM Permit No. 0601402, Amendment 12-1, Sewage, Kim Naja, Leesport Borough Authority, Berks County, PO Box 201, Leesport, PA 19533-0201.
This proposed facility is located in Leesport Borough, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Amendment approval modification of sewage facilities consisting of: 1. Replacement of the 8", 10" and 15" sewer and Manholes from Manhole 74 to Manhole 1 with 18" pipe. 2. Restoration of the sewer main between Manhole 100 and Manhole 94 on Shackamaxon Street East.
WQM Permit No. 0672403, Amendment 12-1, Sewage, Oley Township Municipal Authority, Berks County, PO Box 19, Oley, PA 19547-0019.
This proposed facility is located in Oley Township, Berks County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Amendment approval for the construction / operation of sewage facilities consisting of a Volute Dewatering Press to assist in sludge dewatering at the Oley Township Municipal Authority's wastewater treatment plant.
Northcentral Regional Office: Regional Clean Water Program Manager, 208 W Third Street Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448.
WQM Permit No. 1812401, Sewage, SIC Code 4952, Sortman Tammy J, 706 Northway Road, Williamsport, PA 17701.
This proposed facility is located in Lock Haven City, Clinton County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction of an SFTF consisting of a septic tank, textile media filter, and UV disinfection.
Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
WQM Permit No. 1112404, Sewerage, City of Johnstown, 401 Main St., Johnstown, PA 15901
This proposed facility is located in the City of Johnstown, Cambria Cnty.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Permit issuance for the construction and operation of a sewer system.
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (Pennvest) which administers Pennsylvania's State Revolving Fund has been identified as a possible funding source. The Department's review of the sewage facilities plan revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal.
Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
WQM Permit No. 1012402, Sewage, Slippery Rock Borough Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 157, Slippery Rock.
This existing facility is located in Slippery Rock Borough, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Replacement of a trickling filter based system with a sequencing batch reactor system.
WQM Permit No. WQG018856, Sewage, Arlene Fischer, 9019 Kuhl Road, Erie, PA 16510.
This proposed facility is located in North East Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant.
WQM Permit No. 2501425, Sewage, Corey & Danielle Hansen, 1132 Scotland Avenue, Erie, PA 16428-3143.
This existing facility is located in North East Township, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Cancellation of permit.
WQM Permit WQG018859. Sewage, Brian Baldwin, 8422 Mill Street, Girard, PA 16417.
This proposed facility is located in Platea Borough, Erie County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant.
WQM Permit No. 1002401, Sewerage, Amendment No. 1, Breakneck Creek Regional Authority, P. O. Box 1180, Mars, PA 16046-1180.
This existing facility is located in Adams Township, Butler County.
Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Rehabilitation of miscellaneous concrete areas, valve replacement, construction of a new flow splitter box and associated piping, replacement of existing raw sewage pumps and controls, replacement of existing doors and incidental and miscellaneous work.
IV. NPDES Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Permit Actions
V. NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from MS4 Actions
VI. NPDES Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities Individual Permit Actions
Southeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
1506075-RSouthdown Homes, L.P.
55 Country Club Drive
Suite 200
Downingtown, PA 19335
Chester East Brandywine Township East Branch Brandywine Creek
HQ-TSFNortheast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI024512009 Brodhead Creek Regional Authority
410 Mill Creek Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Monroe Pocono Twp.
Hamilton Twp.
Stroud Twp.
Smithfield Twp.
Stroudsburg Boro.
Brodhead Creek (Middle Branch to LR 45060 Bridge), HQ-CWF, MF; Brodhead Creek UNTs (Middle Branch to LR 45060 Bridge), HQ-CWF, MF; Rocky Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Rocky Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Little Pocono, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Little Pocono HQ-CWF, MF; Scot Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Scot Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Bulgers Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Bulgers Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Cranberry Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Cranberry Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; Reeders Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Reeders Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Wigwam Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Wigwam Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Flagler Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Flagler Run, HQ-CWF, MF; Big Meadow Run, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Big Meadow Run, HQ-CWF, MF; McMichael's Creek (Pocono Creek to Mouth), TSF, MF;UNTs to McMichael's Creek (Pocono Creek to Mouth), TSF, MF; Marshall Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Marshall Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; Swiftwater Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Swiftwater Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; Brodhead Creek (LR 45060 Bridge to Mouth), TSF, MF; Brodhead CreekUNTs (LR 45060 Bridge to Mouth), TSF, MF; Sambo Creek, CWF, MF; UNTs to Sambo Creek, CWF, MF; NPDES
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UseMcMichael's Creek
(T 434 to Pocono Creek), HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to McMichael's Creek
(T 434 to Pocono Creek), HQ-CWF, MF; Pocono Creek, HQ-CWF, MF; UNTs to Pocono Creek, HQ-CWF, MFPAI026412007 PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
2 North Ninth St.
Allentown, PA 18101
Wayne Paupack Twp. Wangum Creek,
HQ-CWF, MFPAI021312006 Falling Creek Investments, Inc.
P. O. Box 655
Brodheadsville, PA 18322
Carbon Towamensing Twp. Hunter Creek,
HQ-CWF, MFPAI024812012 Traditions of America, L.P.
1 Saucon View Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Northampton Hanover Twp. Monocacy Creek,
PAI023912008 Faust Hauling, Inc.
7531 Ruppsville Rd.
Trexlertown, PA 18087
Lehigh Upper Macungie Twp. Iron Run,
HQ-CWF, MFPAI023911021 Covenant Transport
400 Birmingham Hwy.
Chattanooga, TN 37419Lehigh South Whitehall Twp. Little Cedar Creek,
HQ-CWF, MFPAI024504034R Kal-Tac, Inc.
P. O. Box 378
Brodheadsville, PA 18322
Monroe Price Twp. UNT to Brodhead Creek,
HQ-CWF, MFPAI024512010 PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
2 North Ninth St.
Allentown, PA 18101
Monroe Tobyhanna Twp. Swiftwater Creek,
EVPAI024812002 David M. Seyfried Custom Building Co., Inc.
449 Chestnut St.
Nazareth, PA 18064
Northampton Bushkill Twp. Bushkill Creek,
HQ-CWF, MFSouthcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Telephone 717.705.4802.
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI035012002 Nolt Poultry Operation
8911 Creek Road
Newport, PA 17074Perry Juniata Township Buffalo Creek
(HQ-CWF)PAI035010003 Roger and Susan Smith
6525 Creek Road
Newport, PA 17074Perry Juniata Township UNT to Buffalo Creek
(HQ-CWF)Southwest Region: Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/UsePAI052611003 Deer Lake Improvement Association
446 Meadow Run Trail
Chalk Hill, PA 15470
Fayette Wharton Township Meadow Run
VII. Approvals to Use NPDES and/or Other General Permits
The EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.23(d).
List of NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types
PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges From Stripper Oil Well Facilities PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Construction Activities PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Industrial Activities PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges From Small Flow Treatment Facilities PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges From Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges From Combined Sewer Systems (CSO) PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Non-Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-8 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application Under Approved PAG-8 General Permit Coverage PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Residential Septage by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, or a Land Reclamation Site PAG-9 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application Under Approved PAG-9 General Permit Coverage PAG-10 General Permit for Discharge Resulting from Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines PAG-11 (To Be Announced) PAG-12 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) PAG-14 (To Be Announced) PAG-15 General Permit for Discharges From the Application of Pesticides [Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] General Permit Type—PAG-02
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water/UseContact Office & Phone No. Plumstead Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0907060-RHostvedt Four Lot Subdivision
30 South Pine Street
Doylestown, PA 18901-9116
Neshaminy Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Warwick Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0910022Kendarbren Partners, L.P.
1740 Meyer Way
Jamison, PA 18929
Neshaminy Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Upper Southampton Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0912069Toner Development Corporation
915 Standish Avenue
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Unnamed Tributary to Southampton Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Plumstead Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0913004Carriage Hill JV, LLC
124 Cedar Avenue
Conshohocken, PA 19128-2811
North Branch Neshaminy Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Dublin Borough
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0912089Dublin Borough
119 Maple Avenue
P. O. Box 52
Dublin, PA 18917
East Branch Perkiomen Creek & Tohickon Creek
Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Middletown Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0903151-RCGR Properties, Inc.
380 W. Lincoln Highway
Penndel, PA 19047
Tributary to Neshaminy Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Doylestown Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0905043-R1Toll Brothers, Inc.
250 Gibraltar Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Neshaminy Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Lower Makefield Township
Bucks CountyPAG0200
0910019-RZubaida Foundation
855 Big Oak Road
Yardley, PA 19067
Rock Run
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Kennett Township
Chester County
1512038Craig Novak
114 Carlton Drive
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Burrows Run
CWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Easttown Township
Chester County
1512040Boathouse Realty Assoc., L.P.
1595 Paoli Pike
West Chester, PA 19380
Unnamed Tributary to Darby Creek
CWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Pennsbury Township
Chester CountyPAG0200
1512042Mr. Richard Sanford
1653 Brintons Bridge Road
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Unnamed Tributary to Brandywine Creek
WWFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Kennett Township
Chester CountyPAG0200
Tague Family Limited Partnership
325 Media Station Road
Media, PA 19063
East Branch
Red Clay Creek
Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Sadsbury Township
Chester CountyESCGP-1
1512802Williams Transcontinental
Pipe Line Co., LLC
2800 Post Oak Blvd, Level 17
Houston, TX 77056
Buck Run
Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Newtown Township
Delaware CountyPAG0200
2312023Newtown Partners II, LP
c/o Bozzuto Development Co.
740 Springdale Drive, Suite 130
Exton, PA 19341Hunter Run
CWF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Upper Moreland
Montgomery CountyPAG0200
4610092-1RVeteran's Memorial Park Parking Lot Expansion
117 Park Avenue
Willow Grove, PA 19090
War Memorial Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Horsham Township
Montgomery CountyPAG0200
Kevin Stackhouse
1 Bala Avenue, Suite 502
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Park Creek
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Whitemarsh Township
Montgomery CountyPAG0200
Associates 2012, LP
832 Germantown Pike,
Suite 5
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Schuylkill River
WWF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Lower Salford Township
Montgomery CountyPAG0200
4607192RSoeder Tract
658 Harleysville Pike,
Suite 150
Harleysville, PA 19438
East Branch Perkiomen Creek
TSF-MFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Lower Salford Township
Montgomery CountyPAG0200
4610083R140 Clemens Road Strategic Domain Ventures
140 Clemens Road,
Suite 200
Harleysville, PA 19438
Skippack Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900City of Philadelphia
Philadelphia CountyPAG0201
511234Philadelphia Cricket Club
418 West Willow Grove Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118
Wissahickon Creek
TSFSoutheast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
484-250-5900Newton Twp.,
Lackawanna CountyPAG02003512019 PA American Water
David R. Kaufman
800 Hershey Park Dr.,
Hershey, Pa 17033Falls Creek,
CWF, MFLackawanna Co.
Cons. Dist.
570-281-9495Gordon Borough,
Schuylkill CountyPAG02005407023R John Hampton
400 Broad St.
Ashland, Pa 17921Mahanoy Creek,
Schuylkill Co.
Cons. Dist.
Whitehall Twp.,
Lehigh CountyPAG02003912016 Paxos Homes, Inc.
George Paxos
2002 Arey Lane
Whitehall, PA 18052
Lehigh River,
TSF, MFLehigh Co.
Cons. Dist.
610-391-9583Pittston Twp.,
Luzerne CountyPAG02004012018 New Prime, Inc.
Johnnie Madison
2740 North Mayfair Ave.
Springfield, MO 65803
Mill Creek,
CWF, MFLuzerne Co.
Cons. Dist.
570-674-7991Waterways & Wetlands Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200, 717.705.4802
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water/UseContact Office & Phone No. Cumberland Township
Adams CountyPAG02000112029 Zachary Bolitho
Gettysburg National
Military Park
1195 Baltimore Pike,
Suite 100
Gettysburg, PA 17325Rock Creek/
WWF, MFAdams Co. Conservation District
670 Old Harrisburg Rd, Suite 201
Gettysburg, PA 17325
717.334.0636Richmond Township
Berks CountyPAG02000613003 Alvin Burkholder
13 Moll Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
UNT to Maidencreek/ WWF Berks County Conservation Dist.
1238 County Welfare Rd, Ste 200
Leesport, PA 19533-9710
610.372.4657, Ext. 142Silver Spring Township
Cumberland CountyPAG02002113001 Silver Spring Authority
Five Willow Mill Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Conodoguinet Creek/WWF Cumberland Co Conservation Dist.
310 Allen Road,
Suite 301
Carlisle, PA 17013
717.240.7812Hopewell Township
Cumberland CountyPAG02002112028 Henry Nolt
455 ''B'' Middle Creek Road
Lititz, PA 17543
Middle Spring Creek/CWF Cumberland Co Conservation Dist.
310 Allen Road,
Suite 301
Carlisle, PA 17013
717.240.7812East Donegal Township
Lancaster CountyPAG02003611073R Keystone Custom Homes
214-A Willow Valley Lakes Dr.
Willow Street, PA 17584
Donegal Creek/TSF Lancaster Co Conservation Dist.
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601
717.299.5361, Ext. 5
Millersville Borough
Lancaster CountyPAG02003612093 Student Services, Inc.
21 South George Street
Millersville, PA 17551UNT Conestoga River/WWF, MF Lancaster Co Conservation Dist.
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601
717.299.5361, Ext. 5
Upper Leacock Township
Lancaster CountyPAG02003612095 Horseshoe Real Estate
48 Queen Road
Gordonville, PA 17529UNT Mill Creek/CWF, MF Lancaster Co Conservation Dist.
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601
717.299.5361, Ext. 5
Jackson Township and
Myerstown Borough
Lebanon CountyPAG02003811002R Craig Garloff
440 East Lincoln Avenue
Myerstown, PA 17067
UNT to Owl Creek/WWF, MF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4South Annville Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003809013 Jan & Ann Behney
395 West Turnberry Drive
West Chester, PA 19382
Quittapahilla Via Bachman Run/TSF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4Palmyra Borough
Lebanon CountyPAG02003812016 Craig Hasson
918 Rabbit Hill Road
Lititz, PA 17543UNT to Spring Creek/WWF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4South Lebanon Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003810029 Clair Zimmerman
85 Furnace Hills Road
Denver, PA 17517UNT to Quittapahilla Creek/TSF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4North Annville Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003810021R Harold Weaver
47 Palmyra-Bellegrove Road
Annville, PA 17003Quittapahilla Creek/TSF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4North Cornwall Township and Lebanon City
Lebanon CountyPAG02003807031R J. Scott Martin
PO Box 82
Brownstown, PA 17508Snitz Creek to Quittapahilla Creek/TSF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4North Lebanon Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003811006R Sheila Wartluft
725 Kimmerlings Road
Lebanon, PA 17046Quittapahilla Creek/TSF, MF and Tulpehocken Creek/CWF, MF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4Union Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003813004 John Lehman
2900 State Route 72
Jonestown, PA 17038Swatara Creek/WWF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4South Lebanon Township
Lebanon CountyPAG02003812033 Brian Boyd
400 Iona Road
Lebanon, PA 17042
Tulpehocken Creek/TSF Lebanon Co Conservation District
2120 Cornwall Road
Suite 5
Lebanon, PA 17042
717.272.3908, Ext. 4Northcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 208 W Third Street, Williamsport, Pa 17701 570.327.3636
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water/UseContact Office & Phone No. Orange & Scott Twps
Columbia CountyPAG02001907010R Stony Brook Management LLC
Frank Perano
PO Box 677
Morgantown PA 19543Fishing Creek
WWFColumbia County Conservation District
702 Sawmill Rd
Ste 204
Bloomsburg PA 17815
(570) 784-1310Muncy Creek Twp
Lycoming CountyPAG02004113002 Brent Fish
Fishlips LLC
1868 E 3rd St
Williamsport PA 17701
Wolf Run
Muncy Creek
WB Susquehanna River
WWFLycoming County Conservation District
542 County Farm Rd Ste 202
Montoursville PA 17754
(570) 433-3003Southwest Region: Regional Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name and
Water/UseContact Office and Phone No. East Franklin Township
North Buffalo Township
Armstrong CountyPAG02000312007R West Hills Area Water Pollution Control Authority
257 Linde Road
Kittanning, PA 16201
Glade Run (TSF),
Furnace Run (WWF-N),
Allegheny River (WWF-N)Armstrong County CD
Armsdale Administration Building
124 Armsdale Road
Kittanning, PA 16201
(724) 548-3435Center Township
Beaver CountyPAG02000413003 David Property Management & Development
105 Brookhaven Dive
Aliquippa, PA 15010
UNT to Poorhouse Run (WWF)
Shafers Run (WWF)
Beaver County CD
156 Cowpath Road
Aliquippa, PA 15001
(724) 378-1701City of Johnstown
Cambria CountyPAG02001112019 City of Johnstown
401 Main Street
Johnstown, PA 15901
Cherry Run (WWF),
Cheney Run (WWF),
Stonycreek River (WWF)
Cambria County CD
401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 221
Ebensburg, PA 15931
(814) 472-2120Georges Township
Fayette CountyPAG02002612017 Smithfield DPP VII, LLC
9010 Overlook Blvd
Brentwood, TN 37027
UNT to Georges Creek (WWF) Fayette County CD
10 Nickman Plaza
Lemont Furnace, PA 15456
(724) 438-4497Cecil Township
Washington CountyPAG02006305042-3 Lutz Briggs Shultz & Associates, Inc.
239 Country Club Drive
Elwood City, PA 16117
Chartiers Creek (WWF) Washington County CD
2800 North Main Street
Suite 105
Washington, PA 15301
(724) 705-7098Northwest Regional Office—Waterways and Wetlands, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville PA 16335
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water/UseContact Office & Phone No. Union Township
Lawrence CountyPAG02003712012 Sheetz Inc
Attn: David Mastrostefano
817 Brookfield Drive
Seven Fields PA 16046
Unt Shenango River WWF Lawrence County
Conservation District
814-825-6403City of Hermitage
Mercer CountyPAG02004313002 Hudson Holding Company
2450 Shenango Valley Freeway
Hermitage PA 16148
Bobby Run WWF Mercer County
Conservation District
814-825-6403General Permit Type—PAG-03
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Fall Township
Bucks CountyPAR150011 Tavo Packaging Inc.
2 Canal Road
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Delaware Raritan Canal—2E Southeast Region
Clean Water Program
Norwegian Township
Schuylkill CountyPAR232246 Honeywell International Inc.
98 Westwood Road
Pottsville, PA 17901-1834Unnamed Tributary to West Branch Schuylkill River—3-A DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511York County /
Fairview Township
PAR603568 New Cumberland Auto Parts
Box 468
New Cumberland, PA 17070
UNT Yellow Breeches Creek / CWF / 7-E DEP—SCRO—
Clean Water Program
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
717-705-4707Lamar Township
Clinton CountyPAR224857 Bingaman & Son Lumber Inc.
PO Box 247
Kreamer, PA 17833
Fishing Creek (9-C)
CWFDEP Northcentral Regional Office
Clean Water Program
208 W Third Street
Suite 101,
Williamsport, PA 17701-6448
570.327.3664Blairsville Boro
Indiana CntyPAR216145 Blairsville Wilbert Vault Co
PO Box 7
100 NE Ln
Blairsville, PA 15717UNT to Conemaugh River Southwest Regional Office:
Water Management
Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
412-442-4000New Sewickley Twp
Beaver Cnty
PAR806290 Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
530 Keystone Dr.
Warrendale, PA 15086-7537
UNT to Crows Run Southwest Regional Office:
Water Management
Program Manager
400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
412-442-4000General Permit Type—PAG-4
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Benton Township
Lackawanna CountyPAG042230 Thomas Little
RR 4 Box 89A
Dalton, PA 18414
Unnamed Tributary of South Branch Tunkhannock Creek—4-F DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Northwest Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water/UseContact Office & Phone No. Platea Borough
Erie CountyPAG041091 Brian Baldwin
8422 Mill Street
Girard PA 16417Unnamed Tributary to Halls Run
Clean Water Program
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA
814/332-6942Findley Township
Mercer Borough
PAG041094 Mercer Baptist Church
909 Butler Pike
Mercer, PA 16137
Unnamed Tributary of Neshannock Creek
Clean Water Program
230 Chestnut Street
Meadville, PA
814/332-6942General Permit Type—PAG-8 (SSN)
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
AddressSite Name & Location Contact Office & Phone No. York County
Dover TownshipPAG080002
1605 Dooley Road
PO Box B
Whiteford, MD 21160
Glen Gery Farm
4851 Davidsburg Road
Dover, PA 17315
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
717-705-4707General Permit Type—PAG-10
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Dimock Township
Susquehanna CountyPAG102272 Williams Field Service Co. LLC—Crystella Pipeline
6 Wyoming Sand Lane
Tunkhannock, PA 18657Unnamed Tributary to White Creek and West Creek—4-G DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Lenox Township
Susquehanna CountyPAG102269 Williams Field Service Co. LLC
McCarthy Pipeline Project
1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
Moon Township, PA 15108-4310Tower Creek, Millard Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Martins Creek—4-F
DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
Lathrop Township
Susquehanna CountyPAG102264 Williams Field Services Company, LLC
(Horton Pipeline Project)
1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
Moon Township, PA 15108
East Branch Field Brook and UNT of Horton Creek
(CWF, MF)DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Orphan Pipeline Project
Harford Township
Susquehanna CountyPAG102270 Williams Field Service Co. LLC
1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
Moon Township, PA 15108
Partners Creek, Unnamed Tributary to Nine Partners Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Partners Creek—4-F
Cold Water Fishes, Migratory FishesDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511General Permit Type—PAG12
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Lewis Township
Northumberland CountyPAG124844 John Pfleegor
460 Gold Road
Muncy, PA 17756Unnamed Tributary of Warrior Run—10-D DEP Northcentral Regional Office
Clean Water Program
208 W Third Street
Suite 101,
Williamsport, PA 17701-6448
570.327.3664West Perry Township
Snyder CountyPAG124845 Maneval Dale
11203 Route 35
Mt Pleasant Mills, PA 17853-8476Unnamed Tributary of North Branch Mahantango Creek—6-C DEP Northcentral Regional Office
Clean Water Program
208 W Third Street
Suite 101,
Williamsport, PA 17701-6448
570.327.3664General Permit Type—PAG-13
Southeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Doylestown Borough
Bucks CountyPAG130035 Doylestown Borough
Bucks County
57 W Court Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Unnamed Tributary to Cooks Run and Unnamed Tributary to Neshaminy Creek—2-F DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Chester Heights Borough
Delaware CountyPAG130119 Chester Heights Borough
Delaware County
222 Llewelyn Road
P O Box 658
Chester Heights, PA 19017Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary to West Branch Chester Creek—3-G DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Downingtown Borough
Chester CountyPAG130140 Downingtown Borough
Chester County
4 W Lancaster Pike
Downingtown, PA 19335Beaver Creek, East Branch Brandywine Creek, Unnamed Tributary to Beaver Creek and Unnamed Tributary to East Branch Brandywine Creek—3-H DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Swarthmore Borough
Delaware CountyPAG130001 Swarthmore Borough
Delaware County
121 Park Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081Crum Creek and Little Crum Creek—3-G DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Bristol Borough
Bucks CountyPAG130105 Bristol Borough
Bucks County
250 Pond Street
Bristol, PA 19007Delaware River, Mill Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Delaware River—2-E DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Morrisville Borough
Bucks CountyPAG130104 Morrisville Borough
Bucks County
35 Union Street
Morrisville, PA 19067Delaware River—2-E DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Upper Makefield Township
Bucks CountyPAG130010 Upper Makefield Township
Bucks County
1076 Eagle Road
Newtown, PA 18940Delaware River, Houghs Creek and Jericho Creek—2-E DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Yardley Borough
Bucks CountyPAG130041 Yardley Borough
Bucks County
56 South Main Street
Yardley, PA 19067Buck Creek, Delaware River and Unnamed Tributary Unnamed Tributary of Delaware River—2-E DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Darby Township
Delaware CountyPAG130088 Darby Township
Delaware County
21 Bartram Avenue
Glenolden, PA 19036Darby Creek, Hermesprota Creek and Muckinipattis Creek—3-G DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program 2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Rockledge Borough
Montgomery CountyPAG130152 Rockledge Borough
Montgomery County
121 Huntingdon Pike
Rockledge, PA 19046
Rockledge Branch and Unnamed Tributary to Tacony Creek—3-J DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Haverford Township
Delaware CountyPAG130077 Haverford Township
Delaware County
2325 Darby Road
Havertown, PA 19083Cobbs Creek, Darby Creek and Naylors Run—3-G DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Chester City
Delaware CountyPAG130090 Chester City
Delaware County
1 Fourth Street
Chester, PA 19013Chester Creek, Ridley Creek and Stoney Creek—3-G DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
Silverdale Borough
Bucks CountyPAG130160 Silverdale Borough
Bucks County
100 W Park Avenue
PO Box 187
Silverdale, PA 18962Unnamed Tributary to Pleasant Spring Creek—3-E DEP Southeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 E Main Street,
Norristown, PA 19401
484.250.5970Northeast Region: Clean Water Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.
Facility Location: Municipality & County Permit No. Applicant Name &
Water / UseContact Office & Phone No. Banks Township
Carbon CountyPAG132280 Banks Township
Carbon County
350 North Pine Street
Palmerton, PA 18250
Catawissa Creek—
Beaver Creek—
CWF, MFDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Franklin Township
Carbon CountyPAG132281 Franklin Township
Carbon County
350 North Pine Street
Summit Hill, PA 18250Lehigh River—
Long Run—
Pohopoco Creek—
DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Coplay Borough
Lehigh CountyPAG132201 Coplay Borough
Lehigh County
98 South 4th Street
Coplay, PA 18037Lehigh River—
TSF, MFDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Heidelberg Township
Lehigh CountyPAG132275 Heidelberg Township
Lehigh County
6272 Route 309
Suite A
New Tripoli, PA 18066Unnamed Tributary to Mill Creek—
CWF, MFDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Upper Saucon Township
Lehigh CountyPAG132282 Penn State Lehigh Valley
2809 Saucon Valley Road
Center Valley, PA 18034Unnamed Tributary to Saucon Creek— CWF, MF DEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511Fountain Hill Borough
Lehigh CountyPAG132250 Fountain Hill Borough Municipal Authority
Lehigh County
941 Long Street
Fountain Hill, PA 18015
Lehigh River—
WWF, MFDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
570.826.2511North Whitehall Township
Lehigh CountyPAG132215 North Whitehall Township
Lehigh County
PO Box 639
865 Interchange Road
Kresgeville, PA 18333
Coplay Creek—CWF, Fells Creek—CWF, Jordan Creek—
Lehigh River— WWF,
Rockdale Creek—
CWF and Unnamed Tributary to Spring Creek—CWFDEP Northeast Regional Office
Clean Water Program
2 Public Square,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915
PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PERMITS The Department has taken the following actions on applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1—721.17) for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this document to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act
Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401.
Operations Permit #0913504 issued to Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010: Middletown Township, Bucks County on February 19, 2013 for the operation of Neshaminy Water Treatment Plant Improvements facilities approved under construction permit # 0909513.
Operations Permit #0913505 issued to: Plumstead Township, P. O. Box 387, Plumsteadville, PA 18949-0387 Plumstead Township, Bucks County on February 27, 2013 for the operation of Plumstead Northern Area Water System Well No. 6 facilities approved under construction permit #0910503.
Southcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Operations Permit issued to: Womelsdorf-Robes-onia Joint Authority, 3060080, Heidelberg Township, Berks County on 2/27/2013 for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 0610514 MA.
Operations Permit issued to: Elsesser's Mobile Home Park, 4440001, Granville Township, Mifflin County on 2/25/2013 for the operation of facilities submitted under Application No. 4413502 MA.
Northcentral Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448
Permit No. 0889511-T1—Transfer Public Water Supply.
Applicant Ridgebury Manor [Township or Borough] Ridgebury Township County Bradford Responsible Official Mr. Jesse Gerould
1829 Gee Road
Gillete, PA 16925Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued February 28, 2013 Description of Action Transfer of ownership of a public water supply permit that approves the use of a groundwater source known as Well #2 to supply water to the Ridgebury Manor facility, formerly Ridgebury Manor Mobile Home Park. Permit No. Minor Amendment—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Hidden Valley Mobile Home Park [Township or Borough] Woodward Township County Lycoming Responsible Official Mr. Vernon Pettengill
Hidden Valley Mobile
Home Park
97 Sandra Lee Drive
Linden, PA 17744Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued March 1, 2013 Description of Action 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 101 (Well No. 1). Permit No. Minor Amendment—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Hillside View, LLC [Township or Borough] Richmond Township County Tioga Responsible Official Mr. Duane Weaver
Hillside View, LLC
1995 Phoenix Road
Sabinsville, PA 16943Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued March 1, 2013 Description of Action 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 101 (Well No. 1). Permit No. Minor Amendment—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Heritage Hillside Estates [Township or Borough] Montour Township County Columbia Responsible Official Mr. Frank Baker
Heritage Hillside Estates
6009 Columbia Boulevard
Bloomsburg, PA 17815Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued March 1, 2013 Description of Action 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 101 (Well No. 1). Permit No. Minor Amendment—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Roaring Branch Water Works [Township or Borough] McNett Township County Lycoming Responsible Official Mr. Robert L. Graham
Roaring Branch Water Works
P. O. Box 58
Roaring Branch, PA 17765Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued March 1, 2013 Description of Action 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 101 (Well No. 1). Permit No. Minor Amendment—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Salem Hill Haven Home [Township or Borough] Penn Township County Centre Responsible Official Mr. Dan Stover
Salem Hill Haven Home
424 Heckman Cemetery Road
Spring Mills, PA 16875
Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer N/A Permit Issued March 4, 2013 Description of Action 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 100 (Well No. 1). Permit No. 1912501—Operation Public Water Supply.
Applicant Tom Bowman Trucking [Township or Borough] Orange Township County Columbia Responsible Official Mr. Thomas Bowman
Tom Bowman Trucking
281 Bowmans Mill Road
Orangeville, PA 17859Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer J. Gregg Myers, P.E.
DMS Environmental Services
103 South Spring Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823Permit Issued March 4, 2013 Description of Action Operation of a bulk water hauling system, including 6 transport vehicles, 3 trailers, transfer equipment, 5 filling stations, and 2 finished water sources. Permit No. 8289W-T1—Transfer Public Water Supply.
Applicant Wyalusing Municipal Authority [Township or Borough] Wyalusing Township County Bradford Responsible Official Mr. Earl Lewis
Wyalusing Municipal Authority
50 Senate Street
P. O. Box 61
Wyalusing, PA 18853
Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Michael Goodwin, P.E.
Milnes Engineering, Inc.
12 Frear Hill Road
Tunkhannock, PA 18657Permit Issued March 5, 2013 Description of Action Transfer of the Welles Mill distribution system. Permit No. 0812503—Construction Public Water Supply.
Applicant Wyalusing Municipal Authority [Township or Borough] Wyalusing Township County Bradford Responsible Official Mr. Earl Lewis
Wyalusing Municipal Authority
50 Senate Street
P. O. Box 61
Wyalusing, PA 18853
Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Michael Goodwin, P.E.
Milnes Engineering, Inc.
12 Frear Hill Road
Tunkhannock, PA 18657Permit Issued March 5, 2013 Description of Action Development of Well No. 5 (Welles Well), related appurtenances, and sodium hypochlorite disinfection, and 4-log inactivation of viruses at Entry Point 101. Northwest Region: Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Permit No. 4312502 Public Water Supply
Applicant Sonya A. Broderick d/b/a Lakeview Estates Mobile Home Park Township or Borough New Lebanon Borough County Mercer Type of Facility Public Water Supply Consulting Engineer Chad W. Yurisic, P.E.
Deiss & Halmi Engineering, Inc.
105 Meadville Street
Edinboro, PA 16412Permit to Construct Issued March 1, 2013 SEWAGE FACILITIES ACT PLAN DISAPPROVAL
Plan Disapprovals Granted Under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. § 750.5)
Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Telephone: 717-705-4707.
Plan Location:
Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County Antis Township 909 North 2nd Street
Bellwood PA 16617Blair Plan Description: The planning module for the Sandy Bouch Development, DEP Code No. A3-07906-263-3 & 2N APS Id 622728, consisting of installation of a temporary holding tank to serve a residential home is disapproved. The proposed development is located at West 11th Street. This plan is disapproved because there was no response received to the Department's unacceptable/incomplete letter dated August 20, 2007, requesting additional project information and establishing a sixty-day response time period prior to mandatory disapproval action.
OCTOBER 18, 1988Notice of Prompt Interim Response
Rapid Circuit HSCA Site
Bristol Township, Bucks CountyThe Department of Environmental Protection (Department), under the authority of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) (35 P. S. §§ 6020.101—6020.1305) has initiated a prompt interim response at the Rapid Circuit HSCA Site located at 6401 McPherson Avenue Levittown, Pa. This response has been pursuant to Sections 501(a) and 505(b) of the HSCA (35 P. S. §§ 6020.501(a) and 6020.501(b)). The site is located at: Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pa.
The Rapid Circuit HSCA Site is located north of the intersection of McPherson Avenue and Williams Street and consists of a former electrical circuit board manufacturing facility. The building on the site is approximately 24,500 square feet in size. When the Department initiated this prompt interim response, the building was without electrical or water service and most of the internal electrical wiring had been removed from the building. The building contained various hazardous substances associated with the manufacturing of circuit boards. The Department is in the process of identifying substances at the Site, with the majority having been identified as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and copper persulfate.
The Department's objectives in conducting the prompt interim response were to properly identify substances contained on site, address any imminent safety hazards, and categorize waste for transport to an appropriate disposal facility. In addition the Department seeks to dispose of the waste and pressure wash work area surfaces which were contaminated.
In order to address the release or threatened release of hazardous substances at the Site, the Department weighed two alternative approaches. The first option was to take no action. This option would not have addressed the release or threatened release of hazardous substances in a timely fashion. The second option was to stabilize, characterize, and dispose of the hazardous substances on site. This alternative was determined to comply with Applicable, Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) and is feasible and cost-effective.
The Department's prompt interim response at the Site is nearing completion. The majority of hazardous substances have been sampled and identified. Hazardous substances which were stored in containers and could not be transported as such were repackaged or overpacked. The Department has characterized and segregated hazardous substances on site, and has begun to ship them off site. Surface contamination work areas have been pressure washed to remove surface contamination and the rinse water collected for disposal. The Department intends to complete the response by transporting the remaining wastes and demobilizing the job site. This notice is being provided pursuant to Section 506(b) of HSCA. The administrative record which contains the information that forms the basis for and documents the selection of this response action is available for public review and comment. The administrative record is located at 2 East Main Street Norristown, Pa. and is available for review Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
The administrative record will be open for comment from March 16th 2013 until June 14th 2013. Persons may submit written comments into the record during this public comment period by sending them to Dennis Kutz by email at or by mail at 2 East Main Street, Norristown, Pa 19401, or by hand delivering them to 2 East Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
In addition, persons may present oral comments, for inclusion in the administrative record, at a public hearing. The Department has scheduled the hearing on April 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Bristol Township Building, 2501 Bath Road, Bristol, Pa. 19007. Person wishing to present comments must register by contacting DEP Community Relations Coordinator Lynda Rebarchak by mail at 2 East Main Street, Norristown, Pa. 19401, by telephone at (484) 250-5820 or by email at
Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate in the proceedings, should call Lynda Rebarchak, at (484) 250-5820 to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.
Settlement under the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Berkley Products Site
Akron Borough and West Earl Township,
Lancaster CountyThe Department of Environmental Protection (Department), under the authority of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) (35 P. S. §§ 6020.101—6020.1305) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601—9675), has entered into proposed settlements with 376 generators and three transporters (''Settlors'') of hazardous waste to Berkley Products. The settlements are set forth in consent orders and agreements with the Department.
The proposed settlements resolve claims of the Department with the Settlors under HSCA and CERCLA for the Department's response costs, as defined in HSCA, for the Berkley Products Company Plant Site (Site), 405 South 7th Street, Akron PA 17501.
The proposed settlements obligate the Settlors to remit money to the Department based upon the gallons of hazardous waste they generated or transported to the Site. The Department believes that the proposed settlements are fair, reasonable, and practicable, in the public interest and in furtherance of the statutory goals of HSCA and CERCLA.
For a period of 60 (sixty) days beginning with the March 16, 2013, publication date of this Notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, the public is invited to review the Consent Order and Agreements and the Administrative Record Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Department's South-Central Regional Office located at 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, by contacting David Hrobuchak, at (717) 705-4843.
After review, the public may submit written comments on the Consent Order and Agreements before May 16, 2013, by mailing them to David Hrobuchak at the Department's South-Central Regional Office at the address noted above. A person adversely affected by any of the settlements may also file an appeal to the Environmental Hearing Board.
[Continued on next Web Page]
The following plans and reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).
Provisions of Sections 301—308 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) (35 P. S. §§ 6026.301—6026.308) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Submission of plans and reports, other than the final report, will also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These include the remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan for a site-specific standard remediation. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements.
For further information concerning plans or reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of receipt of plans or reports appears. If information concerning plans or reports is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Evangelical Community Hospital, East Buffalo Township, Union County. Mountain Research, LLC, 825 25th Street, Altoona, Pa 16601 on behalf of Terry Napp, Evangelical Community Hospital, One Hospital Drive, Lewisburg, Pa 17857 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene, Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Cumene, Naphthalene, Toluene, MTBE. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on February 25, 2013.
SJ Holdings, LLC, Montoursville Borough, Lycoming County. Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., 440 Creamery Way Suite 500, Exton, PA 19341 on behalf of John Mehrdad, SJ Holdings, LLC., 300 Streibeigh Lane, Montoursville, PA 17754 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with PCB 1260, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on February 27, 2013.
The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).
Section 250.8 of 25 Pa. Code and administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.
For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
The Department has received the following plans and reports:
Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
Former Fisher Auto Parts Site, 1900-1927 Margaret Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601, City of Altoona, Blair County. Mountain Research, LLC, 825 25th Street, Altoona, PA 16601, on behalf of 1113-1119 Eighth Avenue Associates, 540 Shannon Road, Altoona, PA 16601, and Fisher Auto Parts, 512 Greenville Avenue, Staunton, VA 24401, submitted a Final Report concerning site soils contaminated with arsenic and lead. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Nonresidential Statewide Health standard, and was approved by the Department on February 27, 2013.
Northwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Verizon Pennsylvania, Inc.—Erie Work Center, City of Erie, Erie County. EnviroTrac, Ltd., 176 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086 on behalf of Verizon Pennsylvania, Inc., 7701 E. Telecom Parkway, MC:B1M, Temple Terrace, FL 33637 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with Pentachlorophenol and site groundwater contaminated with Pentachlorophenol, Arsenic, Lead, and Cobalt. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on February 28, 2013.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-4745
Former GM Stamping Plant, 1451 Lebanon School Road, West Mifflin Borough, Allegheny County. KU Resources, Inc., 22 South Linden Street, Duquesne, PA 15110 on behalf of Mifflin, LLC, 1650 Des Peres Rd, Suite 303, St. Louis, MO 63131 has submitted a Remedial Investigation Report concerning remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, lead and other metals. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Site-specific Standard.
Southwest Region: Environmental Cleanup & Brown-field Development Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-4745
Dick Industrial Inc., Large Site, Jefferson Borough, Allegheny County. Penn E&R, 100 Ryan Court, Suite 100, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 on behalf of Dick Industrial Inc., 1900 State Route 51, Large, PA 15025 has submitted a Remedial Investigation Report, Risk Assessment Report and Final Report concerning the remediate of site soil and groundwater contaminated with solvents and petroleum products from prior operations at the site. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the non-residential standard for soil and the site-specific standard for groundwater and was approved by the department on February 26, 2013.
Thompson Trailer Court, 136 Locust Street-Unit #4, New Galilee, Beaver County. Aurora Environmental Inc., 1031 Third Avenue, New Brighton, PA 15066 on behalf of Freda Yesko, Thompson Trailer Park, 136 Locust Street, New Galilee, PA 16141 submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with residential heating oil. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health standard and was approved by the department on February 27, 2013
PBM, Inc., Facility, 1071 Sandy hill Road, City of Irwin, (Penn Township), Westmoreland County. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4000 Triangle Lane, Suite 200, Export PA 15632 on behalf of PBM Inc., 1070 Sandy Hill Road, Irwin, PA 15642 submitted a Remedial Investigation Report and Final Report concerning the remediation of elevated concentrations of Barium, PAH's, and VOC's in groundwater and lead in subsurface soils. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Site-specific standard and was approved by the Department on February 27, 2013
Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Evangelical Community Hospital, East Buffalo Township, Union County. Mountain Research, LLC, 825 25th Street, Altoona, Pa 16601 on behalf of Terry Napp, Evangelical Community Hospital, One Hospital Drive, Lewisburg, Pa 17857 has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene, Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Cumene, Naphthalene, Toluene, MTBE. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
SJ Holdings, LLC, Montoursville Borough, Lycoming County. Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., 440 Creamery Way Suite 500, Exton, PA 19341 on behalf of Jon Mehrdad, SJ Holdings, LLC., 300 Streibeigh Lane, Montoursville, Pa 17754 has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with PCB 1260, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.
Registration for General Permit issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1003); and Municipal Waste Regulations for a General Permit To Operate Municipal Waste Processing Facilities (25 Pa. Code § 271.811 relating to authorization for general permit).
Southcentral Regional Office: Waste Management Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200.
General Permit No. WMGM042-SC006. Chad Reinford, Reinford-Frymoyer Farm, LLC, 5272 Cedar Spring Road, Mifflintown, PA 17059. The Department of Environmental Protection has issued a registration under General Permit WMGM042 to Reinford-Frymoyer Farm, LLC. This registration is for their location at 5272 Cedar Spring Road, Mifflintown, PA 17059, in Walker Township, Juniata County. The registration was issued on March 1, 2013.
Persons interested in reviewing the general permit may contact John Oren, Facilities Manager, Waste Management Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4706. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay service, (800) 654-5984.
General Permit No. WMGM042-SC001. Steve Reinford, Reinford Farms Inc., 505 Cedar Grove Road, Mifflintown, PA 17059. The Department of Environmental Protection has issued a registration under General Permit WMGM042 to Reinford Farms, Inc. This registration is for their location at 505 Cedar Grove Road, Mifflintown, PA 17059, in Walker Township, Juniata County. The registration was issued on February 28, 2013.
Persons interested in reviewing the general permit may contact John Oren, Facilities Manager, Waste Management Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4706. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay service, (800) 654-5984.
Permit(s) issued under the Solid Waste Management Ac, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101—4000.1904) and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.
Southwest Regional Office, Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, Telephone 412.442.4000.
Permit ID No. 300491. Homer City Ash Disposal Site, 1750 Power Plant Road, Homer City, PA 15748 for operation of a captive residual waste landfill in Center and Blacklick Townships, Indiana County. Permit reissued in Regional Office to Homer City Generation, LP, 800 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06927 on March 4, 2013.
General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
GP7-46-0042: Sharp Corp. (23 Carland Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428) on February 27, 2013, to operate a sheet-fed offset lithographic printing press in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507
GP3-35-001: Meshoppen Stone, Inc. (PO BOX 127, Frantz Road, Meshoppen, PA 18630) on February 28, 2013, to construct and operate a Portable Crushing Operation with watersprays in Ransom Township, Lackawanna County.
GP9-35-001: Meshoppen Stone, Inc. (PO BOX 127, Frantz Road, Meshoppen, PA 18630) on February 28, 2013, to install and operate a Diesel I/C engine in Ransom Township, Lackawanna County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636
GP1-62-032A: Ellwood National Forge Co. (1 Front Street, Irvine, PA 16329) on February 26, 2013, to operate a 29.6 MMBtu/hr natural gas fueled boiler (BAQ-GPA/GP-1) in Brokenstraw Township, Warren County.
GP5-62-155B: Enervest Operating, LLC—d/b/a/ Belden & Blake Corp—Lamoree Compressor Station (SR 27, Grand Valley, PA 16354) on February 27, 2013, to operate a 1,340 bhp compressor engine (Caterpillar G3516 LE, Serial No. 4EK03254), a 0.5 MMBtu/hr TEG Dehydrator and a process storage tank (BAQ-GPA/GP-5) in Eldred Township, Warren County.
Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
09-0037H: CMS Gilbreth Systems, Inc. (3001 State Road, Croydon, PA 19021) on February 26, 2013, to install ducting from the existing seaming machines (Source ID 205) to the existing Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (C01) to comply with the requirements of 25 Pa. Code § 129.77 in Bristol Township, Bucks County. The facility is an area source for HAPs, therefore not subjected to the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63 Subpart KK—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants in the Printing and Publishing Industry, 40 C.F.R. Part 63 Subpart JJJJ—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Paper and Other Web Coating, and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart OOOO—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Printing, Coating, and Dyeing of Fabrics and Other Textiles. The plan approval will contain requirements to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements for this source.
Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
09-0021D: MRI Flexible Packaging Co. (122 Penns Trail, Newtown, PA 18940) on February 26, 2013, to operate a press 8 (source ID 203) in Newtown Township, Bucks County.
46-0272: Tech Tube, Inc. (750 Vandenberg Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406) on February 26, 2013, to operate a degreaser (Source ID 101) and carbon adsorption system (Source ID C101) in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County.
15-0035A: Sabic Innovative Plastics U.S., LLC. (251 South Bailey Road, Thorndale, PA 19335) on February 26, 2013, to operate a bake-off oven in Caln Borough, Chester County.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
49-00047B: Furman Foods, Inc. (770 Cannery Road, Northumberland, PA 17857) on February 18, 2013, to operate a wastewater treatment digester and biogas-fired generator at their plant in Point Township, Northumberland County pursuant to the plan approval an additional 180 days from February 19, 2013 to August 18, 2013 to continue the compliance evaluation for the air contaminant sources. The plan approval has been extended.
18-315-001F: First Quality Tissue, LLC (904 Woods Avenue, Lock Haven, PA 17745) on February 20, 2013, to extend the authorization to operate a paper towel and tissue manufacturing operation at their facility in Castanea Township, Clinton County on a temporary basis to August 19, 2013. The plan approval has been extended.
08-00040B: Seaboard International, Inc. (13815 South Freeway, Houston, TX 77047) on February 19, 2013, to extend the authorization to operate wellhead equipment repair operation at their facility in Ulster Township, Bradford County on a temporary basis to August 18, 2013. The plan approval has been extended.
53-00001E: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., LLC (1001 Louisiana Street, Houston TX 77002) on February 19, 2013, for authorization to operate an emergency engine-generator at their Station 313 facility located in Hebron Township, Potter County pursuant to the plan approval an additional 180 days from March 31, 2013 to September 27, 2013 to continue the compliance evaluation for the air contaminant source. The plan approval has been extended.
08-00010E: Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. (1 Hawes Street, Towanda, PA 18848) on February 22, 2013, to extend the authorization to operate the sources pursuant to the plan approval an additional 180 days from March 4, 2013 to August 31, 2013 at their facility located in Towanda Borough, Bradford County. The plan approval has been extended.
18-00011G: Croda, Inc. (8 Croda Way, Mill Hall, PA 17751) on February 22, 2013, to extend the authorization to operate the sources pursuant to the plan approval an additional 180 days from March 3, 2013 to August 30, 2013 at their facility in Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County. The plan approval has been extended.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Contact: M. Gorog & B. Hatch, Environmental Engineer Managers—Telephone: 412-442-4163/5226
63-00943A: Dominion Transmission, Inc., (445 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301) on February 28, 2013, DEP issued a plan approval extension with an expiration date of April 4, 2013. This action authorizes Dominion Transmission to continue to temporarily operate a propane storage and marketing station, known as the Charleroi Propane Station, in Fallowfield Township, Washington County. The plan approval has been extended.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636
10-350C: iDL Worldwide, Inc.—Cloverleaf Group (500 Grant Avenue, East Butler, PA 16029) on February 28, 2013, extension issued effective March 31, 2013, to construct the Sheet Polymer Mounting Department and the Cyrel Platemaking Operations in East Butler Borough, Butler County. This is a State Only facility. The plan approval has been extended.
24-131P: SGL Carbon LLC (900 Theresia Street, St Marys, PA 15857) on February 27, 2013, extension issued effective March 31, 2013, to install a control device to five (5) graphitizing furnaces so they can be used as purification/graphitization furnaces under Plan Approval 24-131P for their facility in the City of St Marys, Elk County. The plan approval has been extended.
Title V Operating Permits Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Contact: Norman Frederick, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507
40-00034: Schott North America, Inc. (400 York Avenue, Duryea, PA 18642-2036) on February 28, 2013, to issue a Title V Operating Permit for a pressed / blown glass and glassware facility in Duryea Borough, Luzerne County.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6131
61-00181: Scrubgrass Power—Scrubgrass—Generating Plant (2151 Lisbon Road, Kennerdell, PA 16374) on February 25, 2013, to re-issue a Title V Operating Permit to operate an Electric Energy Generating Facility, in Scrubgrass Township, Venango County. The primary sources of emissions are the two Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers. The potential emissions from this facility are as follows: SOx—2006 TPY (tons per year), NOx—798 TPY, CO—446 TPY, VOCs—24 TPY, and Particulate Matter—134 TPY.
This facility continues to be subject to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) relating to CAIR NOx and SO2 trading programs. The requirements from 40 CFR 98, Subpart D—Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting have also been incorporated into the operating permit. This facility will be subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUUUU—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units which take effect on April 16, 2015. The Auxiliary Boiler at this facility will be subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart DDDDD—National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters which has a compliance date of March 21, 2014.
Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.
Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19428
Contact: Janine Tulloch-Reid, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920
46-00278: Data Based Systems International, Inc.—DBSI (1000 Adams Avenue, Audubon, PA 19403) on February 27, 2013, for operation of six (6) diesel-fired emergency generator sets, each having an electrical production capacity 2.0 megawatts at their facility in Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County. The plan approval is for a non-Title V, State-only facility. These were installed between 2008 and December 2011 and were previously exempted under the Department's Request for Determination (RFD) program. DBSI provides back-up electrical power to the medical industry during utility power outages and during electrical infrastructure maintenance and is applying to operate these engines more hours per year so as to be able to maintain the necessary back-up power supply that their customers demand. Aggregate NOx emissions shall not exceed 24.56 tons in any 12 consecutive month period. The units are subject to the NSPS requirements found in 40 CFR 60, Subpart IIII. The plan approval will include monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507
39-00097: ASGCO Manufacturing, Inc. (301 Gordan Street, Allentown, PA 18102) on March 4, 2013, to operate a conveyor and conveying equipment manufacturer in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. The source consists of a plasma cutting table and a cartridge dust collector. This is an initial State-Only operating permit. The State-Only operating permit includes emissions, work practice standards and testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
40-00047: Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center (1000 East Mountain Drive, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711) on March 4, 2013, to operate a hospital waste incinerator, boilers and generators in Plains Township, Luzerne County. This is a renewal State-Only Natural Minor operating permit. The State-Only operating permit includes emissions, work practice standards and testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
40-00049: Pennsy Supply, Inc.—Dorrance Quarry (1001 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104) on February 28, 2013, for quarry operations in Dorrance Township, Luzerne County. The primary sources consist of crushers, screens, and conveyors. The sources are considered minor emission sources of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), total suspended particulate (TSP), and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions.
This is a renewal State-Only Natural Minor operating permit. The State-Only operating permit includes emissions, work practice standards and testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or William Weaver, Program Manager—Telephone: 717-705-4702.
67-03165: Evergreen On Lincoln, LTD (654 Lincoln Drive, York, PA 17404) on February 22, 2013, for the human crematory at their facility on Lincoln Drive in York City, York County.
67-03132: Voith Hydro, Inc. (PO Box 712, York, PA 17405-0712) on February 20, 2013, for their hydro-electric turbine equipment manufacturing and refurbishing facility in West Manchester Township, York County. The State-only permit was renewed.
06-03067: Beacon Container Corp. (700 W. 1st Street, Birdsboro, PA 19508-2128) on February 25, 2013, for their corrugated paper products manufacturing plant in Birdsboro Borough, Berks County. The State-only permit was renewed.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
Dominion Transmission, Inc. (445 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301-2843) on February 13, 2013, for their Centre Compressor Station in Spring Township, Centre County. The state only operating permit includes emission limits and work practice standards along with testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements to ensure the facility complies with all applicable air quality regulations.
17-00066: Forum US, Inc. (1102 Industrial Park Road, Clearfield, PA 16830) on February 13, 2013, a state only operating permit for their facility in Lawrence Township, Clearfield County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
41-00077: Kellogg USA, Inc. (572 Industrial Park Road, Muncy, PA 17756) on February 13, 2013, a state only operating permit for their facility in Muncy Creek Township, Lycoming County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
19-00024: Benton Foundry, Inc. (5297 State Route 487, Benton, PA 17814) on February 13, 2013, a state only operating permit for their foundry in Sugarloaf Township, Columbia County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
08-00027: Oak Hill Veneer, Inc. (PO Box 304, Troy, PA 16947) on February 26, 2013, issued a state only operating permit for their facility in Troy Township, Bradford County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
53-00013: C.A. Elliott Lumber Company, Inc. (PO Box 272, Roulette, PA 16746) on February 26, 2013, issued a state only operating permit for their facility in Roulette Township, Potter County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
41-00034: Cromaglass Corp. (PO Box 3215, Williamsport, PA 17701) on February 26, 2013, issued a state only operating permit for their facility in Williamsport, Lycoming County. The state only operating permit contains all applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions.
Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481
Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-616636
25-00964: FMC Technologies/Measuring Solutions, Inc. (16022 Wagner Avenue, Erie, PA 16514) on February 25, 2013, the Department re-issued the Natural Minor Operating Permit for this fluid meter manufacturing facility located in the City of Erie, Erie County. The facility's primary sources of emissions are facility heaters, (2) surface coating operations, and associated equipment. Emissions of criteria pollutants continue to be below major source levels.
43-00259: Grove City Medical Center (631 N Broad Street Extension, Grove City, PA 16127-4603) on February 26, 2013, for the renewal of a Natural Minor Permit to operate general medical and surgical hospitals facility in Pine Township, Mercer County. The facility's emitting sources included, 1) Boiler 1 & 2, 2) Hot Water 1, 2 & MOB (Medical office building), 3) Hot water heaters (2) and, 4) Emergency generator. This is a Natural Minor facility due to its potential to emit of pollutants which are less than the Title V threshold limits. The facility is not subject to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpar JJJJJJ and Subpart ZZZZ. The emission statement: NOx: 4.17 TPY (Tons per year), CO: 3.5 TPY, PM (Total): 0.31 TPY, SO2: 0.025 TPY.
61-00149: FFH Incorporated/Seneca (392 Cottage Drive, Cranberry, PA 16319), on February 26, 2013, issued a renewal of the State Only Operating Permit for the Tri-Fuel Boiler located at 224 Main Street in Seneca. The facility is a Natural Minor. The facility is located in Cranberry Township, Venango County. The boiler rating is 6.4 mmbtu/hr, fires primarily coal or natural gas and is controlled by a Breslove fly ash collector. The boiler is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart JJJJJJ—NESHAP for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources. The PM, SOx, NOx, CO, and VOC emissions are less than 2.2 TPY, 18.7 TPY, 2.3 TPY, 1.1 TPY, and 0.1 TPY, respectively. The renewal permit contains emission restrictions, recordkeeping, work practice, and additional requirements to ensure compliance with the Clean Air Act and the Air Pollution Control Act.
Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.
Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or William Weaver, Program Manager—Telephone: 717-705-4702.
67-05101: York Materials Group, LLC (950 Smile Way, York, PA 17404) on February 26, 2013, for the drum mix asphalt plant on Lemon Street in West Manchester Township, York County. The State-only permit was administratively amended to reflect a change of ownership.
21-05010: GenOn Rema, LLC (121 Champion Way, Canonsburg, PA 15317-5817) on February 27, 2013, for the Mountain Electric Generating Station in South Middleton Township, Cumberland County. The State-only permit was administratively amended to revise facility contact information.
Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648
41-00067: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (711 East College Ave., Bellefonte, PA 16823) on February 21, 2013, in accordance with the minor operating permit modification requirements of 25 Pa. Code Section 127.462, to revise the permit to incorporate a portable screening unit with associated 100 bhp diesel engine, and to incorporate the use of asphalt shingles in their asphalt mix at the Montoursville Asphalt Plant #15 facility in Loyalsock Township, Lycoming County.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Contact: Barbara Hatch, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 412-442-4174
65-00625 Gulf Oil Limited Partnership (100 Crossing Boulevard, Framingham, MA 01702) Administrative Amendment to change the name of the environmental contact to Nathan Stevens and modify the Operating Permit to include three 19,740 gallon storage tanks, for the Delmont Terminal on February 27, 2013. Emissions from the facility increased by 1.58 tons of VOC per year as a result of the addition of the storage tanks. Emissions from the facility are 48.3 tons per year of VOC and 10.0 tons per year of the sum of all hazardous air pollutants. The Delmont Terminal is located in Salem Township, Westmoreland County.
De Minimis Emissions Increases Authorized under 25 Pa. Code § 127.449.
Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Contact: Barbara Hatch, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 412-442-4174
OP-63-00895: Ensinger, Inc. (365 Meadowlands Boulevard, Washington, PA 15301) Per Title 25 Pa Code Section 127.449(i), this Notice is for the following de minimis emission increase at the Ensinger, Inc. facility located in North Strabane Township, Washington County.
Replacement of an existing 2.2 lb residue/batch Procedyne Model No. PCS 1648 fluidized bed thermal cleaning sand bath with a 3.3 lb residue/batch Schwing InnovaClean Model No. 3260-ST D-XL fluidized bed thermal cleaning sand bath. The emission increase as a result of this project of each criteria and total hazardous air pollutants will not exceed 0.1 tpy and the project will not trigger Title V requirements for this facility.
The list of de minimis increases includes only this project.
Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1—1396.31); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301—3326); the Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1—691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51—30.66); the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1—1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the NPDES permit application and, if noted, the request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Mining activity permits issued in response to such applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes; the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1003.
Coal Permits Actions
California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100
30841312. Consolidation Coal Company, (1 Bridge Street, Monongah, WV 26554). To revise the permit for the Blacksville Mine No. 2 in Gilmore Township, Greene County to install the 13-West Air Shaft site. Surface Acres Proposed 57.1. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on February 23, 2012. Application received April 20, 2011. Permit issued February 27, 2013.
03851302 and NPDES No. PA0379302. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201). To renew the permit for the Rosebud No. 3 Mine in Perry Township, Armstrong County and related NPDES permit for reclamation only. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on June 4, 2007. Application received January 24, 2007. Permit issued February 28, 2013.
32980701 and NPDES No. PA0235369. RoxCOAL, Inc., (PO Box 49, 1576 Stoystown Road, Friedens, PA 15541). To renew the permit for the Rock Refuse Area (North Branch) in Green Township, Indiana County and related NPDES permit. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on October 29, 2010. Application received August 5, 2010. Permit issued March 1, 2013.
03870701 and NPDES No. PA0214558. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201). To transfer the permit and related NPDES permit for the Coal Refuse Disposal #2 in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County to Rosebud Mining Company from TJS Mining, Inc. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on November 8, 2011. Application received July 13, 2011. Permit issued March 4, 2013.
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, 724-925-5500
26070105 and NPDES Permit No. PA0251232. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (1384 State Route 711, Stahlstown, PA 15687). Permit renewal for reclamation only to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Saltlick Township, Fayette County, affecting 71.64 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Little Champion Creek. Renewal application received: January 7, 2013. Renewal permit issued: February 27, 2013.
63070102 and NPDES Permit No. PA0251186. Oxford Mining Company (544 Chestnut Street, P. O. Box 427, Coshocton, OH 43812). Permit renewal for reclamation only issued to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Jefferson Township, Washington County, affecting 99.7 acres. Receiving streams: unnamed tributaries to Scott Run. Renewal application received: November 29, 2012. Renewal permit issued: February 27, 2013.
Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, 814-797-1191
37870102. The Ambrosia Coal & Construction Company (P. O. Box 422, Edinburg, PA 16116) Renewal of an existing bituminous surface and clay removal operation in North Beaver Township, Lawrence County affecting 46.0 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed tributary to Edwards Run. This renewal is issued for reclamation only. Application received: January 8, 2013. Permit Issued: February 28, 2013.
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200
17070101 and NPDES No. PA0256471. RES Coal LLC (8912 Clearfield-Curwensville Highway, Clearfield, PA 16830). Renewal permit issued for reclamation only to an existing bituminous surface mine located in Morris Township, Clearfield County, affecting 112.1 acres. Receiving stream: Unnamed Tributary to Moshannon Creek, classified for the following use: Cold Water Fishes. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: January 7, 2013. Permit issued: February 22, 2013.
17010104 and NPDES No. PA0243060. RES Coal LLC (8912 Clearfield-Curwensville Highway, Clearfield, PA 16830). Renewal permit for reclamation only to an existing bituminous surface mine located in Morris Township, Clearfield County, affecting 55.9 acres. Receiving stream: Unnamed Tributary to Moshannon Creek, classified for the following use: Cold Water Fishes. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: January 4, 2013. Permit issued: February 22, 2013.
17850145 and NPDES No. PA0596710. SRP Coal Co., Inc., (5510 State Park Road, Penfield, PA 15849). Permit renewal for the continued operation and restoration of a bituminous surface mine in Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, affecting 42.1 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed Tributary to Montgomery Creek, classified for the following use: Cold Water Fishes. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: February 21, 2012. Permit issued: February 25, 2013.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118
54861601R5. White Pine Coal Co., Inc., (P. O. Box 134, Ashland, PA 17921), renewal of an existing anthracite coal preparation plant operation in Butler Township, Schuylkill County affecting 18.6 acres, receiving stream: Mahanoy Creek. Application received: April 26, 2012. Renewal issued: March 4, 2013.
54861601GP104. White Pine Coal Co., Inc., (P. O. Box 134, Ashland, PA 17921), NPDES General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. 54861601 in Butler Township, Schuylkill County, receiving stream: Mahanoy Creek. Application received: April 26, 2012. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
Noncoal Permits Actions
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200
17122801. Corbet Construction, Inc. (99 Treasure Lake, DuBois, PA 15801). Commencement, operation and restoration of a topsoil, sandstone, and shale quarry in Sandy Township, Clearfield County affecting 8.2 acres. Receiving stream(s): Unnamed Tributary to Sandy Lick Creek classified as Cold Water Fishes. Application received: August 1, 2012. Permit issued February 25, 2013.
17122801GP-104. Corbet Construction, Inc. (99 Treasure Lake, DuBois, PA 15801) hereby approves the Notice of Intent (NOI) submitted for coverage to discharge stormwater associated with NPDES permit to the following surface water in Sandy Township, Clearfield County. Receiving stream(s): Unnamed Tributary to Sandy Lick Creek. Application received: August 1, 2012. Permit issued February 25, 2013.
08122503GP-104. Nittany Nova Aggregates LLC (2480 W. Clymer Avenue, Suite 400, Telford PA 18969) hereby approves the Notice of Intent (NOI) submitted for coverage to discharge stormwater associated with NPDES permit to the following surface water in Wysox Township, Bradford County. Receiving stream(s): Unnamed Tributary to Johnson Creek to Wysox Creek classified as Cold Water Fishes. Application received: August 30, 2012. Permit issued February 22, 2013.
08910302. Bishop Brothers Construction Company, Inc. (P. O. Box 289, Ulster, PA 18850). Revision to an existing large noncoal permit to add 2.4 acres and change in land use located in Sheshequin Township, Bradford County affecting 14.4 acres. Receiving streams: Unnamed Tributary to Susquehanna River classified as a Warm Water Fishes. Application received: September 17, 2012. Permit issued February 25, 2013.
08910302GP-104. Bishop Brothers Construction Company, Inc. (P. O. Box 289, Ulster, PA 18850) hereby approves the Notice of Intent (NOI) submitted for coverage to discharge stormwater associated with NPDES permit to the following surface water in Sheshequin Township, Bradford County. Receiving stream(s): Unnamed Tributary to Susquehanna River classified as a Warm Water Fishes. Application received: September 17, 2012. Permit issued February 25, 2013.
53102806. Jerome Eckert (269 Route 6 West, Galeton, PA 16922). Commencement, operation, and restoration of a sandstone quarry located in Hector Township, Potter County affecting 5.0 acres. This permit supersedes Roger Long 53070801 sandstone quarry. Receiving stream(s) Unnamed Tributary to Pine Creek classified as High Quality Cold Water Fishes. Application received: October 14, 2010. Permit issued: February 22, 2013.
Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 (43 P. S. §§ 151—161); and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124 (relating to blasting activity permits). Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.
Blasting Permits Actions
Greensburg District Mining Office: Armbrust Professional Center, 8205 Route 819, Greensburg, PA 15601, 724-925-5500
03134002. Portvue Plumbing (3716 Liberty Way, McKeesport, PA 15133). Blasting activity permit for construction at the Rayburn WWTP, located in Rayburn Township, Armstrong County. The duration of blasting is expected to last 10 Months. Blasting permit issued: February 25, 2013.
Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, 814-797-1191
42134001. Frontier Industrial Corp. (26 Mississippi Street, Suite 400, Buffalo, NY 14203) Blasting activity permit for log crane demolition in Hamlin Township, McKean County. This blasting activity permit expires February 22, 2014. Permit Issued: February 26, 2013.
Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200
41134101 Brubachers Execav. Inc. (P. O. Box 528, Bowmansville, PA 17507-0528). Blasting to construct Seneca Pad—T located in Lewis Township, Lycoming County. Permit issued February 25, 2013. Permit expires June 30, 2013.
08134106 Hayduk Enterprises Inc., (257 Riverside Dr, Factoryville, PA 18419). Blasting to construct a pipeline located in Stevens Township, Bradford County. Permit issued February 26, 2013. Permit expires December 31, 2013.
08134107 Holbert Explosive (237 Mast Hope Road, Lackawaxen PA 18435). Blasting to construct a pipeline located in Asylum and Wysox Townships, Bradford County. Permit issued February 27, 2013. Permit expires February 10, 2014.
08134108 Holbert Explosive (237 Mast Hope Road, Lackawaxen PA 18435). Blasting to construct a pipeline located in Tuscarora and Wyalusing Townships, Bradford County. Permit issued February 27, 2013. Permit expires February 10, 2014.
Pottsville District Mining Office: 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901, 570-621-3118
35134104. ER Linde Construction Corp., (9 Collan Park, Honesdale, PA 18431), construction blasting for Jessup Industrial Park in Jessup Borough, Lackawanna County with an expiration date of February 28, 2014. Permit issued: February 25, 2013.
64134102. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435), construction blasting for PP&L Substation in Paupack Township, Wayne County with an expiration date of February 20, 2014. Permit issued: February 26, 2013.
58134110. Doug Wathen, LLC, (11934 Fairway Lakes Drive, Ft. Myers, FL 33913), construction blasting for Molnar Gas Pad and Tank Farm in Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County with an expiration date of February 18, 2014. Permit issued: February 27, 2013.
58134111. MD Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (88 Goldledge Avenue, Suite 2, Auburn, NH 03032), construction blasting for Lynn Pipeline Project in Springville Township, Susquehanna County with an expiration date of February 20, 2014. February 27, 2013.
58134112. Hayduk Enterprises, Inc., (257 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419), construction blasting for Bear Swamp Pipeline Project in Gibson Township, Susquehanna County with an expiration date of February 28, 2014. February 27, 2013.
58134113. Hayduk Enterprises, Inc., (257 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419), construction blasting for Lynn Gas Pipeline Project in Springville Township, Susquehanna County with an expiration date of February 28, 2014. Permit issued: February 28, 2013.
40134103. Maine Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (P. O. Box 1140, Gardiner, ME 04345), construction blasting for Humboldt Industrial Park Lots 51-56 in Hazle Township, Luzerne County with an expiration date of March 31, 2014. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
46134103. Maine Drilling & Blasting, Inc., (P. O. Box 1140, Gardiner, ME 04345), construction blasting for Southview Development in Lower Pottsgrove Township, Montgomery County with an expiration date of March 6, 2014. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
46134104. Eastern Blasting Co., Inc., (1292 Street Road, New Hope, PA 18938), construction blasting for Montgomery Knoll in Montgomery Township, Montgomery County with an expiration date of November 1, 2013. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
52134102. Holbert Explosives, Inc., (237 Mast Hope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435), construction blasting for Parkers Glen Road, Shohola in Shohola Township, Pike County with an expiration date of February 25, 2014. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
67134103. J Roy's, Inc., (P. O. Box 125, Bowmansville, PA 17507), construction blasting for Penn Township Sewer Interceptor in Penn Township, York County with an expiration date of March 3, 2014. Permit issued: March 4, 2013.
Coal NPDES Draft Permits
California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100
NPDES No. PA0235580 (Mining Permit No. 32031301), Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201). A revision to the NPDES and mining activity permit for the Lowry Deep Mine in White Township, Indiana County to re-evaluate the water quality effluent limits. Surface Acres Affected 50.5, Underground Acres Affected 615.6. Receiving stream: Yellow Creek, classified for the following use: TSF and Unnamed Tributary to Yellow Creek, classified for the following use: CWF. Kiskiminetas-Conemaugh River Watersheds TMDL. The application was considered administratively complete on January 31, 3013. Application received January 31, 2013.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
Outfall 001 discharges to: Unnamed Tributary to Yellow Creek
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 (Lat: 40° 34` 12" Long: 79° 07` 29") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.13 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 2.34 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.642 1.0 1.6 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.481 0.75 1.2 Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 79.8 159.6 200 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT Outfall 002 discharges to: Unnamed Tributary to Yellow Creek
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 (Lat: 40° 34` 11" Long: 79° 07` 31") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.36 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 2.34 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.642 1.0 1.6 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.481 0.75 1.2 Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 32.2 50.2 81 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT Outfall 003 discharges to: Yellow Creek
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 003 (Lat: 40° 34` 10" Long: 79° 07` 02") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.62 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 2.34 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.642 1.0 1.6 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.481 0.75 1.2 Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 476 952 1190 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT Outfall 004 discharges to: Unnamed Tributary to Yellow Creek
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 004 (Lat: 40° 33` 59" Long: 79° 07` 45.1") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 1.17 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 2.34 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.642 1.0 1.6 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.481 0.75 1.2 Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 260 520 650 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT NPDES No. PA0236161 (Mining Permit No. 32121301), LCT Energy, LP, (938 Mt. Airy Drive, Suite 200, Johnstown, PA 15905). A new NPDES and mining activity permit for the Risecen Mine in Rayne, Green, and Cherryhill Townships, Indiana County. Surface Acres Affected 42.8, Underground Acres Affected 1830.4. Receiving streams: Rayne Run and Unnamed Tributary to Rayne Run, both classified for the following use: CWF. Crooked Creek Watershed TMDL. The application was considered administratively complete on September 5, 2012. Application received April 17, 2012.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
Outfall 001 discharges to: Rayne Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 (Lat: 40° 44` 09.8" Long: 79° 01` 09.8") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.1 - Iron (mg/l) 3.0 6.0 7.0 Manganese (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Aluminum (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Settleable Solids (ml/l) 0.3 0.5 0.6 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Outfall 002 discharges to: Rayne Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 (Lat: 40° 44` 39.3" Long: 79° 01` 10.9") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.1 - Iron (mg/l) 3.0 6.0 7.0 Manganese (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Aluminum (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Settleable Solids (ml/l) 0.3 0.5 0.6 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Outfall 003 discharges to: Rayne Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 003 (Lat: 40° 44` 32.2" Long: 79° 01` 21.9") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.1 - Iron (mg/l) 3.0 6.0 7.0 Manganese (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Aluminum (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Settleable Solids (ml/l) 0.3 0.5 0.6 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Outfall 004 discharges to: Unnamed Tributary to Rayne Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 004 (Lat: 40° 44` 32.1" Long: 79° 01` 02.4") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 1.73 - Iron (mg/l) 3.0 6.0 7.0 Manganese (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Aluminum (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Settleable Solids (ml/l) 0.3 0.5 0.6 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Sulfates ( mg/l) - - REPORT Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) - - REPORT Specific Conductance (umho) - - REPORT Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT NPDES No. PA0214914 (Mining Permit No. 56950702), PBS Coals, Inc., (PO Box 260, Friedens, PA 15541). A renewal to the NPDES and mining activity permit for the Cambria Refuse Disposal Area in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County. Surface Acres Affected 67.1. Receiving stream: Schrock Run, classified for the following use: CWF. Kiskiminetas-Conemaugh River Watersheds TMDL. The application was considered administratively complete on September 6, 2012. Application received July 9, 2012.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
Outfall 001 discharges to: Schrock Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 (Lat: 40° 00` 04" Long: 78° 57` 21") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 1.2 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 3.0 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 1.0 2.0 2.5 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.38 0.75 0.94 Settleable Solids (ml/l) 0.3 0.5 0.6 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Sulfates (mg/l) - - REPORT Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 46 91 114 Specific Conductance (umho) - - REPORT Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT NPDES No. PA0236152 (Mining Permit No. 56121301), AK Coal Resources, Inc., (1134 Stoystown Road, Friedens, PA 15541). A new NPDES and mining activity permit for the North Fork Mine in Jenner and Quemahoning Townships, Somerset County for a new underground mine. Surface Acres Affected 85.9, Underground Acres Affected 1154.6. Receiving stream: Hoffman Run, classified for the following use: CWF. Kiskiminetas-Conemaugh River Watersheds TMDL. The application was considered administratively complete on November 27, 2012. Application received May 14, 2012.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
Outfall 001 discharges to: Hoffman Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 (Lat: 40° 06` 51.4" Long: 79° 03` 08.9") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.18 - Iron (mg/l) 3.0 6.0 7.0 Manganese (mg/l) 1.3 2.6 3.3 Aluminum (mg/l) 2.0 4.0 5.0 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Sulfates (mg/l) - - REPORT Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) - - REPORT Chlorides (mg/l) - - REPORT Outfall 002 discharges to: Hoffman Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 002 (Lat: 40° 06` 47.7" Long: 79° 02` 55") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.86 - Iron (mg/l) 1.5 3.0 3.8 Manganese (mg/l) 1.0 2.0 2.5 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.38 0.75 0.94 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Sulfates (mg/l) - - REPORT Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 40 79 99 Chlorides (mg/l) - - REPORT Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) 392 784 980 NPDES No. PA0213535 (Mining Permit No. 30841316), Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company, LLC, (PO Box J, 1525 Pleasant Grove Road, Claysville, PA 15323). A revision to the NPDES and mining activity permit for the Bailey Mine & Prep Plant in Richhill Township, Greene County to install the 1L Bleeder Shaft, six boreholes and add NPDES outfall 031. Surface Acres Affected 10. Receiving stream: Jacob's Run, classified for the following use: HQ-WWF. Monongahela River. The application was considered administratively complete on November 21, 2011. Application received November 15, 2010.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
Outfall 001 is subject to the following numeric effluent limits if the non-degrading narrative limits are exceeded:
Outfall 031 discharges to: Jacob's Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 031 (Lat: 39° 53` 12" Long: 80° 23` 07") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - 0.0749 - Iron (mg/l) 2.5 5.0 6.3 Manganese (mg/l) 1.5 3.0 3.8 Aluminum (mg/l) 1.5 3.0 3.8 Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35 70 90 Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) 40 79 99 Sulfates (mg/l) - - REPORT Chlorides (mg/l) - - REPORT Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT Outfall 031 is subject to the following narrative effluent limits when the non-degrading option is being utilized:
Outfall 031 discharges to: Jacob's Run
The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 031 (Lat: 39° 53` 12" Long: 80° 23` 07") are:
30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Minimum Average Maximum Maximum Flow (mgd) - - REPORT Iron (mg/l) - - REPORT Manganese (mg/l) - - REPORT Aluminum (mg/l) - - REPORT Suspended Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT Sulfates (mg/l) - - REPORT Osmotic Pressure (mOs/kg) - - REPORT Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) - - REPORT This permit establishes effluent limitations in the form of implemented BMPs identified in the associated E&S Plan, Reclamation Plan and NPDES application for this permit. These BMPs restrict the rates and quantities of associated pollutants from being discharged into surface waters of the Commonwealth. The following BMPs apply:
a) Oversized sediment basin (8600 ft3/ac or greater);
b) Sediment basin ratio of 4:1 or greater (flow length: basin width);
c) Sediment basin with 4-7 day detention;
d) Alternate/additional sediment controls during basin construction;
e) Flocculants;
f) Manual dewatering device;
g) Channels, collectors and diversions lined with permanent vegetation, rock, geotextile or other non-erosive materials;
h) Mulch immediately after top-soiling.
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900
NPDES No. PA0262226 (Mining permit no. 05060101), Forcey Coal, Inc., 475 Banion Road, Madera, PA 16661, renewal of an NPDES permit for surface mining in Broad Top Township, Bedford County, affecting 95.0 acres. Receiving stream: Six Mile Run, classified for the following use(s): warm water fishery. This receiving stream is included in the Six Mile Run TMDL. Application received: August 18, 2012.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for coal mining activities.
The treated wastewater outfall(s) listed below discharge to Six Mile Run.
Outfall Nos. New Outfall (Y/N) 001, 002, 003 N The proposed effluent limits for the above listed outfall(s) are as follows:
Outfalls: 001, 002 and 003 30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Average Maximum Maximum Iron (mg/l) 1.5 3.0 3.5 Manganese (mg/l) 1.0 2.0 2.5 Aluminum (mg/l) 0.75 1.5 1.9 Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) 35.0 70.0 90.0 pH (S.U.): Must be between 6.0 and 9.0 standard units at all times Alkalinity must exceed acidity at all times The stormwater outfall(s) listed below discharge to Six Mile Run.
Outfall Nos. New Outfall (Y/N) 004, 005 N The proposed effluent limits for the above listed outfall(s) are as follows:
Outfalls: 004 and 005 30-Day Daily Instant. Parameter Average Maximum Maximum Total Iron N/A N/A 7.0 Total Settleable Solids N/A N/A 0.5 (ml/l) Noncoal NPDES Draft Permits
Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900
NPDES No. PA0009822 (Mining permit no. 4274SM7), New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company, Inc., 3912 Brumbaugh Road, P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664-0077, renewal of an NPDES permit for surface mining in Walker Township, Huntingdon County, affecting 65.78 acres. Receiving stream(s): Crooked Creek, classified for the following use(s): warm water fisheries. There are no potable water intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: February 12, 2013.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific outfall, the proposed effluent limits for all outfalls in this permit are the BAT limits described above for noncoal mining activities.
The outfall(s) listed below discharge to Crooked Creek.
Outfall Nos. New Outfall (Y/N) 001 N 002 N 003 N 004 N
[Continued on next Web Page]
[Continued from previous Web Page] FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT SECTION 401 The Department has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).
Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with sections 301—303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311—1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the FWPCA.
Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued:
WATER OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Southeast Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401
E51-256. Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, 1 Parkway, 10th Floor, 1515 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.
To restore, and maintain approximately 400 linear feet of the unnamed tributary to Wissahickon Creek's stream bank by utilizing check dams and rock walls.
The site is located along Valley Creek Road within the Wissahickon Valley Park (Germantown, PA USGS Quadrangle N: 10.5 inches, W: 12.1 inches).
The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C.A. 1341(a)].
E09-970. The Municipal Authority of the Borough of Morrisville, 35 Union Street, Morrisville, PA 19067, Morrisville Borough, Bucks County, ACOE Philadelphia District.
To construct and maintain approximately 510 lf of below grade (submerged) 30-inch HDEP outfall structure with diffusers in the Delaware River for the purpose of enhanced mixing to an existing wastewater treatment plant.
The site is located at the Morrisville Wastewater ''Treatment Plant near the intersection of Delaware Avenue and Riverview Road (Trenton West, NJ-PA, N: 14.5 inches, W: 2.5 inches).
The issuance of this permit also constitutes approval of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 U.S.C.A. 1341(a)].
Southwest Region: Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.
E56-352. Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, P. O. Box 67676, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7676, Somerset Township, Somerset County; ACOE Pittsburgh District
Applicant has been given consent to construct and maintain:
1. a 170 ft long 48 inch diameter RCP enclosure and a relocation of an unnamed tributary of the East Branch of Coxes Creek (WWF) with a drainage area of less than 100 acres under the to be constructed Husband Road (SR 4009) Turnpike overpass relocation;
2. one 60 inch diameter RCP and one 18 inch diameter RCP under the new Husband Road (SR 4009) Turnpike overpass relocation to maintain hydrology to the PSS/PEM wetland bisected by the relocated Husband Road crossing;
3. permanent fill in a total of 1.86 acres of PSS/PEM wetland bisected by the relocated Husband Road crossing;
4. stormwater outfalls from new road construction;
Wetland mitigation will be provided at PennDot's Louie-Beach Advanced Wetland Compensation Site, Somerset County. This project is associated with Pennsylvania Turnpike improvements and intersecting road changes starting approximately 1.5 miles northwest of Somerset and extending northwest approximately 0.3 mile and is located in Somerset Township (Somerset PA Quadrangle, North 7.2 inches and West 19.6 inches; Latitude 40° 2` 23" and Longitude 79° 6` 23"), Somerset County.
District Oil & Gas Operations: Eastern Oil & Gas District, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701
E0829-061: Angelina Gathering Company, LLC, 2350 N. Sam Houston Parkway Houston, TX 77032, Stevens Township, Bradford County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct, operate and maintain:
1. A 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 11,892 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (PEM) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 08", Longitude: -76° 10` 28");
2. A 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 2,744 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (PEM) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 04", Longitude: -76° 10` 19");
3. a timber mat bridge impacting 44 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (PEM) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 10", Longitude: -76° 10` 09");
4. A 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, and a 16 inch diameter water line impacting 47 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 31", Longitude: -76° 09` 09");
5. a 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 94 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) and impacting 3,441 square feet of a Palustrine Forested Wetland (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 33", Longitude: -76° 09` 05");
6. a 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 40 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) and impacting 1,263 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 33", Longitude: -76° 09` 05");
7. a 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 167 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) and impacting 7,057 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 51", Longitude: -76° 09` 00");
8. a 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, a 16 inch diameter water line and a timber mat bridge impacting 70 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) and impacting 392 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 52", Longitude: -76° 08` 59");
9. A 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, and a 16 inch diameter water line impacting 73 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 54", Longitude: -76° 08` 57");
10. A 16 inch and a 12 inch diameter natural gas line, and a 16 inch diameter water line impacting 99 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Wyalusing Creek (WWF, MF) (Le Raysville, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 54", Longitude: -76° 08` 55");
The project will result in 560 linear feet and 3,092 square feet of temporary stream impacts and 23,392 square feet (0.54 acre) of temporary PEM wetland impacts and 3,441 (0.08 acre) of permanent PFO wetland impacts all for the purpose of installing a natural gas pipeline and a water line with associated access roadways for Marcellus shale development.
E5729-047: Appalachia Midstream, LLC, 100 IST Center, Horseheads, NY 14845, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct, operate and maintain:
1. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line and a temporary timber mat bridge impacting 1,947 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 26", Longitude: -76° 36` 48");
2. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line and a temporary timber mat bridge impacting 2,355 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 24", Longitude: -76° 36` 54");
3. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line and a temporary timber mat bridge impacting 2,955 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (EV) (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 26", Longitude: -76° 37` 03");
4. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line impacting 4 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Blackwater Run (EV) and impacting 74 square feet of an adjacent Palustrine Forested Wetland (EV) (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 31", Longitude: -76° 37` 11");
5. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line impacting 4 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (EV) (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 29", Longitude: -76° 37` 23");
6. a temporary timber mat bridge impacting 228 square feet of a Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Overton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 33", Longitude: -76° 37` 27");
7. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line and a temporary timber mat bridge impacting 190 linear feet of Kings Creek (EV) (Shunk, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 40", Longitude: -76° 37` 42");
8. one 6 inch diameter natural gas line impacting 122 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Kings Creek (EV) (Shunk, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 30` 45", Longitude: -76° 37` 42");
The project will result in 316 linear feet or 7,183 square feet of temporary stream impacts and 7,489 square feet (0.17 acre) of PEM and 74 square feet (0.01 acre) of PFO wetland impacts all for the purpose of installing a natural gas pipeline with associated access roadways for Marcellus shale development.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Southcentral Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110
EA38-009: Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc. (Quittapahilla Nature Park), 752 Willow Street, Suite E, Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17046, in Annville and South Annville Townships, Lebanon County, ACOE Baltimore District
A stream restoration project along 3,690.0 feet of Quittapahilla Creek (TSF) and four unnamed tributaries to Quittapahilla Creek (TSF) including: 1) 1,088.0 feet of toe bench protection, 2) 683.0 feet of toe wood bank protection, 3) 314.0 feet of constructed riffles, 4) 405.0 feet of step pools, 5) six log boulder j-hook vanes, 6) one log vane, 7) two double throated cross vanes, 8) 168.0 feet of imbricated rock wall; and 9) 2,405.0 feet of bank grading. The project is located immediately upstream of South White Oak Street near its intersection with Quittapahilla Drive (Palmyra, PA Quadrangle; Latitude: 40° 19` 37"N, Longitude: -76° 30` 24"W) in Annville and South Annville Townships, Lebanon County. No wetlands will be impacted by this project.
EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The following Erosion and Sediment Control permits have been issued.
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.
Northcentral Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 208 W Third Street, Williamsport, Pa 17701
ESCP # ESCGP 15912802
Applicant Name Dominion Transmission
Contact Person John Love
Address 445 West Main Street
City, State, Zip Clarksburg, WV 26301
County Tioga
Township(s) Clymer, Gaines, Elk, Lawrence Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Baker Branch (EV)
Baker Branch (EV)
UNT to Bend Gully Run (CWF)
UNT to Mill Run (HQ)
Shin Hollow (HQ)
Pine Creek (EV)
Whitney Hollow (HQ)
Lick Run (HQ)
Dewey Hollow (EV)
UNT to Dewey Hollow (EV)
Lewis Run (EV)
Elk Run (EV)
UNT to Billings Branch (EV)
Billings Branch (EV)
Crook Creek (WWF)Eastern Region: Oil & Gas Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
ESCGP-1 # ESX13-081-0014
Applicant Name PVR Marcellus Gas Gathering
Contact Person Kevin Roberts
Address 101 West Third Street
City, State, Zip Williamsport, PA 17701
County Lycoming County
Township(s) Cogan House Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Trib to
Hoagland Run/Susquehanna (HQ)ESCGP-1 # ESX13-015-0015
Applicant Name PVR Marcellus Gas Gathering
Contact Person Kevin Roberts
Address 101 West Third Street
City, State, Zip Williamsport, PA 17701
County Lycoming County
Township(s) Franklin Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Towanda Creek (TSF/MF), Falls Creek (HQ-CWF/MF)ESCGP-1 # ESX12-113-0008 (01)
Applicant Name EXCO Resources (PA), LLC
Contact Person Brian Rushe
Address 3000 Ericsson Drive, Suite 200
City, State, Zip Warrendale, PA 15086
County Sullivan County
Township(s) Davidson Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Elk Run, Gal-
lows Run (Both EV);
Secondary: West Branch Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF)ESCGP-1 # ESX13-081-0006
Applicant Name Anadarko E&P Onshore
Contact Person Nathan S. Bennett
Address 33 West Third Street
City, State, Zip Williamsport, PA 17701
County Lycoming County
Township(s) McIntyre Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT Frozen Run (HQ-CWF/MF), UNT Gray's Run (HQ-CWF/MF);
Secondary: Frozen Run (HQ-CWF/MF), Gray's Run (HQ-CWF/MF)ESCGP-1 # ESX13-015-0008
Applicant Name Southwestern Energy Production
Contact Person Mr. Dave Sweeley
Address 917 State Route 92 North
City, State, Zip Tunkhannock, PA 18657
County Bradford County
Township(s) Herrick Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Cold Creek (WWF), Camp Creek (WWF);
Secondary: Wyalusing Creek (WWF)ESCGP-1 # ESX13-115-0022
Applicant Name Southwestern Energy Production
Contact Person Mr. Dave Sweeley
Address 917 State Route 92 North
City, State, Zip Tunkhannock, PA 18657
County Susquehanna County
Township(s) Jackson Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Little Butler Creek (CWF)ESCGP-1 # ESX12-015-0088 (01)
Applicant Name EOG Resources, Inc.
Contact Person Greg Shaffer
Address 191 Beaver Drive
City, State, Zip Dubois, PA 15801-2515
County Bradford County
Township(s) Springfield Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT Leonard Creek, UT Brace Creek (TSF)ESCGP-1 # ESX13-115-0024
Applicant Name Chief Oil & Gas LLC
Contact Person Jeffrey Deegan
Address 6051 Wallace Road Ext., Suite 300
City, State, Zip Wexford, PA 15090
County Susquehanna County
Township(s) Springville Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to White Creek (CWF)ESCGP-1 # ESX12-081-0169
Applicant Name Seneca Resources Corporation
Contact Person Michael Clinger
Address 51 Zents Blvd
City, State, Zip Brookville, PA 15825
County Lycoming County
Township(s) Lewis Township
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Hagerman Run, Sugarcamp Hollow, Brown Hollow and Dry Run (All HQ-CWF);
Secondary: Lycoming Creek (EV,MF)ESX12-081-0169—Resubmitted due to incorrect permit number listed in February 16, 2013 edition of PA Bulletin.
Southwest Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-4745.
ESCGP-1 No. Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Receiving
Water/Use0063128002-1 MarkWest Liberty
Midstream & Resources, LLCWashington Blaine Township Buffalo Creek (HQ-WWF) Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Program Manager, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335
ESCGP-1 #ESX13-019-0013—L&L Properties Well Pad & Tank Pad
Applicant R.E. Gas Development, LLC
Contact Michael Endler
Address 310 Seven Fields Blvd, Suite 151
City Seven Fields State PA Zip Code 16046
County Butler Township(s) Lancaster
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT's to Little Connoquenessing Creek (CWF), Slippery Rock Creek WatershedESCGP-1 #ESX13-019-0014—Ceaser Well Pad and Tank Pad
Applicant R.E. Gas Development, LLC
Contact Michael Endler
Address 310 Seven Fields Blvd, Suite 151
City Seven Fields State PA Zip Code 16046
County Butler Township(s) Lancaster and Muddy Creeks
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT 1 to Yellow Creek (WWF), Yellow Creek (WWF) Slippery Rock Creek Watershed, Little Connoquenessing Creek (CWF)ESCGP-1 #ESX13-083-0001—Swamp Angel Project
Applicant Horizontal Exploration
Contact Mark Thompson
Address 665 Philadelphia Street, Suite 10
City Indiana State PA Zip Code 15701
County McKean Township(s) Lafayette
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNTs to Lewis Run, Miam Run and Lewis Run (HQ-CWF)ESCGP-1 #ESX13-031-0002—Frills Pipeline
Applicant Laurel Mountain Midstream Operating LLC
Contact Ms. Kristy Flavin
Address 1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
City Moon Township State PA Zip Code 15108
County Clarion Township(s) Elk, Knox, and
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Linking Creek, Fills Run, Rattlesnake Run, Step Run, UNT to Step Run, Mahles Run, (2) UNT's to Mahles Run, Little Paint Creek, (6) UNT's to Little Paint Creek, Mahles RunESCGP-1 #ESX13-085-0001—Miller Pad
Applicant SWEPI LP
Contact H. James Sewell
Address 190 Thorn Hill Road
City Warrendale State PA Zip Code 15086
County Mercer Township(s) Perry
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Unnamed
Tributaries to Little Shenango River (TSF)ESCGP-1 #ESX13-019-0010—West Pad 79
Applicant PennEnergy Resources, LLC
Contact Greg Muse
Address 1000 Commerce Drive Park Place One, Suite 100
City Pittsburgh State PA Zip Code 15275
County Butler Township(s) Clinton
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT's to Bull Creek (TSF), Lower Allegheny River Watershed,
Allegheny River (WWF)ESCGP-1 #ESX13-019-0007—Burgh to Wack Pipeline Project
Applicant MarkWest Liberty Bluestone, LLC
Contact Richard Lowry
Address 601 Technology Drive, Suite 300
City Canonsburg State PA Zip Code 15317
County Butler Township(s) Lancaster
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Scholars Run (WWF), UNT's to Scholars Run (WWF), Little Yellow Creek (WWF), Ohio River (WWF)ESCGP-1 #Salvatora Unit Gas Well No. 1H, 2H, 3H and Kozik Brothers Unit GAS Well No. 1H, 2H, 3H—
Applicant XTO Energy, Inc
Contact Melissa Breitenbach
Address 502 Keystone Drive
City Warrandale State PA Zip Code 15086
County Butler Township(s) Summit
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Coal RunESCGP-1 #ESX12-121-0020—Allam to National Fuel Pipeline Project
Applicant Halcon Field Services
Contact Rich Demichele
Address 1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 6700
City Houston State TX Zip Code 77002
County Venango Township(s) Frenchcreek and Minerals
Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Little Sandy Creek, Sandy Creek, South Sandy Creek, Sulphur RunOIL AND GAS MANAGEMENT The following Well Permits have been issued with a waiver under 58 Pa.C.S. § 3215(b)(4) (relating to well location restrictions).
Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704 (relating to Administrative Agency Law). The appeal should be send to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed which the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not in and of itself create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.
For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.
Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may quality for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483.
Southwest District Oil and Gas Operations, Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Well Permit #: 059-26113-00,01
Well Farm Name: Miller Unit 77H
Applicant Name: Chevron Appalachia, LLC
Contact Person: Jeremy Hirtz
Address: 800 Mountain View Drive Smithfield, PA 15478
County: Greene
Municipality Name/City, Borough, Township: Dunkard
Name of Stream, Spring, Body of Water as identified on the most current 7 1/2 minute topographic quadrangle map of the United States Geologic Survey subject to the Section 3215(b)(4) waiver: Unnamed Tributary to Meadow RunWell Permit #: 059-26115-00
Well Farm Name: Miller Unit 80H
Applicant Name: Chevron Appalachia, LLC
Contact Person: Jeremy Hirtz
Address: 800 Mountain View Drive Smithfield, PA 15478
County: Greene
Municipality Name/City, Borough, Township: Dunkard
Name of Stream, Spring, Body of Water as identified on the most current 7 1/2 minute topographic quadrangle map of the United States Geologic Survey subject to the Section 3215(b)(4) waiver: Unnamed Tributary to Meadow RunWell Permit #: 059-26114-00
Well Farm Name: Miller Unit 78H
Applicant Name: Chevron Appalachia, LLC
Contact Person: Jeremy Hirtz
Address: 800 Mountain View Drive Smithfield, PA 15478
County: Greene
Municipality Name/City, Borough, Township: Dunkard
Name of Stream, Spring, Body of Water as identified on the most current 7 1/2 minute topographic quadrangle map of the United States Geologic Survey subject to the Section 3215(b)(4) waiver: Unnamed Tributary to Meadow RunNorthwest Region District Oil and Gas Operations, Program Manager, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335
Well Permit #: 113-20200-00-00
Well Farm Name Bedford Sul 3H
Applicant Name: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC.
Contact Person: Mr. Eric Haskins
Address: 101 North Main Street, Athens, PA 18810
County: Sullivan
Municipality Elkland Township:
Name of Stream, Spring, Body of Water as identified on the most current 7 1/2 minute topographic quadrangle map of the United States Geologic Survey subject to the Section 3215(b)(4) waiver: Overton, Unnamed tributary to the Mill Creek.
The following Storage Tank Site-Specific Installation Permits, under the authority of the Storage Tank Spill Prevention Act (35 P. S. §§ 6021.304, 6021.504, 6021.1101—6021.1102) and under 25 Pa Code Chapter 245, Subchapter C, have been issued by the Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields, Director, PO Box 8763, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8763.
Permit No.Applicant Name &
AddressCounty Municipality Tank Type Tank Capacity 13-38-004 Keystone Fence Supplies P. O. Box 249
Schaefferstown, PA 17088 Attn: Leroy ZimmermanLebanon Heidelberg
Township3 ASTs storing Chromated
Copper Arsenate41,300
gallons total
Recycling Grant Awards under the Municipal
Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction
Act of 1988, Act 101The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) announces the following grants to municipalities for recycling programs under the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (act) (53 P. S. § 4000.902).
Grant funds are used to develop and implement recycling programs. Municipalities and Counties are eligible for up to 90% funding of approved recycling program costs. Municipalities considered financially distressed under the Financial Distressed Communities Act, P. L. 246, No. 47 of 1987, are eligible to receive funding for an additional 10% of approved costs. All grant awards are predicated on the receipt of recycling fees required by sections 701 and 702 of the act, and the availability of moneys in the Recycling Fund.
Inquiries regarding the grant offerings should be directed to Mark Vottero, Recycling Grants Coordinator, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Management, Division of Waste Minimization and Planning, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472.
Applicant Recycling project Awarded Southeast Region Bristol Township Curbside Recycling $90,585 Bucks County Program Chester County Office Building & Community $43,439 Chester County Events Recycling Programs Chester County SWA Leaf Waste Processing $250,000 Chester County Program Southeastern Chester County RA Leaf Waste Program $184,295 Chester County West Grove Borough Leaf Waste Processing $36,237 Chester County Program Lansdowne Borough Curbside Recycling & $67,083 Delaware County Educational Program Media Borough Leaf Waste Collection & $28,196 Delaware County Educational Program Ridley Township Leaf Waste Collection & $68,392 Delaware County Educational Program Springfield Township Curbside Recycling $190,611 Delaware County Collection Cheltenham Township Curbside Recycling $250,000 Montgomery County Collection Douglass Township Curbside Recycling $24,672 Montgomery County Program East Norriton Township Leaf Waste Collection $177,459 Montgomery County Program Hatboro Borough Curbside Recycling $131,242 Montgomery County Program Hatfield Township Drop-off & Leaf Waste $153,522 Montgomery County Recycling Programs Jenkintown Borough Education Program $3,000 Montgomery County Lower Merion Township Leaf Waste Processing $250,000 Montgomery County Program Lower Moreland Township Curbside Recycling $196,425 Montgomery County Program Springfield Township Curbside Recycling $151,201 Montgomery County Program Upper Dublin Township Curbside Recycling $31,092 Montgomery County Program & Education Upper Merion Township Leaf Waste Collection $85,005 Montgomery County Upper Moreland Township Curbside Recycling $182,168 Montgomery County Program Upper Pottsgrove Township Leaf Waste Processing & $42,423 Montgomery County Program Development Northeast Region Carbon County Drop-off Recycling $250,000 Carbon County Program Blakely Borough Curbside Recycling & $222,419 Lackawanna County Education Clarks Summit Borough Project Development, $9,000 Lackawanna County Education & Curbside Jermyn Borough Curbside Recycling $103,706 Lackawanna County Program Lackawanna County Electronic Education $3,168 Lackawanna County Development Allentown City Curbside Recycling & $240,977 Lehigh County Recycling Center South Whitehall Township Curbside Recycling $250,000 Lehigh County Program Duryea Borough Curbside Recycling $183,534 Luzerne County Program Edwardsville Borough Curbside Recycling $104,236 Luzerne County Program Hanover Township Curbside Recycling $142,115 Luzerne County Program Luzerne County Institutional Recycling $2,896 Luzerne County Program Pittston City Curbside Recycling $18,645 Luzerne County & Education Programs Swoyersville Borough Curbside Recycling & $115,320 Luzerne County Education Program Wilkes-Barre City Leaf Waste $190,800 Luzerne County Processing Program Wilkes-Barre Township Leaf Waste Collection $22,893 Luzerne County & Curbside Programs Wyoming Borough Curbside Recycling & $21,598 Luzerne County Educational Program Coolbaugh Township Leaf Waste Collection $228,618 Monroe County Program Eldred Township Curbside Recycling $1,809 Monroe County Program Middle Smithfield Township Leaf Waste & Curbside $223,382 Monroe County Recycling Programs Monroe County MWMA Drop-off Recycling $250,000 Monroe County Program Pocono Township Leaf Waste Collection $185,015 Monroe County & Processing Program Smithfield Township Leaf Waste & Curbside $147,589 Monroe County Programs Stroud Township Leaf Waste Program $227,043 Monroe County Allen Township Leaf Waste Collection $114,316 Northampton County Program Bethlehem City Curbside Recycling $250,000 Northampton County Program Bethlehem Township Leaf Waste Collection $205,745 Northampton County & Processing Programs Bushkill Township Leaf Waste Collection $189,000 Northampton County Program First Regional Compost Authority Leaf Waste Facility & $250,000 Northampton County Program Forks Township Leaf Waste & Recycling $52,053 Northampton County Center Palmer Township Curbside Recycling $250,000 Northampton County Program Upper Nazareth Township Curbside & Leaf Waste $237,292 Northampton County Recycling Programs Williams Township Curbside Recycling $250,000 Northampton County Programs & Recycling Center Rush Township Leaf Waste Collection $52,201 Schuylkill County & Processing Program Schuylkill County Drop-off Collection $177,940 Schuylkill County Program Wyoming County Drop-off & Educational $20,433 Wyoming County Programs Southcentral Region Heidelberg Township Curbside Recycling & $32,069 Berks County Education Program Kenhorst Borough Curbside Recycling, $49,765 Berks County Education & Special Event Lower Heidelberg Township Leaf Waste Program & $241,758 Berks County Public Education Maxatawny Township Curbside, Compost & $247,500 Berks County Education Programs Muhlenberg Township Curbside, Leaf Waste, $242,118 Berks County Special Events & Education Reading City Recycling Center & Education $250,000 Berks County International Relations Committee Leaf Waste Site, Curbside $250,000 Blair County Recycling & Education Lemoyne Borough Leaf Waste Facility $34,461 Cumberland County Lower Allen Township Leaf Waste Facility $250,000 Cumberland County Mechanicsburg Borough Leaf Waste Facility $110,285 Cumberland County South Middleton Township Leaf Waste Facility $12,982 Cumberland County Dauphin County Drop-off Recycling $197,244 Dauphin County Lower Paxton Township Leaf Waste Facility $250,000 Dauphin County Chambersburg Borough Leaf Waste Program & $133,340 Franklin County Education Washington Township Recycling Center $205,754 Franklin County Huntingdon Borough Curbside & Leaf Waste $164,830 Huntingdon County Recycling Programs Columbia Borough Food Waste Composting $178,000 Lancaster County Program Earl Township Leaf Waste, Curbside & $86,527 Lancaster County Educational Programs Mount Joy Township Curbside Recycling & $20,255 Lancaster County Education Rapho Township Leaf Waste Site and $250,000 Lancaster County Equipment & Education Jackson Township Leaf Waste Collection $228,248 Lebanon County Program Lebanon City Curbside & Drop-off $51,240 Lebanon County Recycling Programs North Lebanon Township Leaf Waste Site & $220,852 Lebanon County Curbside Recycling South Lebanon Township Curbside Collection & $168,017 Lebanon County Education Mifflin County SWA Drop-off Recycling & $163,426 Mifflin County Recycling Center Fairview Township Leaf Waste Collection $86,946 York County & Education Hanover Borough Curbside Collection $180,056 York County Program & Education Penn Township Leaf Waste Program $249,783 York County & Education Red Lion Borough Leaf Waste Collection $147,906 York County & Education Spring Grove Borough Leaf Waste Collection $58,561 York County & Education West Manheim Township Leaf Waste Program $196,934 York County & Curbside Recycling Windsor Township Leaf Waste Collection $124,124 York County Program York City Curbside Recycling & $230,044 York County Leaf Waste Program York County SWRA Curbside Recycling $250,000 York County York Township Leaf Waste Processing $222,917 York County & Education Northcentral Region Bellefonte Borough Leaf Waste Facility $218,660 Centre County College Township Compost Collection & $33,904 Centre County Site Philipsburg Borough Leaf Waste Site & $30,771 Centre County Commercial Education Lock Haven City Leaf Waste Program & $196,269 Clinton County Residential Education Scott Township Leaf Waste Program & $250,000 Columbia County Curbside Recycling Lewis Township Drop-off and School $24,324 Northumberland County Recycling & Education Rapho Township Drop-off & $30,397 Northumberland County Education Programs Sunbury Municipal Authority Recycling Center $249,242 Northumberland County Union County Drop-off & Recycling $108,632 Union County Center Southwest Region Collier Township Leaf Waste Collection $69,012 Allegheny County & Curbside Recycling Forest Hills Borough Leaf Waste Collection $190,000 Allegheny County Program & Education Mt. Lebanon Municipality Drop-off Recycling & $31,500 Allegheny County Education Program O'Hara Township Leaf Waste Collection $45,270 Allegheny County Penn Hills Municipality Curbside, Leaf Waste $156,200 Allegheny County Processing & Education Scott Township Curbside Recycling $38,222 Allegheny County & Education Swissvale Borough Curbside Recycling & $142,519 Allegheny County Education Program Twin Rivers COG Curbside Recycling $145,582 Allegheny County West Mifflin Borough Curbside Recycling $137,475 Allegheny County Program Wilkins Township Curbside Recycling, Leaf $29,727 Allegheny County Waste Facility & Education Leechburg Borough Recycling Center $17,655 Armstrong County Aliquippa City Educational Program $120,000 Beaver County & Collection Truck Baden Borough Curbside, Drop-off & $22,295 Beaver County Education Programs Brighton Township Leaf Waste, Drop-off & $48,354 Beaver County Education Programs Center Township Leaf Waste Facility & $11,744 Beaver County Drop-off Recycling Monaca Borough Leaf Waste Collection & $85,973 Beaver County Drop-off Program Rochester Township Curbside, Leaf Waste & $36,568 Beaver County Education Program Cambria County SWA Drop-off Recycling & $231,843 Cambria County Education Program South Union Township Leaf Waste Program & $222,993 Fayette County Education Greene County Recycling Center & $250,000 Greene County Drop-off Program Somerset County Paper Recycling Center & $140,052 Somerset County Education Program City of Washington Leaf Waste Program & $246,861 Washington County Facility Greensburg City Leaf Waste Program $34,704 Westmoreland Murrysville Municipality Curbside Recycling & $77,476 Westmoreland County Drop-off Program Youngwood Borough Leaf Waste Program $77,130 Westmoreland County Northwest Region Butler County Special Events & $64,186 Butler County Curbside Recycling Zelienople Borough Leaf Waste Facility $248,994 Butler County Elk County Recycling Center $83,275 Elk County Lawrence County Drop-off & Special $15,421 Lawrence County Events Recycling Warren City Leaf Waste Program $52,135 Warren County CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION Southwest Regional Office, Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Location: Neville Township, 5050 Grand Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15225
Description: The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority which administers Pennsylvania's State Revolving Fund is intended to be the funding source for this project.
The Township proposes to rehabilitate two (2) existing pump stations to eliminate wet weather overflows in accordance with the Allegheny County Health Department Consent Order. Construction will occur on the same site as the existing pump stations.
The Department's review of the project and the information received has not identified any significant, adverse environmental impact resulting from this proposal. The Department hereby categorically excludes this project from the State Environmental Review Process.
Location: Johnstown Redevelopment Authority, 401 Washington Street, Johnstown, PA 15901
Description: The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority which administers
Pennsylvania's State Revolving Fund is intended to be the funding source for this project.
The Authority proposes to replace existing sanitary in the Roxbury, Moxham, Hornerstown and Walnut Grove areas of Johnstown to reduce wet weather overflows in accordance with DEP Consent Order and Agreement. Construction will occur in the same area as the existing sewers.
The Department's review of the project and the information received has not identified any significant, adverse environmental impact resulting from this proposal. The Department hereby categorically excludes this project from the State Environmental Review Process.
Notice of Certification to Perform Radon-Related Activities in Pennsylvania In the month of February 2013 Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the authority contained in the Radon Certification Act, act of July 9, 1987, P. L. 238, No. 43 (63 P. S. Sections 2001—2014) and regulations promulgated thereunder at 25 Pa. Code Chapter 240, has certified the persons listed below to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania. The period of certification is two years. (For a complete list of persons currently certified to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania and for information as to the specific testing devices that persons certified for testing or laboratory are certified to use, contact the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Radon Division, P. O. Box 8469, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469, (1-800-23RADON).
Type of Name Address Certification Brian Bacchus 125 Twin Oak Drive
Wexford, PA 15090Mitigation Timothy Bach 370 Brush Creek Road
Irwin, PA 15642Testing Jason Bancroft PO Box 261
Gilbertsville, PA 19525Testing Glen Beveridge 409 Sewickley Street
Greensburg, PA 15601Testing Bernard Catanzareti 1177 Dewalt Drive
Easton, PA 18040Testing Joseph D'Amato 2920 Route 611
Tannersville, PA 18372Testing Paul Hollup 420 Vaughn Road
Royersford, PA 19468Testing Shawn Jackson 2822 Golden Mile Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15239Mitigation E. Patrick Joseph 561 Vanderbilt Road
Connellsville, PA 15425Testing Charles Knepper, Jr. 251 Park Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201Testing Seymour Levine 198 Rose Hill Drive
New Cumberland, PA 17070Testing & Mitigation Larry McCutcheon 5070 Geyer Road
Ischua, NY 14743Testing Microbac Laboratories, Inc. 1962 Wager Road
Erie, PA 16509Testing & Laboratory Analysis Edward Moran 940 Port Carbon Street
Pottsville, PA 17901Testing James Mulvehill 126 Furnari Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15905Testing Next Step Environmental Services, LLC 51 Sugar Maple Road
Barto, PA 19504Mitigation Joseph Nirschel 213 North 14th Street
Allentown, PA 18102Mitigation PRO-LAB 1675 North Commerce Pkwy
Weston, FL 33326Laboratory Analysis William Schneider 481 Nantucket Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15236Testing William Staniland 706 Russett Meadow Court
Cranberry Twp., PA 16066Testing Jeffrey Stover 2749 West Roy Furman Hwy.
Waynesburg, PA 15370Testing Edward Szczesniak 8 Mohawk Drive
Richboro, PA 18954Testing Todd Tuvell 4142 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Newark, DE 19713Testing John Wechter 72 Gristmill Lane
Linfield, PA 19468Testing [Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-458. Filed for public inspection March 15, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]