436 Pennsylvania Community Development Bank; capacity building grant guidelines and workshop  


    Pennsylvania Community Development Bank; Capacity Building Grant Guidelines and Workshop

    [28 Pa.B. 1365]

       The 1997-98 Appropriation Act (Act 4A of 1997), as amended, includes $15 million for the Pennsylvania Community Development (PCD) Bank program. The program does not constitute an institution chartered by the Department of Banking or any Federal agency. The Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority (Authority) will administer the PCD Bank.

       The PCD Bank will provide grant and loan assistance to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other community-based organizations. The PCD Bank, through CDFIs it assists, will make capital available for community and economic development to revitalize disadvantaged areas and provide economic opportunities for low-income people. The PCD Bank is a key component of Governor Ridge's Project for Community Building.

       The PEDFA Board approved the PCD Bank's Capacity Building Grant Guidelines governing the distribution of grants to nonprofit CDFIs and certain other nonprofit organizations. These grants are available in the following categories:

       Track 1.  Startup Grants: These grants are to assist nonprofit organizations to attain accreditation standards defined by the PCD Bank and for Accredited CDFIs to startup operations in a new geographic service area.

       Track 2.  Expansion Grants: These grants are to expand the operation and programs of Accredited CDFIs that are also nonprofit organizations.

       Track 3.  Development Services Grants: These grants to nonprofit technical assistance providers, including both CDFIs and nonCDFI technical assistance providers working with CDFIs, are to build the capacity of CDFI business borrowers and expand business lending markets for CDFIs. These grants will provide technical assistance and capacity building services to small businesses and other potential borrowers of CDFIs or community lending programs.

       The Authority and the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) will conduct a workshop to provide program information about the PCD Bank Capacity Building Grant Guidelines. The application process and information about program requirements will be covered for each of the three tracks described. Breakout sessions for each of the three grant tracks will be held during the workshop. The workshop will be held on April 7, 1998 from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel and Convention Center, in Camp Hill, PA. Interested applicants are encouraged to attend this workshop.

       Potential applicants can obtain a copy of the guidelines and can register for the workshop by calling the DCED Customer Service Center at (800) 379-7448.

       Workshop space is limited. No more than two persons should attend from each organization. Space will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. There is no registration fee for the workshop; however, preregistration is requested. Persons with a disability who wish to attend the workshop and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the workshop should contact the Customer Service Center to discuss how those needs may be best accommodated. Text Telephone (TT) calls can be placed through the Pennsylvania Relay System at (800) 654-5984. Calls will be relayed to the phone number listed above.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-436. Filed for public inspection March 13, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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