341 Availability of draft section 303(d) list of impaired waters  

  • Availability of Draft Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters

    [28 Pa.B. 1177]

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is making available for public comment a draft 1998 list of waterbodies in Pennsylvania with impaired water quality as required by 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act.

       The Department of Environmental Protection has an ongoing program to assess the water quality of waters in Pennsylvania. Streams and other bodies of water that do not meet water quality standards are identified as impaired along with the reason for impairment--point sources like industrial or wastewater discharges or nonpoint sources like abandoned mine lands or agricultural runoff.

       Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act and 40 CFR Part 130 require states to further evaluate the list of impaired waters to determine which waters would still be impaired even after the appropriate technology has been applied to point sources and required best management practices are in place for non-point sources. Waterbodies that still do not meet water quality standards after this additional evaluation are required to be put on the 303(d) list of impaired waters.

       For each waterbody on the 303(d) list, the state or the United States Environmental Protection Agency must develop Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations. If a TMDL has already been established for a waterbody, that waterbody is not listed.

       A TMDL is a calculation of the assimilative capacity of a waterbody to handle point and non-point pollutant loads without violating water quality standards. They also describe the conditions necessary to improve water quality. TMDLs are used to set limits in NPDES water quality permits and identify where best management practices for non point sources are necessary to improve and protect water quality.

       Waterbody assessments and the listing on the 303(d) list is an ongoing process. The Department will continue to verify the quality of data on waterbodies on the list and as needed, the Department will publish a supplement to the list for additional public review and comment.

       The Department will consider all public comments regarding the validity of the data and the appropriateness of placing waterbodies on the draft list. The final list will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection agency as required for approval.

       The draft 1998 list was developed using information from stream and lake surveys and other sources, including the Department's Unassessed Waters Program, the Water Quality Assessment Process, the Nonpoint Source Program, and existing and readily available data submitted by external groups and agencies.

       A summary addressing all impaired waters is contained in DEP's biennial report required by section 305(b) of the Federal Clean Water Act.

       Copies of the draft 303(d) List may be obtained from Edward R. Brezina, Chief, Division of Water Quality Assessment & Standards, Bureau of Watershed Conservation, Post Office Box 8555, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555, (717) 787-9637 or by e-mail from (hepp.joseph@al.dep.state.pa.us). Copies of the the 305(b) summary are also available.

       Persons wishing to comment on the draft list may do so in writing to the Bureau of Watershed Conservation or by e-mail at the above addresses no later than March 30, 1998. Comments received by facsimile will not be accepted.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-341. Filed for public inspection February 27, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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