421 1998 sunset review schedule  

  • 1998 Sunset Review Schedule

    [28 Pa.B. 1351]

       This schedule includes the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) regulations, by chapter, which will undergo a sunset review in 1998. The Department will publish an annual sunset schedule which will contain the Pennsylvania Code chapters which will be reviewed by the Department. Each regulation will be reviewed to determine whether the regulation effectively fulfills the goals for which it was intended and remains consistent with the following principles contained in Executive Order 1996-1 (regarding Regulatory Review and Promulgation):

       1.  Regulations shall address a compelling public interest.

       2.  Costs of regulations shall not outweigh their benefits.

       3.  Regulations shall be written in clear, concise and, when possible, nontechnical language.

       4.  Regulations shall address definable public health, safety or environmental risks.

       5.  Where Federal regulations exist, Pennsylvania's regulations shall not exceed Federal standards unless justified by a compelling and articulable Pennsylvania interest or required by State law.

       6.  Compliance shall be the goal of all regulations.

       7.  Where viable nonregulatory alternatives exist, they shall be preferred over regulations.

       8.  Regulations shall be drafted and promulgated with early and meaningful input from the regulated community.

       9.  Regulations shall not hamper Pennsylvania's ability to compete effectively with other states.

       10.  All agency heads shall be held directly accountable for regulations promulgated by their respective agencies.

       The chapters listed were reviewed as part of the Department's Regulatory Basics Initiative. These chapters were reviewed to identify regulations which contain standards or requirements more stringent than Federal law; impose disproportionate economic costs; have a history of significant noncompliance; are prescriptive or technology specific; inhibit the application of new green technologies; do not support a pollution prevention approach; are obsolete or redundant; or lack clarity. This initiative will result in proposed and final rulemakings which will be listed on the Department's Regulatory Agenda, which is published semiannually in February and July.

       Both the sunset review schedule and the regulatory agenda are available on the Department's World Wide Web site at http://www.dep.state.pa.us (choose Public Participation Center).

       Chapter 86.  Surface and Underground Coal Mining: General

       Chapter 87.  Surface Mining of Coal

       Chapter 88.  Anthracite Coal

       Chapter 89.  Underground Mining of Coal and Coal Preparation Facilities

       Chapter 90.  Coal Refuse Disposal

       Chapter 91.  General Provisions

       Chapter 92.  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

       Chapter 93.  Water Quality Standards

       Chapter 94.  Municipal Wasteload Management

       Chapter 95.  Wastewater Treatment Requirements

       Chapter 97.  Industrial Wastes

       Chapter 101.  Special Water Pollution Regulations

       Chapter 102.  Erosion Control

       Chapter 105.  Dam Safety and Waterway Management

       Chapter 109.  Safe Drinking Water

       Chapter 121.  General Provisions - Air Resources

       Chapter 122.  National Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources

       Chapter 123.  Standards for Contaminants

       Chapter 124.  National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

       Chapter 126.  Standards for Motor Fuels

       Chapter 127.  Construction, Modification, Reactivation and Operation of Sources

       Chapter 128.  Alternative Emission Reduction Limitations

       Chapter 129.  Standards for Sources

       Chapter 131.  Ambient Air Quality Standards

       Chapter 133.  Local Air Pollution Agencies

       Chapter 135.  Reporting of Sources

       Chapter 137.  Air Pollution Episodes

       Chapter 139.  Sampling and Testing

       Chapter 141.  Variances and Alternate Standards

       Chapter 143.  Disbursements from the Clean Air Fund

       Chapter 215.  General Provisions

       Chapter 216.  Registration of Radiation-Producing Machines

       Chapter 217.  Licensing of Radioactive Material

       Chapter 218.  Fees

       Chapter 219.  Standards for Protection Against Radiation

       Chapter 220.  Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections

       Chapter 221.  X-rays in the Healing Arts

       Chapter 223.  Veterinary Medicine

       Chapter 224.  Medical Use of Radioactive Materials

       Chapter 225.  Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations

       Chapter 226.  Radiation Safety Requirements for Wireline Service Operations and Subservice Tracer Studies

       Chapter 227.  Radiation Safety Requirements for Analytical X-ray Equipment, X-ray Gauging Equipment and Electron Microscopes

       Chapter 228.  Radiation Safety Requirements for Particle Accelerators

       Chapter 230.  Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material

       Chapter 236.  Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal

       Chapter 240.  Radon Certification

       Chapter 260.  Definitions and Requests for Determination

       Chapter 261.  Criteria, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste

       Chapter 262.  Generators of Hazardous Waste

       Chapter 263.  Transporters of Hazardous Waste

       Chapter 264.  New and Existing Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Applying for a Permit

       Chapter 265.  Interim Status Standards for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities and Permit Program for New and Existing Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

       Chapter 266.  Special Standards for the Management of Certain Hazardous Waste Activities

       Chapter 267.  Financial Responsibility Requirements for Hazardous Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal Facilities

       Chapter 269.  Siting

       Chapter 270.  Permit Program

       Chapter 271.  Municipal Waste Management - General Provisions

       Chapter 272.  Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction

       Chapter 273.  Municipal Waste Landfills

       Chapter 275.  Land Application of Sewage Sludge

       Chapter 277.  Construction/Demolition Waste Landfills

       Chapter 279.  Transfer Facilities

       Chapter 281.  Composting Facilities

       Chapter 283.  Resource Recovery and Other Processing Facilities

       Chapter 285.  Storage, Collection and Transportation of Municipal Waste

       Chapter 287.  Residual Waste Management - General Provisions

       Chapter 288.  Residual Waste Landfills

       Chapter 289.  Residual Waste Disposal Impoundments

       Chapter 291.  Land Application of Residual Waste

       Chapter 293.  Transfer Facilities for Residual Waste

       Chapter 295.  Composting Facilities for Residual Waste

       Chapter 297.  Incinerators and Other Processing Facilities

       Chapter 299.  Storage and Transportation of Residual Waste

       The Department will publish a sunset review schedule on an annual basis. Regulations in future years will be evaluated using the principles outlined above.

       For additional information, contact Sharon Freeman, DEP Regulatory Coordinator, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063 (717)783-1303; or e-mail Freeman. Sharon@a1.dep.state.pa.us.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-421. Filed for public inspection March 13, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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