465 Service of notice of motor carrier applications?  


    Service of Notice of Motor Carrier Applications

    [42 Pa.B. 1348]
    [Saturday, March 10, 2012]

     The following temporary authority and/or permanent authority applications for the right to render service as a common carrier or contract carrier in this Commonwealth have been filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Formal protests and petitions to intervene must be filed in accordance with 52 Pa. Code (relating to public utilities). A protest shall indicate whether it applies to the temporary authority application, the permanent authority application, or both. Filings must be made with the Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265, with a copy served on the applicant by March 26, 2012. Documents filed in support of the applications are available for inspection and copying at the Office of the Secretary between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at the business address of the respective applicant.

    Application of the following for approval to begin operating as common carriers for transportation of persons as described under the application.

    A-2011-2280175. Kenneth Scott Cobb, t/a Kennys Transportation Service (3014 Derry Street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA 17111)—in paratransit service, from points in Cumberland and Dauphin Counties, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.

    Applications of the following for the approval of the right and privilege to discontinue/abandon operating as common carriers by motor vehicle and for cancellation of the certificate of public convenience as described under each application.

    A-2011-2279564. Model Management Services, t/a Friendly Taxi Cab of Lancaster (625 East Orange Street, Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA 17602)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons upon call or demand in Lancaster City, Lancaster County, and within 6 miles of said city.

    A-2011-2279674. Nancy Carroll Keener, t/a Keener Transportation (208 Slab Road, Delta, York County, PA 17314)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons, in paratransit service, limited to persons whose personal convictions prevent them from owning or operating motor vehicles, from points in York County, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.

    A-2011-2282200. L & L Transportation Company, Inc. (103 Mooreland Avenue, Mt. Holly Springs, Cumberland County, PA 17065)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—as a contract carrier, by motor vehicle, inmates in work release for Cumberland County Prison, between points in Pennsylvania

    A-2012-2284635. Jeffrey and Anita Houseknecht (73 Boak Avenue, Mt. Hughesville, Lycoming County, PA 17737)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons in limousine service, between points in Counties of Lycoming and Sullivan, and from points in said Counties, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.

    A-2012-2285067. Promobile Transportation, Inc. (1310 Kelley Road, Oberlin, Dauphin County, PA 17113)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons in paratransit service, from points in the City and County of Philadelphia, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.

    A-2012-2285495. Catawese Coach Company (P. O. Box U, Avis, Clinton County, PA 17721)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons in limousine service, between points in Pennsylvania, excluding service that is under the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Attorney: James W. Patterson, Esquire, Cira Centre, 13th Floor, 2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

    A-2012-2285796. Pennsylvania Transit Company, LLC (3300 Henry Avenue, 3 Falls Ann Preston Building, Rear, Philadelphia, PA 19129)—discontinuance of service and cancellation of its certificate—persons in paratransit service, between points in the City and County of Philadelphia for the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MTAP) through LogistiCare Solutions, LLC, or the broker contracted with the Department of Welfare to service the MATP. Attorney: Steven K. Haas, Hawke McKeon & Sniscak, LLP, 100 North 10th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-465. Filed for public inspection March 9, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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