DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE [55 PA. CODE CHS. 3680, 3710, 3760, 3800, 3810, 5310 and 6400] Child Residential and Day Treatment Facilities; Extension of Public Comment Period [28 Pa.B. 1320] The Department of Public Welfare published a notice of proposed rulemaking at 28 Pa.B. 953 (February 14, 1998) seeking public comment on proposed regulations applicable to child residential and day treatment facilities. The notice of proposed rulemaking provided for a 30-day public comment period to end on March 16, 1998. The public comment period on the proposed regulations is hereby extended by 30 days, until April 15, 1998.
The extension in the public comment period is being made because this is the first in a series of proposed licensing regulatory reform initiatives, and the Department wants to allow adequate opportunity for interested stakeholders to review and comment on this comprehensive regulatory proposal.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-414. Filed for public inspection March 13, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]