Requirement to Submit Emissions Inventory Data [44 Pa.B. 1291]
[Saturday, March 1, 2014]The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is notifying all owners and operators of companies involved in coal bed methane gas processing across this Commonwealth that they must submit to the Department source reports on their facilities' air emissions for 2013. In accordance with section 4(3) of the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. § 4004(3)) and 25 Pa. Code § 135.3 (relating to reporting), the Department is authorized to collect air quality emissions inventories including those from owners and operators of facilities engaged in coal bed methane gas compressing, processing and related activities. The reports are due on or before April 30, 2014.
The sources and activities at coal bed methane gas processing stations that the Department has identified as subject to the emissions reporting requirements include compressor stations; dehydration units; fugitives, such as connectors, flanges, pump lines, pump seals and valves; heaters; pneumatic controllers and pumps; stationary engines; tanks, pressurized vessels and impoundments; venting and blow down systems. The source reports are due for activities at all processing facilities that support the coal bed methane wells.
Complete source reports, including emissions data, should be submitted to the Department by April 30, 2014, for operations during the 2013 calendar year. Subsequently thereafter, the reports and annual emissions inventories under 25 Pa. Code § 135.3 will be due to the Department by March 1 each year for operations during the preceding calendar year. Emission statements required for stationary sources emitting 50 and 100 tons per year of volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen, respectively, should have already been submitted to the Department as required under 25 Pa. Code § 135.21 (relating to emission statements).
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Michael Rudawski, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality, Air Information Section, P. O. Box 8468, Harrisburg PA 17105-8468, (717) 783-9241,
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-446. Filed for public inspection February 28, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]