409 Interstate pollution transport reduction; proposed 2012 ozone season NOx emission limits for nonelectric generating units?  

  • Interstate Pollution Transport Reduction; Proposed 2012 Ozone Season NOx Emission Limits for Nonelectric Generating Units

    [42 Pa.B. 1324]
    [Saturday, March 10, 2012]

     The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is providing notice and an opportunity for comment concerning the proposed Nonelectric Generating Unit (non-EGU) 2012 Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emission limitations established in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 145.8(d) (relating to transition to CAIR NOx trading programs). The 15-day public comment period will end on March 25, 2012.

     In April 2008, the Commonwealth's Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) adopted by the Environmental Quality Board included NOx Budget Trading Program amendments to allow the owners and operators of non-EGUs in this Commonwealth to transition to the CAIR NOx Trading Program. (See 38 Pa.B. 1705 (April 12, 2008).) Specifically, 25 Pa. Code § 145.8(d) establishes a non-EGU NOx Budget Trading Program budget of 3,619 tons of NOx, less a specified adjustment amount, to serve as a Statewide Ozone Season NOx emissions cap for new and existing non-EGUs. This NOx emissions cap also applies to CAIR-exempt EGUs that were subject to the NOx Budget Trading Program. If total emissions from all of the units exceed the Statewide NOx emissions cap of 3,438 tons, the owners and operators of non-EGUs must comply with the NOx emission limitations established under 25 Pa. Code § 145.8(d). The owners and operators of units exceeding their individual NOx limits would need to purchase and then surrender one CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowance and one CAIR NOx allowance for each ton of excess emissions. The proposed NOx emissions limitations for individual units ensure that non-EGUs in this Commonwealth continue to meet the emission limits of the NOx Budget Trading Program, as required under the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) CAIR.

     The Statewide cap for 2011 was not exceeded. Therefore, non-EGUs do not need to purchase allowances to meet their 2011 Ozone Season NOx emission limitations established under 25 Pa. Code § 145.8(d). The preliminary NOx emissions for the 2011 Ozone Season (May through September) reported to the EPA by the owners and operators of the affected non-EGUs are 1,550.78 tons. The Department's permanent retirement of 3,438 allowances under 25 Pa. Code § 145.8(b) covers all the NOx emissions from the affected non-EGUs in 2011.

     The NOx emissions cap provides 181 tons of NOx emissions for non-EGUs and the other units that need to address their emissions through accounting adjustments, including units that previously participated in the NOx Budget Trading Program; emissions from these units were below the 25-ton exemption threshold. Adjustments were also made for the permanent retirement of NOx allowances due to generation of emission reduction credits. The Department will also use a portion of the 181 tons of the budgeted NOx emissions, if necessary, to address mistakes or miscalculations. This year, the Department is proposing to use 121 tons of the 181 tons of NOx for account adjustments, leaving 60 tons available for any additional adjustments at the end of the control period.

     The Department made accounting adjustments for the following facilities:

    Retired Units: Naval Surface Warfare Division Unit 98; Shenango Units Nos. 6 and 9 (the generation of emission offsets for small non-NOx Budget Trading Program units resulted in a permanent NOx accounting adjustment of 45 tons).

    Exempt Units: Each of the following units has a 25-ton NOx permit limit: Armagh Compressor Station (Unit 31301); Entriken Compressor Station (Unit 31601); and the Naval Surface Warfare Division (Unit 100). The Naval Surface Warfare Division (Unit 99) has a 1-ton NOx permit limit. All of these 25-ton exempt status units account for a total adjustment of 76 tons of NOx emissions.

     Units subject to the requirements in 25 Pa. Code § 145.8 are required to meet the monitoring and reporting requirements of the EPA's CAIR, found in 40 CFR Part 96, Subpart HHHH (relating to monitoring and reporting) and maintain general accounts and account representatives under 40 CFR Part 96, Subparts BBBB and FFFF (relating to CAIR designated representative for CAIR NOx ozone season sources; and CAIR NOx ozone season allowance tracking system). The Proposed Non-EGU 2012 Ozone Season NOx Emission Limits table below lists the following: the facility name, ORIS Code, the unit ID for each non-EGU unit, the operating year, the heat input for the 2011 Ozone Season, the calculated 2012 rate and the 2012 Ozone Season limit.

    Written Comments

     Written comments on the proposed non-EGU 2012 Ozone Season NOx Emission Limits should be sent to the attention of Randy Bordner, Environmental Group Manager, Air Resource Management Division, Bureau of Air Quality, DEP, P. O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8468 or ranbordner@pa.gov no later than March 25, 2012. Any written comments (including e-mails) should include the name, affiliation (if any), mailing address and telephone number of the interested person and contain ''proposed non-EGU 2012 Ozone Season NOx emission limits'' in the subject line.

     Questions concerning this notice should be directed to Randy Bordner at (717) 772-3921. TDD users may contact the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 to discuss how the Department can best accommodate their needs.


    Table 1: Proposed Non-EGU 2012 Ozone Season NOx Emission Limits

    Facility Name ORIS Code UNIT ID OP
    NOx Rate lb/MMBtu NOx
    Heat Input MMBtu 2012
    Armagh Compressor Station 880071 31301 2011 0 0 0 0.25433 0
    Bernville Station 880049 32001 2011 0 0 0 0.25433 0
    ConocoPhillips Co., Trainer Refinery 880025 33 2011 0.1707 49.691 575399.6 0.25433 73
    ConocoPhillips Co., Trainer Refinery 880025 34 2011 0.0044 1.097 513279.1 0.25433 65
    ConocoPhillips Co., Trainer Refinery 880025 35 2011 0.0041 1.416 672467.4 0.25433 85
    Domtar Paper Company, LLC 54638 40 2011 0.305 132.183 877754.9 0.25433 112
    Domtar Paper Company, LLC 54638 41 2011 0.3056 125.553 830653.337 0.25433 106
    Entriken Compressor Station 880072 31601 2011 0.7003 0.529 1511.8 0.25433 0
    FPL Energy MH50 50074 1 2011 0.1086 5.823 122856.436 0.25433 16
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 AB01 2011 0.023 5.49 473152.405 0.25433 60
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 AB02 2011 0.0306 10.084 652180.461 0.25433 83
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 AB03 2011 0.0277 7.446 540079.541 0.25433 69
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 AB04 2011 0.0351 11.708 663033.281 0.25433 84
    Honeywell Resins & Chemicals, LLC 880007 52 2011 0.0717 18.987 531722.569 0.25433 68
    Kimberly—Clark Tissue Company 50410 34 2011 2 0.001 1.2 0.25433 0
    Kimberly—Clark Tissue Company 50410 35 2011 0.0635 92.288 2913048.075 0.25433 370
    Merck & Company— West Point 52149 39 2011 0.0841 12.473 298184.649 0.25433 38
    Merck & Company— West Point 52149 40 2011 0.0219 15.005 1331429.092 0.25433 169
    P H Glatfelter Company 50397 34 2011 0.4839 294.795 1222578.925 0.25433 155
    P H Glatfelter Company 50397 35 2011 0.4841 232.474 957308.15 0.25433 122
    P H Glatfelter Company 50397 36 2011 0.1374 121.857 1797582.275 0.25433 229
    Philadelphia Refinery 52106 150137 2011 0.0395 14.733 747469.612 0.25433 95
    Philadelphia Refinery 52106 150138 2011 0 0 0 0.25433 0
    Philadelphia Refinery 52106 150139 2011 0.0395 17.365 893684.8 0.25433 114
    Philadelphia Refinery 52106 150140 2011 0.0395 29.404 1464095.2 0.25433 186
    Procter & Gamble Paper Products 50463 328001 2011 0.1392 125.598 1816778.899 0.25433 231
    Shermans Dale Station 880050 31801 2011 0 0 0 0.25433 0
    US Steel (Clairton Coke) 50729 CLBLR1 2011 0.1803 146.607 1537965.9 0.25433 196
    US Steel (Clairton Coke) 50729 CLBLR2 2011 0.0845 6.952 163243.47 0.25433 21
    US Steel
    (Edgar Thomson)
    50732 ETBLR1 2011 0.0166 12.629 1545487.825 0.25433 196
    US Steel
    (Edgar Thomson)
    50732 ETBLR2 2011 0.0161 11.449 1523492.693 0.25433 194
    US Steel
    (Edgar Thomson)
    50732 ETBLR3 2011 0.0201 29.827 1855491.3 0.25433 236
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia— Edison Sta 880006 1 2011 0.3504 0.588 4156 0.25433 1
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia— Edison Sta 880006 2 2011 2 0.035 35.1 0.25433 0
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia— Edison Sta 880006 3 2011 0.2993 1.197 9899.5 0.25433 1
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia— Edison Sta 880006 4 2011 0.2671 1.299 11245.9 0.25433 1
    United Refining 880099 4 2011 0.0734 14.2 488399.5 0.25433 62
    Totals 1550.783 27035668.93438
    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-409. Filed for public inspection March 9, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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