Bid Opportunity [40 Pa.B. 1458]
[Saturday, March 13, 2010]C64:03-105.1, Fence Replacement, Hawley Flood Protection Project, Borough of Hawley, Wayne County. The principal items of work include 134 each of removal and disposal of existing fence posts; 1,260 linear feet of new chain link fence installation and removal and disposal of existing chain link fence; 134 each of grout fence post core holes; 20 cubic feet of concrete wall repair; 2,150 square feet of waterproofing concrete wall tops; 1 each of flapgate replacement and 21 each of grounding rod. This project issues on March 12, 2010, and bids will be opened on April 8, 2010, at 2 p.m. Bid documents cost $10 per set and will not be mailed until payment hasbeen received. Contact the Construction Contracts Section at (717) 787-7820 or for more information on this bid.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-451. Filed for public inspection March 12, 2010, 9:00 a.m.]