DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Proposed Exchange of Rights-of-Way [27 Pa.B. 740] The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, acting through the Bureau of Forestry, and Levearl and Walter L. Schriever of Warfordsburg, PA, are proposing to negotiate an exchange of rights of way in Brush Creek Township, Fulton County, PA. This transfer is being considered for the purpose of securing a recorded, permanent access to a tract of the Buchanan State Forest.
The Bureau of Forestry is proposing to acquire from Levearl and Walter L. Schriever 623.70 lineal feet of permanent right of way along the existing Welsh Road on Town Hill.
In return, the Bureau of Forestry proposes to convey to Levearl and Walter L. Schriever 3,271.62 feet of permanent right of way along the same Welsh Road where it crosses Commonwealth ownership.
As is the policy of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the public is hereby notified of this exchange. A 30-day period for public inquiry and/or comment will be in effect commencing February 10, 1997 and ending March 11, 1997. Oral or written comments or questions concerning this proposed exchange may be addressed to: Dr. James R. Grace, State Forester, Bureau of Forestry, P. O. Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552, telephone (717) 787-2703. These oral and/or written comments will become part of the official document used in the final decision process.
If, in the duration of the 30-day comment period, a significant amount of public concern develops, the Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources may schedule a public informational meeting.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-190. Filed for public inspection February 7, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]