Pennsylvania Winner Take All Instant Lottery Game [28 Pa.B. 1354] [CORRECTION]
An error occurred in the notice of the Department of Revenue which appeared at 28 Pa.B. 577, 578 (January 31, 1998).
The correct version of ''4. Prize Play Symbols and 7.(j) Determination of Prize Winners'' is as follows with ellipses referring to the existing text of the notice:
* * * * * 4. Prize Play Symbols: The prize play symbols and their captions located in the ''Your Numbers'' area are: $1.00 (ONE DOL), $2.00 (TWO DOL), $4.00 (FOUR DOL), $5.00 (FIVE DOL), $10.00 (TEN DOL), $15$ (FIFTN DOL), $20$ (TWENTY), $50$ (FIFTY), $100 (ONE HUN), $500 (FIVE HUN) and $25,000 (TWYFIVTHO).
* * * * * 7. Determination of Prize Winners:
* * * * * (j) Holders of tickets where any one of the ''Your Numbers'' play symbols matches either of the ''Winning Numbers'' play symbols and a prize play symbol of $15$ (FIFTN DOL) appears under the matching ''Your Numbers'' play symbol, on a single ticket, shall be entitled to a prize of $15.
* * * * * [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-186. Filed for public inspection January 30, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]