DEPARTMENT OF STATE Notice of Public Hearing [33 Pa.B. 1422] The State Plan Advisory Board will conduct a public hearing on March 26, 2003, beginning at 10:00 A.M., ESDT. The meeting will be held in Hearing Room #1 on the Ground Floor of the North Office Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The State Plan Advisory Board is responsible for developing a plan, which details how the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will use grants from the federal government to meet the requirements of the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, and ''to carry out other activities to improve the administration of elections.''
Anyone wishing to testify must contact Barbara Smotherman of the Pennsylvania Department of State at or (717) 787-3796 by March 21, 2003. The Advisory Board strongly encourages those testifying to submit a written copy of their testimony, in advance by March 24, 2003, to Barbara Smotherman at or at the Pennsylvania Department of State, 302 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. All who testify must bring fifty (50) printed copies of their testimony to the hearing. Anyone testifying is strongly encouraged to briefly summarize their testimony and to be prepared to respond to questions from the Advisory Board. Individuals testifying on their own behalf will be allocated five (5) minutes and individuals testifying on behalf of groups will be allocated a total of ten (10) minutes in which to make their presentation to the Advisory Board.
If you are a person with a disability who wishes to attend the meeting, and you require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, please contact: Barbara Smotherman at the telephone number, e-mail or address above by March 21, 2003. Text telephone users may contact the Department of State via the PA Relay Center.
NOTICIA DE UNA REUNION PUBLICA La Junta de Consejos de Planes del Estado va a conducir una reunion publica el 26 de Marzo, 2003, empezando a las 10:00 A.M., ESDT. La reunion va a estar en Hearing Room #1 en el piso bajo del North Office Building en Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
La Junta de Consejos de Planes del Estado es responsable para desarrollar un plan, que detalles como el Estado de Pennsylvania usa donaciones del gobierno federal para completar los requisitos de la ley Ayuda America Votar de 2002, y ''para hacer las otras actividades para mejorar la administracion de elecciones.''
Alguien deseando testificar tiene que ponerse en contacto con Barbara Smotherman, Departamento de Estado de Pennsylvania a o (717) 787-3796 antes del 21 de Marzo, 2003. La Junta de Consejos fomentan fuertemente a ellos atestando a someter una copia escrita de su testimonio, antes del 24 de Marzo, 2003, a Barbara Smotherman a o al Departatmento de Estado de Pennsylvania, 302 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Todos los que atestan tienen que traer cincuenta (50) copias escritas de su testimonio para la reunion. Cualquiera persona atestando debe resumir su testimonio y estar preparado a responder a las preguntas de la Junta de Consejos. Individuos atestando en su nombre tienen cinco (5) minutos y individuos atestando en nombre de grupos tienen diez (10) minutos para hacer su presentacion a la Junta de Consejos.
Si tu eres una persona con una incapacidad y quieres asistira a la reunion, y necesitas un aparato auditivo, servicio o otra ayuda para participar en la reunion, favor de ponerse en contacto con: Barbara Smotherman por telefono, correo electronico, o la direccion ya mencionado antes del 21 de Marzo, 2003. Usuarios de un telefono detexto pueden hacer contacto con el Departamento del Estado por la PA Relay Center.
Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth[Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-474. Filed for public inspection March 14, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]