Proposed Exchange of Lands [40 Pa.B. 1414]
[Saturday, March 13, 2010]The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (Department) and Borough of Ohiopyle are proposing an exchange of lands in Fayette County.
The Department is proposing to convey 2.65 acres of Ohiopyle State Park within the Borough municipal boundary to the Borough of Ohiopyle. In return, the Borough of Ohiopyle proposes to convey 2.65 acres in Ohiopyle Borough Fayette County to the Department's Ohiopyle State Park.
As is the policy of the Department, the public is hereby notified of this exchange. A 30-day period for public inquiry and/or comment will be in effect commencing March 10, 2010, and ending April 10, 2010. Oral or written comments or questions concerning this proposed exchange may be addressed to John Norbeck, Director, of Bureau of State Parks, P. O. Box 8551, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8551, telephone (717) 787-6640. These oral and/or written comments will become part of the official document used in the final decision process.
A public informational meeting has been scheduled to respond to any questions or concerns the general public may have regarding this exchange of lands. The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 2010, between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Ohiopyle Community Center, 15 Sherman Street, Ohiopyle, PA 15470. For details, call (724) 329-8591.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 10-447. Filed for public inspection March 12, 2010, 9:00 a.m.]