PIKE COUNTY Promulgation of Rule 316; No. 113-2009-Civil [39 Pa.B. 680]
[Saturday, February 7, 2009]Order And Now, this 21st day of January, 2009, the Court Orders the following:
1. Local Rule of Criminal Procedure 316 is hereby adopted effective thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
2. The Court Administrator of the 60th Judicial District is hereby Ordered to do the following:
a. File seven (7) certified copies of this Order and the pertinent Rules with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts;
b. File two (2) certified copies and a computer diskette containing this Order and the pertinent Rule with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
c. File one (1) certified copy of this Order and the pertinent Rule with the Criminal Procedural Committee;
d. Provide one (1) copy of this Order and the Local Rule to each member of the Pike County Bar Association who maintain an active practice in Pike County; and
e. Keep continuously available for public inspection, copies of this Order and the Local Rules.
By the Court
President JudgeLocal Rule 316--ARD Costs and Expenses
(a) All Defendants admitted into the ARD program shall be required to pay in addition to other allowed costs, fees and restitution, the cost of administering the ARD program.
(b) The cost of administering the program shall be paid in full as a condition for applying for consideration of admission into the ARD program.
(c) The cost of administering the ARD program shall be as periodically certified by the District Attorney.
(d) The reasonable costs associated with administering the program shall be collected in the same manner as cost of prosecution and shall be payable to the County of Pike.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 09-192. Filed for public inspection February 6, 2009, 9:00 a.m.]