317 Grant proposals for the Watershed Restoration and Assistance Program and the section 319 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant  

  • Grant Proposals for the Watershed Restoration and Assistance Program and the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant

    [29 Pa.B. 1124]

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department), Bureau of Watershed Conservation, Division of Watershed Support is accepting grant project proposals for both the Watershed Restoration and Assistance Program (WRAP) and the Section 319 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Implementation Grant.

       For both programs, applicants must be formally organized to be able to receive a grant. Eligible applicants are as follows:

       *  Incorporated nonprofit organizations, watershed associations and conservation organizations.

       *  Local governments (counties, townships, towns, cities, boroughs, planning commissions, utility authorities or other units of local government).

       *  Conservation districts.

       Other interested parties may form partnerships with an eligible applicant.

       Completed applications (grant project proposals) must be received by the Department no later than 4 p.m. on April 30, 1999. Faxes and Electronic Mail will not be considered.

       Inquiries concerning this notice or requests for an application instruction packet should be directed to the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Watershed Conservation, WRAP and 319 Grants, P. O. Box 8555, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8555, (717) 787-5259. To review the application instruction packet electronically, access the Pennsylvania homepage at www.state.pa.us or the DEP website at www.dep.state.pa.us (choose Subjects/Water Management/Watersheds).

       WRAP grants provide incentives and support to communities that develop and undertake small-scale watershed restoration and protection measures, including projects which improve and protect water quality and fix impairment caused by nonpoint pollution sources. The improvement plans and projects will be locally generated and voluntarily implemented. The funds will be granted directly to local watershed organizations, local governments and conservation districts.

       WRAP is primarily a reimbursement program, however, the Department may authorize an initial payment to nonprofit entities who demonstrate the need. Matching funds are not necessarily required. Applications will be accepted in three categories according to funding requested: from $100 to $5,000, from $5,001 to $30,000. Applicants for these grants should be a group of people with an interest in a particular watershed which must be wholly or partly contained within the borders of this Commonwealth.

       Completed applications for the WRAP grant must be received by the Bureau of Watershed Conservation no later than 4 p.m. on April 30, 1999. Grant awards will be announced on or about July 1, 1999. Project sponsors must have the project completed by June 30, 2000.

       The Section 319 NPS Grant provides funding for projects that address assessment, restoration or protection of water quality from nonpoint sources of pollution. The three largest nonpoint sources of pollution are: resource extraction (abandoned mining activities), agriculture (if not properly managed, nutrients, pesticides and sediment can affect surface and ground waters) and urban runoff (stormwater running off areas such as parking lots, lawns and streets).

       Three project categories are eligible for funding:

       Watershed Assessments--assembles all available information in a watershed to make a determination of the location, types, extent and impacts of NPS pollution. The final report will delineate the types and costs of practices to implement and remediate the NPS pollution and will become the watershed management or remediation plan.

       Watershed Restoration--provides for implementation of best management practices according to a watershed restoration plan for this watershed. The project must show comprehensiveness in that all or most known nonpoint sources are identified and quantified and that treatment needs are quantified, however, the project need only address a specific targeted problem. The project must show integration with other projects/and a strong local commitment.

       Watershed Protection--involves protection of high water quality where a documented threat of impairment is evident. The project must be in an area where the watershed contains streams/water bodies where no impairment has been documented or streams are designated as high quality or exceptional value.

       Completed applications must be received no later than 4 p.m. on April 30, 1999. Grant period is October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2001. Project proposals must be submitted to the respective DEP Regional office where the project will take place or sponsor headquarters.

       The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Watershed Conservation in conjunction with the Regional Office watershed coordinators, is offering a 1 day workshop (in four different locations) on writing and implementing a 319 grant project proposal and a watershed restoration and assistance program (WRAP) proposal. The workshops coincide with the request for grant project proposals for FY 2000. Application packages will be available at the workshops. Registration is from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the day of the workshop. The workshops will conclude at 2:30 p.m.

       Dates and locations for the workshops are as follows:

       March 3, Allentown Days Inn (Route 22 and 309, one exit east of turnpike)

       March 4, Williamsport DEP Regional Office, 208 W. 3rd Street, Williamsport

       March 17, Cranberry Township Municipal Bldg (from #79 take Cranberry exit, go north on #19 for 6 lights, make left on Rochester Rd, it's the first bldg.)

       March 19, Harrisburg DEP Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave, Harrisburg

       For more information contact Fran Koch at (717) 783-2289.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-317. Filed for public inspection February 26, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]

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