323 Proposed new rule 204.1 governing the format of pleadings and other legal papers; proposed recommendation no. 212
Title 231--RULES
OF CIVIL PROCEDUREPART I. GENERAL [231 PA. CODE CH. 200] Proposed New Rule 204.1 Governing the Format of Pleadings and Other Legal Papers; Proposed Recommendation No. 212 [36 Pa.B. 934] The Civil Procedural Rules Committee is proposing the promulgation of new Rule of Civil Procedure 204.1 governing the format of pleadings and other legal papers. The proposed recommendation is being submitted to the bench and bar for comments and suggestions prior to its submission to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
All communications in reference to the proposed recommendation should be sent not later than March 8, 2006 to:
Harold K. Don, Jr.,
Civil Procedural Rules Committee
5035 Ritter Road, Suite 700
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055or E-Mail to
civil.rules@pacourts.usThe Explanatory Comment which appears in connection with the proposed recommendation has been inserted by the Committee for the convenience of the bench and bar. It will not constitute part of the rules of civil procedure or be officially adopted or promulgated by the Court.
Annex A TITLE 231. RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE PART I. GENERAL CHAPTER 200. BUSINESS OF COURTS Rule 204.1. Pleadings and Other Legal Papers. Format.
All pleadings, motions and other legal papers must conform to the following requirements:
(1) The document shall be on 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch paper.
(2) The document shall be prepared on white paper (except for dividers and similar sheets) of good quality.
(3) The first sheet shall contain a 3-inch space from the top of the paper for all court stampings, filing notices, etc.
(4) The text must be double spaced, but quotations more than two lines long may be indented and single spaced. Margins must be at least one inch on all four sides.
(5) The lettering shall be clear and legible and no smaller than point 12. The lettering shall be on only one side of a page, except that exhibits and similar supporting documents may be lettered on both sides of a page.
(6) Documents and papers shall be firmly bound.
Explanatory Comment Recommendation No. 212 proposes to add new Rule 204.1 governing the format of pleadings and other legal papers filed with the court in civil actions and proceedings. The new rule is substantially identical to current Pennsylvania Rule of Appellate Procedure 124(a) and to proposed new Rule of Criminal Procedure 575(C).
The proposed criminal rule, if adopted, will govern the format of motions, answers and briefs in criminal proceedings. The civil rule is being published contemporaneously with the proposed criminal rule to foster uniformity of format of legal papers in both civil and criminal matters. The proposed rules will promote the objectives of the unified judicial system under the Constitution of 1968 and facilitate the statewide practice of law.
By the Civil Procedural Rules Committee
Chair[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-323. Filed for public inspection February 24, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]