Availability of Technical Guidance [27 Pa.B. 1081] Governor's Office List
Once a year on the first Saturday in August, the Governor's Office publishes a list of the nonregulatory guidance documents of all State agencies in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The first publication of this list was in the August 3, 1996, edition of the Bulletin.
DEP's Technical Guidance Document Inventory
DEP publishes a list of its technical guidance documents in its Technical Guidance Document Inventory twice a year. The most recent edition of the Inventory is the December 1996 edition. One version of the list of the documents contained in this edition is now available on DEP's World Wide Web site. DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of the Inventory once on the DEP home page, persons should choose the Public Participation Center, scroll down to the ''Technical Guidance Document'' heading and (under this heading) click on ''Basic Inventory.''
Bound paper copies of the Inventory have been printed and are available now. DEP automatically mails a paper copy of the December 1996 Inventory to persons who received a bound paper copy of the June 1996 Inventory. Persons who wish to add their address to the mailing list should call Nina Huizinga at (717) 783-8727.
DEP's Technical Guidance Documents on the World Wide Web
DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of DEP's Technical Guidance Documents once on the DEP home page, persons should choose the Public Participation Center. The Center contains several links to DEP's Technical Guidance Documents. The link to draft technical guidance documents is listed under the heading ''Proposals Open to Comment.'' The link to recently finalized technical guidance documents is listed under the heading ''Recently Finalized Proposals.'' Two links are under the heading ''Technical Guidance Documents'': one link is to the ''Basic Inventory'' and one link is to ''Final Documents'' on the Web. The final documents menu will list DEP's bureaus. Persons should click on the name of the bureau to get to the list of the documents from that bureau that are currently on the Web. Then, to get to see a document, persons should click on the ID number of the document. DEP will be adding its revised documents to the Web throughout 1997.
Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance
Persons can order an unbound copy of the latest Inventory or a copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling Elwyn, Inc. (the printer) at 1 (800) 804-4020 if calling in Pennsylvania or (610) 497-5841 if calling from outside Pennsylvania.
Changes to Technical Guidance Documents
Between publication of its Inventory, DEP announces changes to its technical guidance documents in its weekly newsletter, the UPDATE and the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Here is the current list of recently finalized documents, draft documents and notices of intended changes to technical guidance.
Persons who have any questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone is listed with each document. Persons who have questions or comments about the Inventory, the documents on the World Wide Web, the availability of paper copies from the printer or the technical guidance document process in general should call Nina Huizinga at (717) 783-8727.
Final Technical Guidance Documents
DEP ID: 253-4500-606. Title: Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) for Cleanup Response and Remedial Actions in Pennsylvania. Description: Remedial actions conducted at various waste sites and facilities in Pennsylvania require the implementation of regulatory standards from several Bureaus within DEP and other agencies. This document provides an index of these standards. This is only a minor revision of that document to put it into DEP's standard format for all its technical guidance documents and to place it on DEP's World Wide Web site. Effective Date: May 15, 1996. Page Length: 25 pages. Location: Volume 5, Tab 36. Contact: Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870.
DEP ID: 363-0900-016. Title: Implementation of Act 34. Description: This guidance identifies the changes to the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act of 1989 as amended by Act 34 of 1996. Effective Date: November 19, 1996. Page Length: 4 pages. Location: Volume 33, Tab 14B. Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831.
DEP ID: 363-0900-017. Title: Requirements for Registration of Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) and Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). Description: This guidance establishes requirements for owners of tanks that were not installed by certified individuals or tanks that previously stored unregulated substances. Effective Date: December 6, 1996. Page Length: 4 pages. Location: Volume 33, Tab 14C. Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831.
DEP ID: 363-2300-001. Title: Final Rulemaking: Chapter 245, Subchapters A and B (Storage Tanks Certification Program). Description: This guidance establishes a plan to implement the amendments to Chapter 245, Subchapters A and B. Effective Date: November 15, 1996. Page Length: 6 pages. Location: Volume 33, Tab 14D. Contact: Tammy Young at (717) 772-5831.
Draft Technical Guidance
DEP ID: 012-4180-001. Title: Policy for the Acceptance of Community Environmental Projects in lieu of a Portion of Civil Penalty Payments. Background: DEP wishes to facilitate projects which have a substantial public health, safety or environmental benefit to the community through the use of funds which would otherwise be paid to DEP as a civil penalty. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: March 31, 1997. Contact: Terry R. Bossert at (717) 787-4449.
Notice of Intent to Revise Technical Guidance--Regulatory Basics Initiative Changes
DEP has reviewed all of its regulations and technical guidance documents and published a report of its intended substantive revisions August 1996. Already many of these intended revisions have been announced in past issues of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Here follows a list of all remaining DEP technical guidance documents that DEP programs intend to substantively revise to date:
DEP ID Title: Information and Contact: 251-2100-754 Change of Ownership/Transfer of Permit Waiting for reg change. Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870 251-2149-713 Review Procedure for Hazardous Waste Transfer Facilities for PBR Status Waiting for reg change. Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870 258-2181-771 Interim Operating Requirements for Permitted and Unpermitted Facilities Waiting for reg change. Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870 258-2182-773 Criteria/Use of Various Materials as Clean Fill Waiting for reg change. Josephine Valencia at (717) 787-9870 361-3200-002 Ambient Fixed Station Water Quality Network Monitoring Waiting for reg change. Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-003 Cause/Effect Surveys Waiting for reg change. Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-004 Aquatic Life Use Attainability Studies--Flow Water and Impoundment Waiting for reg change. Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-005 Aquatic Life Special Water Quality Protection Survey Waiting for reg change. Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-006 Toxics Surveys Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-007 Stream Enrichment Risk Analysis Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-008 Advanced Treatment Model Calibration/Verification Surveys Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-009 Establishing FIX station and Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Networks Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-010 Standardized Biological Field Collection Waiting for reg change. Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-013 Evaluation of Phosphorus to Lakes, Ponds and Impoundments Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-014 Guidance for Establishing Fixed Station Monitoring Networks Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 361-3200-016 Quality Assurance Work Plans for Groundwater Monitoring Stations Ed Brezina at (717) 787-9637 364-5500-001 Capital Grants for Sewerage Construction Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5511-006 Capital Financing Plan--PENNVEST Funded Projects Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5511-007 Cost Effectiveness Review--PENNVEST Funded Projects Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5511-012 DEP and PENNVEST Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5511-013 A State Environmental Review Process for Pennsylvania Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5511-014 Reviewing, Approving, Certifying MBE/WBE Proposals for WPCRF Reg has changed. Bob Gibson at (717) 787-3481 364-5512-001 PA Sewage Facilities Act 537, Enforcement Reimbursement Lou Bercheni at (717) 787-4317 364-5512-002 Act 537 Sewage Facilities Planning Guide Lou Bercheni at (717) 787-4317 364-5513-001 Act 339 Subsidy Grants Pete Slack at (717) 787-6744 382-2130-001 Review of Water Allocation Permit Applications Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-002 Subsidiary Water Allocation Permit Requirement Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-003 Attorney General Opinion 361 re: 1939 Water Rights Act Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-004 Rescission of Water Rights Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-005 Policy for Regulation of Interbasin Transfers Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-006 Metering of Withdrawals under Orders of Confirmation Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-007 Constant Gallons per Capita per Day (GPCD) Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 382-2130-008 Permit Life Bill Gast at (717) 787-5017 392-2134-008 Erosion and Sedimentation Pollution Control Manual Wait for Reg Change. Ken Reisinger at (717) 787-5268 393-5500-004 Chesapeake Bay Financial Assistance Funding Program Guidance Wait for Reg Change. Cedric Karper at (717) 787-5268 563-2112-654 Technical Review, Mine Stability Wait for Reg Change. Evan Shuster at (717) 787-7846 JAMES M. SEIF,
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-310. Filed for public inspection February 28, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]